872 research outputs found

    Exercitatio academica, indifferentiam affectuum breviter exhibens, qvam ex consensu & approbatione ampliss: fac. philos. in illustri ad Auram Athenaeo, divina affulgente gratia, praeside ... dn. m. Simone Tålpo, logices & metaphysices professore ordinario, h. t. rectore Academiae magnifico, publice bonorum ventilationi modeste submitti Olaus Isr. Leimontin Calmariensis. In auditorio maximo ad diem 13 Junii, anno M.DC.LXXXIX.

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    Invokaatio: I.N.J.Dedikaatio: Henningus Skytte, Andreas Hasselqwist, Olaus Replerus, Bergfrus [!] Folcher, Claudius Fock, Michael Vippert, Israel O. Leimontinus, Johannes Biörckman.Gratulaatio: Simon Tålpo.Painovuosi nimekkeestä.Arkit: 2 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-B4 C2

    FEUTURE EU 28 Country Report. Estonia

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    Relations between Estonia and Turkey received renewed impetus after 2004, when Estonia joined the European Union (EU) (while Turkey was in the process of securing the official candidate status) and NATO, of which Turkey has been a member since 1952. Since its accession, Estonia has played a generally constructive role at the EU level when it comes to both its institutional future and enlargement policy. Its key tenets, thereby, seem in line with the principled open-door approach advocated by the fellow Nordic countries

    Drága-e a megújuló? – A hazai megújuló villamosenergia-termelés hatása a villamos energia árára (Is the renewable energy expensive? – Impact of the Hungarian renewable based power generation on electricity price)

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    A tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy a megújuló alapú áramtermelők támogatása csökkentőleg hathat- e a villamos energia nagykereskedelmi és kiskereskedelmi árára. Ez utóbbi tartalmazza a megújulók támogatásának összegét is. Számos elméleti cikk rámutatott arra, hogy nemcsak a nagykereskedelmi árak, hanem a kiskereskedelmi villamosenergia-árak is csökkenhetnek a drágább, megújuló alapú áramtermelők támogatása révén. A tanulmány során egy villamosenergia-piacokat szimuláló modell segítségével modellezi a szerző, hogy a különböző mennyiségű szélerőművi és fotovoltaikus kapacitás támogatása hogyan hat a magyarországi nagykereskedelmi és kiskereskedelmi árakra. _____ Impact of the Hungarian renewable based power generation on electricity price The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether the support of renewable power generation could decrease the wholesale and retail electricity prices. The latter one includes the support of renewables. Several studies point out that not only the wholesale, but the retail electricity prices could decrease when supporting the more expensive, renewable power generation. A model, which simulates the electricity markets, is used in order to analyse the impact of different level of wind and photo voltaic power generator support fee on Hungarian wholesale and retail electricity prices

    Il questionario alla base di una ricerca empirica di linguistica testuale

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    Статията представя параметрите, въз основа на които е събран и сведен до анкета емпиричният материал, залегнал в основата на текстолингвистично изследване върху подлога на инфинитива в съвременния италиански език. Анкетата цели да идентифицира стратегиите, които прилагат носителите на езика в процеса на интерпретация на синтактично деструктурираните изказвания, съдържащи инфинитив, чийто подлог е с неясна референция

    Fælles udenrigstjeneste med fødselsvanskeligheder

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    Poul Skytte Christoffersen analyserer EU's udenrigstjeneste, og skriver om hvordan det kan ændrer sig med et dansk formandsskab. &nbsp