330 research outputs found

    ”Muut piirteli niitä kokonaisia perheitä.”:ajatuksia lapsuudessa koetusta vanhempien avioerosta, tuesta ja selviytymisestä

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee kertomuksia lapsena koetuista vanhempien avioeroista. Tavoitteena on kuvata asioita, jotka lapsi kokee muuttuvassa elämäntilanteessa kannattelevina ja tukea antavina tekijöinä. Lisäksi tarkastelun kohteena ovat lapsen omat keinot ja toimintamallit, jotka edistävät lapsen sopeutumista sekä asiat, joilla on negatiivinen vaikutus lapsen sopeutumiselle ja selviytymiselle. Avioerojen määrä on lisääntynyt viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana, kuten myös tietoisuus lapsen tasapainoisen ja turvallisen kasvun ja kehityksen tärkeydestä. Lapsen edun mukaista on, että vanhemmat, kasvattajat ja opettajat tiedostavat, mitä kaikkea lapsi käy muuttuvan perhetilanteen keskellä läpi, millä tavoin muutos voi lapsessa näkyä ja kuinka he voivat lasta parhaiten auttaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä ovat käsitteet avioero ja kriisi. Avioero ilmiönä on käynyt läpi suuria muutoksia niin asenteiden kuin juridisten seikkojen suhteen, jonka vuoksi myös kokemukset tuesta ja kannattelevista tekijöistä ovat omille ajanjaksoilleen tyypillisiä sekä keskenään erilaisia. Muutoksista huolimatta perheen hajoaminen on lapselle kriisin kaltainen kokemus, joka usein herättää lapsessa kriisikäyttäytymiselle tyypillisiä tuntemuksia ja toimintamalleja. Tutkimus on narratiivinen, ja aineisto on tuotettu kerronnallisen haastattelun menetelmin. Kuusi haastateltavaa kuvaavat lapsuudessaan kohtaamaansa vanhempien avioeroa kertoen kokemuksia selviytymisestä, kannattelevista ja hajottavista tekijöistä sekä saadusta tuesta tai sen puuttumisesta. Aineiston analyysitapa on narratiivien analyysi. Kertomuksista muodostui kaksi pääteemaa: lapsen sisäinen maailma ja lasta ympäröivä maailma. Pääteemojen alle muodostuneet alateemat kuvaavat lasta kannattelevia ja haavoittavia tekijöitä avioerotilanteessa. Omien kokemusten puuttuessa toisten henkilöiden kokemuksiin perehtyminen kertomusten kautta voi auttaa kasvattajaa tai opettajaa ymmärtämään ja tukemaan haastavassa elämäntilanteessa olevaa lasta. Kertomuksista välittyi vahvasti lasta ympäröivien ihmisten osuus sopeutumisessa. Tutkimustulokset lisäävät lapsen kanssa toimivien aikuisten tietoisuutta lapsen kokemusmaailmasta ja antavat työkaluja elämänmuutoksen keskellä olevan lapsen kohtaamiseen

    történeti dráma 5 felvonásban - irta: Sardou Viktor - francziából forditotta: Paulay Ede és Szerdahelyi Kálmán

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    Debreczeni Szinház. Kedd, 1881. évi november hó 15-kán. Krecsányi Ignácz igazgatása alatti dráma-, vigjáték-, népszinmű- és operette-szintársulat által, Abonyi Gyula jutalomjátékaul.Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtá

    Analysis and optimization of packaged inductively degenerated common-source low-noise amplifiers with ESD protection

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    An exploratory investigation of speech recognition thresholds in noise with auralisations of two reverberant rooms

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    Objective Speech-in-noise tests are widely used in hearing diagnostics but typically without reverberation, although reverberation is an inextricable part of everyday listening conditions. To support the development of more real-life-like test paradigms, the objective of this study was to explore how spatially reproduced reverberation affects speech recognition thresholds in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Design Thresholds were measured with a Finnish speech-in-noise test without reverberation and with two test conditions with reverberation times of similar to 0.9 and 1.8 s. Reverberant conditions were produced with a multichannel auralisation technique not used before in this context. Study sample Thirty-four normal-hearing and 14 hearing-impaired listeners participated in this study. Five people were tested with and without hearing aids. Results No significant differences between test conditions were found for the normal-hearing listeners. Results for the hearing-impaired listeners indicated better performance for the 0.9 s reverberation time compared to the reference and the 1.8 s conditions. Benefit from hearing aid use varied between individuals; for one person, an advantage was observed only with reverberation. Conclusions Auralisations may offer information on speech recognition performance that is not obtained with a test without reverberation. However, more complex stimuli and/or higher signal-to-noise ratios should be used in the future.Peer reviewe

    A Gain Stabilization Technique for Tuned RF Low-Noise Amplifiers

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    Improvements in Hearing and in Quality of Life after Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation in a Consecutive Sample of Adult Patients with Severe-to-Profound Hearing Loss

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    Bilateral cochlear implantation is increasing worldwide. In adults, bilateral cochlear implants (BICI) are often performed sequentially with a time delay between the first (CI1) and the second (CI2) implant. The benefits of BICI have been reported for well over a decade. This study aimed at investigating these benefits for a consecutive sample of adult patients. Improvements in speech-in-noise recognition after CI2 were followed up longitudinally for 12 months with the internationally comparable Finnish matrix sentence test. The test scores were statistically significantly better for BICI than for either CI alone in all assessments during the 12-month period. At the end of the follow-up period, the bilateral benefit for co-located speech and noise was 1.4 dB over CI1 and 1.7 dB over CI2, and when the noise was moved from the front to 90 degrees on the side, spatial release from masking amounted to an improvement of 2.5 dB in signal-to-noise ratio. To assess subjective improvements in hearing and in quality of life, two questionnaires were used. Both questionnaires revealed statistically significant improvements due to CI2 and BICI. The association between speech recognition in noise and background factors (duration of hearing loss/deafness, time between implants) or subjective improvements was markedly smaller than what has been previously reported on sequential BICI in adults. Despite the relatively heterogeneous sample, BICI improved hearing and quality of life.Peer reviewe

    The development and evaluation of the Finnish digit triplet test

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to develop a reliable and easily accessible screening test for primary detection of hearing impairment.Methods: Digits 0-9 were used to form quasirandom digit triplets. First, digit specific intelligibility functions and speech recognition thresholds (SRTs) were determined. To homogenize the test material digits with steep intelligibility function slopes were chosen and level correction up to 2dB were applied to the digits as needed. Evaluation measurements were performed to check for systematic differences in intelligibility between the test lists and to obtain normative reference function for normal-hearing listeners.Results: The mean SRT and the final slope of the test lists were -10.8 +/- 0.1dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and 21.7 +/- 1.8%/dB, respectively (measurements at constant level; inter-list variability). The mean SRT and slope of the test subjects were -10.8 +/- 0.5dB SNR and 23.4 +/- 5.2%/dB (measurements at constant level; inter-subject variability). The mean SRT for normal-hearing young adults for a single adaptive measurement is -9.8 +/- 0.9dB SNR.Conclusion: The Finnish digit triplet test is the first self-screening hearing test in the Finnish language. It was developed according to current standards, and it provides reliable and internationally comparable speech intelligibility measurements.Peer reviewe

    Cytokines impact natural killer cell phenotype and functionality against glioblastoma in vitro

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    ObjectiveNatural killer (NK) cells are a part of the innate immune system and first-line defense against cancer. Since they possess natural mechanisms to recognize and kill tumor cells, NK cells are considered as a potential option for an off-the-shelf allogeneic cell-based immunotherapy. Here, our objective was to identify the optimal cytokine-based, feeder-free, activation and expansion protocol for cytotoxic NK cells against glioblastoma in vitro.MethodsNK cells were enriched from human peripheral blood and expanded for 16 days with different activation and cytokine combinations. The expansion conditions were evaluated based on NK cell viability, functionality, expansion rate and purity. The cytotoxicity and degranulation of the expanded NK cells were measured in vitro from co‑cultures with the glioma cell lines U‑87 MG, U‑87 MG EGFR vIII, LN-229, U-118 and DK-MG. The best expansion protocols were selected from ultimately 39 different conditions: three magnetic cell‑selection steps (Depletion of CD3+ cells, enrichment of CD56+ cells, and depletion of CD3+ cells followed by enrichment of CD56+ cells); four activation protocols (continuous, pre-activation, re-activation, and boost); and four cytokine combinations (IL-2/15, IL‑21/15, IL‑27/18/15 and IL-12/18/15).ResultsThe expansion rates varied between 2-50-fold, depending on the donor and the expansion conditions. The best expansion rate and purity were gained with sequential selection (Depletion of CD3+ cells and enrichment of CD56+ cells) from the starting material and pre-activation with IL‑12/18/15 cytokines, which are known to produce cytokine-induced memory-like NK cells. The cytotoxicity of these memory-like NK cells was enhanced with re-activation, diminishing the donor variation. The most cytotoxic NK cells were produced when cells were boosted at the end of the expansion with IL-12/18/15 or IL-21/15.ConclusionAccording to our findings the ex vivo proliferation capacity and functionality of NK cells is affected by multiple factors, such as the donor, composition of starting material, cytokine combination and the activation protocol. The cytokines modified the NK cells' phenotype and functionality, which was evident in their reactivity against the glioma cell lines. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive comparative study performed to this extent, and these findings could be used for upscaling clinical NK cell manufacturing

    Cyclic peptide production using a macrocyclase with enhanced substrate promiscuity and relaxed recognition determinants

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    This project was supported by grants from the ERC (no. 339367, MJ), BBSRC IBCatalyst (no. BB/M028526/1, MJ, WEH), BBSRC FoF (no. BB/M013669/1, MJ, WEH), IBioIC Exemplar (no. 2014-2-4, MJ, WEH), an AstraZeneca studentship (MJ, WEH, LT, KR), the Academy of Finland (no. 259505, DPF) and the SULSA leaders award (WEH). The authors like to thank the Aberdeen Proteomics Facility and the Aberdeen School of Natural and Computing Sciences MS Facility for LCMS analysis. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section, Fig. S1–S60 and Tables S1–S3. See DOI: 10.1039/c7cc05913bPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Sisäkorvaistute - kokeellisesta hoidosta arkipäivän kuntoutukseksi

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    Sisäkorvaistutehoito sopii sekä synnynnäisen vaikea-asteisen kuulovian että etenevän kuulovian hoidoksi. Istutteella voidaan saavuttaa hyvä puheentunnistuskyky vaikea-asteisessa kuulonalenemassa. Hoito on osoitettu kustannusvaikuttavaksi kaikissa ikäryhmissä. Nuorimmat potilaat ovat olleet 8–10 kuukauden ja vanhimmat yli 80 vuoden ikäisiä. Vanhusväestössä on paljon vaikea-asteisesta kuuloviasta kärsiviä potilaita, jotka hyötyisivät istutehoidosta. Heitä tulisi ohjata nykyistä aktiivisemmin leikkausarvioon.Peer reviewe