32 research outputs found

    Traduire un jeu de pronoms ou la subjectivité du traducteur revisitée. Autour des traductions polonaises d’un passage de Madame Bovary

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    The French pronoun on – whose interpretation depends on various elements of the context – can refer to all humans or to a specifi c person, identifi able or not; it can be used instead of all personal pronouns to obtain particular stylistic effects. This particularity of on is exploited by writers to create special effects, which can be a challenge for translators. This study examines how Gustave Flaubert used on in a passage of Madame Bovary and the means which were adopted in four Polish translations of the novel; it shows how the chosen solutions (dictated by the grammatical system of Polish language) reduce – each in a different way – the interpretative potential of the analyzed passage

    On dans la traduction polonaise des écrits de recherche. Sur l’exemple de la traduction des Catégories du récit littéraire de Tzvetan Todorov

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    On dans la traduction polonaise des écrits de recherche. Sur l’exemple de la traduction des Catégories du récit littéraire de Tzvetan Todoro

    Reliving small pleasures of life in Polish

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    Philippe Delerm’s book „La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules” (1997) consists of thirty-four mini-stories that form an inventory of small joys, of everyday moments that seem to be tiny, fleeting celebrations. Some of these stories are related to the pleasures of the table (food and table habits or routines). This study presents the book’s “culinary scenes” and the way they are rendered in the Polish translation („Pierwszy łyk piwa”, 2004). The aim of this comparison is to see whether the translation makes it possible for the Polish audience to feel the connivance or complicity inscribed in Delerm’s text regarding food, and to evaluate to what extent reading „Pierwszy łyk piwa” can be part of the art of “surviving” (serving as an escape) in difficult moments such as the 2020 pandemic, a global experience that has upset our daily lives

    „Garść uwag” o jakości przekładu

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    This article is intended to be a handful of comments on the quality of translation. The author focuses on two aspects of translation: the translator’s microtextual decisions as exemplifi ed by grammatical elements of French, and intertextual decisions “added” by the translator in the Polish dubbed version of “Shrek”. The conclusion is that the translator’s decisions are not always the right ones, which is reflected in the relation triad between the choice, the norm and the quality of translation.Artykuł pomyślany jest jako garść uwag dotyczących jakości przekładu. Autorka koncetruje się przy tym na dwóch aspektach tłumaczenia: decyzjach tłumacza podejmowanych na poziomie mikrotekstowym, na przykładzie elementów gramatycznych języka francuskiego, oraz odniesieniach intertekstualnych „dodanych” przez tłumacza w polskim dubbingu Shreka. Okazuje się przy tym, że decyzje tłumacza nie zawsze są słuszne, co zostaje ukazane na przykładzie relacji między wyborem, normą a jakością przekładu

    Krążenie wiedzy przekładoznawczej: lektury polskich studentów

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    CIRCULATION OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TRANSLATION: POLISH STUDENTS READING LISTS The circulation of knowledge about translation is increasingly coming into the focus of translation studies scholars. Among the various forms of knowledge circulation in this field, in addition to conferences, regular meetings and academic publications, they point to encyclopaedias, anthologies and other collections of foundational texts, as well as textbooks. The present study is based on the reading lists drawn from the syllabuses of translation studies courses featuring in the curricula of various modern languages programmes offered by Polish universities in 2016-2019. It aims to identify the ‘Polish canon’ of translation studies knowledge emerging from the recent pedagogical practice. The analysis of the lists shows a fragmentation of recommended readings, leading to the conclusion that such a canon does not actually exist, and signals a dominance of texts written in English. Another striking finding is a very low proportion of translations, and especially the absence of foreign ‘classics’ of translation studies in Polish

    À la recherche de la voix du traducteur à l’école

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    En recourant au concept de la voix du traducteur, cette introduction signale divers aspects de l’utilisation scolaire de la traduction : sa présence indispensable à la transmission du patrimoine littéraire universel, la relativité des canons littéraires, l’instrumentalisation des textes traduits ainsi que leur recontextualisation et « accommodation » à des fins pédagogiques. Les mécanismes qui décident de cette utilisation de la traduction sont régis par des voix du pouvoir, qui se superposent à celle du traducteur.With recourse to the concept of the translator’s voice, this introduction points out different aspects of the use of translation at school: its necessary presence for the transmission of a universal literary heritage, the relativity of literary canons, the manipulation of literary texts for non-literary purposes, and their recontextualisation and “accommodation” for pedagogical objectives. The mechanisms that determine this use of translation are governed by the voices of power, which are superimposed on that of the translator

    Le traducteur et son image. Étude des couvertures d’ouvrages de traductologie

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    The front cover of a book usually contains the title, the authors’names, the publisher’s logo and an illustration. All these elements announce the content of the book, and the paraverbal elements (illustration, typographical arrangement…) can also be used to awaken the curiosity of the potential reader. This article deals with the reproductions of art works chosen by the editors for the front covers of Translation Studies books. Cover illustrations are treated here as a kind of “definition of translator’s work through a pictorial metaphor”, i.e. as a representation of how translation can be understood or as an indication of its important features. The analysis of these illustrations shows the various means used by the publishers of Translation Studies books to define translation through pictures.The front cover of a book usually contains the title, the authors’names, the publisher’s logo and an illustration. All these elements announce the content of the book, and the paraverbal elements (illustration, typographical arrangement…) can also be used to awaken the curiosity of the potential reader. This article deals with the reproductions of art works chosen by the editors for the front covers of Translation Studies books. Cover illustrations are treated here as a kind of “definition of translator’s work through a pictorial metaphor”, i.e. as a representation of how translation can be understood or as an indication of its important features. The analysis of these illustrations shows the various means used by the publishers of Translation Studies books to define translation through pictures

    Les fonctions de la traduction dans l’édition polonaise après 1989

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    Les effets du plurilinguisme dans la traduction littéraire : le cas de quelques romans de Stendhal, Konwicki et Lem

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    Partant d’exemples tirés de la traduction polonaise de La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal et des traductions françaises de deux romans de Tadeusz Konwicki (La Petite Apocalypse, Bohini) et de quelques romans et contes de Stanisław Lem, cet article examine les différents effets que peut avoir le plurilinguisme dans une œuvre ainsi que les diverses façons de le traiter dans la traduction.Using examples from the Polish translation of Stendhal’s La Chartreuse de Parme and the French translations of two novels by Tadeusz Konwicki (La Petite Apocalypse, Bohini) and a few novels and short stories by Stanisław Lem, this article examines the different effects plurilingualism can take in a fictional work and the different ways it can be handled in translation