33 research outputs found

    The Norwegian Banks in the Nordic Consortia: A Case of International Strategic Alliances in Banking

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    Despite the scholarly interest in joint ventures and strategic alliances, the consortium bank movement represents an under-researched phase in post-war banking history. From 1964 to the mid-1980s, many of the largest banks in the world, including the Nordic banks, entered into international strategic alliances. Almost all of these alliances are now defunct. We follow the Norwegian banks in the Nordic consortia and find that domestic rivals do not cooperate but international rivals do. Legal prohibitions in the Nordic countries on entry by foreign banks underpinned the cooperation. The cooperation broke down when changes in domestic regulations permitted the Nordic banks to establish operations in each others' domestic markets.

    The Nordic Market for Sports Nutrition Products

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    Integrated plasma proteomic and single-cell immune signaling network signatures demarcate mild, moderate, and severe COVID-19

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    The biological determinants underlying the range of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) clinical manifestations are not fully understood. Here, over 1,400 plasma proteins and 2,600 single-cell immune features comprising cell phenotype, endogenous signaling activity, and signaling responses to inflammatory ligands are cross-sectionally assessed in peripheral blood from 97 patients with mild, moderate, and severe COVID-19 and 40 uninfected patients. Using an integrated computational approach to analyze the combined plasma and single-cell proteomic data, we identify and independently validate a multi-variate model classifying COVID-19 severity (multi-class area under the curve [AUC]training = 0.799, p = 4.2e-6; multi-class AUCvalidation = 0.773, p = 7.7e-6). Examination of informative model features reveals biological signatures of COVID-19 severity, including the dysregulation of JAK/STAT, MAPK/mTOR, and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) immune signaling networks in addition to recapitulating known hallmarks of COVID-19. These results provide a set of early determinants of COVID-19 severity that may point to therapeutic targets for prevention and/or treatment of COVID-19 progression

    Chronic fatigue syndromes: real illnesses that people can recover from

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    The ‘Oslo Chronic Fatigue Consortium’ consists of researchers and clinicians who question the current narrative that chronic fatigue syndromes, including post-covid conditions, are incurable diseases. Instead, we propose an alternative view, based on research, which offers more hope to patients. Whilst we regard the symptoms of these conditions as real, we propose that they are more likely to reflect the brain's response to a range of biological, psychological, and social factors, rather than a specific disease process. Possible causes include persistent activation of the neurobiological stress response, accompanied by associated changes in immunological, hormonal, cognitive and behavioural domains. We further propose that the symptoms are more likely to persist if they are perceived as threatening, and all activities that are perceived to worsen them are avoided. We also question the idea that the best way to cope with the illness is by prolonged rest, social isolation, and sensory deprivation. Instead, we propose that recovery is often possible if patients are helped to adopt a less threatening understanding of their symptoms and are supported in a gradual return to normal activities. Finally, we call for a much more open and constructive dialogue about these conditions. This dialogue should include a wider range of views, including those of patients who have recovered from them

    Bruk av elevresultater i videregående skole

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    Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie av hvordan elevresultater tas i bruk i skoleforbedringsarbeid i videregående skole. Kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori (CHAT) (Engeström, 1987) er studiens teoretiske rammeverk. Datagrunnlaget kommer fra én videregående skole med lang erfaring fra bruk av elevresultater i arbeid med skoleforbedring. Rektor og fire ledere er intervjuet og arbeid med elevresultater er observert i 5 ulike team. Studien viser at rektor gjør avdelingsledere og lærere ansvarlige for elevenes resultater gjennom eksplisitte mål og forventninger til oppfølging og analyser av måloppnåelsen. Avdelingslederne tar i bruk ulike resultater. De bruker resultatene når de skal vurdere måloppnåelsen til avdelingen eller når resultatene ser ut til å være avvikende. Eksamensresultater ser ut til å ha en sentral plass i dette arbeidet. Studien viser at avdelingslederne balanserer de forventningene som stilles til dem, om å være tydelige ledere som tar i bruk resultater, med behovet de har for å ivareta en god relasjon med lærerne som skal utføre forbedringsarbeidet. I samtaler med enkeltlærere eller lærerteam inntar lederne en spørrende tilnærming der de inviterer til dialog og felles undring om resultatene. Studiens funn viser at ledelsens forventninger og innramming får betydning for hvordan lærerteamene prioriterer tiden de får til analyse, og hvordan det samtales om elevresultater. Analysene av det kollektive arbeidet i lærerteamene, viser at det i liten grad er forpliktende mht. forbedring av praksis. Mine funn viser også at samtalene om elevresultater i lærerteamene preges av konsensus, og i den grad teamene uttrykker behov for praksisforbedringer er endringsforslagene inkrementelle. Studien har flere generelle og praktiske implikasjoner. En generell implikasjon er knyttet til forståelsen av den betydningen ansvarliggjøringskonteksten har for praksisen ved den enkelte skole. Studien kan være et bidrag i diskusjonen om hvordan man kan designe mekanismer og rutiner for ansvarliggjøring som balanserer behovet for et eksternt blikk som utfordrer praksis, med behovet for å vise tillit til profesjonen. En viktig praktisk implikasjon er hvordan rektorer utarbeider rutiner for resultatoppfølging som tar hensyn til de iboende spenningene i bruk av elevresultater, og hvordan utfordringene som ledere og lærere møter kan håndteres. En annen viktig praktisk implikasjon gjelder betydningen av at ledergruppen utvikles som et profesjonelt fellesskap, for at avdelingsledere kan støttes og trygges i rollen som skoleleder med resultatansvar

    The Nordic Market for Sports Nutrition Products : A Market Analysis Using Norway as Case

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    This report examines how the market has developed the last years, which sports nutrition products are offered the organisation of market participants, and analyzed how the market can be expected to develop in the future. The market has expanded in total sales, in product groups, products within each product group and in the number of suppliers. The increased availability makes the products more visible and can therefore attract user groups that have not traditionally been familiar with these products. The market has expanded reaching more consumer segments at the same times as sports nutrition products have become more specialised. For example one can find specialized products for different sports, and more products especially designed for women. Also the number of brands in the market has increased