511 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review: Examination of Yoga-Based Interventions to Determine their Benefits and Effectiveness in Treating PTSD in Women

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    This systematic review was designed to examine yoga-based interventions to determine their benefits and effectiveness in treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in women. The review was set up using peer reviewed articles published after 2007. The databases Scopus, CINHAL, AMED, Health Source, PsychINFO and Pilots were systematically searched using the terms: “post-traumatic stress disorder” or “PTSD” and “yoga-based interventions” or “yoga interventions” or “yoga” or “mind-body therapy”. Out of these searches nine articles satisfied criteria for inclusion and were used in the final review. Three themes emerged from the research synthesis regarding how yoga-based interventions can be beneficial and effective for women in decreasing PTSD symptoms; 1) acceptance and being at peace, 2) empowerment and self-esteem, 3) centeredness and mindfulness. The research suggests the importance of utilizing mind-body therapist such as yoga-based interventions in treatment and healing for a PTSD diagnosis. Moving forward, more research is required with yoga-based intervention and women experiencing PTSD to better understand the therapeutic value of this type of intervention. Exploring the idea of culturally specific yoga-based interventions as well as reviewing these interventions with a broader scope of demographics are also important areas for further study

    A Systematic Review: Examination of Yoga-Based Interventions to Determine their Benefits and Effectiveness in Treating PTSD in Women

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    This systematic review was designed to examine yoga-based interventions to determine their benefits and effectiveness in treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in women. The review was set up using peer reviewed articles published after 2007. The databases Scopus, CINHAL, AMED, Health Source, PsychINFO and Pilots were systematically searched using the terms: “post-traumatic stress disorder” or “PTSD” and “yoga-based interventions” or “yoga interventions” or “yoga” or “mind-body therapy”. Out of these searches nine articles satisfied criteria for inclusion and were used in the final review. Three themes emerged from the research synthesis regarding how yoga-based interventions can be beneficial and effective for women in decreasing PTSD symptoms; 1) acceptance and being at peace, 2) empowerment and self-esteem, 3) centeredness and mindfulness. The research suggests the importance of utilizing mind-body therapist such as yoga-based interventions in treatment and healing for a PTSD diagnosis. Moving forward, more research is required with yoga-based intervention and women experiencing PTSD to better understand the therapeutic value of this type of intervention. Exploring the idea of culturally specific yoga-based interventions as well as reviewing these interventions with a broader scope of demographics are also important areas for further study

    Non-beta-lactamase-mediated beta-lactam resistance in Haemophilus influenzae. Mechanisms, epidemiology and susceptibility testing

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    Paper I and IV of this thesis are not available in Munin. Paper I: Skaare, D., Allum, A.-G., Anthonisen, I. L., Jenkins, A., Lia, A. Strand, L., Tveten, Y., Kristiansen, B.-E.: «Mutant ftsI genes in the emergence of penicillin-binding proteinmediated β-lactam resistance in Haemophilus influenzae in Norway”. Available in Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2010, 16(8):1117–1124. Paper IV: Skaare. D., Lia. A., Hannisdal, A., Tveten, Y., Matuschek, E., Kahlmeter, G., Kristiansen, B.-E.: “Haemophilus influenzae with non-beta-lactamase-mediated beta-lactam resistance: easy to find but hard to categorize”. Available in Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2015, 53(11):3589-3595. Haemophilus influenzae is a major pathogen, with the ability to cause a wide spectrum of invasive and non-invasive infections. Beta-lactams are first-line drugs but beta- lactam resistant strains are common. Beta-lactamase (bla) producing isolates emerged in the 1970s, and non-bla-mediated resistance due to mutations in the ftsI gene encoding penicillin-binding protein 3, denoted ‘rPBP3’ in this project, has increased in recent years. Low-rPBP3 H. influenzae are defined by the absence of the S385T substitution and the presence of R517H (group I) or N526K (group II); these genotypes predominate in Europe, North America and Australia, whereas high-rPBP3 isolates (defined by the additional S385T substitution) are common in Japan and Korea. Data from the Norwegian Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Drug Resistance (NORM) suggest that rPBP3 H. influenzae emerged in Norway in the early 2000s. In this project, two cross-sectional (I and II) and one longitudinal study (III) were performed to explore the resistance mechanisms, epidemiology and clinical characteristics of H. influenzae with non-bla-mediated beta-lactam resistance. The project was the first to characterize the resistance mechanism in Nordic H. influenzae with this phenotype. Study I encompassed 46 respiratory H. influenzae from NORM 2004, including 23 isolates with phenotypes suggesting the presence of non-bla-mediated beta-lactam resistance mechanisms and 23 susceptible control isolates. Study II encompassed 196 respiratory isolates from NORM 2007, including 177 with non-wild type susceptibility to beta-lactams not explained by bla, and 19 susceptible controls. Characterization included pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), ftsI sequencing with deduction of PBP3 substitution patterns (PBP3 typing), and susceptibility testing by determination of beta-lactam MICs. The prevalence of rPBP3 isolates in 2007 was 14.6%. The exact prevalence in 2004 could not be calculated (≥4.8%), but was estimated to 5.7% based on NORM data and the rPBP3 prevalence / amoxicillin-clavulanic acid resistance rate ratio in 2007. These results indicate that the rPBP3 prevalence increased significantly in Norway from 2004 to 2007. Estimated rPBP3 prevalences in more recent NORM populations suggest a further increase to 16.6% in 2014. Enhanced selection pressure due to a 76% increase in amoxicillin usage between 2000 and 2012 may have contributed to the increased frequency of rPBP3 H. influenzae in Norway. Isolates with group II low-rPBP3 genotypes accounted for most (96%) of rPBP3 H. influenzae in NORM 2007, and four clones with unique combinations of MLST allelic profiles and ftsI alleles accounted for 61% of all rPBP3 isolates. Analyses of clonality and comparison with other investigations showed that rPBP3 clones might persist over several years. The ST14/PBP3 type A clone appears to be particularly persistent, widespread and virulent. A few (n=13) bla-negative isolates with non-wild type beta- lactam susceptibility lacked rPBP3-defining substitutions in Study II, suggesting the existence of additional resistance mechanisms. Study III encompassed 30 high-rPBP3 H. influenzae from Norway (2006-2013). Characterization included MLST, PFGE, ftsI sequencing, PBP3 typing and determination of broth microdilution (BMD) MIC for a wide range of agents. The strain collection is unique outside Japan. Of particular notice is the large number (n=23) of group III isolates (N526K + S385T), including 12 isolates with the additional L389F substitution associated with increased resistance. We suggest adding the suffix ‘(+)’ for L389F positive isolates. The resistance rates for extended-spectrum cephalosporins were high in Study III, varying from 47% (ceftriaxone) to 97% (cefixime). Among the isolates were the first reported invasive group III(+) H. influenzae from Europe, and an extensively multi-drug-resistant (MDR) group III(+) high-rPBP3 ST159 strain, resistant to all extended-spectrum cephalosporins tested, and four classes of non-beta-lactams. This remarkable resistotype is previously unreported. The MDR strain was isolated from three patients at the same hospital within a period of four days, illustrating the potential for nosocomial spread. Study III documented the emergence and spread of high-rPBP3 H. influenzae in Norway during the 2000s. A contribution of selective antimicrobial pressure is suggested by a 158% increase in extended-spectrum cephalosporin usage from 2000 to 2012, further underlining the importance of rational use of antibiotics. This project was the first to report identical ftsI alleles in rPBP3 strains unrelated by MLST, suggesting that horizontal transfer of rPBP3-encoding ftsI gene sequences contributes to the evolution of new rPBP3 strains in vivo. The situation calls for improved surveillance. The MLST-ftsI typing approach, developed and validated in Study II, is a powerful tool for global molecular surveillance of rPBP3 H. influenzae. MLST-PBP3 typing offers lower resolution but may be used as a surrogate approach. In Study IV, 154 bla-negative H. influenzae from Study II were used to evaluate nine disks as screening for isolates with rPBP3 genotypes, and Etest and EUCAST disk diffusion were evaluated for categorization of susceptibility to beta-lactams with BMD MICs as the gold standard. The benzylpenicillin 1 unit disk, recommended for screening by EUCAST and first evaluated in this project, detected rPBP3 H. influenzae with high sensitivity (96.2%) and specificity (94.0%) but is unsuitable for screening of bla-positive isolates. The cefuroxime 5 μg disk demonstrated high sensitivity (94.2%) and acceptable specificity (88.0%) and was superior to previously evaluated disks with bla-stable agents, including cefaclor 30 μg and cefuroxime 30 μg. Cefuroxime 5 μg appears to be the best current option for screening of bla-positive H. influenzae but the disk is not available from all manufacturers. False susceptible rates were high with ampicillin Etest (88%) and disk diffusion with ampicillin 2 μg (EUCAST zone breakpoints, 77%; adjusted breakpoints, 28%). The poor performance may in part be explained by poor calibration of Etest and methodology-dependent test variation, but also reflects that current clinical breakpoints for aminopenicillins divide the low-rPBP3 population, making susceptibility categorization vulnerable to day-to-day variation. Breakpoint changes may improve agreement with reference methodology, but clinical data to support breakpoints for H. influenzae and beta-lactams are insufficient. To minimize the clinical consequences of very major errors, a warning comment should be added for rPBP3 screening positive isolates susceptible to aminopenicillins by disk diffusion and gradient tests. H. influenzae positive by rPBP3 screening should be reported ampicillin resistant in cases of meningitis, irrespective of results by agent- directed testing

    Påvirker valutakursendringer prising av norsk laks? : "Pricing to market" i norsk eksport av fersk oppdrettslaks

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    Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke om norske lakseeksportører tar ulike priser i ulike markeder som følge av valutakursendringer. Denne formen for prisdiskriminering omtales i litteraturen som pricing to market (PTM). Vi benytter en first differences modell av Knetter (1993) for å analysere forekomsten av PTM i norsk eksport av fersk oppdrettslaks i perioden 2002 til 2015. Vårt datasett består av månedlige eksportpriser og valutakurser til 22 eksportdestinasjoner som til sammen står for over 90 prosent av den totale eksportverdien for norsk laks. Vi finner at norske eksportører justerer sine prispåslag ved valutakursendringer, og konkluderer derfor med at PTM forekommer i eksporten av oppdrettslaks til flere markeder. Dette gjelder eksporten til Frankrike, Polen, Belgia, USA, Japan, Sør-Korea samt eurosonen, der graden av exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) varierer fra 40 til 80 prosent. En mulig årsak til dette er konkurransen som norske lakseeksportører møter i disse markedene. Våre funn indikerer at laksemarkedet ikke er integrert, som igjen medfører brudd på law of one price (LOP). Videre indikerer resultatene at norske lakseeksportører utøver markedsmakt, fordi PTM innebærer at eksportøren kan ta en pris over marginalkostnad.This master thesis investigates pricing to market (PTM) in Norwegian farmed salmon exports between 2002 and 2015. Our analysis is conducted by using a first differences model by Knetter (1993). Our data consists of monthly export prices and exchange rates for 22 export markets that make up more than 90 percent of the total export value for Norwegian salmon during the period analyzed. The findings suggest that Norwegian salmon exporters adjust their destination-specific markups in response to exchange-rate changes. Our results imply that PTM occurs in exports to France, Poland, Belgium, the USA, Japan, South Korea and the Eurozone. The degree of exchange rate pass-through varies from 40 to 80 percent for the import prices in these markets. One possible explanation is the competition that Norwegian salmon exporters face in these markets. Our findings suggest that the salmon market is not integrated, and therefore the law of one price does not hold. The findings also suggest that the exporters have some market power since PTM implies that exporters are able to charge a price above marginal costs.M-Ø

    Når må vi begynne? - En miljøpsykologisk undersøkelse av tid, målsettinger og klimaarbeid

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    Sammendrag Målsettinger om reduksjon av klimagassutslippene blir framsatt av kommuner, Norge og FN. Videre er organisasjoner som Fremtiden i våre hender opptatt av at vi mennesker må redusere vårt personlig forbruk. De nevnte aktørene har alle konkrete årstall for når de ulike målsettingene skal være nådd. Utfordringen er at dette er årstall som er satt langt frem i tid. Dette er problematisk fordi mennesker oppfatter tid ulikt. Vårt tidsperspektiv har betydning for vår adferd. Generelt argumenteres det for at disse tidsperspektivene har innflytelse på våre vurderinger, avgjørelser og handlinger. Det er også viktig og avgjørende at vi er motivert til å gjøre de nødvendige endringene for å nå klimamålsettingene. Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke når vi mener arbeidet for å nå de ulike klimamålsettingene må begynne. I studien ble det benyttet et spørreskjema. Dette var tilgjengelig i fire uker. Spørreundersøkelsen ble delt bredt for å nå flest mulige respondenter. Det var 226 respondenter som deltok i undersøkelsen. Flere av spørsmålene som det legges vekt på i analysene tar utgangpunkt i flere forhold. Disse er FNs bærekraftsmål, en undersøkelse fra Cicero hvor de legger frem tre grep som kan kutte klimagassutslippene i kommunene, Norges klimaplan for 2021-2030 og en undersøkelse fra Framtiden i våre hender om bærekraftig forbruk og produksjon. Resultatene i denne studien viste at det eneste som har betydning for når respondentene mener vi måtte begynne var klimaholdninger.Abstract Objectives for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are put forward by municipalities, Norway and the UN. Furthermore, organizations such as the Future in our hands are concerned that we humans must reduce our personal consumption. The aforementioned actors all have concrete annual figures for when the various objectives will be reached. The challenge is that these are years set far in the future. This is problematic because people perceive time differently. Our time perspective is important for our behavior. In general, it is argued that these time perspectives have an influence on our assessments, decisions and actions. It is also important and decisive that we are motivated to make the necessary changes to achieve the climate goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate when we think the work to achieve the various climate targets must begin. A questionnaire was used in the study. This was available for four weeks. The survey was shared widely in order to reach as many respondents as possible. There were 226 respondents who took part in the survey. Several of the questions that are emphasized in the analyzes are based on several factors. These are the UN's sustainability goals, a survey from Cicero in which they put forward three measures that can cut greenhouse gas emissions in municipalities, Norway's climate plan for 2021-2030 and a survey from Future in our hands about sustainable consumption and production. The results of this study showed that the only thing that matters for when the respondents think we should start was climate attitudes

    I hvilken grad kan en erverver av fast eiendom sikre seg mot ekstinksjon uten å tinglyse hjemmelsovergang?

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    Oppgaven handler om hvilke ulemper unnlatt tinglysing av hjemmelsovergang innebærer etter gjeldende rett og i hvilken grad ulempene kan reduseres eller fjernes ved å bruke rettsvernssurrogater. Herunder hvilke krav som stilles til rettsvernssurrogatene for at de skal beskytte kjøpers rett.MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJUR-2MAJU

    Kartlegging av kostholdet til turnusansatte innen helsesektoren

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    Bakgrunn: Rundt 33 % av Norges befolkning jobber turnusarbeid. Rapporten "arbeidstid og helse" fra statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt viser at de som jobber turnus har økt risiko for en rekke livsstilssykdommer, som en følge av en usunn livsstil. Andre studier har vist at turnusarbeid påvirker de ansattes matvarevalg og måltidsrytme, det kan forhindre regelmessige inntak av måltider og øke småspising. Det er lite forskning rundt kostholdet til arbeidsgruppen, og denne oppgaven skal derfor gjøre en kartlegging av turnusansattes kosthold. Problemstilling: Dekker turnusansattes kosthold næringsstoffanbefalingene? Metode: Det er utført en tverrsnittstudie i forbindelse med denne oppgaven. Data ble samlet inn i januar 2017 fra to sykehjem i Oslo-området. Studien inkluderte kvinner i en alder fra 18- 60 år. For innsamling av data ble det benyttet et kostregistreringsskjema der deltakerne registrerte alt de spiste i 3 dager, to dager på jobb og en fridag. Det ble vedlagt et spørreskjema, der deltakerne svarte på spørsmål angående kjønn, aldersgruppe, aktivitetsnivå og fysisk aktivitet samt høyde og vekt for å finne kroppsmasseindeks. For å se eventuelle kostholds- og vektendringer, ble det inkludert spørsmål om dette. Fra informasjonen i spørreskjemaet ble det opprettet en profil for hver deltaker i ”Kostholdsplanleggeren”, der kostregistreringene også ble ført inn. Dette ga opphav til en oversikt over inntak av ulike næringsstoffer for hver enkelt deltaker. Dataene ble analysert i Excel (Microsoft Office, Excel 2011), og i SPSS (IBM SPSS, versjon 21) ble det utarbeidet grafer og diagrammer. I denne oppgaven presenteres sentralmål som median og spredningen med kvartiler ved skjevfordelte variabler. Resultater: Medianverdien (P50) for utvalget var 1666 kcal/dag (kvartilbredde 451). Inntaket av protein og fett var i øverste anbefalte grense, i motsetning til inntaket av karbohydrat som var i nedre grense for anbefalingene. 10 % er innenfor anbefalingene for mettet fett og 20 % er innenfor anbefalingene for kostfiber. Inntaket av mikronæringsstoffene vitamin D, kalsium, jern, folat og jod er lavt for dette utvalget, der mellom 0 og 30 % dekker sitt behov for daglig inntak. Konklusjon: Turnusansattes kosthold dekker ikke Helsedirektoratets næringsstoffanbefalinger i denne studien. Det er nødvendig at flere studier gjennomføres for å tydeliggjøre problematikken rundt dette temaet