188 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine how simple instructions that modify the depth of countermovement lead to changes in the jump height and the biomechanical parameters related to centre of mass displacement and force application. Twenty-nine active males participated in this investigation and they performed three countermovement jumps using a self-selected crouch position, three countermovement jumps with a deeper crouch position and three countermovement jumps with a shallower crouch position in random order. The results of this study suggest that is possible to improve the jump performance in amateur competitive males with slight modification of the centre of mass displacement having the same physical condition level without any training intervention


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    The objective of this study was to examine the differences in coordination variability in gait running between trained runners and non-runners. Kinematic data were collected from 20 participants divided into two groups (runners and non-runners) during treadmill running. Coordination variability was evaluated by calculating continuous relative phase (CRP) for four coupling pairs. The CRP variability averaged over the entire stance phase was equal between both groups of runners in the coupling joint analysed (t 0.192). The result suggest that the skill level did not influence on the CRP variability in running gait

    Intimate Partner Violence Is Associated with Stress-Related Sleep Disturbance and Poor Sleep Quality during Early Pregnancy.

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    Objectives To examine the associations of Intimate partner violence (IPV) with stress-related sleep disturbance (measured using the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test [FIRST]) and poor sleep quality (measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [PSQI]) during early pregnancy. Methods This cross-sectional study included 634 pregnant Peruvian women. In-person interviews were conducted in early pregnancy to collect information regarding IPV history, and sleep traits. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) were calculated using logistic regression procedures. Results Lifetime IPV was associated with a 1.54-fold increased odds of stress-related sleep disturbance (95% CI: 1.08–2.17) and a 1.93-fold increased odds of poor sleep quality (95% CI: 1.33–2.81). Compared with women experiencing no IPV during lifetime, the aOR (95% CI) for stress-related sleep disturbance associated with each type of IPV were: physical abuse only 1.24 (95% CI: 0.84–1.83), sexual abuse only 3.44 (95%CI: 1.07–11.05), and physical and sexual abuse 2.51 (95% CI: 1.27–4.96). The corresponding aORs (95% CI) for poor sleep quality were: 1.72 (95% CI: 1.13–2.61), 2.82 (95% CI: 0.99–8.03), and 2.50 (95% CI: 1.30–4.81), respectively. Women reporting any IPV in the year prior to pregnancy had increased odds of stress-related sleep disturbance (aOR = 2.07; 95% CI: 1.17–3.67) and poor sleep quality (aOR = 2.27; 95% CI: 1.30–3.97) during pregnancy. Conclusion Lifetime and prevalent IPV exposures are associated with stress-related sleep disturbance and poor sleep quality during pregnancy. Our findings suggest that sleep disturbances may be important mechanisms that underlie the lasting adverse effects of IPV on maternal and perinatal health.Support was provided by the National Institutes of Health (R01-HD-059835 and T37-MD000149).Revisión por pare

    Diseño automatizado de un invernadero para la crianza de caracoles usando energía eólica para la localidad de Paijan-Trujillo

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal una aplicación de la teoría de control automático aplicado a una actividad de la helicultura, que es una actividad relativamente nueva en nuestro medio, dada la alta demanda internacional en especial de los países de Europa, como veremos en el desarrollo del presente trabajo de investigación. Habiendo estudiado las características biológicas de los caracoles tipo Helix Aspersa, se ha desarrollado un modelo matemático, que permite observar la estabilidad del sistema controlando las principales variables que interactúan en un invernadero automatizado que servirá para una crianza a gran escala con un mínimo de mortalidad, haciendo de este modelo de crianza, rentable para el helicicultor. Así mismo se ha contemplado el empleo de energía no renovable, (eólica) con el fin de producir la energía que se va a necesitar en el manejo de los equipos que van a dotar de las condiciones óptimas para su crecimiento

    Sistema de toma de decisiones en las pymes caso : empresa La Casa del Tornillo de la ciudad de Chiclayo

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    La presente tesis propone un modelo conceptual de toma decisiones para una pyme, tomando como ejemplo a la empresa encargada de la venta y fabricación de productos metalmecánicos “La Casa Del Tornillo” de la ciudad de Chiclayo, el cual hará más fácil el análisis y elección de la mejor decisión para atender problemas predecibles y no predecibles en la empresa constituido por un proceso no complejo y de fácil entendimiento. La investigación toma como método el Estudio de caso, el cual trata de una situación donde están involucradas más de una variable de interés; y como resultado, se basa en múltiples fuentes de evidencias, estudia fenómenos sociales y organizacionales ya que las causas no son sencillas de analizar y este enfoque ayuda a utilizar la experiencia para la trasmisión del conocimiento. Para la recolección de datos se usó como instrumento la entrevista, la cual estuvo compuesta por 68 preguntas abiertas y fue aplicada al microempresario y Administrador de la empresa “La Casa del Tornillo”, estas fueron registradas por medio de anotaciones y grabaciones con el celular, para luego ser plasmadas posteriormente en un archivo de Microsoft Word. Con el modelo planteado se pretende obtener beneficios potenciales como la eficacia en la soluciones, reducción de riesgos en decisiones estratégicas, aumento paulatino en la productividad y se tomarían con mayor frecuencia las sugerencias e ideas de los colaboradores, logrando que sean más proactivos. Además de ser productiva la empresa tendría un mejor tiempo de vida, gracias a las eficientes decisiones a largo plazo

    Sleep duration, vital exhaustion, and odds of spontaneous preterm birth: a case–control study

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    Background: Preterm birth is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide, resulting in a pressing need to identify risk factors leading to effective interventions. Limited evidence suggests potential relationships between maternal sleep or vital exhaustion and preterm birth, yet the literature is generally inconclusive. Methods: We examined the relationship between maternal sleep duration and vital exhaustion in the first six months of pregnancy and spontaneous (non-medically indicated) preterm birth among 479 Peruvian women who delivered a preterm singleton infant (<37 weeks gestation) and 480 term controls who delivered a singleton infant at term (≥37 weeks gestation). Maternal nightly sleep and reports of vital exhaustion were ascertained through in-person interviews. Spontaneous preterm birth cases were further categorized as those following either spontaneous preterm labor or preterm premature rupture of membranes. In addition, cases were categorized as very (<32 weeks), moderate (32–33 weeks), and late (34- <37 weeks) preterm birth for additional analyses. Logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: After adjusting for confounders, we found that short sleep duration (≤6 hours) was significantly associated with preterm birth (aOR = 1.56; 95% CI 1.11-2.19) compared to 7–8 hours of sleep. Vital exhaustion was also associated with increased odds of preterm birth (aOR = 2.41; 95% CI 1.79-3.23) compared to no exhaustion (Ptrend <0.001). These associations remained significant for spontaneous preterm labor and preterm premature rupture of membranes. We also found evidence of joint effects of sleep duration and vital exhaustion on the odds of spontaneous preterm birth. Conclusions: The results of this case–control study suggest maternal sleep duration, particularly short sleep duration, and vital exhaustion may be risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth. These findings call for increased clinical attention to maternal sleep and the study of potential intervention strategies to improve sleep in early pregnancy with the aim of decreasing risk of preterm birth

    Association of Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse with Intimate Partner Violence, Poor General Health and Depressive Symptoms among Pregnant Women

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    This research was supported by an award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01-HD- 059835). The NIH had no further role in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication. The authors wish to thank the dedicated staff members of Asociacion Civil Proyectos en Salud (PROESA), Peru and Instituto Materno Perinatal, Peru for their expert technical assistance with this research.Objective We examined associations of childhood physical and sexual abuse with risk of intimate partner violence (IPV). We also evaluated the extent to which childhood abuse was associated with self-reported general health status and symptoms of antepartum depression in a cohort of pregnant Peruvian women. Methods In-person interviews were conducted to collect information regarding history of childhood abuse and IPV from 1,521 women during early pregnancy. Antepartum depressive symptomatology was evaluated using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Multivariable logistic regression procedures were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Results Any childhood abuse was associated with 2.2-fold increased odds of lifetime IPV (95%CI: 1.72–2.83). Compared with women who reported no childhood abuse, those who reported both, childhood physical and sexual abuse had a 7.14-fold lifetime risk of physical and sexual IPV (95%CI: 4.15–12.26). The odds of experiencing physical and sexual abuse by an intimate partner in the past year was 3.33-fold higher among women with a history of childhood physical and sexual abuse as compared to women who were not abused as children (95%CI 1.60–6.89). Childhood abuse was associated with higher odds of self-reported poor health status during early pregnancy (aOR = 1.32, 95%CI: 1.04–1.68) and with symptoms of antepartum depression (aOR = 2.07, 95%CI: 1.58–2.71). Conclusion These data indicate that childhood sexual and physical abuse is associated with IPV, poor general health and depressive symptoms in early pregnancy. The high prevalence of childhood trauma and its enduring effects of on women’s health warrant concerted global health efforts in preventing violence.: This research was supported by an award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01-HD-059835). The NIH had no further role in study design; in the collection,Revisión por pare