45 research outputs found


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    Leadership is overwhelming the thinking of contemporary society. A well-functioning organization is first identified with its leader very often. Therefore, it is very important to question the attitude of leadership constantly, not to devalue it, but to understand it better and realize it. Moreover, the expression of leadership in different organizations is very distinct, and its specificity in areas such as health care is still insufficiently explored. Healthcare organizations hold strict hierarchy, therefore leadership is considered as equal to the administrative position. Modern conceptualizations such as transactional, shared, authentic and other leadership theories point to the educational power of a leadership; however, implementation remains challenging. The article presents the analytical-theoretical point of view and interpretive approach for case study about leadership. Firstly, the article introduces research evidence analysis of leadership educational impact for integrated health care system. Secondly, the traditional discourse of leadership is challenged with analysis of complex adaptive systems theory. The case study research was conducted with the purpose to identify the images of leadership among nursing staff and to recognize the needs for leadership education in the healthcare system. Case study results reveal the great need for leadership education in general and for shared leadership in particular

    The Prediction Of The Influence Of The National Orientation Of Teachers’ Personality On The National Identity Of Pupils. The Case Of Lithuania

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    Given the relevance of a problem emphasized both in the works of scientific research and legal framework the readiness of primary school teachers to educate national identity are going to be analyzed in this article considering the national orientation of teachers’ personality in educating the national identity of pupils. In spring 2014 the research was accomplished by applying quantitative research strategy. The aim of this research was to evaluate how the national orientation of teacher’s personality influences the national identity of pupils. The empirical research has revealed the extraordinary significance of teacher’s personality on the education of national identity in pupils proving at the same time that the younger a child is the stronger influence of teacher’s personality


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    The diagnosis of disability is always a critical and negative life event both for individual and family members. In many cases, this leads to complex psychological problems. The aim of this research was to add more understanding of the domain by using a interactional ethnographic approach to learn do (and how) spirituality and religion help individuals impacted by the relative person’s disability survive and cope successfully with their lives in spite of overwhelming despair. Interactional ethnographic approach was chosen for this research. The results revealed that spirituality and religion help in creating emotinal well-being, in finding and keeping hope. They help to make sence of disability and accept the disability. While participating in religious communities adds much to the emotional well-being and gives support from the community.

    Effective communication in the healthcare settings: Are the graduates ready for it?

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    Social competences, and particularly good communication skills, are becoming increasingly important in contemporary professional environment. Although studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of different training strategies, many Lithuanian higher education institutions have not yet incorporated the training of communication skills in their curriculum. The aim of this paper is to assess the communication skills of healthcare students in Lithuania and indicate the benefits of their development. Students graduating from a variety of health sciences study programs (N=118) self-assessed their communication skills. The results show that participants their communication skills as average with some potential strengths, i.e. ability to talk about things of interest to every person in conversation, recognizing how others are reacting to what is being said, not interrupting others in the conversation, understanding other people’s feelings, ability to praise the person, etc. On the other hand, some skills and abilities need to be improved, i.e. expressing opinion in a non-aggressive manner, as well as thinking and speaking clearly, while being emotional


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    Nurses' professional identities develop throughout their lifetimes, from before entering nursing education, throughout their years of study and clinical experience, and continue to evolve during their careers. Education is, however, a key period as it is during this time students gain the knowledge and skills that separate nurses as healthcare professionals from people representing their professions. In order to purposefully shape the professional identity of nursing students, there is a need of knowing the level at which students identify themselves with the profession when graduating from a university. The aim of the study is to reveal the professional identity of nursing students in Lithuania and Poland and to make recommendations for improving the study process on the basis of the results of the study. A quantitative survey was conducted in the spring of 2017. The results of the research reveal that the professional identity of nursing students is rather of high level, the decision to work as nurses is strong, but there are some gaps in understanding of roles and responsibilities of nursing.

    Mokytojų rengimo(si) ugdyti mokinių tautinį tapatumą teorinės prielaidos

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    LR švietimo įstatyme (2011) teigiama, kad mokytojas privalo ugdyti tvirtas mokiniųdorovės, pilietines, tautines ir patriotines nuostatas, pagarbą tėvams ir savo kultūriniamtapatumui. Straipsnio tikslas – išnagrinėti mokytojų pasirengimą ugdyti mokiniųtautinį tapatumą, apžvelgiant mokytojų rengimą istorinėje perspektyvoje ir šiandien.To siekiant atlikta mokslinės literatūros ir Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktų, reglamentuojančiųtautinio tapatumo ugdymą, analizė. Ji suteikia galimybę teigti, kadmokytojas tampa vis svarbesniu pedagoginio proceso dalyviu istorinių, ekonominių,sociokultūrinių visuomenės pokyčių kontekste. Didėja ir mokytojo gebėjimų ugdytimokinių tautinį tapatumą svarba. Tačiau reikia konstatuoti, kad dėmesio tautiniamtapatumui rengiant mokytojus trūksta. Tai rodo, kad deklaruojamas dėmesys tautiškumuidažnai yra tik formalumas, kad priemonės ir instrumentai jam stiprinti nėra rengiami,kad tautiškumo, tautinio tapatumo ugdymas paliekamas asmeninei mokytojoiniciatyvai, visiškai jo šiai veiklai neparengiant..PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: tautinio tapatumo ugdymas, mokytojų rengimas mokiniųtautiniam tapatumui ugdyti. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v6i0.122


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    Communication and social skills are becoming increasingly valuable in the 21st century. Despite increasing awareness of the importance of communication skills in modern healthcare practice, there is a lack of research that addresses this issue. The aim of this research is to assess the communication skills of healthcare professionals working in Lithuanian healthcare institutions. Respondents (n=1154) were asked to assess their own communication skills using the Interpersonal Communication Skills Inventory. The research revealed that sending clear message skills were the strongest and giving/getting feedback skills were the lowest for most of the respondents, including physicians, head nurses, nurse, nurse assistants, and other personnel. The strongest aspects were that respondents can talk to other people and others seemed to be interested and attentive when healthcare specialists were talking because in conversation they were trying to talk about things of interest to both them and the other persons. The respondents could recognize as well how others were reacting to what they were saying. However, they did not always care how other person feels about the point they try to make. Emotional interaction skills were the lowest for most of the respondents in this study. They saw a tendency to change the subject when other person’s feelings enter into the discussion and it was difficult for them to think when they were angry with someone. It was summarized that talking, listening, and emotional interaction skills of the respondents are the areas that need more consistent attention, and giving / getting feedback is the skill that needs much improvement.

    Attitude of primary teachers to the usage of ethnic languages (dialects) at primary school

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    An educator and an educated as well as the dialogue between them are necessary for the occurrence of educational process. The dialogue as an educational means has been known since the times of Plato and Socrates. Feelings, thinking, and speech (and everything that is related to them) operate during the dialogue. In order the dialogue not to become a monologue and the dialogue process to proceed more smoothly, both sides shall understand the speech of each other. In Lithuania like in the majority of countries the national language is common language at the same time. Although the basis of the common language is structured of ethnic languages (dialects), nevertheless, even linguists admit themselves that common and ethnic language (dialect) are different language codes. Although it has been founded with research that the significance of ethnic languages (dialects) for children coming from ethnic regions is high, however, there is the lack of research on their usage at school, what is determined, and what role is performed by teacher‘s attitude towards the usage of ethnic languages (dialects). Consequently, the aim of this article is to reveal the attitude of primary teachers from Lithuanian comprehensive schools to the usage of ethnic languages (dialects). For this aim in the year 2011 the written survey of 440 primary teachers from Lithuanian comprehensive schools was accomplished applying for the specially-created instrument.After the accomplishing of the research it was revealed that primary teachers agree to the attitude that ethnic languages (dialects) are obsolescent but they are worth, it is solid and honourable to speak them, whereas it should be encouraged to speak the languages of ethnic regions at home. It was determined that respondents only partly agree to the usage of ethnic languages in the education process at schools of ethnic regions. The survey of respondents about the usage of ethnic languages in the educational process allows perceiving that without reference to the identification with one particular ethnic group and other socio-demographic characteristics, the acceptance to this attitude is expressed mostly by the respondents who studied themselves and communicated at school in ethnic language. The research accomplished and its results allow making providences about the peculiarities and tendencies of usage of ethnic languages (dialects) in social and school life as well as the role and significance of teachers in this proces

    Tautinio tapatumo samprata

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tauta; Tautinio tapatumo teorijos; Tautinis tapatumas; Ugdymas; Education; Nation; National identity; National identity theorie