20 research outputs found

    Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica of the distal ulna: a case report and review of the literature

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    Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica (DEH) or Trevor's Disease is a very rare disease with an estimated incidence of one in 1.000.000. The majority of cases reported affect the lower limb and only 25 case reports of 33 cases with affection of the upper limb have been published. Here we present a case of DEH affecting the distal ulnar epiphysis and the lunate in an eleven-year-old girl, a DEH location described extremely rarely before. We firstly do not only present clinical and radiological findings (plane radiographs, CT, MRI), but also the surgical approach and the histopathological results of DEH in this uncommon location. Although extremely rare, DEH should be considered also in non-typical locations

    Long-term efficacy and safety of migalastat treatment in Fabry disease: 30-month results from the open-label extension of the randomized, phase 3 ATTRACT study

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    Results from the 18-month randomized treatment period of the phase 3 ATTRACT study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of oral migalastat compared with enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in patients with Fabry disease who previously received ERT. Here, we report data from the subsequent 12-month, migalastat-only, open-label extension (OLE) period. ATTRACT (Study AT1001–012; NCT01218659) was a randomized, open-label, active-controlled study in patients aged 16–74 years with Fabry disease, an amenable GLA variant, and an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥30 mL/min/1.73 m2. During the OLE, patients who received migalastat 150 mg every other day (QOD) during the randomized period continued receiving migalastat (Group 1 [MM]); patients who received ERT every other week discontinued ERT and started migalastat treatment (Group 2 [EM]). Outcome measures included eGFR, left ventricular mass index (LVMi), composite clinical outcome (renal, cardiac or cerebrovascular events), and safety. Forty-six patients who completed the randomized treatment period continued into the OLE (Group 1 [MM], n = 31; Group 2 [EM], n = 15). eGFR remained stable in both treatment groups. LVMi decreased from baseline at month 30 in Group 1 (MM) in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy at baseline. Only 10% of patients experienced a new composite clinical event with migalastat treatment during the OLE. No new safety concerns were reported. In conclusion, in patients with Fabry disease and amenable GLA variants, migalastat 150 mg QOD was well tolerated and demonstrated durable, long-term stability of renal function and reduction in LVMi

    Phenology of brown bear breeding season and related geographical cues

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited[EN] Knowledge about breeding biology is often incomplete in species with complex reproductive strategies. The brown bear Ursus arctos is a polygamous seasonal breeder inhabiting a wide variety of habitats and environmental conditions. We compiled information about brown bear breeding season dates from 36 study areas across their distribution range in the Palearctic and Nearctic regions and investigated how their breeding phenology relates to geographical factors (latitude, photoperiod, altitude and region). Brown bear matings were observed for 8 months, from April to November, with a peak in May–July. We found a 59-day difference in the onset of bear breeding season among study areas, with an average 2.3 days delay for each degree of latitude northwards. The onset of the breeding season showed a strong relationship with photoperiod and latitude, but not with region (i.e. Palearctic vs Nearctic) and altitude. First observations of bear mating occurred earlier in areas at lower latitudes. Photoperiod ranged between 14 and 18 hours at the beginning of the season for most of the study areas. The duration of the breeding season ranged from 25 to 138 days among study areas. None of the investigated factors was related to the length of the breeding season. Our results support the relevance of photoperiod to the onset of breeding, as found in other ursids, but not a shorter breeding season at higher latitudes, a pattern reported in other mammals. Our findings suggest a marked seasonality of bear reproductive behaviour, but also certain level of plasticity. Systematic field observations of breeding behaviour are needed to increase our knowledge on the factors determining mating behaviour in species with complex systems and how these species may adapt to climate change.SIWe thank Marjan Artnak, Peter Bajc, Matic Brenk, Tomáš Flajs, Uroš Grželj, Robert Hlavica, Aleš Jagodnik, Peter Klančar, Anton Marinčič, Mariusz Nędzyński, Borut Semenič and Vladimir Vician for providing information about their observations of bear mating. Robert Gatzka assisted with data collection in the Biezszcady Mountains. We thank Jon Swenson and Jumpei Tomiyasu for their help in the literature search. AGR and NS were supported by the BearConnect project funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (2016/22/Z/NZ8/00121) through the 2015-2016 BiodivERsA COFUND call for research proposals, with the national funders ANR/DLR-PT/UEFISCDI/NCN/RCN. Additional funding from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project NN304- 294037, NS, IEC, KB), the National Science Centre in Poland (project DEC-2013/08/M/NZ9/ 00469, NS), the National Centre for Research and Development (GLOBE, POL-NOR/198352/85/ 2013, NS, TZK, FZ) and Slovenian Research Agency (P4-0059, MK) is acknowledged. AGR and NS conceived the study and wrote a first draft of the paper; AGR and NS compiled the data, AGR analyzed the data; all authors provided data and comments that improved the manuscript. We thank two anonymous reviewers for useful comments on the previous versions of the manuscript

    Phonon driven transport in amorphous semiconductors: Transition probabilities

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    Inspired by Holstein's work on small polaron hopping, the evolution equations of localized states and extended states in presence of atomic vibrations are derived for an amorphous semiconductor. The transition probabilities are obtained for four types of transitions: from one localized state to another localized state, from a localized state to an extended state, from an extended state to a localized state, and from one extended state to another extended state. At a temperature not too low, any process involving localized state is activated. The computed mobility of the transitions between localized states agrees with the observed `hopping mobility'. We suggest that the observed `drift mobility' originates from the transitions from localized states to extended states. Analysis of the transition probability from an extended state to a localized state suggests that there exists a short-lifetime belt of extended states inside conduction band or valence band. It agrees with the fact that photoluminescence lifetime decreases with frequency in a-Si/SiO2_{2} quantum well while photoluminescence lifetime is not sensitive to frequency in c-Si/SiO2_{2} structure.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Psychiatric Side Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease

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    Since the 1990s deep brain stimulation (DBS) has provided an effective tool for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. About fifty thousand Parkinson patients have been treated by DBS so far. Although a relatively safe intervention, there are still some considerable side effects, psychiatric and non-psychiatric. We conducted a structured search using PubMed and included publications from 1999 to February 2011 to provide an overview of the current data concerning psychiatric side effects of DBS in Parkinson's disease. There was a tremendous variety and inconsistency concerning methods and results of the studies we included. However, it became apparent that postoperatively increased attention should be paid concerning a potentially increased suicidality and affective alterations (particularly manic states). We suggest frequent pre- and postoperative evaluations of Parkinson patients treated with DBS

    Beitrag zum Pathomechanismus der Schenkelhalsfrakturen: das BĂĽndelpfeiler-Konzept

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    Das Femur - ein BĂĽndelpfeiler

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    Phenology of brown bear breeding season and related geographical cues

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    Knowledge about breeding biology is often incomplete in species with complex reproductive strategies. The brown bear Ursus arctos is a polygamous seasonal breeder inhabiting a wide variety of habitats and environmental conditions. We compiled information about brown bear breeding season dates from 36 study areas across their distribution range in the Palearctic and Nearctic regions and investigated how their breeding phenology relates to geographical factors (latitude, photoperiod, altitude and region). Brown bear matings were observed for 8 months, from April to November, with a peak in May%July. We found a 59-day difference in the onset of bear breeding season among study areas, with an average 2.3 days delay for each degree of latitude northwards. The onset of the breeding season showed a strong relationship with photoperiod and latitude, but not with region (i.e. Palearctic vs Nearctic) and altitude. First observa- tions of bear mating occurred earlier in areas at lower latitudes. Photoperiod ranged between 14 and 18 hours at the beginning of the season for most of the study areas. The duration of the breeding season ranged from 25 to 138 days among study areas. None of the investigated factors was related to the length of the breeding season. Our results support the relevance of photoperiod to the onset of breeding, as found in other ursids, but not a shorter breeding season at higher latitudes, a pattern reported in other mammals. Our findings suggest a marked seasonality of bear reproductive behaviour, but also certain level of plasticity. Systematic field observations of breeding behaviour are needed to increase our knowledge on the factors determining mating behaviour in species with complex systems and how these species may adapt to climate change

    Erworbene Wachstumsstörungen

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    Diversity and substitutability of adjunctive activities under fixed-interval schedules of food reinforcement

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    Six rats received food contingent on pressing a lever on fixed-ratio 1, fixed-interval 30-second, and fixed-interval 60-second schedules, with concurrent access to a drinking spout, a running wheel, and a block of wood. Drinking, running, and chewing were monitored automatically, and these and other activities were observed directly during selected sessions. Because all sessions ended after delivery of 60 pellets, total time available for activities other than eating increased over the three schedules. Time spent contacting the lever and visiting the food tray increased in proportion to total available time, whereas the time spent in other activities changed in a complex manner such that drinking was the dominant adjunctive behavior in the 30-second condition, and running or chewing the dominant adjunctive behavior in five of six rats in the 60-second condition. General activity and grooming also occupied significant amounts of time. In a subsequent part of the experiment, running and chewing were prevented, and the majority of other activities, especially drinking and grooming, increased. The results show that (a) FI schedules of food reinforcement are accompanied by a wide variety of adjunctive activities; (b) the preferred activity differs according to the schedule duration; and (c) the extent to which activities substitute for one another is limited by the tendency for different activities to occupy different parts of the interreinforcement interval