145 research outputs found

    Effect of syrepar and oxaphenamide on liver function in experimental hypokinesia

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    Experiments on albino rats showed that 30 day hypokinesia changes the reaction of the liver to cholagogues. The choleretic action of oxaphenamide as well as its inhibitory effect on synthesis of bile acids diminishes, while the influence of bilirubin secretion increases

    The Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data and Meterological Observations for Winter Wheat Yield Assessment

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    This study focuses on winter wheat yield assessment from NASA's Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) product and meteorological observations through phenological fitting. Vegetation indices (VIs), namely difference vegetation index (DVI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI2), extracted from satellite optical data, are fitted per pixel against accumulated growing degree days (AGDD) using a quadratic function. Accumulated VIs are correlated against winter wheat yields. Results show a better performance from DVI compared to NDVI and EVI2

    Les grandes lames de silex du mobilier funéraire des proto-éleveurs du sud de l’Europe orientale

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    Since the discovery of the burial complexes left by the early stock-breeders in the steppe areas on the left bank of the Dnieper river in Ukraine, the problem of their synchronization with various cultural Eneolithic stages distinguished in the Balkan-Danube region has been hotly debated, as well as the question of the role the stock-breeding populations played in the sudden disappearance of these cultures. One of the most interesting finds were the burials discovered at Lugansk in Ukraine. Flint artifacts constitute an important category of the burial inventory, and of particular interest among them are macroblades. The experiments carried out by different researchers show that the production of such blades was associated with some specific methods of splitting, such as the use of a lever mechanism. Ocher was found on the surface of all these blades. Most of the tools have identical use-wear traces similar to those characteristic of the knives that were used to cut meat. The shortage of data about the Eneolithic flint-working centers in the steppe zone of Ukraine makes it difficult to decide whether the blades from local burial complexes were produced in place or imported from outside. Some chance finds of hoards with blades (without cultural context), as well as single interments with blades and cores may be indicative of the existence of vagrant flintknappers.Depuis la découverte des sites funéraires attribués aux éleveurs de la steppe de l’Ukraine sur la berge gauche du Dniepr, le problème de leur synchronisation avec les différentes communautés énéolithiques distinguées dans la région balkano-danubienne est vivement débattu, de même que la question de leur rôle dans la disparition soudaine de ces cultures. Les sépultures mises au jour dans la région de Lugansk en Ukraine sont parmi les découvertes les plus intéressantes. L’outillage de silex y constitue une part importante du mobilier funéraire, au sein duquel se distinguent de très grandes lames. Les expérimentations conduites par différents chercheurs montrent que la production de telles lames requérait des techniques de débitage particulières, telles que la pression au levier. Toutes ces lames sont ocrées et leur analyse tracéologique révèle des usures semblables à celles observées expérimentalement sur les couteaux à viande. Le manque de données sur des ateliers énéolithiques de taille du silex dans la steppe de l’Ukraine ne nous permet pas de dire si les lames qui composent le mobilier des sites funéraires par lesquels sont identifiés les éleveurs de la région ont été produites localement ou importées

    Climatic variability in the era of MIS-11 (370-440 ka BP) according to isotope composition (delta D, delta O-18, delta O-17) of ice from the Vostok station cores

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    The results of detailed isotopic studies of ice core samples from the Vostok station (East Antarctica) related to the MIS-11  era (the 11th sea isotope stage, i.e. 370–440 thousand years ago) are presented. Reconstruction of paleoclimatic conditions in this period of time was performed using the method of interpretation of the results of isotopic studies of ice, developed by the authors of the article, which is based on the joint analysis of three independent parameters: δD, d-excess, 17O-excess. The isotopic composition (δD) and the deuterium  excess depend on the following  three meteorological  parameters – the condensation temperature near the Vostok station, relative humidity,  and the sea surface temperature at the source of moisture, whereas 17O-excess depends only on the first two parameters. Accordingly,  the proposed method of interpretation allows reconstructing the paleoclimatic conditions (the condensation temperature and surface air temperature at the Vostok station; sea surface temperature and relative humidity  above the ocean) in two different regions in past epochs. For the first time, data on minor fluctuations in the relative humidity of the air in themoisture source throughout the MIS-11  era were obtained. The data resulted from the interpretation demonstrated that the relative humidity fluctuated within the measurement error of ±5%. Reconstructed climatic conditions in the era of MIS-11  were compared with published data for stations Vostok and Concordia, aswell as with the marine core data from 94-607 DSDP and ODP 177-1090. The results obtained on the basis of isotopic analysis of ice cores from stations Vostok and Concordia indicated that in the optimum MIS-11the air temperature was4 °C higher, and in the Termination V –8 °C lower than the present-day values. Thesimilarity of data between the marine columns DSDP  94-607 (North Atlantic), ODP 177-1090 (South Ocean)and our results points to the global nature of changes in the sea surface temperature during the MIS-11  era. The coordination  of the above results proves the high quality of the methods developed by the authors for measuring and interpreting the isotope composition of ice

    Apokamps produced by repetitive discharges in air

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    New experimental and computational data on apokamps produced by repetitive discharges in air, including a detailed description of the research techniques used, are presented. It has been shown that plasma bullets–streamers in apokamps at low frequencies could start not only from the bright offshoot but also directly from the discharge channel. The experimental and computational data demonstrate that the visual color of apokamp changes from blue to red as the intensity ratio of the second to the first positive nitrogen system decreases with the decreasing pressure

    Detecting natural disasters, damage, and incidents in the wild

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    Responding to natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and wildfires, is a laborious task performed by on-the-ground emergency responders and analysts. Social media has emerged as a low-latency data source to quickly understand disaster situations. While most studies on social media are limited to text, images offer more information for understanding disaster and incident scenes. However, no large-scale image datasets for incident detection exists. In this work, we present the Incidents Dataset, which contains 446,684 images annotated by humans that cover 43 incidents across a variety of scenes. We employ a baseline classification model that mitigates false-positive errors and we perform image filtering experiments on millions of social media images from Flickr and Twitter. Through these experiments, we show how the Incidents Dataset can be used to detect images with incidents in the wild. Code, data, and models are available online at http://incidentsdataset.csail.mit.edu.Comment: ECCV 202

    О возможности реконструкции климатического сигнала в нарушенной записи изотопного состава древнего льда (0,4–1,2 млн лет назад) в керне станции Восток (Центральная Антарктида)

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    In this work we have presented new detailed (with the resolution of 10 cm) stable water isotope (δD and δ18O) profile measured in the central Antarctic Vostok ice core section that contains old ice with the age from 0.4 to 1.2 million years. To interpret these data we have developed a model of molecular diffusion in ice and determined the value of so-called «diffusion length». We have demonstrated that the climatic signal in this ice interval is disturbed by a combination of two processes, ice layer folding (that is accompanied by layer overturning and mixing) and molecular diffusion. The whole old ice interval can be divided in 5  zones that differ in terms of character and intensity of these two processes. In three of these zones the climatic signal is partly preserved and could be restored to some extent. However, in the most interesting and old zone  5 (0.75–1.2  Ma) the climatic signal is nearly completely erased and could hardly be reconstructed. At the same time, the isotopic records obtained from the Vostok old ice have preserved the information on the mean level of the isotopic content of ice in glacial and interglacial stages. This gives an opportunity to reveal and study long-term climatic trends with typical duration longer than main climatic cycles (40–100 ka).Представлены новые детальные данные (с разрешением 10  см) об изотопном составе (δD и δ18O) керна со станции Восток в интервале 3318–3537  м, содержащего древний лёд возрастом 0,4–1,2  млн лет. Показано, что климатический сигнал в этом интервале льда сильно искажён совместным действием стратиграфических нарушений в залегании ледяных слоёв и молекулярной диффузии. Сделана попытка частично восстановить климатический сигнал в отдельных интервалах древнего льда


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    The results of detailed isotopic studies of ice core samples from the Vostok station (East Antarctica) related to the MIS-11  era (the 11th sea isotope stage, i.e. 370–440 thousand years ago) are presented. Reconstruction of paleoclimatic conditions in this period of time was performed using the method of interpretation of the results of isotopic studies of ice, developed by the authors of the article, which is based on the joint analysis of three independent parameters: δD, d-excess, 17O-excess. The isotopic composition (δD) and the deuterium  excess depend on the following  three meteorological  parameters – the condensation temperature near the Vostok station, relative humidity,  and the sea surface temperature at the source of moisture, whereas 17O-excess depends only on the first two parameters. Accordingly,  the proposed method of interpretation allows reconstructing the paleoclimatic conditions (the condensation temperature and surface air temperature at the Vostok station; sea surface temperature and relative humidity  above the ocean) in two different regions in past epochs. For the first time, data on minor fluctuations in the relative humidity of the air in themoisture source throughout the MIS-11  era were obtained. The data resulted from the interpretation demonstrated that the relative humidity fluctuated within the measurement error of ±5%. Reconstructed climatic conditions in the era of MIS-11  were compared with published data for stations Vostok and Concordia, aswell as with the marine core data from 94-607 DSDP and ODP 177-1090. The results obtained on the basis of isotopic analysis of ice cores from stations Vostok and Concordia indicated that in the optimum MIS-11the air temperature was4 °C higher, and in the Termination V –8 °C lower than the present-day values. Thesimilarity of data between the marine columns DSDP  94-607 (North Atlantic), ODP 177-1090 (South Ocean)and our results points to the global nature of changes in the sea surface temperature during the MIS-11  era. The coordination  of the above results proves the high quality of the methods developed by the authors for measuring and interpreting the isotope composition of ice.Представлены результаты детальных изотопных исследований  2 тыс. образцов  ледяного керна со станции Восток, относящихся к эпохе МИС-11 (370–440 тыс. л.н.). Обсуждаются методики измерения 17O-эксцесс на лазерном  анализаторе,  а также интерпретации  изотопного состава, основанные  на совместном  анализе  трёх независимых  параметров:  δD, d-excess и 17O-excess. Реконструированы климатические  условия в окрестностях станции Восток и в месте испарения  влаги (над океаном). Полученные результаты сравниваются с опубликованными результатами по станциям Восток и Конкордия, а также с данными по морским колонкам DSDP 94-607 и ODP 177-1090

    Изотопный состав атмосферных осадков и природных вод в районе Баренцбурга (Шпицберген)

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    In 2016–2017, during Russian Arctic Expedition on Svalbard (RAE‑S) we have collected the samples of atmospheric precipitation, terrestrial waters, snow and ice on Spitsbergen island in the vicinity of Grønfjorden. The measurements of stable water isotope content (δ18O and δD) in the atmospheric precipitation has allowed to draw the Local Meteoric Water Line (δD = 6,93δ18O − 0,35) and to analyze the relationship between the isotopic content and condensation temperature. Aside from this, the d-excess values in precipitation (dexc= δD − 8δ18O) was interpreted as a marker of the moisture source. It has been demonstrated that the isotopic content of the surface waters (lakes and rivers) clearly points to the dominating type of feeding (atmospheric, ground) of these hydrological objects. We have discovered the interannual variability of the isotopic composition of Lake Kongress water during 2 years and defined the sources of water in its tributes: 13 of them have atmospheric source and 9 – ground source. In general, isotopic content of water in the vicinity of Grønfjorden (mean values are: δ18O = −10,3 ‰, δD = −72,5 ‰) is higher than in other regions of Svalbard.Ключевые слова: атмосферные осадки, изотопный состав, природные воды, Шпицберген. Приведена интерпретация изотопных исследований проб воды, снега и льда, отобранных на ледниках Альдегонда, Западный и Восточный Грёнфьорд и в их долинах (озёра, снежники, реки), а также в долине оз. Конгресс. На основании анализа изотопного состава атмосферных осадков в посёлке Баренцбург в 2016–2017 гг. обсуждается использование изотопного состава как индикатора источника влаги для атмосферных осадков