1,821 research outputs found

    Transmission through a n interacting quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    The influence of electron-electron (e-e) interactions on the transmission through a quantum dot is investigated numerically for the Coulomb blockade regime. For vanishing magnetic fields, the conductance peak height statistics is found to be independent of the interactions strength. It is identical to the statistics predicted by constant interaction single electron random matrix theory and agrees well with recent experiments. However, in contrast to these random matrix theories, our calculations reproduces the reduced sensitivity to magnetic flux observed in many experiments. The relevant physics is traced to the short range Coulomb correlations providing thus a unified explanation for the transmission statistics as well as for the large conductance peak spacing fluctuations observed in other experiments.Comment: Final version as publishe

    Spatio-Temporal Low Count Processes with Application to Violent Crime Events

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    There is significant interest in being able to predict where crimes will happen, for example to aid in the efficient tasking of police and other protective measures. We aim to model both the temporal and spatial dependencies often exhibited by violent crimes in order to make such predictions. The temporal variation of crimes typically follows patterns familiar in time series analysis, but the spatial patterns are irregular and do not vary smoothly across the area. Instead we find that spatially disjoint regions exhibit correlated crime patterns. It is this indeterminate inter-region correlation structure along with the low-count, discrete nature of counts of serious crimes that motivates our proposed forecasting tool. In particular, we propose to model the crime counts in each region using an integer-valued first order autoregressive process. We take a Bayesian nonparametric approach to flexibly discover a clustering of these region-specific time series. We then describe how to account for covariates within this framework. Both approaches adjust for seasonality. We demonstrate our approach through an analysis of weekly reported violent crimes in Washington, D.C. between 2001-2008. Our forecasts outperform standard methods while additionally providing useful tools such as prediction intervals

    Spatial distribution of unidentified infrared bands and extended red emission in the compact galactic HII region Sh 152

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    We present visible and near IR images of the compact HII region Sh 152. Some of these images reveal the presence of Extended Red Emission (ERE) around 698 nm and emission from Unidentified Infra Red Bands (UIRBs) at 3.3 and 6.2 micron. Other images show the near infrared (7-12 micron) continuous emission of the nebula. The ERE emission is found to coincide with the ionized region and significantly differ from the UIRBs location. Also some evidence is found in favor of grains as carriers for ERE.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the colloquium "The universe as seen by ISO" help in Paris, October 20-23, 1998 ; available in html format at http://www.obs-hp.fr/preprints.htm

    Decay of Quasi-Particle in a Quantum Dot: the role of Energy Resolution

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    The disintegration of quasiparticle in a quantum dot due to the electron interaction is considered. It was predicted recently that above the energy \eps^{*} = \Delta(g/\ln g)^{1/2} each one particle peak in the spectrum is split into many components (Δ\Delta and gg are the one particle level spacing and conductance). We show that the observed value of \eps^{*} should depend on the experimental resolution \delta \eps. In the broad region of variation of \delta \eps the lng\ln g should be replaced by \ln(\Delta/ g\delta \eps). We also give the arguments against the delocalization transition in the Fock space. Most likely the number of satellite peaks grows continuously with energy, being 1\sim 1 at \eps \sim \eps^{*}, but remains finite at \eps > \eps^{*}. The predicted logarithmic distribution of inter-peak spacings may be used for experimental confirmation of the below-Golden-Rule decay.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, 2 eps figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Properties of low-lying states in a diffusive quantum dot and Fock-space localization

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    Motivated by an experiment by Sivan et al. (Europhys. Lett. 25, 605 (1994)) and by subsequent theoretical work on localization in Fock space, we study numerically a hierarchical model for a finite many-body system of Fermions moving in a disordered potential and coupled by a two-body interaction. We focus attention on the low-lying states close to the Fermi energy. Both the spreading width and the participation number depend smoothly on excitation energy. This behavior is in keeping with naive expectations and does not display Anderson localization. We show that the model reproduces essential features of the experiment by Sivan et al.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Even-odd correlations in capacitance fluctuations of quantum dots

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    We investigate effects of short range interactions on the addition spectra of quantum dots using a disordered Hubbard model. A correlation function \cS(q) is defined on the inverse compressibility versus filling data, and computed numerically for small lattices. Two regimes of interaction strength are identified: the even/odd fluctuations regime typical of Fermi liquid ground states, and a regime of structureless \cS(q) at strong interactions. We propose to understand the latter regime in terms of magnetically correlated localized spins.Comment: 3 pages, Revtex, Without figure

    Energy Level Alignment at Molecule-Metal Interfaces from an Optimally-Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Functional

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    The alignment of the frontier orbital energies of an adsorbed molecule with the substrate Fermi level at metal-organic interfaces is a fundamental observable of significant practical importance in nanoscience and beyond. Typical density functional theory calculations, especially those using local and semi-local functionals, often underestimate level alignment leading to inaccurate electronic structure and charge transport properties. In this work, we develop a new fully self-consistent predictive scheme to accurately compute level alignment at certain classes of complex heterogeneous molecule-metal interfaces based on optimally-tuned range-separated hybrid functionals. Starting from a highly accurate description of the gas-phase electronic structure, our method by construction captures important nonlocal surface polarization effects via tuning of the long-range screened exchange in a range-separated hybrid in a non-empirical and system-specific manner. We implement this functional in a plane-wave code and apply it to several physisorbed and chemisorbed molecule-metal interface systems. Our results are in quantitative agreement with experiments, both the level alignment and work function changes. Our approach constitutes a new practical scheme for accurate and efficient calculations of the electronic structure of molecule-metal interfaces.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Calculation of dephasing times in closed quantum dots

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    Dephasing of one-particle states in closed quantum dots is analyzed within the framework of random matrix theory and Master equation. Combination of this analysis with recent experiments on the magnetoconductance allows for the first time to evaluate the dephasing times of closed quantum dots. These dephasing times turn out to depend on the mean level spacing and to be significantly enhanced as compared with the case of open dots. Moreover, the experimental data available are consistent with the prediction that the dephasing of one-particle states in finite closed systems disappears at low enough energies and temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure