7 research outputs found

    Human Papillomavirus Genotype Distribution in Czech Women and Men with Diseases Etiologically Linked to HPV

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    The HPV prevalence and genotype distribution are important for the estimation of the impact of HPV-based cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination on the incidence of diseases etiologically linked to HPVs. The HPV genotype distribution varies across different geographical regions. Therefore, we investigated the type-specific HPV prevalence in Czech women and men with anogenital diseases.We analyzed 157 squamous cell carcinoma samples, 695 precancerous lesion samples and 64 cervical, vulvar and anal condylomata acuminate samples. HPV detection and typing were performed by PCR with GP5+/6+ primers, reverse line blot assay and sequencing. samples. HPV types 6 and/or 11 were detected in 84% samples of condylomata acuminate samples.The prevalence of vaccinal and related HPV types in patients with HPV-associated diseases in the Czech Republic is very high. We may assume that the implementation of routine vaccination against HPV would greatly reduce the burden of HPV-associated diseases in the Czech Republic

    Economic burden of human papillomavirus-related diseases in Italy

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    INTRODUCTION: Human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes 6, 11, 16, and 18 impose a substantial burden of direct costs on the Italian National Health Service that has never been quantified fully. The main objective of the present study was to address this gap: (1) by estimating the total direct medical costs associated with nine major HPV-related diseases, namely invasive cervical cancer, cervical dysplasia, cancer of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, and head and neck, anogenital warts, and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, and (2) by providing an aggregate measure of the total economic burden attributable to HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18 infection. METHODS: For each of the nine conditions, we used available Italian secondary data to estimate the lifetime cost per case, the number of incident cases of each disease, the total economic burden, and the relative prevalence of HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18, in order to estimate the aggregate fraction of the total economic burden attributable to HPV infection. RESULTS: The total direct costs (expressed in 2011 Euro) associated with the annual incident cases of the nine HPV-related conditions included in the analysis were estimated to be €528.6 million, with a plausible range of €480.1-686.2 million. The fraction attributable to HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18 was €291.0 (range €274.5-315.7 million), accounting for approximately 55% of the total annual burden of HPV-related disease in Italy. CONCLUSIONS: The results provided a plausible estimate of the significant economic burden imposed by the most prevalent HPV-related diseases on the Italian welfare system. The fraction of the total direct lifetime costs attributable to HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18 infections, and the economic burden of noncervical HPV-related diseases carried by men, were found to be cost drivers relevant to the making of informed decisions about future investments in programmes of HPV prevention

    The cytokeratin 17 expression in primary ovarian tumors has diagnostic but not prognostic significance

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    We assessed the value of cytokeratin 17 (CK17) expression for the differential diagnosis between primary ovarian mucinous tumors and metastases from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the significance of CK17 expression in a broad spectrum of primary ovarian tumors with respect to their prognosis. The sample set consisted of 554 primary ovarian tumors and 255 GIT tumors. In the primary ovarian tumors, a higher CK17 expression (in > 10% of tumors cells) was present only in 0-11.4% of all tumors (including mucinous tumors, micropapillary serous borderline tumors, clear cell, endometrioid, and high-grade serous carcinomas). The only exception was low-grade serous carcinoma, where higher CK17 expression was present in 24% of cases. Concerning GIT tumors, the higher levels of CK 17 expression (in > 10% of tumor cells) were observed in the upper GIT tumors (68.5% of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, 61.6% of gallbladder adenocarcinoma, and 46% of gastric adenocarcinoma), which differs substantially not only from most of the primary ovarian tumors, but also from colorectal carcinoma (3.7%; p < 0.001). The results of our study suggest that expression of CK17 can potentially be used as an adjunct marker in differential diagnosis between primary ovarian mucinous tumors and metastases from the upper GIT, but not from colorectal carcinoma. However, in GIT tumors, CK17 can be used in the differential diagnosis between adenocarcinomas of the upper and lower GIT. Statistical analysis did not reveal strong association of CK17 expression with clinicopathological variables or patient outcomes in any primary ovarian tumors