17 research outputs found

    Jettan, Nordnesfjellet, Kåfjord, Troms – indre geometri og struktur, kinematikk og styrande faktorar av eit ustabilt fjellparti, basert på strukturellanalyse, geomorfologi og overvakingsdata

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    Det ustabile fjellpartiet, Jettan, har blitt studert med ei multidisiplinær tilnærming. Dette inkluderer strukturelle og geomorfologiske analyser i felt, studiar av sann-tid og periodisk overvaking og bruk av kart og digitale elevasjonsmodellar. Formålet har vore å avdekke indre struktur og geometri, kinematikken og kontrollerande faktorar for dei ustabile massane. Det ustabile fjellpartiet er avgrensa av ein uregelmessig subvertikal NV-SØ orientert skrent og ei NØ-SV orientert, NV hellande normalforkastning. Innad i området er det fleire sprekkesett med bratt fall som både er planare og listriske, i tillegg til fleire lågvinkla plan. Samstundes kan plan endre seg i djupnaden, mellom anna grunna litologiske kontrastar. Interaksjonen er kompleks og gir opphav til fleire system, truleg med meir enn eitt glideplan, som kan bevege seg individuelt av kvarandre. To felt skil seg ut med mest rørsle der det eine er styrt av listriske plan med utvikla horst-graben struktur, medan det andre har store ekstensjonssprekker og trappetrinnsgeometri. Rørsle skjer langs pre-eksisterande sprekker som har mest gunstig orientering i forhold til fjorden. Rørsla er på opp til 50 mm/år og skjer som gliding langs plan og storleiksorden gjer at det kan reknast som kryp. I dei fleste områda er retninga mot VNV-NV, men i nordlege delar er det mot VSV-SV. Rørsla har sesongmessige variasjonar styrt av ein kombinasjon av hydrologiske og temperatur-relaterte faktorar. Eksistensen av dei ustabile fjellpartia skyldast ein kombinasjon av fleire prosessar over lange tidsrom. Den kaledonske fjellkjededanninga kan ha vore gunstig for utvikling av glideplan, og mesozoisk rifting har danna avgrensande sprekker slik at gunstige føresetnader har blitt danna. Istida i kvartær kan ha bidrege til svekking av stabilitet og rørsla har starta etter dette. Initiert er ei følgje av endra stress, minka omslutnadstrykk, eller neotektonikk etter istida. Rørslehastigheita er tilnærma konstant i dag og utrasing vil truleg skje i form av enkeltblokker eller avgrensa parti. Dermed vil det ikkje skape like store øydeleggingar som tidlegare anteke

    Extreme Misogyny. Materialization of a Paradox: Gender and the Far-Right

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    Denne oppgåve ser på forholdet ytre-høgre har til kjønn og kvinner sine rettar

    Måling med bakkebasert radar (InSAR) av Stavbrekka, Skjåk kommune

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    Våren 2015 utførte fjellskredseksjonen i NVE målingar med bakkebasert radar (InSAR) av Stavbrekka på Strynefjellet i Skjåk kommune. Føremålet var å undersøke om metoden er eigna til å måle bevegelsar i glideskred, og å finne ut om desse kan varslast. Denne rapporten dokumenterer arbeidet som er gjort, resultata og konklusjon etter utført forsø

    Investigation of the gender gap in access to equity financing

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    Today, there is an overwhelming gender gap in the equity funding rates in the U.S. Last year, only 6% of the entrepreneurs that received funding from business angels were women, though 27% of the entrepreneurs seeking angel investments were female. Today, 17% of the male and 11% of female population is working in startups. This means that the equity funding is disproportionately divided among men and women. As women are majority owners of 10 million businesses, with an economic impact of $3 trillion, they have an enormous impact on the economy. Due to the lack of research, and the importance of understanding the underlying reasons for the gender differences, the purpose of this study is thus: To gain a better understanding of the gender gap in equity financing. According to research, the importance of skills and knowledge (human capital), and the use of strategic networks (social capital) differ for male and female entrepreneurs. In addition, research shows that traits entrepreneurs show through behavior (gender characteristics) influence investors perceptions of them. As the existing literature uses gender neutral measures to explain these phenomenon, it overlooks the effect of gender biases. This study takes this into account when investigating human capital, social capital and gender characteristics. When using gender lenses on these factors, an increased understanding of the gender gap in equity financing is achieved. By doing so, this study contributes with building new theory, as the theoretical frameworks are applied in a unique way. A qualitative, multiple case study approach was followed, with multiple sources of evidence to allow for triangulation. The data was analyzed using software, and by comparative pattern matching. It showed that the importance of human capital is situation dependent, and the importance could therefore not be decided. The findings showed, however, that female entrepreneurs and investors had more clear opinions than men. In terms of social capital, it was seen that women used networks to a higher degree than men to collect resources. Lastly, it was seen that male and female entrepreneurs showed mostly masculine and androgynous characteristics. This study has implications for scholars, entrepreneurs and investors, as it shows that gender biases need to be taken into account. The strength of the findings was, however, limited by biases, language and cultural barriers, calculations of gender characteristics, criteria and cases

    Investigation of the gender gap in access to equity financing

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    Today, there is an overwhelming gender gap in the equity funding rates in the U.S. Last year, only 6% of the entrepreneurs that received funding from business angels were women, though 27% of the entrepreneurs seeking angel investments were female. Today, 17% of the male and 11% of female population is working in startups. This means that the equity funding is disproportionately divided among men and women. As women are majority owners of 10 million businesses, with an economic impact of $3 trillion, they have an enormous impact on the economy. Due to the lack of research, and the importance of understanding the underlying reasons for the gender differences, the purpose of this study is thus: To gain a better understanding of the gender gap in equity financing. According to research, the importance of skills and knowledge (human capital), and the use of strategic networks (social capital) differ for male and female entrepreneurs. In addition, research shows that traits entrepreneurs show through behavior (gender characteristics) influence investors perceptions of them. As the existing literature uses gender neutral measures to explain these phenomenon, it overlooks the effect of gender biases. This study takes this into account when investigating human capital, social capital and gender characteristics. When using gender lenses on these factors, an increased understanding of the gender gap in equity financing is achieved. By doing so, this study contributes with building new theory, as the theoretical frameworks are applied in a unique way. A qualitative, multiple case study approach was followed, with multiple sources of evidence to allow for triangulation. The data was analyzed using software, and by comparative pattern matching. It showed that the importance of human capital is situation dependent, and the importance could therefore not be decided. The findings showed, however, that female entrepreneurs and investors had more clear opinions than men. In terms of social capital, it was seen that women used networks to a higher degree than men to collect resources. Lastly, it was seen that male and female entrepreneurs showed mostly masculine and androgynous characteristics. This study has implications for scholars, entrepreneurs and investors, as it shows that gender biases need to be taken into account. The strength of the findings was, however, limited by biases, language and cultural barriers, calculations of gender characteristics, criteria and cases

    Relating 3D surface displacement from satellite- and ground-based InSAR to structures and geomorphology of the Jettan rockslide, northern Norway

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    This study combines remote sensing data from ground- and satellite-based radar to calculate 3D displacement vectors for the Jettan rockslide, Troms, northern Norway. Using 3D displacement vectors, aspect data and strain rates in conjunction with structure (foliation, faults, fractures), geomorphological elements (ridges, scarps, terraces, depressions), topography and borehole data, we identify zones undergoing displacement, e.g., extension and compression, displacement into- or out-of-the-slope and/or various degrees of tilting. Our results show variable 3D displacement velocities, from north to south, that segment the rockslide into distinct domains. Displacement patterns are structurally controlled, as spatial variation in azimuth and plunge of 3D displacement vectors can be related to variation in attitudes of the host-rock foliation, faults and fractures. In the north, a complex graben system surrounded by orthogonal NW–SE and NE–SW-trending geomorphological elements, shows a repeated stepping 3D displacement pattern. This may indicate a complex fault geometry at depth, including stepped and discontinuous slide surfaces. We interpret 3D displacement into-the-slope in the upper part, and out-of-the-slope in the lower part, to be back-rotation of antithetic blocks with planar fractures becoming curved/listric gliding surfaces with depth. Downslope reduction in velocity indicates compression and stacking of blocks. In the southern area, N–S-trending geomorphological elements are arranged parallel to the hillslope. 3D displacement vectors show a more homogenous displacement pattern indicating movement along planar, hillslope-parallel, fracture sets at depth. We propose a structuralcontrolled slope displacement model including alternate planar- and wedge-failure, in addition to displacement along planar and listric fractures merging into foliation at depth. Using the Jettan rockslide as a case study, we show how remote sensing data may aid examination of structural and topographic controls on rockslide kinematics, thus giving new insights into subsurface geometry

    Increase in serum HDL level is associated with less negative symptoms after one year of antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis

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    Background A potential link between increase in total cholesterol and triglycerides and clinical improvement has been observed during antipsychotic drug treatment in chronic schizophrenia patients, possibly due to drug related effects on lipid biosynthesis. We examined whether changes in serum lipids are associated with alleviation of psychosis symptoms after one year of antipsychotic drug treatment in a cohort of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. Methods A total of 132 non-affective antipsychotic-treated FEP patients were included through the Norwegian Thematically Organized Psychosis (TOP) project. Data on antipsychotic usage, serum lipids (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides (TG)), body mass index (BMI) and clinical state were obtained at baseline and after 12 months. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to assess psychotic symptoms. Mixed-effects models were employed to examine the relationship between serum lipids and psychotic symptoms while controlling for potential confounders including BMI. Results An increase in HDL during one year of antipsychotic treatment was associated with reduction in PANSS negative subscores (B = − 0.48, p = 0.03). This relationship was not affected by concurrent change in BMI (adjusted HDL: B = − 0.54, p = 0.02). No significant associations were found between serum lipids, BMI and PANSS positive subscores. Conclusion We found that an increase in HDL level during antipsychotic treatment is associated with improvement in negative symptoms in FEP. These findings warrant further investigation to clarify the interaction between lipid pathways and psychosis

    Increase in serum HDL level is associated with less negative symptoms after one year of antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis.

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    Background A potential link between increase in total cholesterol and triglycerides and clinical improvement has been observed during antipsychotic drug treatment in chronic schizophrenia patients, possibly due to drug related effects on lipid biosynthesis. We examined whether changes in serum lipids are associated with alleviation of psychosis symptoms after one year of antipsychotic drug treatment in a cohort of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. Methods A total of 132 non-affective antipsychotic-treated FEP patients were included through the Norwegian Thematically Organized Psychosis (TOP) project. Data on antipsychotic usage, serum lipids (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides (TG)), body mass index (BMI) and clinical state were obtained at baseline and after 12 months. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to assess psychotic symptoms. Mixed-effects models were employed to examine the relationship between serum lipids and psychotic symptoms while controlling for potential confounders including BMI. Results An increase in HDL during one year of antipsychotic treatment was associated with reduction in PANSS negative subscores (B = − 0.48, p = 0.03). This relationship was not affected by concurrent change in BMI (adjusted HDL: B = − 0.54, p = 0.02). No significant associations were found between serum lipids, BMI and PANSS positive subscores. Conclusion We found that an increase in HDL level during antipsychotic treatment is associated with improvement in negative symptoms in FEP. These findings warrant further investigation to clarify the interaction between lipid pathways and psychosis

    Lower circulating neuron-specific enolase concentrations in adults and adolescents with severe mental illness

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    Background Both neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental abnormalities have been suggested to be part of the etiopathology of severe mental illness (SMI). Neuron-specific enolase (NSE), mainly located in the neuronal cytoplasm, may indicate the process as it is upregulated after neuronal injury while a switch from non-neuronal enolase to NSE occurs during neuronal maturation. Methods We included 1132 adult patients with SMI [schizophrenia (SZ) or bipolar spectrum disorders], 903 adult healthy controls (HC), 32 adolescent patients with SMI and 67 adolescent HC. Plasma NSE concentrations were measured by enzyme immunoassay. For 842 adults and 85 adolescents, we used total grey matter volume (TGMV) based on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images processed in FreeSurfer v6.0. We explored NSE case-control differences in adults and adolescents separately. To investigate whether putative case-control differences in NSE were TGMV-dependent we controlled for TGMV. Results We found significantly lower NSE concentrations in both adult (p < 0.001) and adolescent patients with SMI (p = 0.007) compared to HC. The results remained significant after controlling for TGMV. Among adults, both patients with SZ spectrum (p < 0.001) and bipolar spectrum disorders (p = 0.005) had lower NSE than HC. In both patient subgroups, lower NSE levels were associated with increased symptom severity. Among adults (p < 0.001) and adolescents (p = 0.040), females had lower NSE concentrations than males. Conclusion We found lower NSE concentrations in adult and adolescent patients with SMI compared to HC. The results suggest the lack of progressive neuronal injury, and may reflect abnormal neuronal maturation. This provides further support of a neurodevelopmental rather than a neurodegenerative mechanism in SMI.publishedVersio