38 research outputs found

    Sensors for Intelligent Home

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    Cílem této práce bylo analyzovat funkcnost routování síte Miwi Pro. Pro potreby analýzy jsem navrhl zpusob získávání statistických dat z jednotlivých prvku síte a urychlený mechanismus obnovení routovacích pravidel pri premístení zarízení v rámci síte. Sber statistických dat vyžadoval návrh a implementaci protokolu pro výmenu informací mezi koordinátory v rámci síte. Pro obnovu routovacích pravidel po premístení zarízení jsem navrhl algoritmus, který obnoví pravidla pro každý prvek v síti a tím povolí testování jednotlivých prvku síte mimo jejich koncové stanovisko.The main goal of this thesis was to analyze routing functionality of MiWi Pro network. I needed to find a way to get statistical data from network items for purpose of analysis and develop faster mechanism to reload routing rules after replacing part of the network. Gathering of statistical data required design and implementation of protocol needed to exchange information between coordinators inside the network. I developed an algorithm which reloads routing rules after replacing part of network and allows to test individual network items outside of their final location in the network.

    Verifikácia metód SLAM na báze paltformy ROS

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    The paper deals with the problem of experimental vehicle concept for 3D SLAM method based on data from Kinect device. One part of the paper describes the design, implementation and description of the physical model of the experimental vehicle. The second describes an odometry representation with a mathematical model of the Ackerman steering as well. Next describes the ROS platform, which was determined to solve complex robotic tasks. Last part of the paper contains to the evaluation of the results of 3D mapping and localization in unknown space.Príspevok popisuje problém konceptu experimentálneho vozidla pre metódu 3D SLAM založenú na spracovaní dát zo senzora Kinect. Časť príspevku popisuje návrh, implementáciu a popis fyzikálneho modelu experimentálneho vozidla. V príspevku je taktiež popis matematického modelu vozidla založeného na Ackermanovom riadení, ktorý sa využiva pre odometriu. Príspevok sa venuje popisu platformy ROS, ktorá sa využíva na riešenie zložitých úloh v robotike. Posledná časť je venovaná vyhodnoteniu výsledkov 3D mapovania a lokalizácia v neznámom prostredí


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    The title compound, C10H9NO3, is a chiral mol­ecule with one stereogenic carbon atom, but which crystallizes as a racemate in the centrosymmetric space group P21/n. The central six-membered ring of the indolizine moiety adopts a definite envelope conformation, while the conformation of the oxopyrrolidine ring is close to that of a flat-envelope with a maximum deviation of 0.352 (1) Å for the flap atom


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    In the title compound, C15H14ClNO, the dihedral angle between the benzoyl and the aniline rings is 3.30 (18)°. In the crystal, N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into chains running along the a axis


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    This work introduces a uniform smartphone controller interface integrated into LIRKIS G-CVE web-based global collaborative virtual environments. In general, VR controllers provide various kinds of interaction techniques to manipulate virtual objects. Mostly, those aim focus on controlling the virtual context and the interaction with 3D GUI integrated in the virtual environment. With respect to web-based virtual reality, the progress in development of uniform interfaces is raising thanks to emerging web technologies and frameworks with cross-platform support. Although there are many manufacturers of VR controllers, their usage is often limited only for specified display device. Our intention is to cover multiple devices through only one simple controller interface, that is capable to provide a variety of interactions for web-based VR. In this study we proposed Enhanced Smart Client Interface designed for providing fully immersive interaction through smartphones. We performed several experiments focused on user experience and usability under two cloud platforms. Results obtained from experiments performed in our study confirm that utilization of our interface is mostly affected by the server response time. Based on the results this solution is suitable for further development and improvements


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    In the title compound, C14H12ClNO, the two aromatic rings are almost coplanar, making a dihedral angle of 4.08 (18)°. In the crystal, N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into infinite chains running along the a axis

    Mixed Reality: A Known Unknown

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    Mixed reality (MR) is an area of computer research dealing with the combination of real-world and computer-generated data (virtual reality), where computer-generated graphical objects are visually mixed into the real environment and vice versa in real time. This chapter contains an introduction to this modern technology. Mixed reality combines real and virtual and is interactive, real-time processed, and registered in three dimensions. We can create mixed reality by using at least one of the following technologies: augmented reality and augmented virtuality. The mixed reality system can be considered as the ultimate immersive system. MR systems are usually constructed as optical see-through systems (usually by using transparent displays) or video see-through. Implementation of MR systems is as marker systems (real scene will be added with special markers. These will be recognized during runtime and replaced with virtual objects) or (semi) markerless systems (processing and inserting of virtual objects is without exact markers. Additional information is usually needed, for example, image and face recognition, GPS coordinates, etc.). The chapter contains also a description of mixed reality as an advanced computer user interface and the newest collaborative mixed reality


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    In the title compound, C16H17NO, the two aromatic rings make a dihedral angle of 5.9 (2)°, while the central amide core –NH—C(=O)– is twisted by 44.0 (3) and 47.1 (3)° out of the planes of the 2,3-dimethyl­phenyl and 2-methyl­phenyl rings, respectively. In the crystal, N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into infinite chains running along the b axis

    (4R,6S,7S,8S,8aS)-6-Ethyl-7,8-dihy­droxy-4-methyl-1,2,3,5,6,7,8,8a-octa­hydro­indolizin-4-ium iodide

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    The title compound, C11H22NO2 +·I−, is a chiral mol­ecule with five stereogenic centres. The absolute configuration was assigned from the synthesis and confirmed by the structure determination. The central six-membered ring of the indolizine system adopts a chair conformation, with two atoms displaced by −0.690 (2) and 0.550 (2) Å from the plane of the other four atoms. The conformation of the pyrrolidine ring is close to that of an envelope, with the flap atom displaced by 0.563 (2) Å from the plane of the remaining four atoms. In the crystal, there are two O—H⋯I hydrogen bonds