83 research outputs found

    Changes in the school leaving examination as part of the transformation of secondary school education in the Czech Republic

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    This article treats the school leaving examination in the Czech Republic as an essential part of secondary education. Its current state arises from the transformation of education in schools which followed the fall of socialism in Czechoslovakia in November 1989. It also reflects recent efforts in Czech education to become more democratic, more transparent and more responsive to the increasing competitiveness of the labour market. The conclusion of the article discusses the model of the school leaving examination which comes into force throughout the Czech Republic in 201

    The use of rituals at primary school

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    The paper presents school rituals and their possible use at primary school. Its aim is to show the options of use of rituals in teaching.The authors first define the rituals in general and then characterise the school rituals. Based on a survey they show how the rituals are being used in a school environment. First, they divide the rituals into welcoming, valedictory, educational and celebratory. At the end, they document the main advantages that the respondents see in the use of rituals in their practice. The study results show that nowadays the rituals are an integral part of education at primary school and point to positives, which brings the use of rituals. There is also mentioned possible drawbacks that are related to the research of school rituals

    School Assessment from Primary Education Trainees Point of View

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    in English Assessment allows the teacher not only to assess the success of teaching, but also to plan other teaching objectives and means of their fulfillment, especially the content of teaching, the choice of methods and organizational forms. The diploma thesis aims to find out what types and forms of school assessment are prefered by Primary education teacher trainees. The second objectives is to identify what influences students' preferences in choosing the types and forms of school assessment, and to compare the views of 1st, 3rd and 5th grade students on school assessment. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis focuses on defining the researched issues, assessment functions, forms and methods of assessment. The research survey is conceived as a quantitative study, the respondents are students of the Primary education study programe. As a research method was chosen questionnaire of my own design. Key words Primary Education; assessment; school assessment; teacher trainingv českém jazyce Hodnocení učiteli umožňuje nejen posuzovat úspěšnost vyučování, ale i plánovat další cíle vyučování a prostředky jejich naplnění, tedy především obsah vyučování, volbu metod a organizačních forem. Diplomová práce si klade za cíl zjistit, jaké typy a formy školního hodnocení studenti učitelství pro 1. stupeň preferují. Sekundárními cíli je identifikovat, co ovlivňuje preference studentů při volbě typů a forem školního hodnocení, a porovnat názory studentů 1., 3. a 5. ročníků na školní hodnocení. Teoretická část práce se věnuje vymezení zkoumané problematiky, funkcí hodnocení, forem a metod hodnocení. Výzkumné šetření je koncipováno jako kvantitativní studie, respondenty jsou studující oboru Učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ. Jako výzkumná metoda byl zvolen dotazník vlastní konstrukce. Klíčová slova Primární vzdělávání; hodnocení; školní hodnocení, pregraduální příprava učitelůDepartment of EducationKatedra pedagogikyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Sources of Information in the Life of Pupils in the 1st Grade of Primary School

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    AbstractThe paper concerns the research results. A significant role in the education process of the young generation in the 21st century and in their lives in general is played by media - both “traditional” that has accompanied mankind for hundreds of years and those whose presence can be counted by decades. The aim of the research is to identify where, pupils in the 1st grade of primary school look for information outside of the classroom that interests them and that they need for school (in the field of Human and the World). The secondary objectives include identification of what sources of information pupils usually work; an explanation of how school support the work of pupils with information and to describe the attitudes of children to printed and electronic sources of information. As the main research method a custom design questionnaire is chosen that was administered to the 4th and 5th grades of primary schools