10,347 research outputs found

    Discrimination of growth and water stress in wheat by various vegetation indices through a clear a turbid atmosphere

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    Reflectance data were obtained over a drought-stressed and a well-watered wheat plot with a hand-held radiometer having bands similar to the MSS bands of the LANDSAT satellites. Data for 48 clear days were interpolated to yield reflectance values for each day of the growing season, from planting until harvest. With an atmospheric path radiance model and LANDSAT-2 calibration data, the reflectance were used to simulate LANDSAT digital counts (not quantized) for the four LANDSAT bands for each day of the growing season, through a clear (approximately 100 km meteorological range) and a turbid (approximately 10 km meteorological range) atmosphere. Several ratios and linear combinations of bands were calculated using the simulated data, then assessed for their relative ability to discriminate vegetative growth and plant stress through the two atmospheres. The results show that water stress was not detected by any of the indices until after growth was retarded, and the sensitivity of the various indices to vegetation depended on plant growth stage and atmospheric path radiance

    The responses of people to virtual humans in an immersive virtual environment

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    This paper presents an experiment investigating the impact of behavior and responsiveness on social responses to virtual humans in an immersive virtual environment (IVE). A number of responses are investigated, including presence, copresence, and two physiological responses—heart rate and electrodermal activity (EDA). Our findings suggest that increasing agents’ responsiveness even on a simple level can have a significant impact on certain aspects of people’s social responses to humanoid agents. Despite being aware that the agents were computer-generated, participants with higher levels of social anxiety were significantly more likely to avoid “disturbing” them. This suggests that on some level people can respond to virtual humans as social actors even in the absence of complex interaction. Responses appear to be shaped both by the agents’ behaviors and by people’s expectations of the technology. Participants experienced a significantly higher sense of personal contact when the agents were visually responsive to them, as opposed to static or simply moving. However, this effect diminished with experienced computer users. Our preliminary analysis of objective heart-rate data reveals an identical pattern of responses

    Adjusting the tasseled cap brightness and greenness factors for atmospheric path radiance and absorption on a pixel by pixel basis

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    A radiative transfer model was used to convert ground measured reflectances into the radiance at the top of the atmosphere, for several levels of atmospheric path radiance. The radiance in MSS7 (0.8 to 1.1 m) was multiplied by the transmission fraction for atmospheres having different levels of precipitable water. The radiance values were converted to simulated LANDSAT digital counts for four path radiance levels and four levels of precipitable water. These values were used to calculate the Kauth-Thomas brightness, greenness, yellowness, and nonsuch factors. Brightness was affected by surface conditions and path radiance. Greenness was affected by surface conditions, path radiance, and precipitable water. Yellowness was affected by path radiance and nonsuch by precipitable water, and both factors changed only slightly with surface conditions. Yellowness and nonsuch were used to adjust brightness and greenness to produce factors that were affected only by surface conditions such as soils and vegetation, and not by path radiance and precipitable water

    A priori probability that a qubit-qutrit pair is separable

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    We extend to arbitrarily coupled pairs of qubits (two-state quantum systems) and qutrits (three-state quantum systems) our earlier study (quant-ph/0207181), which was concerned with the simplest instance of entangled quantum systems, pairs of qubits. As in that analysis -- again on the basis of numerical (quasi-Monte Carlo) integration results, but now in a still higher-dimensional space (35-d vs. 15-d) -- we examine a conjecture that the Bures/SD (statistical distinguishability) probability that arbitrarily paired qubits and qutrits are separable (unentangled) has a simple exact value, u/(v Pi^3)= >.00124706, where u = 2^20 3^3 5 7 and v = 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 (the product of consecutive primes). This is considerably less than the conjectured value of the Bures/SD probability, 8/(11 Pi^2) = 0736881, in the qubit-qubit case. Both of these conjectures, in turn, rely upon ones to the effect that the SD volumes of separable states assume certain remarkable forms, involving "primorial" numbers. We also estimate the SD area of the boundary of separable qubit-qutrit states, and provide preliminary calculations of the Bures/SD probability of separability in the general qubit-qubit-qubit and qutrit-qutrit cases.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, LaTeX, we utilize recent exact computations of Sommers and Zyczkowski (quant-ph/0304041) of "the Bures volume of mixed quantum states" to refine our conjecture

    Variational Monte Carlo for spin-orbit interacting systems

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    Recently, a diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm was applied to the study of spin dependent interactions in condensed matter. Following some of the ideas presented therein, and applied to a Hamiltonian containing a Rashba-like interaction, a general variational Monte Carlo approach is here introduced that treats in an efficient and very accurate way the spin degrees of freedom in atoms when spin orbit effects are included in the Hamiltonian describing the electronic structure. We illustrate the algorithm on the evaluation of the spin-orbit splittings of isolated carbon and lead atoms. In the case of the carbon atom, we investigate the differences between the inclusion of spin-orbit in its realistic and effective spherically symmetrized forms. The method exhibits a very good accuracy in describing the small energy splittings, opening the way for a systematic quantum Monte Carlo studies of spin-orbit effects in atomic systems.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figure

    High-Temperature Expansions of Bures and Fisher Information Priors

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    For certain infinite and finite-dimensional thermal systems, we obtain --- incorporating quantum-theoretic considerations into Bayesian thermostatistical investigations of Lavenda --- high-temperature expansions of priors over inverse temperature beta induced by volume elements ("quantum Jeffreys' priors) of Bures metrics. Similarly to Lavenda's results based on volume elements (Jeffreys' priors) of (classical) Fisher information metrics, we find that in the limit beta -> 0, the quantum-theoretic priors either conform to Jeffreys' rule for variables over [0,infinity], by being proportional to 1/beta, or to the Bayes-Laplace principle of insufficient reason, by being constant. Whether a system adheres to one rule or to the other appears to depend upon its number of degrees of freedom.Comment: Six pages, LaTeX. The title has been shortened (and then further modified), at the suggestion of a colleague. Other minor change

    Craig Goch Report No. 13 Invertebrate studies: Ystwyth and Rheidol

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    The Rivers Ystwyth and Rheidol have a history of metal pollution (Carpenter, 1924, 1925; Newton, 1944) and many reaches still receive substantial contamination from heavy metals, principally zinc and lead, although there has been considerable improvement in water quality and biological status in recent years, particularly in the r. Rheidol (Jones and Howells 1975). As a consequence of proposals to divert uncontaminated water from the headstreams of both rivers in order to provide a refill source for the enlarged Craig Goch reservoir, a surveillance programme was instituted to provide base-line data for water quality, fisheries and invertebrates. U.W.I.S.T. has implemented a programme designed to provide information on the variety, distribution and relative abundance of aquatic invertebrates: the study of other aspects has been undertaken by South West Wales River Division (1976)

    Solvent‐induced enantioselectivity reversal in a chiral metal organic framework

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    Solvent-induced enantioselectivity reversal is a rarely reported phenomenon in porous homochiral materials. Similar behavior has been studied in chiral high performance liquid chromatography, where minor modifications to the mobile phase can induce elution order reversal of two enantiomers on a chiral stationary phase column. We report the first instance of solvent-induced enantioselectivity reversal in a homochiral metal organic framework. Further, we highlight the complex enantioselectivity behavior of homochiral metal organic frameworks toward racemic mixtures in the presence of solvents through racemate-solvent enantioselectivity and loading experiments as well as enantiopure-solvent loading experiments. We hypothesize that this interesting selectivity reversal behavior is likely to be observed in other competitive adsorption, nonchiral selective processes involving a solvent

    Moment-Based Evidence for Simple Rational-Valued Hilbert-Schmidt Generic 2 x 2 Separability Probabilities

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    Employing Hilbert-Schmidt measure, we explicitly compute and analyze a number of determinantal product (bivariate) moments |rho|^k |rho^{PT}|^n, k,n=0,1,2,3,..., PT denoting partial transpose, for both generic (9-dimensional) two-rebit (alpha = 1/2) and generic (15-dimensional) two-qubit (alpha=1) density matrices rho. The results are, then, incorporated by Dunkl into a general formula (Appendix D6), parameterized by k, n and alpha, with the case alpha=2, presumptively corresponding to generic (27-dimensional) quaternionic systems. Holding the Dyson-index-like parameter alpha fixed, the induced univariate moments (|rho| |rho^{PT}|)^n and |rho^{PT}|^n are inputted into a Legendre-polynomial-based (least-squares) probability-distribution reconstruction algorithm of Provost (Mathematica J., 9, 727 (2005)), yielding alpha-specific separability probability estimates. Since, as the number of inputted moments grows, estimates based on |rho| |rho^{PT}| strongly decrease, while ones employing |rho^{PT}| strongly increase (and converge faster), the gaps between upper and lower estimates diminish, yielding sharper and sharper bounds. Remarkably, for alpha = 2, with the use of 2,325 moments, a separability-probability lower-bound 0.999999987 as large as 26/323 = 0.0804954 is found. For alpha=1, based on 2,415 moments, a lower bound results that is 0.999997066 times as large as 8/33 = 0.242424, a (simpler still) fractional value that had previously been conjectured (J. Phys. A, 40, 14279 (2007)). Furthermore, for alpha = 1/2, employing 3,310 moments, the lower bound is 0.999955 times as large as 29/64 = 0.453125, a rational value previously considered (J. Phys. A, 43, 195302 (2010)).Comment: 47 pages, 12 figures; slightly expanded and modified for journal publication; this paper incorporates and greatly extends arXiv:1104.021

    Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in Galaxies: II. Dust properties and scalings in \sim\ 1600 nearby galaxies

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    We aim to characterize the relationship between dust properties. We also aim to provide equations to estimate accurate dust properties from limited observational datasets. We assemble a sample of 1,630 nearby (z<0.1) galaxies-over a large range of Mstar, SFR - with multi-wavelength observations available from wise, iras, planck and/or SCUBA. The characterization of dust emission comes from SED fitting using Draine & Li dust models, which we parametrize using two components (warm and cold ). The subsample of these galaxies with global measurements of CO and/or HI are used to explore the molecular and/or atomic gas content of the galaxies. The total Lir, Mdust and dust temperature of the cold component (Tc) form a plane that we refer to as the dust plane. A galaxy's sSFR drives its position on the dust plane: starburst galaxies show higher Lir, Mdust and Tc compared to Main Sequence and passive galaxies. Starburst galaxies also show higher specific Mdust (Mdust/Mstar) and specific Mgas (Mgas/Mstar). The Mdust is more closely correlated with the total Mgas (atomic plus molecular) than with the individual components. Our multi wavelength data allows us to define several equations to estimate Lir, Mdust and Tc from one or two monochromatic luminosities in the infrared and/or sub-millimeter. We estimate the dust mass and infrared luminosity from a single monochromatic luminosity within the R-J tail of the dust emission, with errors of 0.12 and 0.20dex, respectively. These errors are reduced to 0.05 and 0.10 dex, respectively, if the Tc is used. The Mdust is correlated with the total Mism (Mism \propto Mdust^0.7). For galaxies with Mstar 8.5<log(Mstar/Msun) < 11.9, the conversion factor \alpha_850mum shows a large scatter (rms=0.29dex). The SF mode of a galaxy shows a correlation with both the Mgass and Mdust: high Mdust/Mstar galaxies are gas-rich and show the highest SFRs.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in A&
