557 research outputs found

    The Paradox of Unemployment and Job Vacancies : Some Theories Confronted by Data

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    Les causes principales du paradoxe rĂ©sultant de la simultanĂ©itĂ© du chĂŽmage et de la disponibilitĂ© d'emplois sont les suivantes: les changements subits du niveau et des composantes de l'activitĂ© Ă©conomique, l'imperfection des voies d'accĂšs aux marchĂ©s du travail, la rĂ©pugnance des employeurs et des planificateurs sociaux Ă  considĂ©rer le travail comme une ressource Ă  dĂ©velopper et Ă  planifier Ă  long terme plutĂŽt qu'Ă  le traiter « comme un robinet qu'on ouvre et qu'on ferme Ă  discrĂ©tion suivant les conditions Ă©conomiques immĂ©diates ».Une des consĂ©quences de cette derniĂšre attitude fut que le « pipe-line » de la main-d'oeuvre s'est en rĂ©alitĂ© rompu au cours de la pĂ©riode de faible croissance qui a marquĂ© les annĂ©es 1967 Ă  1972. « Une fois ainsi brisĂ©, il devenait impossible de le remettre en Ă©tat au moment de l'expansion soudaine qui a commencĂ© en 1973 ».L'article souligne que l'assurance-chĂŽmage favorise quelque peu le paradoxe prĂ©cĂ©dent, mais que la presse a vraiment amplifiĂ© son importance. Les attaques contre le rĂ©gime d'assurance-chĂŽmage visaient surtout Ă  dĂ©tourner l'attention des vĂ©ritables problĂšmes.Les chercheurs n'ont dĂ©couvert aucune confirmation statistique qu'une proportion accrue des gens conseillĂ©s par les centres de main-d'oeuvre du Canada aux employeurs Ă©ventuels ne s'y rendaient que pour la forme en vue de conserver leurs droits aux prestations. La confirmation de ce fait aurait Ă©tĂ© de nature Ă  affermir la prĂ©tention que l'assurance-chĂŽmage favorisait le chĂŽmage de personnes qui ne veulent pas travailler.Parmi les personnes qui avaient Ă©tĂ© recommandĂ©es aux employeurs, il ne s'en trouvait qu'un trĂšs petit nombre dans le premier quart de 1974 qui refusaient des emplois, alors que le chĂŽmage s'accroissait et que les rĂ©clamations Ă©taient attentivement scrutĂ©es.Toutefois, les chercheurs ont dĂ©couvert des signes d'une augmentation considĂ©rable du taux des rejets de la part des employeurs. En effet, entre 1969 et la premiĂšre moitiĂ© de 1974, le pourcentage des candidats embauchĂ©s est tombĂ© de 45.2 Ă  29.3.Aussi, conclure que la plupart des travailleurs alors en chĂŽmage n'Ă©taient pas considĂ©rĂ©s comme acceptables, comme beaucoup le prĂ©tendent, traduit un Ă©tat quasi dĂ©sespĂ©rĂ© de postes vacants.En d'autres mots, le marchĂ© du travail Ă©tait dĂ©sĂ©quilibrĂ© structurellement. Les caractĂ©ristiques de la main-d'oeuvre (Ăąge, sexe, qualification, formation, mĂ©tier, expĂ©rience, perfectionnement, lieu de rĂ©sidence) ne correspondaient pas aux besoins des employeurs.Au sujet de la qualification, par exemple, on observait de fortes hausses dans la disponibilitĂ© des emplois, mais peu ou pas d'accroissement des embauchages dans les postes administratifs, les sciences naturelles, le gĂ©nie, les mathĂ©matiques, la mĂ©decine et les autres sciences de la santĂ©. Par contre, il y avait diminution des emplois vacants dans le cas des commis-vendeurs oĂč les embauchages furent considĂ©rables.Le taux de chĂŽmage Ă©tait continuellement plus haut chez les femmes que chez les hommes, chez les jeunes que chez les adultes. Le groupe d'Ăąge de moins de 21 ans comptait pour 32 pour cent de l'ensemble des sans-travail au milieu de 1974, mais il ne reprĂ©sentait que 13 pour cent des rĂ©clamants.La raison en Ă©tait qu'une forte proportion des jeunes chĂŽmeurs n'avaient pas encore rĂ©ussi Ă  obtenir un premier emploi et qu'ils n'Ă©taient pas admissibles aux prestations d'assurance-chĂŽmage.Ce qui en ressort, c'est que l'assurance-chĂŽmage n'a guĂšre de signification lorsqu'il s'agit pour elle d'aider ceux pour qui le chĂŽmage est un problĂšme aigu. Ceci contredit le reproche que l'on fait aux jeunes de tirer profit du rĂ©gime d'assurance-chĂŽmage.L'immigration peut aider Ă  rĂ©soudre les postes vacants dans certains cas particuliers, mais elle ne saurait y rĂ©pondre d'une façon globale. Y croire Ă©quivaudrait Ă  perpĂ©tuer l'approche actuelle qui consiste Ă  ouvrir et Ă  fermer le robinet au besoin, source principale des problĂšmes actuels en matiĂšre de main-d'oeuvre.Ce qui importe le plus, c'est amĂ©liorer les façons d'utiliser les ressources humaines, en particulier, les jeunes, les femmes et les groupes minoritaires. Il nous faut beaucoup plus pour leur faciliter la dĂ©couverte d'emplois qui les satisfassent. Tout ce qui faciliterait tant pour les maisons d'enseignement que pour les employeurs un budget de fonctionnement Ă  plus long terme ferait disparaĂźtre un des obstacles majeures Ă  la planification de la main-d'oeuvre. Il suffirait d'un peu plus d'imagination pour remplacer par quelque formule originale, surtout pour les jeunes, la formation en usine et l'expĂ©rience acquise.Postes vacants et chĂŽmage Ă©levĂ© peuvent coexister, mais l'assurance-chĂŽmage n'est pas la raison principale de ce paradoxe.The purpose of this paper is to see just how well available data enable us to come to grips with the apparent paradox of simultaneous job vacancies and unemployment

    Conveyor belt clock synchronization

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    A protocol for synchronizing distant clocks is proposed that does not rely on the arrival times of the signals which are exchanged, and an optical implementation based on coherent-state pulses is described. This protocol is not limited by any dispersion that may be present in the propagation medium through which the light signals are exchanged. Possible improvements deriving from the use of quantum-mechanical effects are also addressed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Using polarized maser to detect high-frequency relic gravitational waves

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    A GHz maser beam with Gaussian-type distribution passing through a homogenous static magnetic field can be used to detect gravitational waves (GWs) with the same frequency. The presence of GWs will perturb the electromagnetic (EM) fields, giving rise to perturbed photon fluxes (PPFs). After being reflected by a fractal membrane, the perturbed photons suffer little decay and can be measured by a microwave receiver. This idea has been explored to certain extent as a method for very high frequency gravitational waves. In this paper, we examine and develop this method more extensively, and confront the possible detection with the predicted signal of relic gravitational waves (RGWs). A maser beam with high linear polarization is used to reduce the background photon fluxes (BPFs) in the detecting direction as the main noise. As a key factor of applicability of this method, we give a preliminary estimation of the sensitivity of a sample detector limited by thermal noise using currently common technology. The minimal detectable amplitude of GWs is found to be hmin∌10−30h_{\rm{min}}\sim10^{-30}. Comparing with the known spectrum of the RGWs in the accelerating universe for ÎČ=−1.9\beta=-1.9, there is still roughly a gap of 4∌54\sim 5 orders. However, possible improvements on the detector can further narrow down the gap and make it a feasible method to detect high frequency RGWs.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Digital intervention increases influenza vaccination rates for people with diabetes in a decentralized randomized trial

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    People with diabetes (PWD) have an increased risk of developing influenza-related complications, including pneumonia, abnormal glycemic events, and hospitalization. Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for PWD, but vaccination rates are suboptimal. The study aimed to increase influenza vaccination rate in people with self-reported diabetes. This study was a prospective, 1:1 randomized controlled trial of a 6-month Digital Diabetes Intervention in U.S. adults with diabetes. The intervention group received monthly messages through an online health platform. The control group received no intervention. Difference in self-reported vaccination rates was tested using multivariable logistic regression controlling for demographics and comorbidities. The study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT03870997. A total of 10,429 participants reported influenza vaccination status (5158 intervention, mean age (±SD) = 46.8 (11.1), 78.5% female; 5271 control, Mean age (±SD) = 46.7 (11.2), 79.4% female). After a 6-month intervention, 64.2% of the intervention arm reported influenza vaccination, vers us 61.1% in the control arm (diff = 3.1, RR = 1.05, 95% CI [1.02, 1.08], p = 0.0013, number needed to treat = 33 to obtain 1 additional vaccination). Completion of one or more intervention messages was associated with up to an 8% increase in vaccination rate (OR 1.27, 95% CI [1.17, 1.38], p < 0.0001). The intervention improved influenza vaccination rates in PWD, suggesting that leveraging new technology to deliver knowledge and information can improve influenza vaccination rates in high-risk populations to reduce public health burden of influenza. Rapid cycle innovation could maximize the effects of these digital interventions in the future with other populations and vaccines

    Acceptability of HIV self-sampling kits (TINY vial) among people of black African ethnicity in the UK: a qualitative study

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    Background: Increasing routine HIV testing among key populations is a public health imperative, so improving access to acceptable testing options for those in need is a priority. Despite increasing targeted distribution and uptake of HIV self-sampling kits (SSKs) among men who have sex with men in the UK, little is known about why targeted SSK interventions for black African users are not as wide-spread or well-used. This paper addresses this key gap, offering insight into why some groups may be less likely than others to adopt certain types of SSK interventions in particular contexts. These data were collected during the development phase of a larger study to explore the feasibility and acceptability of targeted distribution of SSKs to black African people. Methods: We undertook 6 focus groups with members of the public who self-identified as black African (n = 48), 6 groups with specialists providing HIV and social services to black African people (n = 53), and interviews with HIV specialist consultants and policy-makers (n = 9). Framework analysis was undertaken, using inductive and deductive analysis to develop and check themes. Results: We found three valuable components of targeted SSK interventions for this population: the use of settings and technologies that increase choice and autonomy; targeted offers of HIV testing that preserve privacy and do not exacerbate HIV stigma; and ensuring that the specific kit being used (in this case, the TINY vial) is perceived as simple and reliable. Conclusions: This unique and rigorous research offers insights into participants’ views on SSK interventions, offering key considerations when targeting this population.. Given the plethora of HIV testing options, our work demonstrates that those commissioning and delivering SSK interventions will need to clarify (for users and providers) how each kit type and intervention design adds value. Most significantly, these findings demonstrate that without a strong locus of control over their own circumstances and personal information, black African people are less likely to feel that they can pursue an HIV test that is safe and secure. Thus, where profound social inequalities persist, so will inequalities in HIV testing uptake – by any means

    Measurement of higher cumulants of net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au++Au collisions at sNN=7.7−200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=7.7-200 GeV

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    We report the measurement of cumulants (Cn,n=1
4C_n, n=1\ldots4) of the net-charge distributions measured within pseudorapidity (∣η∣<0.35|\eta|<0.35) in Au++Au collisions at sNN=7.7−200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=7.7-200 GeV with the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The ratios of cumulants (e.g. C1/C2C_1/C_2, C3/C1C_3/C_1) of the net-charge distributions, which can be related to volume independent susceptibility ratios, are studied as a function of centrality and energy. These quantities are important to understand the quantum-chromodynamics phase diagram and possible existence of a critical end point. The measured values are very well described by expectation from negative binomial distributions. We do not observe any nonmonotonic behavior in the ratios of the cumulants as a function of collision energy. The measured values of C1/C2=ÎŒ/σ2C_1/C_2 = \mu/\sigma^2 and C3/C1=Sσ3/ÎŒC_3/C_1 = S\sigma^3/\mu can be directly compared to lattice quantum-chromodynamics calculations and thus allow extraction of both the chemical freeze-out temperature and the baryon chemical potential at each center-of-mass energy.Comment: 512 authors, 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. v2 is version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C as a Rapid Communication. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Transverse energy production and charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity in various systems from sNN=7.7\sqrt{s_{NN}}=7.7 to 200 GeV

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    Measurements of midrapidity charged particle multiplicity distributions, dNch/dηdN_{\rm ch}/d\eta, and midrapidity transverse-energy distributions, dET/dηdE_T/d\eta, are presented for a variety of collision systems and energies. Included are distributions for Au++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200, 130, 62.4, 39, 27, 19.6, 14.5, and 7.7 GeV, Cu++Cu collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 and 62.4 GeV, Cu++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV, U++U collisions at sNN=193\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=193 GeV, dd++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV, 3^{3}He++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV, and pp++pp collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV. Centrality-dependent distributions at midrapidity are presented in terms of the number of nucleon participants, NpartN_{\rm part}, and the number of constituent quark participants, NqpN_{q{\rm p}}. For all AA++AA collisions down to sNN=7.7\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=7.7 GeV, it is observed that the midrapidity data are better described by scaling with NqpN_{q{\rm p}} than scaling with NpartN_{\rm part}. Also presented are estimates of the Bjorken energy density, ΔBJ\varepsilon_{\rm BJ}, and the ratio of dET/dηdE_T/d\eta to dNch/dηdN_{\rm ch}/d\eta, the latter of which is seen to be constant as a function of centrality for all systems.Comment: 706 authors, 32 pages, 20 figures, 34 tables, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2012 data. v2 is version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
