67 research outputs found

    In situ and low-cost monitoring of particles falling from freshwater animals: from microplastics to parasites

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    A simple and low-cost method of monitoring and collecting particulate matter detaching from (or interacting with) aquatic animals is described using a novel device based on an airlift pump principle applied to floating cages. The efficiency of the technique in particle collection is demonstrated using polyethylene microspheres interacting with a cyprinid fish (Carassius carassius) and a temporarily parasitic stage (glochidia) of an endangered freshwater mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) dropping from experimentally infested host fish (Salmo trutta). The technique enables the monitoring of temporal dynamics of particle detachment and their continuous collection both in the laboratory and in situ, allowing the experimental animals to be kept under natural water quality regimes and reducing the need for handling and transport. The technique can improve the representativeness of current experimental methods used in the fields of environmental parasitology, animal feeding ecology and microplastic pathway studies in aquatic environments. In particular, it makes it accessible to study the physiological compatibility of glochidia and their hosts, which is an essential but understudied autecological feature in mussel conservation programs worldwide. Field placement of the technique can also aid in outreach programs with pay-offs in the increase of scientific literacy of citizens concerning neglected issues such as the importance of fish hosts for the conservation of freshwater mussels.We thank Zbyněk Janči and Bohumil Dort for the help in the field, the nature conservation authorities for providing permits and access to the research area in Borová Lada and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft. All experiments were in compliance with the current laws of the Czech Republic Act No. 246/1992 coll. on the protection of animals against cruelty

    Refining the Early Devonian time scale using Milankovitch cyclicity in Lochkovian–Pragian sediments (Prague Synform, Czech Republic)

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    The Early Devonian geological time scale (base of the Devonian at , Becker et al., 2012) suffers from poor age control, with associated large uncertainties between 2.5 and 4.2 Myr on the stage boundaries. Identifying orbital cycles from sedimentary successions can serve as a very powerful chronometer to test and, where appropriate, improve age models. Here, we focus on the Lochkovian and Pragian, the two lowermost Devonian stages. High-resolution magnetic susceptibility ( – 5 to 10 cm sampling interval) and gamma ray spectrometry (GRS – 25 to 50 cm sampling interval) records were gathered from two main limestone sections, Požár-CS (118 m, spanning the Lochkov and Praha Formations) and Pod Barrandovem (174 m; Praha Formation), both in the Czech Republic. An additional section (Branžovy, 65 m, Praha Formation) was sampled for GRS (every 50 cm). The and GRS records are very similar, so variations are driven by variations in the samples' paramagnetic clay mineral content, reflecting changes in detrital input. Therefore, climatic variations are very likely captured in our records. Multiple spectral analysis and statistical techniques such as: Continuous Wavelet Transform, Evolutive Harmonic Analysis, Multi-taper method and Average Spectral Misfit, were used in concert to reach an optimal astronomical interpretation. The Požár-CS section shows distinctly varying sediment accumulation rates. The Lochkovian (essentially equivalent to the Lochkov Formation (Fm.)) is interpreted to include a total of nineteen 405 kyr eccentricity cycles, constraining its duration to . The Praha Fm. includes fourteen 405 kyr eccentricity cycles in the three sampled sections, while the Pragian Stage only includes about four 405 kyr eccentricity cycles, thus exhibiting durations of and respectively. Because the Lochkov Fm. contains an interval with very low sediment accumulation rate and because the Praha Fm. was cross-validated in three different sections, the uncertainty in the duration of the Lochkov Fm. and the Lochkovian is larger than that of the Praha Fm. and Pragian. The new floating time scales for the Lochkovian and Pragian stages have an unprecedented precision, with reduction in the uncertainty by a factor of 1.7 for the Lochkovian and of ∼6 for the Pragian. Furthermore, longer orbital modulation cycles are also identified with periodicities of ∼1000 kyr and 2000–2500 kyr

    Fiscal developments and financial stress : a threshold VAR analysis

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    We use a threshold VAR analysis to study the linkages between changes in the debt ratio, economic activity and financial stress within different financial regimes. We use quarterly data for the US, the UK, Germany and Italy, for the period 1980:4– 2014:1, encompassing macro, fiscal and financial variables, and use nonlinear impulse responses allowing for endogenous regime-switches in response to structural shocks. The results show that output reacts mostly positively to an increase in the debt ratio in both financial stress regimes; however, the differences in estimated multipliers across regimes are relatively small. Furthermore, a financial stress shock has a negative effect on output and worsens the fiscal situation. The large time-variation and the estimated nonlinear impulse responses suggest that the size of the fiscal multipliers was higher than average in the 2008–2009 crisis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First documentation of the Polygnathoides siluricus conodont Zone (Ludfordian) in South America (Argentina) and the stratigraphic significance of the younger species of Kockelella (Conodonta)

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    The coquinoid beds from the middle part of the Los Espejos Formation at the Poblete creek section (Talacasto Creek) yielded abundant conodonts. The genus Kockelella (Walliser) represents the most relevant biostratigraphical genus in this conodont fauna. The co-occurrence of Kockelella maenniki Serpagli and Corradini, Kockelella variabilis ichnusae Serpagli and Corradini, K. variabilis Walliser, Kockelella ortus sardoa (Serpagli & Corradini), and Kockelella ortus absidata (Barrick & Klapper) allow us to record for the first time the Polygnathoides siluricus Zone in South America, which suggests the Ludfordian Stage (late Ludlow). We also propose an accurate correlation of the Los Espejos Formation with the lower Ludfordian deposits from the Carnic Alps, Sardinia, Morocco, Czech Republic, Gotland, and North America.Fil: Gomez, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Mestre, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Garcias Paez, Yanina Vanesa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Corradini, Carlo. Università degli Studi di Cagliari; Itali

    Multipurpose silicon photonics signal processor core

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    [EN] Integrated photonics changes the scaling laws of information and communication systems offering architectural choices that combine photonics with electronics to optimize performance, power, footprint, and cost. Application-specific photonic integrated circuits, where particular circuits/chips are designed to optimally perform particular functionalities, require a considerable number of design and fabrication iterations leading to long development times. A different approach inspired by electronic Field Programmable Gate Arrays is the programmable photonic processor, where a common hardware implemented by a two-dimensional photonic waveguide mesh realizes different functionalities through programming. Here, we report the demonstration of such reconfigurable waveguide mesh in silicon. We demonstrate over 20 different functionalities with a simple seven hexagonal cell structure, which can be applied to different fields including communications, chemical and biomedical sensing, signal processing, multiprocessor networks, and quantum information systems. Our work is an important step toward this paradigm.J.C. acknowledges funding from the ERC Advanced Grant ERC-ADG-2016-741415 UMWP-Chip, I.G. acknowledges the funding through the Spanish MINECO Ramon y Cajal program. D.P. acknowledges financial support from the UPV through the FPI predoctoral funding scheme. D.J.T. acknowledges funding from the Royal Society for his University Research Fellowship.Pérez-López, D.; Gasulla Mestre, I.; Crudgington, L.; Thomson, DJ.; Khokhar, AZ.; Li, K.; Cao, W.... (2017). Multipurpose silicon photonics signal processor core. Nature Communications. 8(1925):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-00714-1S1981925Doerr, C. R. & Okamoto, K. Advances in silica planar lightwave circuits. J. 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    Traveling waves and pattern formation for spatially discrete bistable reaction-diffusion equations (survey)

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    Analysis and Stochastic

    Effect of individuals’ local persistence, and spatial and temporal scale, on density-dependent growth: a study in brown troutSalmo trutta

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    This study focuses on the mechanism of density-dependent growth in a stream-dwelling landlocked population of brown trout Salmo trutta. Specifically, body growth estimated by scale reading was examined in relation to population density and recapture rate (approximation of persistence of individuals within a location associated with dispersal and mortality) across 7 years and two spatial scales – a reach and a whole stream. In concordance with previous studies, the whole-stream population density had a crucial effect on body growth in juveniles, but not in adult individuals. Furthermore, growth was negatively associated with the whole-stream population density in reaches with a low recapture rate, whereas no such relationship could be detected in reaches with a high recapture rate. Since persistence within a certain locality increases the familiarity of individuals with the habitat and with other conspecifics, we suggest that the negative effect of population density on growth might be relaxed in groups with a high recapture rate by positive influence of the familiarity both within the habitat but also towards other conspecifics, which decreases competition pressure

    Recapture and condition of pond-reared, and hatchery-reared 1 +  European grayling stocked in addition to wild conspecifics in a small river

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    The relative performance of European grayling Thymallus thymallus reared in a hatchery on commercial dry feed or in a pond with natural food and their wild conspecifics, was assessed through recapture of tagged fish 5 months after their release into the Blanice River, Czech Republic. One-year old pond and hatchery reared fish from a resident broodstock were marked using Visible Implant Elastomer tags and released into 3 sections of river in May 2006. Wild one-year-old grayling were also tagged in these sections on the same days. The ratio of hatchery reared, pond reared, and wild fish was 1:1:1 in all sections. The recapture rate (hatchery 14.9%, pond 22.1%, and wild 51.3%) and site fidelity (hatchery 7.8%, pond 13.0%, and wild 35.1%) were significantly different among groups. Wild fish had a higher probability of recapture upstream of their original section than did hatchery or pond reared fish. Pond rearing was superior to conventional hatchery rearing for subsequent stocking of 1 +  grayling in running water. Initially different mean condition factors were similar in all groups at recapture, suggesting adaptation of the artificially reared fish that remained in the river sections surveyed