256 research outputs found

    An ensemble approach to quantify global mean sea-level rise over the 20th century from tide gauge reconstructions

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    We present an ensemble approach to quantify historical global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise based on tide gauge reconstructions. This approach combines the maximum internal uncertainty across the ensemble with an estimate of structural uncertainty to provide a conservative estimate of the total uncertainty. Comparisons of GMSL rise over the 20th century based on deltas and linear trends (and their respective uncertainties) are consistent with past Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments and show good agreement with satellite altimeter timeseries. Sensitivity tests show that our estimates of GMSL rise are robust to the choice of reference period and central estimate timeseries. The methods proposed in this study are generic and could be easily applied to other global or regional climate change indicators.Non peer reviewe

    Античные и средневековые городища на дне Иссык-Куля

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    В статье дается обзор результатов многолетних подводных археологических разведок на озере Иссык-Куль. Приводятся данные по местоположению некоторых затопленных городищ античности и средних веков (Тору-Айгыр, Кара-ой, Чигу). Описываются наиболее интересные артефакты, найденные на дне озера.В статті дається огляд результатів багаторічних підводних археологічних розвідок на озері Іссик-Куль. Наводяться дані про місцезнаходження деяких затоплених городищ античності і середньовіччя (Тору-Айгир, Кара-ой, Чігу). Описуються найцікавіші артефакти, знайдені на дні озера.The article is a review of the results of many years’ underwater archaeological researches at lake Issik Kul. Data about the place of location of some Ancient and Medieval towns (Toru-Aygir, Kara-oy, Chigu) are given. Most interesting artefacts found at the bottom of the lake are described

    Evaluating model simulations of twentieth-century sea-level rise. Part II: regional sea-level changes

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    Twentieth-century regional sea level changes are estimated from 12 climate models from phase 5 of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The output of the CMIP5 climate model simulations was used to calculate the global and regional sea level changes associated with dynamic sea level, atmospheric loading, glacier mass changes, and ice sheet surface mass balance contributions. The contribution from groundwater depletion, reservoir storage, and dynamic ice sheet mass changes are estimated from observations as they are not simulated by climate models. All contributions are summed, including the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) contribution, and compared to observational estimates from 27 tide gauge records over the twentieth century (1900–2015). A general agreement is found between the simulated sea level and tide gauge records in terms of interannual to multidecadal variability over 1900–2015. But climate models tend to systematically underestimate the observed sea level trends, particularly in the first half of the twentieth century. The corrections based on attributable biases between observations and models that have been identified in Part I of this two-part paper result in an improved explanation of the spatial variability in observed sea level trends by climate models. Climate models show that the spatial variability in sea level trends observed by tide gauge records is dominated by the GIA contribution and the steric contribution over 1900–2015. Climate models also show that it is important to include all contributions to sea level changes as they cause significant local deviations; note, for example, the groundwater depletion around India, which is responsible for the low twentieth-century sea level rise in the region

    Adaptation to multi-meter sea-level rise should start now

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    Sea-level rise will fundamentally change coastal zones worldwide (Cooley et al 2022). A global two meters rise of sea level will be exceeded sooner or later within a time window ranging from one century to as long as two millennia, depending on future greenhouse gas emissions and polar ice-sheet melting (Fox-Kemper et al 2021). Here, we show that in addition to climate mitigation to slow this rise, adaptation to two meters of sea-level rise should start now. This involves changing our mindset to define a strategic vision for these threatened coastal areas and identify realistic pathways to achieve this vision. This can reduce damages, losses, and lock-ins in the future, identify problems before they become critical and exploit opportunities if they emerge. To meet this challenge, it is essential that coastal adaptation becomes core to coastal development, especially for long-lived critical infrastructure. Coastal adaptation will be an ongoing process for many decades and centuries, requiring the support of climate services, which make the links between science, policy and adaptation practice

    Integrating new sea‐level scenarios into coastal risk and adaptation assessments: An ongoing process

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    The release of new and updated sea‐level rise (SLR) information, such as from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports, needs to be better anticipated in coastal risk and adaptation assessments. This requires risk and adaptation assessments to be regularly reviewed and updated as needed, reflecting the new information but retaining useful information from earlier assessments. In this paper, updated guidance on the types of SLR information available is presented, including for sea‐level extremes. An intercomparison of the evolution of the headline projected ranges across all the IPCC reports show an increase from the fourth and fifth assessments to the most recent “Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate” assessment. IPCC reports have begun to highlight the importance of potential high‐end sea‐level response, mainly reflecting uncertainties in the Greenland/Antarctic ice sheet components, and how this might be considered in scenarios. The methods that are developed here are practical and consider coastal risk assessment, adaptation planning, and long‐term decision‐making to be an ongoing process and ensure that despite the large uncertainties, pragmatic adaptation decisions can be made. It is concluded that new sea‐level information should not be seen as an automatic reason for abandoning existing assessments, but as an opportunity to review (i) the assessment's robustness in the light of new science and (ii) the utility of proactive adaptation and planning strategies, especially over the more uncertain longer term

    Sea-level trend variability in the Mediterranean during the 1993–2019 period

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    Sea-level change is one of the most concerning climate change and global warming consequences, especially impacting coastal societies and environments. The spatial and temporal variability of sea level is neither linear nor globally uniform, especially in semi-enclosed basins such as the Mediterranean Sea, which is considered a hot spot regarding expected impacts related to climate change. This study investigates sea-level trends and their variability over the Mediterranean Sea from 1993 to 2019. We use gridded sea-level anomaly products from satellite altimetry for the total observed sea level, whereas ocean temperature and salinity profiles from reanalysis were used to compute the thermosteric and halosteric effects, respectively, and the steric component of the sea level. We perform a statistical change point detection to assess the spatial and temporal significance of each trend change. The linear trend provides a clear indication of the non-steric effects as the dominant drivers over the entire period at the Mediterranean Sea scale, except for the Levantine and Aegean sub-basins, where the steric component explains the majority of the sea-level trend. The main changes in sea-level trends are detected around 1997, 2006, 2010, and 2016, associated with Northern Ionian Gyre reversal episodes, which changed the thermohaline properties and water mass redistribution over the sub-basins