22 research outputs found

    Examining determinants of entrepreneurial intentions in Slovenia: applying the theory of planned behaviour and an innovative cognitive style

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    The aim of this paper is to present research on determinants of entrepreneurial intentions through the framework of the theory of planned behaviour and an individual innovative cognitive style. By employing the theory of planned behaviour, the authors evaluate how personal attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control can affect one’s intentions to become an entrepreneur. Additionally, the innovative cognitive style is tested as a potentially significant determinant of entrepreneurial intentions. A questionnaire survey was done using the sample of 330 bachelor and master students in economics and business from Slovenia. Research propositions were tested using linear hierarchical regression modelling. The results suggest that personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control are positively related to one’s entrepreneurial intentions. The innovative cognitive style has also been found to be significant in creating one’s intention to become an entrepreneur. The paper extends the current knowledge on entrepreneurial intentions by analysing the exclusive and mutual influence of different factors recognised by the theory of planned behaviour and the innovative cognitive style on entrepreneurial intentions, as well as providing useful insights into antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions in the Slovenian context

    Pregled uzroka uginuća životinja iz zooloških vrtova u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    U radu je istraživana učestalost pojedinih patoloških promjena i uzroka uginuća u životinja iz zooloških vrtova na području Republike Hrvatske, čije su lešine dostavljene na patološku dijagnostiku na Zavod za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2009. do 31. prosinca 2014. godine. Od ukupno 247 obrađenih životinja, 243 su iz Zoološkog vrta grada Zagreba, a 4 iz Zoološkog vrta grada Osijeka. Najviše je bilo sisavaca (127), zatim ptica (60), gmazova (57), te naposljetku vodozemaca (3). U gmazova i sisavaca je kao najučestaliji uzrok uginuća utvrđena infekcija, a rjeđe trauma i degenerativne bolesti, dok je u ptica najučestaliji uzrok uginuća bila trauma, a zatim infekcija te degenerativne promjene. Ukupni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se uzroci uginuća životinja u Zoološkom vrtu grada Zagreba ne razlikuju značajno od uzroka uginuća navedenih u literaturi te da prevladavaju infektivne bolesti, dok je udio trauma i parazitskih invazija manji u odnosu na rezultate prezentirane u nama dostupnim literaturnim navodima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju opravdanost patoloških pretraga radi bolje kontrole bolesti te upravljanja životinjama, ali i u prevenciji širenja zoonoza

    Ogrožanje s strani teroristov samotarjev

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    V diplomskem delu je v teoretičnem delu najprej predstavljen predmet spoznavanje okolja. Opredeljujejo ga cilji in vsebine ter sklopi, ki naj bi se obravnavali v učnem procesu. Sledi predstavitev znanja, podrobneje pa je predstavljeno naravoslovno znanje, ki ga opredeljujejo pojmi, postopki in stališča. Poudarek je na naravoslovnih postopkih, ki temeljijo na dejavni vlogi učencev. Ugotavljali smo zastopanost dejavnosti, ki vključujejo naravoslovne postopke v učnem načrtu za spoznavanje okolja za drugi razred devetletne osnovne šole in v delovnih zvezkih štirih različnih založb. Razlike v številu zastopanosti postopkov glede na posamezne tematske sklope in posamezne založbe so analizirane. Rezultati so pokazali, da so postopki v delovnih zvezkih različno zastopani, v učnem načrtu pa se pojavljajo predvsem med predlaganimi dejavnostmi, največ v naravoslovnih tematskih sklopih. Dodan je nabor nalog oziroma dejavnosti za razvijanje naravoslovnih postopkov, in sicer naloge za utrjevanje tematskega sklopa Jaz in narava.In the theoretical part of the diploma paper the school subject Nature study is firstly presented. It is defined by goals, contents and units which should be discussed in the learning process. Further, the basic knowledge and more detailed knowledge of natural science, that are defined by concepts, procedures and opinions, are presented. The emphasis is on natural science procedures which are based on the learners’ active role. Representation of actions that include natural science procedures in Nature study curriculum for the second grade of a primary school with a nine year- program and in workbooks of four different publishers, was established. Differences in number of representation of procedures based on individual thematic units and individual publishers are analysed. The results have shown that procedures are differently represented in workbooks, whereas in curriculum they are presented mainly among suggested activities, mostly in natural science themes. A collection of tasks or activities for developing natural procedures, that is tasks for refreshing the thematic unit Me and nature, is added


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    V diplomskem delu je predstavljen Jordan - Hölderjev izrek na strukturi modulov. Na začetku so na kratko predstavljeni osnovni pojmi kolobarjev, idealov in modulov. Nato se seznanimo še z verižnimi pogoji, eksaktnimi zaporedji in kompozicijskimi vrstami, ki so potrebni za razumevanje celotnega diplomskega dela. Na koncu je predstavljen Jordan - Hölderjev izrek, ki ga dokažemo na dva različna načina. Pri prvem načinu si pomagamo s pomočjo pojma dolžina modula, medtem ko se pri drugem načinu dokazovanja opremo na Schreierjev izrek.In graduation thesis the Jordan - Hölders theorem on modules is presented. At the begining we introduce the basics of rings, modules and ideals. Next we consider the chain conditions, exact sequence and composition series, which are nessesery to understand the hole thesis. In the end part of the thesis we present the Jordan - Hölders theorem, which we can prove on two different ways. In the first way we help ourselves with the definition of length, and in the second way we depend on Schreiers theorem

    Learning about world dances by the means of a hand puppet

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    Umetnost v predšolskem obdobju pomembno vpliva na otrokov celostni razvoj. Ko otrok pleše ob glasbi, spontano izraža svoja doživljanja ter razvija ustvarjalnost in gibalne sposobnosti. Skozi lutko pa nam otrok sporoča svoje stiske, veselje in znanje, saj mu takšno izražanje omogoča bogatenje njegovega čustvenega in socialnega potenciala. Zato smo v diplomskem delu želeli raziskati možnosti priprave in načrtovanja plesnih dejavnosti, kjer se bodo predšolski otroci s pomočjo ročne lutke seznanili z različnimi plesi sveta. Uporabili smo glasbo iz različnih držav sveta, lutka pa je služila kot pripomoček za motivacijo otrok pri plesu in dejavnostih v različnih kotičkih. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili ples v splošnem smislu, ples v predšolskem obdobju ter vlogo in pomen ročne lutke v vrtcu, na koncu pa smo se posvetili še načrtovanju plesnih dejavnosti v vrtcu. V praktičnem delu smo predstavili osem plesnih dejavnosti, od katerih smo štiri izvedli v vrtcu Mengeš v skupini predšolskih otrok, starih med pet in šest let. V plesne dejavnosti smo vključili lutko, ki je otroke spremljala med spoznavanjem različnih plesov sveta in v ustvarjalnih kotičkih. Na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja smo odgovorili na podlagi opazovanj in evalvacij vzgojnega procesa. Ugotovili smo, da so otroci s pomočjo ročne lutke različne kulture in plese sveta spoznavali kakovostno, nazorno in na njim dojemljiv način. Prek plesnih dejavnostih so se učili gibalnih motivov in povezovanja ritma z glasbo. Poleg tega pa so hkrati razvijali še ustvarjalne in izrazne sposobnosti ter se učili sodelovanja in strpnosti.Art in preschool has a significant impact on a child\u27s development as a whole. When a child dances to music he spontaneously expresses his experiences, develops creativity and movement ability. Furthermore, through the doll the child conveys his hardships, joy and knowledge as this form of expression allows him to enrich his emotional and social potential. Thus, in the dissertation we wanted to explore the possibilities of preparing and planning dance activities where preschool children would familiarise themselves with different world dances by the means of a hand puppet. We used music from different countries of the world with the doll acting as a motivational tool for children at dance and activities in different spots. The dissertation consists of two parts. In the theoretical part we defined dance in general, dance in the preschool period and the role and importance of a hand puppet in kindergarten and at last tackled planning dance activities in kindergarten. In the practical part we presented eight dance activities, four of which we carried out in the Mengeš kindergarten, in a group of preschool children aged five to six. The puppet was part of the dance activities and kept children company while learning about different world dances as well as in creative spots. We posed ourselves research questions to which we answered on the basis of observations and evaluations of the educational process. All things considered, we concluded that by the means of a hand puppet, children gained knowledge about different cultures and dances of the world in a quality, graphic and perceptive way. Through dance activities they learned movement motifs and how to connect rhythm with music. In addition, they also developed creative skills and cooperation and tolerance

    Recepcija slovenske književnosti v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole

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    Prispevek prinaša analizo Učnega načrta za slovenščino iz leta 2011, pri čemer je poudarek na analizi slovenske književnosti pri pouku slovenščine v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole. Temeljni cilj pouka književnosti v osnovni šoli je razvijanje sporazumevalnih zmožnosti. Prikazani so konkretni predlogi za didaktično izpeljavo šolske obravnave kanonskega besedila.In this paper the author analyses the National Curriculum for Slovene Language for Primary Schools, placing particular emphasis on Slovene literature classes in the last triad of primary school. The main objective of primary school literature classes is to help students develop communication skills. The article also includes teaching hints and tips for lessons dealing with canonical works

    Obesity Gene Atlas in Mammals

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    Obesity in humans has increased at an alarming rate over the past two decades and has become one of the leading public health problems worldwide. Studies have revealed a large number of genes/markers that are associated with obesity and/or obesity-related phenotypes, indicating an urgent need to develop a central database for helping the community understand the genetic complexity of obesity. In the present study, we collected a total of 1,736 obesity associated loci and created a freely available obesity database, including 1,515 protein-coding genes and 221 microRNAs (miRNAs) collected from four mammalian species: human, cattle, rat, and mouse. These loci were integrated as orthologs on comparative genomic views in human, cattle, and mouse. The database and genomic views are freely available online at: http://www.integratomics-time.com/fat_deposition . Bioinformatics analyses of the collected data revealed some potential novel obesity related molecular markers which represent focal points for testing more targeted hypotheses and designing experiments for further studies. We believe that this centralized database on obesity and adipogenesis will facilitate development of comparative systems biology approaches to address this important health issue in human and their potential applications in animals

    Obesity Gene Atlas in Mammals

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    Obesity in humans has increased at an alarming rate over the past two decades and has become one of the leading public health problems worldwide. Studies have revealed a large number of genes/markers that are associated with obesity and/or obesity-related phenotypes, indicating an urgent need to develop a central database for helping the community understand the genetic complexity of obesity. In the present study, we collected a total of 1,736 obesity associated loci and created a freely available obesity database, including 1,515 protein-coding genes and 221 microRNAs (miRNAs) collected from four mammalian species: human, cattle, rat, and mouse. These loci were integrated as orthologs on comparative genomic views in human, cattle, and mouse. The database and genomic views are freely available online at: http://www.integratomics-time.com/fat_deposition. Bioinformatics analyses of the collected data revealed some potential novel obesity related molecular markers which represent focal points for testing more targeted hypotheses and designing experiments for further studies. We believe that this centralized database on obesity and adipogenesis will facilitate development of comparative systems biology approaches to address this important health issue in human and their potential applications in animals

    Obesity gene atlas in mammals

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    Obesity in humans has increased at an alarming rate over the past two decades and has become one of the leading public health problems worldwide. Studies have revealed a large number of genes/markers that are associated with obesity and/or obesity-related phenotypes, indicating an urgent need to develop a central database for helping the community understand the genetic complexity of obesity. In the present study, we collected a total of 1.736 obesity associated loci and created a freely available obesity database, including 1,515 protein-coding genes and 221 microRNAs (miRNA) collected from four mammalian species: human, cattle, rat and mouse. These loci were integrated as orthologs on comparative genomic views in human, cattle, and mouse. The database and genomic views are freely available online at: http://www.integratomics-time.com/fat_deposition. Bioinformatics analyses of the collected data revealed some potential novel obesity related molecular markers which represent focal points for testing more targeted hypotheses and designing experiments for further studies. We belive that this centralized database on obesity and adipogenesis will facilitate development of comparative systems biology approaches to address this important health issue in human and their potential applications in animals