39 research outputs found

    Assessment of a Light Unmanned Aircraft Ground Impact Energy

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    The subject of investigation are unmanned aircraft lighter than 150kg under control by national aviation authorities and therefore prudently requiring harmonized individual state regulations. Originated from a general premise that the unmanned aircraft regulations should evolve from the existing standards for manned aircraft of equivalent class or category, the light fixed wing unmanned aircraft equivalence to the manned aircraft is defined in the form of sets of equivalency and non-equivalency based on the established administrative type of methodology of impact kinetic energy comparison. The basic flight characteristics of the existing operational light fixed wing unmanned aircraft are analyzed assuring proper input for determination of the more realistic unmanned aircraft impact kinetic energy in controlled and uncontrolled flight into terrain crash scenarios used for the evaluation of established methodology adequacy for equivalence determination. It is shown in the paper that determination of the unmanned aircraft equivalency to the manned aircraft should not be based on the unmanned aircraft maximum take-off mass nor their airspeed range alone. KEYWORDS: light unmanned aircraft, impact kinetic energy, hazard potential, classificatio

    Grain boundaries of M23C6 particles in high chromium creep resistant steels, stability and effect on creep rate

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    Specimens of high chromium creep resistant steel were tempered at 800 °C for different times and examined in SEM. After short tempering stringers of cementite particles are formed at ferrite grain boundaries. By longer tempering, the content of chromium and molybdenum increase up to Cr18Fe3Mo2C6 and the number of stringers decreases what gradually increase the creep rate

    Globalizacija vsakdanjega življenja

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    Quality of polycarbonate joint welded with resistive wire

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    V zadnjem času je v porastu uporaba novejših proizvodnih tehnologij, s katerimi proizvajamo produkte iz umetno pridobljenih polimernih materialov. Posledično se na trgu pojavlja več izdelkov, ki so izdelani z aditivnimi tehnologijami tiska. V zaključni nalogi smo raziskali združljivost takšnih produktov z bolj konvencionalnimi tehnologijami, kot je združevanje kosov z varjenjem. Preizkušali smo kvaliteto zvarnih spojev iz dveh polimernih kosov, ki smo ju izdelali s 3D tiskanjem po tehnologiji ciljnega nalaganja. Naloga je razdeljena na tri dele. V prvem delu so bili izdelani različni kosi iz polikarbonatnega materiala, v drugem delu so se kosi združili po tehnologiji varjenja polimerov z uporovnimi vsadki, v zadnjem delu so se ustvarjeni spoji porušili na testnem preizkuševališču. Preizkuševališče je bilo zasnovano na podlagi gravitacijske sile teže, ki je statično delovala na zvarni spoj. Meritve so bile razdeljene glede na smer aplicirane sileprečno in vzdolžno. Ugotovili smo, da zvarni spoj zdrži višje obremenitve (povprečna vrednost porušitve je znašala 290 N) pri delovanju statične sile prečno glede na potek zvarnega spoja, kot v vzdolžni smeri (povprečna sila je znašala 280 N). Ponovljivost meritve je bila boljša pri obremenitvi s prečno statično silo.In modern times there is an increase in use of newer manufacturing technologies with which products are being produced from artificial polymer materials. As a consequence more and more products manufactured with additive technologies are on the market. In the thesis we researched compatibilities of such products with more conventional technologies of material joining, like plastic welding. We tested the quality of welded joints, made of two polymer material parts, produced with the 3D printing process fused deposition modeling. The thesis is divided into three main partsfirstly different pieces were made from polycarbonate material, in the second part those pieces were welded by plastic welding with resistive implants and in the last part welded joints were destructively tested on a test station. The station was designed to enable the application of gravity force to joints. Measurements were divided by the direction of the applied force according to the joint positiontransverse and longitudinal. Results show, that the joints which were collapsed by the transverse force, hold greater static load (average force was 290 N) than the ones with the longitudinal force load (average force of those was 280 N). Repeatability was better, when the static load was applied to joints in transverse direction

    Selection of materials for brake pads in prototype race cars

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    Zavore so pomemben del vsakega vozila, saj omogočajo nadzor nad njegovo hitrostjo. V modernih avtomobilskih zavornih sistemih je več hkratno delujočih komponent, največji vpliv imata disk in zavorne ploščice. Za slednje so se v preteklosti uporabljale zmesi materialov, v katerih sta bila azbest in baker, saj so z njimi ustvarili najučinkovitejšo zavorno zmes. Zaradi znanih negativnih zdravstvenih in okoljskih vplivov se je uporaba teh dveh materialov v zavorni industriji omejila. V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali zavorne ploščice, ki so vsebovale grafen kot substitut bakra. Te vzorce smo s pomočjo elektronsko mikroskopske, termogravimetrične in termične analize poskušali okarakterizirati. Iz mikroskopskih analiz smo ugotovili, da bi za boljši pregled mikrostrukture morali najprej izločiti nekaj materialov iz torne zmesi. Podobno so pri termogravimetrični in termični analizi zavorne ploščice vsebovale preveč različnih materialov, da bi določili, katere reakcije potečejo v torni zmesi zaradi dodanega grafena.Brakes are an important part of any vehicle as they enable the control of its speed. In modern automotive braking systems, there are several components working simultaneously, with the disc and brake pads having the greatest influence. For the latter, asbestos and copper have been used in the past to create the most efficient friction compound. Because of known negative health and environmental effects these materials have been withdrawn from the braking industry. In my thesis we made brake pads which contained graphene as a substitute for copper. The focus of our research was to perform electron microscopic, thermogravimetric and thermal analysis of these pads. From the microscopic analysis we discovered that to get a better view of the microstructure we should have first eliminated some of the materials for the friction mixture. Similarly in the thermogravimetric and thermal analysis, the pads contained too many different materials hence we couldn’t determine which reactions took place in the friction mixture due to the edition of graphene

    From the Management Paradigm to the Leadership Paradigm

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    Novo znanje in z njim povezani izumi so vselej vplivali na razvoj družbe. Z eminentnim vzponom industrije v 19. stoletju so vzklile množične korporacije, ki so zahtevale optimizacijo dela in revolucijo produktivnosti, ki je znatno spremenila družbo in jo spreminja še danes. Cilj magistrske naloge je raziskati, ali so klasične teorije organizacije, ki so svoj vzpon doživele v obdobju industrijske revolucije, primerne za spopadanjem z izzivi, s katerimi se srečujemo v družbi znanja, ki jo bomo v delu definirali kot družbo organizacij, ki jo sestavljajo znanjski delavci. Dokazati bomo poskušali, da se potrebe znanjskih delavcev precej razlikujejo od potreb delavcev iz časa industrijske dobe. Sumimo, da bo razlikovanje v upravljanju drugačno. To nas popelje do drugega raziskovalnega vprašanja, da lahko znanjske delavce najbolj učinkovito upravljamo v kombinaciji menedžmenta znanja in transformacijskega vodenja, ki predstavljata najvišjo stopnjo evolucije teorij menedžmenta in vodenja ter sta zaradi značilnosti, ki jih imata, najprimernejša za upravljanje znanjskih delavcev.New knowledge and the inventions related to it have always influenced the development of society. With the eminent rise of industry in the 19th century, mass corporations sprang up, demanding work optimization and a revolution in productivity. The change in productivity lead to significant changes in society, which are occurring to this day. The aim of this thesis will first be to investigate whether the classical theories of organization that arose during the Industrial Revolution are suitable for tackling the challenges we face in the knowledge society of today. At this point, it should be said that the knowledge society will be defined as a society of organizations composed of knowledge workers. The thesis will attempt to prove that the needs of knowledge workers are different from the needs of workers in the industrial age. A difference in management is suspected. This leads us to the second hypothesis, which is that knowledge workers can be most effectively managed through a combination of knowledge management and transformational leadership, as they represent the highest evolutionary level of management and leadership theories and are as such most suitable for increasing knowledge worker productivity

    Kakovost superčistih jekel, izdelanih v podjetju ŽĎAS, inc.

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    The production of Super-Clean Steels for the rotor forgings of compressors and generators for gas-turbine units started at ZDAS with the use of secondary metallurgy processes, a ladle furnace and vacuum degassing. The development and optimization of Super-Clean Steel production technology enables effective molten metal manufacture, conforming to the requirements for chemical composition and micro-cleanness. According to the results of the current production, the effective production of rotor forgings requires new technological steps in ingot casting.Web of Science46217516

    Representation in the public sector

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    K odločitvi, da sem za temo magistrske naloge izbrala »zastopanje v javnem sektorju«, me je vodilo delo v javnem sektorju, kjer stranke uveljavljajo svoje pravice in pravne koristi same ali preko zastopnikov in ugotovitev, da stranke velikokrat niso poučene, da jih v postopkih pred upravnimi in državnimi organi lahko zastopajo tudi druge osebe, ki niso odvetniki. Še bolj aktualna pa je tema zastopanja organov javnega sektorja navzven to je države in njenih organov, ki jih po Zakonu o državnem pravobranilstvu zastopa državno pravobranilstvo. Ta zakon je ravno sedaj v fazi reforme in naj bi se po novem imenoval Zakon o državnem odvetništvu. Sprememba bi šla predvsem v smeri, da se bolj učinkovito, strokovno in uspešno rešujejo tožbe proti državi, predvsem bi bila okrepljena svetovalna funkcija ter iskanje rešitev za sporna razmerja po mirni poti pred uvedbo sodnih postopkov.For my master\u27s thesis I have chosen \u27Representation in the Public Sector’, based on my work in the public sector, where the parties enforce their rights and interests themselves or through representatives. I notice that customers are often not trained in the proceedings before administrative and public authorities, and may also be represented by other persons who are not lawyers. Even more relevant to the subject is the representation of public sector bodies, external to the state and its organs by the Act on the State Attorney representing the Public Defender. This law is currently in the phase of reform and should now be called the Law on State Attorneys. The change would mainly be to become more effective and professionalsuccessfully settled lawsuits against the country, in particular, would be strengthened, as-well as advisory functions and finding solutions to the contentious relationship amicably before taking court action