28 research outputs found

    Medling i praktiken

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    Medling är en verksamhet som har praktiseras i ett antal kommuner i Sverige sedan några år tillbaka. Det handlar om att sammanföra gärningsmannen med den som blivit utsatt för brott. Mötet sker med hjälp av en opartisk medlare. Medlingen ger gärningsmannen en chans att be om ursäkt för det han/hon har gjort och få en djupare förståelse för brottsoffrets negativa upplevelser. Även brottsoffrets behov kan genom denna verksamhet tillmötesgås vilket utvecklas i arbetet. Vidare handlar arbetet om medlingens idé och hur det fungerar i praktiken. Det handlar också om när man har valt att använda medling och hur man går till väga; det vill säga vilka gärningsmän som skall genomgå medling och vid vilka brott. Vi har sett att det i de flesta medlingsmöten ofta har varit unga gärningsmän, och vi har därför valt att genom hela uppsatsen benämna gärningsmannen som ”den unge”. Medling är en ny företeelse i Sverige och det har pågått en del försöksverksamhet runt om i landet. På grund av att försöksverksamheten inte har utvärderats vet man inte om det har haft någon positiv effekt på den unge gärningsmannen eller brottsoffret. Detta har gjort att vi istället har inriktat oss på att visa hur medling fungerar rent praktiskt. Vi tror att många inte har kännedom om vad medling egentligen är. Vi vill i denna uppsats försöka ge inblick i hur medling fungerar i praktiken. Uppsatsen är uppbyggt på rapporter från BRÅ, samt litteratur som belyser ämnet reparativ rättvisa

    Zipper discrete multi-tone echo-canceller

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    Age of Information in IEEE 802.11p

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    Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is essential for facilitating connected and automated driving, where vehicles and other road traffic participants share data instantaneously and cooperate to solve tricky traffic situations in milliseconds. This paper proposes two stochastic models for the V2X standard IEEE 802.11p to characterize amongst other things the Age of Information (AoI), a recently-proposed metric that measures the freshness of information. The first model is based on renewal process analysis of a tagged station with mean field approximation, while the second one adopts Markov chain approach with network level view. Analytical results show that IEEE 802.11p, given its adaptability to event-triggered and aperiodic messaging, supports advanced cooperative driving scenarios

    Online HPLC-ESI-HRMS Method for the Analysis and Comparison of Different Dissolved Organic Matter Samples

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    Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an ultracomplex mixture that is essential to global carbon cycling but is poorly understood because of its complexity. The most powerful tool for the DOM characterization is high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) generally combined to direct infusion (DI) as sample introduction. Liquid chromatography (LC) represents a compelling alternative to DI; however, state-of-the-art techniques involve only offline LC-HRMS approaches, which have important logistical drawbacks that make DOM analysis more challenging. This study introduces a new method based on online coupling of liquid chromatography to high resolution mass spectrometry, able to overcome the disadvantages of usual approaches. It is characterized by high reproducibility (% Bray–Curtis dissimilarity among replicates ≈ 2.5%), and it reduces transient complexity and contaminant interferences, thus increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (<i>S</i>/<i>N</i>), leading to the identification of an overall larger number of formulas in the mixture. Moreover, the application of an in silico fractionation prior to the statistical analysis allows an easy, flexible, fast, and detailed comparison of DOM samples from a variety of sources with a single chromatographic run

    Equilibrium Study of Pd(dba)<sub>2</sub> and P(OPh)<sub>3</sub> in the Pd-Catalyzed Allylation of Aniline by Allyl Alcohol

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    Reaction of Pd­(dba)<sub>2</sub> and P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub> shows a unique equilibrium where the Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> complex is favored over both Pd­(dba)­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> and Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>4</sub> complexes at room temperature. At a lower temperature, Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>4</sub> becomes the most abundant complex in solution. X-ray studies of Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> and Pd­(dba)­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> complexes show that both complexes have a trigonal geometry with a Pd–P distance of 2.25 Å due to the π-acidity of the phosphite ligand. In solution, pure Pd­(dba)­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> complex equilibrates to the favored Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> complex, which is the most stable complex of those studied, and also forms the most active catalytic species. This catalyst precursor dissociates one ligand to give the reactive Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub>, which performs an oxidative addition of nonmanipulated allyl alcohol to generate the π-allyl-Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> intermediate according to ESI-MS studies

    Equilibrium Study of Pd(dba)<sub>2</sub> and P(OPh)<sub>3</sub> in the Pd-Catalyzed Allylation of Aniline by Allyl Alcohol

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    Reaction of Pd­(dba)<sub>2</sub> and P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub> shows a unique equilibrium where the Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> complex is favored over both Pd­(dba)­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> and Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>4</sub> complexes at room temperature. At a lower temperature, Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>4</sub> becomes the most abundant complex in solution. X-ray studies of Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> and Pd­(dba)­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> complexes show that both complexes have a trigonal geometry with a Pd–P distance of 2.25 Å due to the π-acidity of the phosphite ligand. In solution, pure Pd­(dba)­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> complex equilibrates to the favored Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> complex, which is the most stable complex of those studied, and also forms the most active catalytic species. This catalyst precursor dissociates one ligand to give the reactive Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub>, which performs an oxidative addition of nonmanipulated allyl alcohol to generate the π-allyl-Pd­[P­(OPh)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> intermediate according to ESI-MS studies


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    Dag Hammarskjold's personal journal recording his spiritual growth, self-questioning, and resolutions from 1925 to his death in 1961.CatalogingThomas S. Hansen2010051