778 research outputs found

    quantitative trait loci associated with the humoral innate immune response in chickens were confirmed in a cross between green legged partridgelike and white leghorn

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    Natural antibodies (NA) create a crucial barrier at the initial steps of the innate humoral immune response. The main role of NA in the defense system is to bind the pathogens at early stages of infection. Different pathogens are recognized by the presence of highly conserved antigen determinant [e. g., lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in gram-negative bacteria or lipoteichoic acid (LTA) in gram-positive bacteria]. In chickens, a different genetic background of NA binds LPS and LTA antigens, encoded by different QTL. The main objective of this work was to confirm known QTL associated with LPS and LTA NA. For this purpose a chicken reference population was created by crossing 2 breeds: a commercial layer, White Leghorn, and a Polish indigenous chicken, Green-Legged Partridgelike. The chromosomal regions analyzed harbored to GGA3, GGA5, GGA6, GGA8, GGA9, GGA10, GGA14, GGA15, GGA18, and GGAZ. The data collected consisted of the NA titers binding LPS and LTA (determined by ELISA at 12 wk of age) as well as the genotypes (30 short tandem repeat markers; average of 3 markers/chromosome, collected for generations F(0), F(1), and F(2)). The analyses were performed with 3 statistical models (paternal and maternal half-sib, line cross, and linkage analysis and linkage disequilibrium) implemented in GridQTL software (http://www.gridqtl.org.uk/). The QTL study of humoral innate immune response traits resulted in the confirmation of 3 QTL associated with NA titers binding LPS (located on GGA9, GGA18, and GGAZ) and 2 QTL associated with NA titers binding LTA (located on GGA5 and GGA14). A set of candidate genes within the regions of the validated QTL has been proposed

    a quantitative trait locus for a primary antibody response to keyhole limpet hemocyanin on chicken chromosome 14 confirmation and candidate gene approach

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    A QTL involved in the primary antibody response toward keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) was detected on chicken chromosome 14 in the experimental population, which was created by crossing commercial White Leghorn and a Polish native chicken breed (green-legged partridgelike). The current QTL location is a validation of previous experiments pointing to the same genomic location for the QTL linked to a primary antibody response to KLH. An experimental population was typed with microsatellite markers distributed over the chicken chromosome 14. Titers of antibodies binding KLH were measured for all individuals by ELISA. Statistical models applied in the Grid QTL Web-based software were used to analyze the data: a half-sib model, a line-cross model, and combined analysis in a linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis model. Candidate genes that have been proposed were genotyped with SNP located in genes exons. Statistical analyses of single SNP associations were performed pointing out 2 SNP of an axis inhibitor protein (AXIN1) gene as significantly associated with the trait of an interest

    Tuning the insertion properties of pHLIP

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    The pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) has exceptional characteristics: at neutral pH it is an unstructured monomer in solution or when bound to lipid bilayer surfaces, and it inserts across a lipid bilayer as a monomeric alpha-helix at acidic pH. The peptide targets acidic tissues in vivo and may be useful in cancer biology for delivery of imaging or therapeutic molecules to acidic tumors. To find ways to vary its useful properties, we have designed and analyzed pHLIP sequence variants. We find that each of the Asp residues in the transmembrane segment is critical for solubility and pH-dependent membrane insertion of the peptide. Changing both of the Asp residues in the transmembrane segment to Glu, inserting an additional Asp into the transmembrane segment, or replacing either of the Asp residues with Ala leads to aggregation and/or loss of pH-dependent membrane insertion of the peptide. However, variants with either of the Asp residues changed to Glu remained soluble in an aqueous environment and inserted into the membrane at acidic pH with a higher pKapp of membrane insertion

    Performance and meat quality traits of slow-growing chickens stimulated in ovo with galactooligosaccharides and exposed to heat stress

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    In vivo performance, carcass and meat quality traits of slow-growing chickens stimulated in ovo with trans galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and exposed to heat stress were evaluated. On d 12 of egg incubation, 3,000 fertilized eggs (Hubbard JA57) were divided into prebiotic group (GOS) injected with 3.5 mg GOS/egg, saline group (S) injected with physiological saline (only to assess the hatchability rate) and an uninjected control group (C). After hatching, 600 male chicks (300 from GOS and 300 from C) were housed on floor pens (6 pens/treatment, 25 birds/pen) and reared under neutral (TN) or heat stress conditions (HS, 30°C from 36 to 50 d). BW, daily feed intake (DFI), daily weight gain (DWG), feed conversion rate (FCR), and mortality were measured. At 50 d of age, 15 randomly selected birds/treatment/environmental conditions were slaughtered and the pectoral muscle (PM) was collected for analyses. Hatchability was similar among groups. BW of the newly hatched chicks was lower (P < 0.01) in GOS compared to C. Final BW, DWG, DFI, and FCR were not affected (P > 0.05) by GOS. HS reduced final BW ( 12.93%, P < 0.001). During finisher phase, DFI and DWG were lower (P < 0.001) and FCR was higher (P < 0.01) in HS compared to TN. Mortality was not affected (P > 0.05) by GOS and HS. Meat from GOS chickens had a higher (P < 0.01) pH and was darker (P < 0.05) compared to C. Proximate composition, cholesterol content, fatty acid profile, and intramuscular collagen properties of PM were not affected by GOS. The HS group showed a lower (P < 0.05) content of both collagen and monounsaturated fatty acids than TN group. Significant interactions between GOS and temperature were found for FA composition. In conclusion, the differences in performance have had an impact on the responses to HS in Hubbard chickens, but not on mortality rate. GOS did not relieve the negative effect of HS on chickens’ performance

    growth performance meat quality traits and genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci in 3 generations of japanese quail populations coturnix japonica

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    Abstract The current research was conducted to compare growth, carcass traits, pH, intramuscular collagen (IMC) properties, and genetic bases of IMC and carcasses (breast-muscle weight) of different lines and generations of adult males and females of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Forty-four quails (generation F0), 22 Pharaoh (F-33) meat-type males and 22 Standard (S-22) laying-type females, were crossed to produce the F1 hybrids generation. The F2 generation was created by mating one F1 male with one F1 female, full siblings. The birds, randomly chosen from F0 (22 males and 22 females), F1 (22 males and 22 females), and F2 (84 males and 152 females) were raised to 20 wk of age in collective cages. Quails were fed ad libitum commercial diets. At slaughter, all birds were individually weighed (after a fasting period of 12 h) and dressing yield (without giblets) was calculated. The carcasses were then dissected. Genomic DNA was extracted from all of the blood, and 30 microsatellite markers located on 2 quail chromosomes were genotyped. The F- 33 quails had higher in vivo and postmortem performances and a higher abdominal fat percentage than those of the egg line. Meat from S- 22 quails had a slower collagen maturation (hydroxylysylpyridinoline crosslink/collagen) and a higher ultimate pH. The F1 and F2 generations showed an evident sexual dimorphism, and an additional effect could be due to hybrid heterosis evident in F2. Meat from quails of F1 and F2 generations had a lower IMC amount with a higher degree of collagen maturation compared with parental lines. Two statistically significant QTL have been detected on quail chromosome 2 (CJA02): a QTL with an additive effect (0.50) for IMC in the marker bracket GUJ0037 and GUJ0093; a second QTL with additive (1.32) and dominant (1.91) effects for breast-muscle weight in the marker bracket GUJ0084 and GUJ0073. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a QTL associated with breast-muscle weight and IMC in quail and poultry species, respectively

    identification of quantitative trait loci affecting production and biochemical traits in a unique japanese quail resource population

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    ABSTRACT The objective of the current study was to identify QTL associated with body weight, growth rate, egg quality traits, concentration of selected blood plasma, and yolk lipids as well as concentration of selected macro- and microelements, color, pH, basic chemical composition, and drip loss of breast muscle of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Twenty-two meat-type males (line F33) were crossed with twenty-two laying-type females (line S22) to produce a generation of F1 hybrids. The F2 generation was created by mating 44 randomly chosen F1 hybrids, which were full siblings. The birds were individually weighed from the first to eighth week of age. At the age of 19 wk, 2 to 4 eggs were individually collected from each female and an analysis of the egg quality traits was performed. At slaughter, blood and breast muscles were collected from 324 individuals of the resource population. The basic chemical composition, concentration of chosen macro- and microelements, color, pH, and drip loss were determined in the muscle samples. The concentration of chosen lipids was determined in egg yolk and blood plasma. In total, 30 microsatellite markers located on chromosome 1 and 2 were genotyped. QTL mapping including additive and dominance genetic effects revealed 6 loci on chromosome 1 of the Japanese quail affecting the egg number, egg production rate, egg weight, specific gravity, egg shell weight, concentration of Na in breast muscle. In turn, there were 9 loci on chromosome 2 affecting the body weight in the first, fourth, and sixth week of age, growth rate in the second and seventh week of age, specific gravity, concentration of K and Cu in breast muscle, and the levels of triacylglycerols in blood plasma. In this study, QTL with a potential effect on the Na, K, and Cu content in breast muscles in poultry and on specific gravity in the Japanese quail were mapped for the first time

    Freeze-out configuration properties in the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 23 AMeV

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    Data from the experiment on the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 23 AMeV are analyzed with an aim to find signatures of exotic nuclear configurations such as toroid-shaped objects. The experimental data are compared with predictions of the ETNA code dedicated to look for such configurations and with the QMD model. A novel criterion of selecting events possibly resulting from the formation of exotic freeze-out configurations, "the efficiency factor", is tested. Comparison between experimental data and model predictions may indicate for the formation of flat/toroidal nuclear systems
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