552 research outputs found

    Cluvar: a grouping technique of statistic units and of variables selection

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    Problems related to the identification of the complex of variables are present in researches regarding the division -related to many phenomena- of a territory in homogeneous areas. The complex of variables must individuate the hypothesis in a univocal way and define the relation among the areas. On the other hand the complex of definite indicators and the kind of grouping methods hypothesised strongly conditioned the choice of a technique of classification. The most common techniques of statistical classification need the previous determination of the groups' number or of the elements number per every group. The goal of this research is to define a technique of classification that allows the formation of homogeneous groups without the previous definition of their numerousness. At the same time this classification make possible the selection of the variables that determine the most significant links among the unities. This technique gives the description of the relations among the single units and the groups. In this research this methodology is used to determine the regional diversification of the Italian financial system. With the cluster analysis applied to the territorial unities we obtain the structural elements which allow the individuation of indicators' groups of real and financial economy that synthesize both the information obtained from the index and a system of relation among the considered territorial units.

    Towards to a modern higher education institutions in Poland

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    Since the dawn of time, universities have contributed significantly to the economic development. However, presently operating higher education institutions are characterized by a significant diversity of goals, missions and functions, which significantly go beyond the ones traditionally assigned to this type of institution

    A territorial analysis of infrastructures in Italy

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    At a regional level the study of the infrastructures becomes really complicate when we consider: the territory equipment and the different potentiality of its development. Usually to this articulation corresponds even an analogue no homogeneity of the socio-economical conditions characterizing the various territorial areas. It is one of the most interesting aspect of the research to establish if and in which way these elements are connected among themselves, if it is possible that in an area the level of infrastructures can contribute to determine the development of the area or vice versa. To obtain this goal we must determine the quantity and quality of the infrastructures. In the reality the research of synthetic index and of the source of information - about the characteristics of the infrastructures - becomes an interesting instrument of the development polices. Even in the diversity of approaches, all the literature regarding the development and the competitiveness of modern productive systems agrees with the growing importance of the quantity and quality of the infrastructures. When we live the theoretical level to effectuate a check of the quantity and quality of the infrastructures in the reality the difficulties encountered aren't of easy solution nor few: findable ness of basic data, control of the minimum requisites of homogeneity and comparability, individuation of correct modality of statistic treatment, indicators building and so on. This research analyses the territorial diffusion of the infrastructures in the Italian regions. This is obtained through the application of qualitative and quantitative statistic indicators. Through the whole aggregation of data we try to determine a general indicator that measures the total level of the infrastructures.

    Geographical analysis of the academic brain drain in Italy

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    To study the behavior of Italian researchers living in Italy with a view to creating appropriate policies to tackle the brain drain and discourage academics from emigrating, we constructed a survey based on a sample of 4700 Italian researchers (assistant professors) in several universities in Italy. The outlook is far from rosy: Italian researchers are generally dissatisfied with the economic and social situation of the country. Strong family ties represent the element keeping them at home in Italy. In this regard, no particular differences were noted between the North and South of the country. In analyzing the Italian academic system we identified factors that have greater weight in driving Italian intellectual talent to emigrate: the country’s higher education system leaves all dissatisfied. Furthermore, we discovered other factors that, albeit weak, keep Italian researchers in Italy. However, one wonders how much longer family and national ties will be able to keep Italian skilled agents in Italy, and whether such dissatisfaction may jeopardize the country’s future economic development.Skilled migration; pull and push factors; academic system; geographical distribution

    Cruise Tourism and Sustainability in the Mediterranean. Destination Venice

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    During recent decades, cruise tourism has seen enormous growth in both passenger numbers and destinations. The downside of this growth is the negative impact on environment and society. This is even more true, if the destination considered has a fragile ecosystem. Associating the paradigm of sustainable development with the practice of cruise tourism might represent a solution to the problems faced by the industry. However, although cruise industry has apparently embraced sustainable good practices, a number of issues are still critical. This chapter explores the topic considering the case of Venice and its role as home port for cruise tourism in the Mediterranean area. Venice special legislation on tourist cruises and the debate on cruise ships in the Venetian lagoon are examined to highlight critical factors and remedies. Much remains to be done to balance the rapidly growing demand for cruising against its negative environmental impacts on this fragile city. The case of Venice shows how cruise tourism is a complex issue in relation to the sustainability paradigm. Indeed, the controversies stem from the different points of view of the various actors involved in the market—tourists, cruise companies, local administrations, suppliers, local companies and environmental and heritage protection associations just to mention a few—which identify benefits and costs of cruise industry in different ways and timespan

    Sources of innovation funding in Polish companies in the light of statistical surveys

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    One of the key components of the innovation management process is selection of sources of funding innovative projects in the company. The research problem taken up by the authors is important for Polish companies, especially SMEs, which base their strategies upon innovations. The analysis of publications concerning strategic choices confirms the existence of a relatively small number of scientific and research studies within this area. Thus, there is a cognitive gap, which encouraged the authors to carry out analyses of the research problem defined in this manner. The purpose of the article is to discuss the criteria and variants of strategic selection of the funding sources of innovations in a company. Based on the experience of others, described in the literature, and their own analyses, the following criteria were adopted: market development, type of innovation and potential sources of its financing. Then, the process of selecting sources of financing innovation was developed. The article analyses the available literature, internet data, results published in the European Innovation Scoreboard 2017 and statistical data prepared by the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS) regarding sources of financing innovations. It enabled separation of sources of financing innovations in Polish enterprises and assessment of their applications in the practice of business.The obtained results indicate that despite the existence of various innovation funding sources, Polish companies are definitely dominated by their own financing. There is a small contribution of public and external funds

    Redundant control system for X-wing valve actuators

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    The capability of compensating automatically for a failure in an actuator and the associated drive circuit is enhanced by providing a dual channel actuator, each channel having a drive coil and a position sensor tracking the position of the actuator output shaft. A separate circuit is provided for each actuator channel to detect drive loop failures and hydraulic failures. When the drive loop of one channel fails, it is disengaged, and the gain in the remaining drive loop is doubled to maintain authority. In an embodiment, the remaining drive loop cannot disengage when certain criteria, relating to the failure of associated actuators, are met. The invention is particularly useful for aerospace applications

    Upoważnienia habitualne (facultates habituales) – wprowadzenie do problematyki

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    This article presents the problematic concerning habitual faculties (facultates habituales). The Author applies the concept of power-conferring norms or norms of competence from legal theory. There follows a presentation of the evolution of habitual faculties from a privilege (cf canon 66 of the 1917 Code) to the power of governance (cf canon 132 of the 1983 Code). According to the Author, the term facultates is ambiguous. He distinguishes facultates in a strict sense (only these are power-conferring and “habitual” in the sense of canon 132), from facultates in a larger sense (e.g. faculties to hear confessions). There are two structural elements: the existing hierarchical relationship between the higher and lower instances, and the objective, i.e. the enlargement of the competence of the lower instance. The Author comments on these elements and, finally, presents some difficulties to be solved.Artykuł przedstawia problematykę dotyczącą upoważnień habitualnych (facultates habituales). Autor odwołuje się do koncepcji norm kompetencyjnych z teorii prawa. Następnie ukazuje ewolucję upoważnień habitualnych od przywileju (por. kan. 66 kodeksu z 1917 roku) do władzy rządzenia (por. kan. 132 kodeksu z 1983 roku). Według autora termin facultates jest niejednoznaczny. Odróżnia on facultates w sensie ścisłym (tylko te są kompetencyjne i „habitualne” w rozumieniu kan. 132) od facultates w sensie szerokim (np. uprawnienie do słuchania spowiedzi). Są dwa elementy konstrukcyjne upoważnień habitualnych – uprzedni stosunek hierarchiczny między podmiotem wyższym i niższym w strukturze oraz cel, tj. poszerzenie kompetencji podmiotu niższego. Autor komentuje te elementy, a w końcu przedstawia pewne trudności, które domagają się rozwiązania
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