38 research outputs found

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Kantor Kecamatan Pinggir

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    Subdistrict of Pinggir is a government agency that has the main task to organizing public services. Public service as something that associated with fulfillment of expectations /needs of the public, which is quality service is can provide products dan services in accordance with needs and expectations of public. In fact there are still complaints from the public which is there are still people whowait because service schedule is not on time, facilities is inadequate. As for the purpose of this research is to find out about quality of public service in Subdistrict of Pinggir. Concept of theory that researcher uses is service quality according To Ratmintos theory, there are indicators affect the quality of service which is completion time of service, cost of service, procedure of service, and facilities. This research is using qualitative research method and evaluating data with descriptive method, collecting data with interview technique, observation, and documentation from research informants. Concept of theory that researcher uses is service quality according To Ratmintos theory, there are indicators affect the quality of service which is completion time of service, cost of service, procedure of service, and facilities. This research is using qualitative research method and evaluating data with descriptive method, collecting data with interview technique, observation, and documentation from research informants. The result of this research showing that Subdistrict of Pinggir in doing public service is still not optimal yet that can be discovered by the time of sevice is uncertain, the cost of servie that are not clear, the presence of Camat less than optimal, and facilities is inadequate. Factors that influence subdistrict of Pinggir in doing public service influenced by employee discipline, untrasparent cost of service, and inadequate the facilities. The result of this research showing that Subdistrict of Pinggir in doing public service is still not optimal yet that can be discovered by the time of sevice is uncertain, the cost of servie that are not clear, the presence of Camat less than optimal, and facilities is inadequate. Factors that influence subdistrict of Pinggir in doing public service influenced by employee discipline, untrasparent cost of service, and inadequate the facilities. Key Words : Service Quality, Public Service Key Words : Service Quality, Public Servic


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    Objective: β-sitosterol is the steroid compound which is an important nutrient in the diet meal, hydrophobic and soluble in organic solvents and considered as a good biomarker due to its biological activity.Methods: In vitro study was using 2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide method towards T47D, MCF-7, HeLa, and WiDr cell lines. In silico docking using PLANTS program and visualized by Yasara program. The model of three dimension enzyme structures used in this research were epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-α), ER-beta (ER-β), and human EGFR 2 (HER-2). Two and three dimensions of β-sitosetrol, ZSTK474, and tamoxifen as the standard were generated using Marvin Sketch program.Results: β-sitosterol was found to have inhibitory concentration 50% of 0.55; 0.87; 0.76, and 0.99 mM. β-sitosterol and ZSTK474 were inhibited EGFR and PI3K with docking score −92.8195; −91.7920 and −91.7470; −94.7491 β-sitosterol and tamoxifen were inhibited ER-α, ER-β and HER-2 with docking score −78.5570; −89.535, −68.7717; −52.008 and −90.4908; −50.5576, respectively.Conclusion: Based on the results above that shows β-sitosterol provide effective as anticancer.Â

    Nitrates and Phosphates Content in the Water and Sediment in Seagrass Ecosystem in the North of Coastal Area of Rupat Sub Distric Bengkalis Riau

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    This research was take place in north Rupat island beach, Bengkalis regency Riau province on January 2016. The purpose of this research is to find out the contents of nitrate and phosphate in the water of seagrass ecosystem in north Rupat island and to find out the contents of nitrate and phosphate in the sediment of seagrass ecosystem in north Rupat island as well as to find out the difference of nitrate and phosphate contents in the water and sediment between station. The parameter that have been observed is the physics and chemist of water parameter. Transect squares device was use to calculated the density. While to determine nitrate and phosphate in the water leads to Saeni and Latifah in Sanggam, 2008 and to determine nitrate and phosphate in sediment leads to Siaka et al., 1998. Base on research result the average content of nitrate in the water is 0.2264-0.2417 mg/L, and in the sediment 0.1347-0,.5319 mg/L. While the average content of phosphate in the water was 0.1991-0.2433 mg/L, and in the sediment 0.2507-0.3872 mg/L. The density of seagrass on each station in north Rupat island beach was about 23.66-154.66 stands/m2. From the result of this research we found from the t test result, the significant differences of content of nitrate and phosphate in water an cediment show that the differences is not significant, show that the condition of north coatsal of Rupat island is water that has midlle level of pressure and polution

    Pengaruh TIME Pressure, Audit Risk, Professional Commitment, Review Procedure and Quality Control Dan Self Esteem in Relation to Ambition Terhadap Terjadinya Penghentian Prematur Atas Prosedur Audit(premature Sign Off) (Studi Empiris Pada Kantor Akuntan P

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    This study examines the influence of time pressure, audit risk, professional commitment, review procedure and quality control and self esteem in relation to ambition to premature sign-off of audit procedure of Public Accountant Firms. Respondents in this study are auditors who worked for public accounting firm in Riau, Padang, Medan. The samples in this study are 120 auditors from 30 public accounting firms. The method of determining the sample is by using purposive sampling method, while the data processing methods used by researcher are the multiple regression and use SPSS version 17.00 as the software for processing the data. The result shows that the time pressure, audit risk, positively and significantly influences to premature sign-off of audit procedure. Professional commitment, review procedure and quality control and self esteem in relation to ambiton, negatively and significantly influences to premature sign-off of audit procedure

    Evaluasi Program Jampersal (Jaminan Persalinan) di Puskesmas Ngesrep Kota Semarang)

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    Jampersal is one of the breakthroughs a government that help to drive down AKI and AKB to reach the targets of MDG's. Jampersal, covering the examination of pregnancy help births, service parturition including KB service after childbirth and for newborn infants done by health workers in a health facility. Reichsarzt through regulation minister for health (Permenkes) No.2562/menkes/per/12/2011 about the technical guidelines childbirth insurance signed and formally held per 1 january 2012. Now that is a problem, namely the delay of the process of a claim limited information, uneven services in the whole area and still lack of completeness advice and infrastructure support. And that becomes an objective in this research is to find out the process and to evaluate the implementation of the Program Jampersal in Puskesmas Ngesrep the city of Semarang. This research using a technique research qualitative with purposive and continued with the technique of snowball. An informer be sorted as many as seven men administrator, namely a midwife financial management and participants Jampersal. Done an interview as well as deep on the process of referring to the theory of William Dunn covering; the effectiveness, efficiency, sufficiency, flattening, responsiveness and precision. The result showed that evaluation of the jampersal is still relatively good. Still lack of supporting facilities and infrastructures into factors less at the results achieved by Puskesmas Ngesrep. The recommendations on program is to optimize the use of the media for the implementation of publications, the strengthening of the strategy and the program commitmen of an executor cooperate with private sector and the need for sensitivity and public awareness of government program for the sake of together

    Karbonisasi Pelepah Sawit dengan Variasi Temperatur dan Waktu Karbonisasi

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    Palm fronds only used as a source of raw materials for animal feed, compost and organic fertilizer in the garden area so far. The heating value of palm fronds is 15,184 MJ/kg. The heating value can be improved by conducting carbonization process. Carbonization is a method to process biomass into solid fuel without oxygen where the temperature range is between 400-600 °C.The aim of this study is to produce a solid fuel from palm fronds by using carbonization process and studied the effect of variations in temperature (450-550 °C) and carbonization time (3-4 hours) on the quality of fuels from waste palm frond.Carbonization temperature used were 450, 500, 550oC, carbonization time used were 3, 3.5, 4hours. Particle size used were < 850 μm (20 mesh).The highest result of heating value was 27,177MJ/kg at 450oC for 3.5hours. The lowest result of volatile matter content was 7,01 %-wt at 550oC for 3hours. Significant process condition affecting the heating value was temperature and carbonization time


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    Kota Bogor memiliki beberapa titik RTH publik dan potensi RTH privat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan masyarakat namun ketersediaan RTH tersebut terancam dengan semakin pesatnya pembangunan dan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk. Ketersediaan RTH merupakan bagian penting dalam upaya mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan kota seperti suhu udara yang meningkat, tingkat polusi yang tinggi, berkurangnya resapan air dan terbatasnya ruang interaksi masyarakat. Upaya Kota Bogor dalam mengembangkan RTH dinilai masih belum cukup untuk disebut sebagai Green City. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis distribusi spasial RTH eksisting; 2) menganalisis kebutuhan RTH Publik Kota Bogor berdasarkan luas wilayah dan jumlah penduduk dan 3) menganalisis area yang berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi RTH Publik. Hasil analisis menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk menyusun rencana pengembangan RTH berdasarkan atribut Green City dengan pendekatan green open space yang menitikberatkan pada distribusi RTH secara merata dan pendekatan green planning design untuk meningkatkan kualitas RTH kota. Kata kunci : Distribusi RTH, Green City, Ketersedian. ABSTRACT Bogor City has several public and potential private green open space that can be utilized for community needs but the availability of green open space is at risk with the rapid development and increasing population. The availability of green open space is an important part of efforts to deal with urban environmental problems such as rising air temperatures, high levels of pollution, decreasing water infiltration and limited space for community interaction. Bogor City's efforts in developing green spaces are still considered insufficient to be called a Green City. Therefore, the objectives of this study are 1) to identify and analyze the spatial distribution of existing public green open space; 2) to analyze the need for public green open space in Bogor City based on area and population; and 3) to analyze areas that have the potential to be developed into public green open space. The results of the analysis will be taken into consideration to formulate green open space development plan based on Green City attributes with a green open space approach that focuses on the distribution of green open space evenly and green planning design approach to improve the quality of urban green open space. Keywords : Green Open Space Distribution, Green City, Availability


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    Akhir-akhir ini mesin pendingin siklus adsorpsi semakin banyak diteliti oleh para ahli karenadisamping ekonomis juga ramah lingkungan dan menggunakan energy terbarukan yaitu energi surya.Agar proses adsorpsi dan desorpsi mesin pendingin adsorpsi dapat berjalan dengan baik perludiketahui jumlah perbandingan yang ideal antara adsorben dengan refrigeran yang digunakan. Disiniuntuk mencari perbandingan antara absorben alumina aktif menggunakan baut maupun tidakmenggunakan baut. Data tersebut dapat dicari menggunakan alat penguji kapasitas adsorpsi. Alatpenguji kapasitas adsorpsi yang digunakan dilengkapi dengan lampu halogen 1000 W sebagai sumberpanas. Adsorber pada alat penguji ini terbuat dari bahan stainless steel yang bertujuan agar tahanterhadap korosi akibat dari variasi refrigeran yang digunakan. Alumina aktif yang digunakan sebagaiadsorben sebanyak 1 kg. Sedangkan variasi refrigeran yang digunakan yaitu amonia. Kapasitas amoniayang dapat diadsorpsi dan didesorpsi oleh adsorben alumina aktif mengunakan baut diisolasi adalahsebanyak 300 mL. Sedangkan kapasitas amonia yang dapat diadsorpsi dan didesorpsi oleh adsorbenalumina aktif tidak menggunakan baut diisolasi adalah sebanyak 220 mL

    Trends in prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment over 30 years: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study

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    Background To contribute to the WHO initiative, VISION 2020: The Right to Sight, an assessment of global vision impairment in 2020 and temporal change is needed. We aimed to extensively update estimates of global vision loss burden, presenting estimates for 2020, temporal change over three decades between 1990–2020, and forecasts for 2050. Methods We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based surveys of eye disease from January, 1980, to October, 2018. Only studies with samples representative of the population and with clearly defined visual acuity testing protocols were included. We fitted hierarchical models to estimate 2020 prevalence (with 95% uncertainty intervals [UIs]) of mild vision impairment (presenting visual acuity ≥6/18 and <6/12), moderate and severe vision impairment (<6/18 to 3/60), and blindness (<3/60 or less than 10° visual field around central fixation); and vision impairment from uncorrected presbyopia (presenting near vision <N6 or <N8 at 40 cm where best-corrected distance visual acuity is ≥6/12). We forecast estimates of vision loss up to 2050. Findings In 2020, an estimated 43·3 million (95% UI 37·6–48·4) people were blind, of whom 23·9 million (55%; 20·8–26·8) were estimated to be female. We estimated 295 million (267–325) people to have moderate and severe vision impairment, of whom 163 million (55%; 147–179) were female; 258 million (233–285) to have mild vision impairment, of whom 142 million (55%; 128–157) were female; and 510 million (371–667) to have visual impairment from uncorrected presbyopia, of whom 280 million (55%; 205–365) were female. Globally, between 1990 and 2020, among adults aged 50 years or older, age-standardised prevalence of blindness decreased by 28·5% (–29·4 to −27·7) and prevalence of mild vision impairment decreased slightly (–0·3%, −0·8 to −0·2), whereas prevalence of moderate and severe vision impairment increased slightly (2·5%, 1·9 to 3·2; insufficient data were available to calculate this statistic for vision impairment from uncorrected presbyopia). In this period, the number of people who were blind increased by 50·6% (47·8 to 53·4) and the number with moderate and severe vision impairment increased by 91·7% (87·6 to 95·8). By 2050, we predict 61·0 million (52·9 to 69·3) people will be blind, 474 million (428 to 518) will have moderate and severe vision impairment, 360 million (322 to 400) will have mild vision impairment, and 866 million (629 to 1150) will have uncorrected presbyopia. Interpretation Age-adjusted prevalence of blindness has reduced over the past three decades, yet due to population growth, progress is not keeping pace with needs. We face enormous challenges in avoiding vision impairment as the global population grows and ages