1,422 research outputs found

    Metaphors and Metaphysics

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    Culture is a net of information exchange basing upon messages. To say anything about understanding within cultural communication one should study the very structure of a message. It seems that any message consists in at least five elements: sending – a node within the culture net projects and constructs the information transfer coding – the message is encoded in a specific language pattern medium – material carrier of the information decoding – the language of the message is identified and the content is read receiving – understanding of the message The process of understanding is engaged in the first and the last stage of communication and therefore the abilities of constructing and understanding a message are to be examined1

    Testing a model of variability of X-ray reprocessing features in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    A number of recent results from X-ray observations of Active Galactic Nuclei involving the Fe K alpha line (reduction of line variability compared to the X-ray continuum variability, the X-ray ``Baldwin effect'') were attributed to a presence of a hot, ionized skin of an accretion disc, suppressing emission of the line. The ionized skin appears as a result of the thermal instability of X-ray irradiated plasma. We test this hypothesis by computing the Thomson thickness of the hot skin on top of the 'alpha P_tot' Shakura-Sunyaev disc, by simultaneously solving the vertical structure of both the hot skin and the disc. We then compute a number of relations between observable quantities, e.g. the hard X-ray flux, amplitude of the observed reprocessed component, relativistic smearing of the K alpha line, the r.m.s. variability of the hard X-rays. These relations can be compared to present and future observations. We point out that this mechanism is unlikely to explain the behaviour of the X-ray source in MCG-6-30-15, where there is a number of arguments against the existence of a thick hot skin, but it can work for some other Seyfert 1 galaxies.Comment: 12 pages. MNRAS, accepte

    Migration and union dissolution in a changing socio-economic context

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    Previous studies show that family migration is usually to the benefit of the man’s professional career and that it has a negative impact on the woman’s economic well-being and employment. This study extends previous research by examining the effect of family migration on union dissolution. We use the event-history data of two retrospective surveys from Russia and apply hazard regression. The analysis shows that couples who move frequently over long distances have a significantly higher risk of union dissolution than couples who do not move or move only once. Our further analysis reveals that the risk of disruption for frequent movers is high when the migrant woman has a job. Frequent migrants had a high risk of union dissolution during the Soviet period but they faced no such risk during the post-Soviet socio-economic transition. We argue that frequent moving increases union instability through a variety of mechanisms, the effect of which may vary across socio-economic contexts.event history analysis, migration, rural areas, Russia, union dissolution, urban


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    Skripsi ini membahas mengenai model antrian single channel multiple phase dengan disiplin pelayanan FIFO (First In First Out) yakni suatu aturan pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan dimana pelanggan yang pertama kali datang adalah pelanggan yang terlebih dahulu dilayani. Salah satu fenomena yang menggambarkan model antrian single channel multiple phase terdapat pada sistem antrian pembuatan SIM. Pada sistem antrian pembuatan SIM, pemohon harus melewati beberapa tahapan antrian yang panjang yakni pendaftaran, ujian teori, ujian simulator, ujian praktek, administrasi, foto dan pengambilan SIM. Dengan adanya alur yang panjang tersebut, tentunya akan menghasilkan total waktu yang lama dalam proses pembuatan SIM. Setelah dikaji, berdasarkan model antrian pada masing-masing tahapan dapat disimpulkan bahwa model antrian pada loket pendaftaran, loket administrasi, loket foto, dan loket pengambilan SIM dengan masing-masing rata-rata kedatangan (λ) dan rata-rata pelayanan (μ) sebesar 0,29 orang/menit dan 1,11 orang/menit; 0,15 orang/menit dan 1,82 orang/menit; 0,18 orang/menit dan 0,95 orang/menit; 0,18 orang/menit dan 4,54 orang/menit. Model antrian pada ruang ujian teori yakni M/MK/1 dimana K=20 dengan λ=0,28 orang/menit dan μ=0,07 orang/menit. Model antrian pada ruang ujian simulator yakni MX/M/1 dengan λ=0,0375 orang/menit dan μ=0,32 orang/menit. Model antrian pada ruang ujian praktek yakni M/M/k dimana k=3 dengan λ=0,17 orang/menit dan μ=0,37 orang/menit. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan baik manual maupun dengan bantuan software WINQSB 2.0 didapatkan rata-rata waktu dalam sistem (Ws) pada pendaftaran sebesar 1,2195 menit; ujian teori sebesar 65,6814 menit; ujian simulator sebesar 64,8824 menit; ujian praktek sebesar 9,4277 menit; administrasi sebesar 0,5988 menit; foto sebesar 1,2987 menit; dan pengambilan SIM sebesar 0,2294 menit sehingga total waktu dalam sistem antrian pembuatan SIM C di Polrestabes kota Bandung adalah 143,3379 menit. Kata kunci : single channel multiple phase, antrian pembuatan SIM. This Final Projectdiscusses thesingle-channelmultiplephasequeuingmodelswithservice disciplineFIFO(First InFirst Out) which isarule ofthe service provided tothe customerin whichthecustomerisfirst comefirstservedcustomers. One phenomenonthat describes thesingle-channelqueuingmodel ofmultiplephasepresent inthe queuing systemdriver's license. In thequeuingsystemdriver's license, an applicantmustpass throughseveral stages oftheregistrationqueuelength, theory test, examsimulator, exampractice, administration, andtakingphotosSIM. With thepathlength, the course willresult inthe totallength of time inthe process of makingthe SIM. Onceassessed, based on themodel ofthe queueat eachstagecan be concludedthat themodel ofthe queueatthe registrationcounters, administrationcounters, photobooth, and thebooth fortakingSIMwitheach averagearrival(λ) and average service(μ) are0.29person/minuteand1.11person/minute; 0.15person/minuteand1.82person/minute; 0.18person/minuteand0.95person/minute; 0.18person/minuteand4.54person/minute. Queuing modelinthetheoryexam’s roomis M/MK/1whereK=20withλ=0.28person/minuteandμ=0.07person/minute. Queuing modelinthesimulatorexam’s roomis MX/M/1withλ=0.0375person/minuteandμ=0.32person/minute. Queuing modelonthat practice exam’s roomis M/M/kwherek=3withλ=0.17person/minuteandμ=0.37person/minute. Based on calculationseithermanually orwithsoftwareWINQSB2.0obtainedaverage timein the system(Ws) onregistrationof1.2195min; theory testwas65.6814minutes; examsimulatorfor64.8824minutes; practice examsfor9.4277min; administrationof0.5988min; photoby1.2987minutes; and taking SIM for0.2294minutesso the totaltimein the queuing systemCdriver's licenseinthe Polrestabes Bandung city is143.3379minutes. Keyword: single channel multiple phase, driver’s license of queueing

    Mecanismos de exclusão de provas indesejáveis ao processo penal: um estudo comparado

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    This text presents two models of elimination of undesired evidence that operate in common law and continental law states. It analyses the mechanisms of blocking information from becoming evidence in a criminal trial which can be defined as the procedural instruments (solutions) adopted in a given model of criminal trial that allow for assessment and eventual elimination of inadmissible evidence as deemed to be undesired in the process of fact-finding. On the basis of a „model approach†it will be shown how such mechanisms of elimination (or blocking) of undesired evidence function in the United States and England, Germany, France, Poland and Italy. Also the stage of elimination will be analysed, as well as the type of procedure of applying a blockade. It will be explained in what ways the atomistic and holistic assessment of evidence work and what consequences they have. The last part of the text will show how the rationale for elimination of evidence in the form of illegality, unreliability or relevance, may result in various consequences depending on the seriousness of violation of law. These elements of analysis will allow to examine whether the continental and common law models of elimination of undesired evidence are coherent and effective and whether they allow for achieving the assumed goal of eliminating of undesired evidence. In the conclusions it will be shown that the final arbiter of admissibility of evidence in both procedural models is a judge and how this solution allows for weighting legally protected interests in every case. The argumentation presented in the article will also lead to an observation that in the continental model of elimination of undesired evidence it cannot be said that there is a full-fledged “mechanism†of blocking information from becoming evidence in a criminal trial.Este artigo pretende apresentar dois modelos de exclusão de provas indesejáveis que operam em ordenamentos continentais e de common law. São analisados os mecanismos de bloqueio de informações antes de se tornaram provas no processo penal, os quais podem ser definidos como instrumentos (soluções) adotadas em um determinado modelo de processo penal que permite a verificação e eventual exclusão de provas inadmissíveis pois definidas como indesejáveis à verificação dos fatos. Com base em uma “perspectiva de modeloâ€, será descrito o funcionamento desses mecanismos de exclusão (ou bloqueio) de provas indesejáveis nos Estados Unidos e na Inglaterra, na Alemanha, na França, na Polônia e na Itália. Também serão analisados o estágio da eliminação e o tipo de procedimento para aplicar o bloqueio. Analisar-se-á o modo em que a análise atomística e holística da prova atua e as suas consequências. A última parte do texto irá demonstrar como a existência de distintos motivos para a exclusão da prova na forma de ilegalidade, não fiabilidade e irrelevância, a depender da gravidade da violação da lei, podem resultar em diferentes consequências. Isso permitirá verificar se os modelos continentais ou de common law são coerentes e efetivos e se eles atendem ao objetivo almejado de eliminar provas indesejáveis. Nas conclusões, será demonstrado que o árbitro final sobre admissibilidade da prova em ambos os modelos é o julgador e como isso autoriza a ponderação dos interesses legalmente protegidos em cada caso. Assim, também se observará que no modelo continental de exclusão de provas indesejáveis não se pode afirmar que há um mecanismo integralmente desenvolvido para bloquear informações de se tornarem provas no processo penal

    Vieillissement normal et cognition

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    Le vieillissement normal est accompagné de modifications du fonctionnement cognitif. Les plus fréquentes touchent la mémoire, l’attention ou les habiletés visuospatiales. Des facteurs généraux et des facteurs spécifiques expliquent ces changements indicateurs du vieillissement cérébral. Ils ne sont cependant pas obligatoires, mais dépendent des réserves en ressources cognitives que les individus possèdent, et de la façon dont ils continuent à les entretenir et à les exploiter. Le cerveau est en effet un organe qui s’adapte si on le met dans de bonnes conditions. Il est donc possible de retarder les effets du vieillissement et, dans certains cas, de les moduler.It is now well documented that normal aging modifies the cognitive functioning and most observations suggest that cognition evolves in the direction of deterioration. The more frequently impaired functions are memory, attention and visual-spatial abilities. On the other hand, some abilities seem to increase, such as vocabulary. Considering the aging effect on cognition, questions remain regarding directionality, universality and reversibility. A great variability in aged related impacts is observed among subjects and among cognitive domains. Some individuals evolved more rapidly than others. Some cognitive functions are more affected by aging than others. General and specific factors are hypothesized to explain the aged related cognitive decline. Among them, educational level, health, cognitive style, life style, personality, are likely to modulate the aged related cognitive evolution by influencing attentional resources and cerebral plasticity. Cognitive resources are essential to develop adaptative strategies. During the life span, resources are activated and increased by learning and training. Considering the role of cognitive resources, successful aging is dependent on several conditions : absence of disease leading to a loss of autonomy, maintenance of cognitive and physical activities, and active and social engaged lifestyle

    Text comprehension in residual aphasia after basic-level linguistic recovery: a multiple case study

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    Aims: The primary objectives of this multiple case study were (1) to examine microstructure, macrostructure and situational model updating in text comprehension in five participants with left-brain damage (PWLBD), who continued to complain about problems with discourse comprehension without linguistic problems, and (2) to examine executive function and memory in these participants. Background: Text comprehension entails a complex interaction between cognitive and linguistic factors. In ageing, text comprehension depends on text characteristics, particularly semantic load. Persons with residual aphasia may complain of discourse comprehension difficulties without linguistic problems. Three levels of representation are involved in text comprehension (surface level, semantic level constituted by macrostructure and microstructure and situational level). Attention, verbal working memory, long-term memory and executive functions combine to allow processing of all levels of representation. Conclusions: These findings have two major implications. Analysing text comprehension using several texts with varying semantic loads is a promising tool for diagnosing residual aphasia and for designing specific cognitive interventions that target reading comprehension abilities in persons with residual aphasia. Methods & Procedures: Five PWLBD were selected for the study. We asked the participants to read and understand three narrative texts. The texts varied according to semantic load (the amount of information). In each text, we assessed macrostructure, microstructure and situational model updating. To evaluate memory and executive functions, we administered specific complementary tasks. Results were compared to normative data obtained from a previous study with a total of 60 neurologically intact control participants, divided into younger (N = 30) and older (N = 30) groups. Outcomes & Results: The results of the five PWLBD indicated that text comprehension is influenced by text characteristics, particularly semantic load; the findings demonstrated short-term memory and cognitive flexibility deficits. © 2014, Taylor & Francis

    Body size variability across habitats in the Brachionus plicatilis cryptic species complex

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    The body size response to temperature is one of the most recognizable but still poorly understood ecological phenomena. Other covarying environmental factors are frequently invoked as either affecting the strength of that response or even driving this pattern. We tested the body size response in five species representing the Brachionus plicatilis cryptic species complex, inhabiting 10 brackish ponds with different environmental characteristics. Principal Component Analysis selected salinity and oxygen concentration as the most important factors, while temperature and pH were less influential in explaining variation of limnological parameters. Path analysis showed a positive interclonal effect of pH on body size. At the interspecific level, the size response was species- and factor-dependent. Under the lack of a natural thermo-oxygenic relationship, the negative response of size to temperature, expected according to 'size-to-temperature response' rules, disappeared, but a positive response of size to oxygen, expected according to predictions selecting oxygen as a factor actually driving these rules, remained. Our results confirm the crucial role of oxygen in determining the size-to-temperature patterns observed in the field
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