17 research outputs found

    Effect of Fruit Pruning and Potassium Application on Growth and Production of Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis).

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    This study aims to determine the effect of fruit pruning and application of Potassium on the growth and production of strawberry plants (Fragaria chiolensis). This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors. The first factor was fruit pruning consisting of 4 levels: P0 = No pruning, P1 = 1 pruning, P2 = 2 pruning, P3 = 3 pruning. The second factor is Potassium fertilizer consisting of 4 levels: K0 = 0 g/plant, K1 = 2 g/plant, K2 = 4 g/plant, K3 = 6 g/plant. The observed variables were plant height (cm), flowering age (days), Fruit Weight (g), Fruit Volume (cm3), Sugar Content (%), Plant Wet Weight (g), and Plant Dry Weight (g). The results showed that pruning three fruits/plant increased plant height, fruit weight, fruit volume, sugar content, fresh weight and dry weight. Applying potassium fertilizer up to a dose of 6 g/plant can increase plant height, flowering time, fruit weight, fruit volume, sugar content, and wet and dry weight. Meanwhile, the interaction between fruit pruning and potassium application had no significant effect on all observed parameters.This study aims to determine the effect of fruit pruning and the application of Potassium on the growth and production of strawberry plants (Fragaria chiolensis). This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with two factors. The first factor was fruit pruning consisting of 4 levels: P0 = No pruning, P1 = 1 pruning, P2 = 2 pruning, P3 = 3 pruning. The second factor is Potassium fertilizer consisting of 4 levels: K0 = 0 g/plant, K1 = 2 g/plant, K2 = 4 g/plant, and K3 = 6 g/plant. The results showed that pruning 3 fruits/plant increased plant height, fruit weight, fruit volume, sugar content, fresh weight, and dry weight. Applying potassium fertilizer up to a dose of 6 g/plant can increase plant height, flowering time, fruit weight, fruit volume, sugar content, wet weight, and dry weight. The interaction between fruit pruning and potassium application had no significant effect on all observed parameters


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    Stunting is a disruption of physical development that has passed with decreasing in the growth rate of children. Puskesmas Pancur Batu conducts stunting prevention through health promotion to increase knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about exclusive breastfeeding. The number of mothers giving exclusive breastfeeding only reached 44.9% (target 80%). The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of health promotions with leaflet media about exclusive breastfeeding on the knowledge and attitude of pregnant women in stunting prevention. The study design was quasi-experimental with a sample of 40 pregnant women. The study was conducted in October 2019 in Puskesmas Pancur Batu. The sampling technique is done purposively. Data were analyzed using independent t test. The results showed that before the pre-test, the average score of knowledge variables from the intervention group 6.60 and the comparison group 6.22, after the post-tes increased to 10.30 and 8.34. The average score of attitude variables from the intervention group was 4.04 and the comparison group was 4.44, after the post-test increased to 5.80 and 4.84. The results of the statistic test showed that health promotion influences the knowledge and attitude of pregnant women in preventing stunting before and after the intervention with p = 0.005 and p 0.028 <0.05. It is recommended that Puskesmas staff conduct health promotion through the distribution of leaflets to facilitate pregnant women in understanding the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding in an effort to prevent stunting

    Implementasi Cloning Data Menggunakan Aplikasi EaseUS Partition Master Dengan Menerapkan Metode Workflow

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    Data cloning implementation is an essential process in information technology to duplicate content from one storage device to another. EaseUS Partition Master is a popular software used to implement this data cloning process. This abstract discusses the implementation of data cloning using EaseUS Partition Master. Data cloning is an efficient way to duplicate the entire contents of one hard drive or partition to another storage device. EaseUS Partition Master offers extensive capabilities in performing data cloning with various features that can facilitate users in carrying out the process. One of the most commonly used cloning features is "Disk Clone," which allows users to duplicate an entire hard drive to another hard drive. In this case, EaseUS Partition Master will automatically detect all existing partitions, and users can select the partitions they want to clone. In addition, EaseUS Partition Master also provides a "Partition Clone" feature, which allows users to clone a specific partition from one hard drive to another. This feature is helpful if users only want to duplicate data from a few selected partitions. Once the user has selected the desired type of cloning, EaseUS Partition Master will guide the user through the following steps. This includes selecting a target hard drive or partition to place the cloned data on and customizing the cloning settings according to the user's needs. During the cloning process, EaseUS Partition Master provides a clear and informative view of the cloning progress. Users can track and monitor the process to ensure everything is going well. Overall, implementing data cloning using EaseUS Partition Master provides a reliable and easy-to-use solution for users who need an efficient cloning process. With its comprehensive features and intuitive interface, the software allows users to clone their data without any significant difficulties

    Bimbingan Belajar Dan Pembinaan Karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila Pada SD Negeri 010074 Asahan

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    Bimbingan belajar dan pembinaan karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 010074 Desa Panca Arga II Kabupaten Asahan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didik dibidang literasi dan numerasi serta pembentukan karakater Pelajar Pancasila. Metode yang digunakan adalah: (a) membagi peserta didik menjadi dua kelompok yaitu: kelas bawah (kelas I, II dan III ) dan kelas atas ( kelas IV, V dan VI) , (b) membuka rumah belajar, yaitu tempat peserta didik belajar  waktu sore hari jam 15.00 - 17.30 selama dua minggu, (c)melatih dan membimbing peserta didik untuk meningkatkan kompetensi literasi dan numerasi dan (d) melakukan pengenalan karakter dan Profil Pelajar Pancasila selama kegiatan ini berlangsung . Kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang  dengan metode asik,  interaktif dan  menyenangkan  dengan menggunakan media gambar dan media elektronik dengan tujuan peserta didik tertarik, nyaman di rumah belajar.  Dari hasil kegiatan bimbingan dan pembinaan karakter yang dilakukan diperoleh  hasil kemampuan literasi dan numerasi peserta didik kelas bawah adalah rata-rata 61,33 dan untuk kelas atas adalah 82,15. Elemen karakter  Profil Pelajar Pancasila dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa bahwa elemen kreatif dan elemen bernalar kritis untuk kelas rendah dan kelas atas belum terlihat selama kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung. Rendahnya kemampuan numerasi dan literasi untuk kelas bawah, karena masih ditemukan masih ada peserta didik  belum bisa membaca dan menulis, hal ini mengakibatkan kompetensi yang lain menjadi ikut rendah. Elemen Profil Pelajar Pancasila sudah mulai terbentuk pada peserta didik baik kelas rendah maupun kelas atas, untuk tahap  selanjutnya guru dituntut untuk  tetap menumbuhkan karakter  pada peserta didik dalam pembelajaran di dalam kelas

    Bimbingan Belajar Dan Pembinaan Karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila Pada SD Negeri 010074 Asahan

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    Bimbingan belajar dan pembinaan karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 010074 Desa Panca Arga II Kabupaten Asahan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didik dibidang literasi dan numerasi serta pembentukan karakater Pelajar Pancasila. Metode yang digunakan adalah: (a) membagi peserta didik menjadi dua kelompok yaitu: kelas bawah (kelas I, II dan III ) dan kelas atas ( kelas IV, V dan VI) , (b) membuka rumah belajar, yaitu tempat peserta didik belajar  waktu sore hari jam 15.00 - 17.30 selama dua minggu, (c)melatih dan membimbing peserta didik untuk meningkatkan kompetensi literasi dan numerasi dan (d) melakukan pengenalan karakter dan Profil Pelajar Pancasila selama kegiatan ini berlangsung . Kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang  dengan metode asik,  interaktif dan  menyenangkan  dengan menggunakan media gambar dan media elektronik dengan tujuan peserta didik tertarik, nyaman di rumah belajar.  Dari hasil kegiatan bimbingan dan pembinaan karakter yang dilakukan diperoleh  hasil kemampuan literasi dan numerasi peserta didik kelas bawah adalah rata-rata 61,33 dan untuk kelas atas adalah 82,15. Elemen karakter  Profil Pelajar Pancasila dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa bahwa elemen kreatif dan elemen bernalar kritis untuk kelas rendah dan kelas atas belum terlihat selama kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung. Rendahnya kemampuan numerasi dan literasi untuk kelas bawah, karena masih ditemukan masih ada peserta didik  belum bisa membaca dan menulis, hal ini mengakibatkan kompetensi yang lain menjadi ikut rendah. Elemen Profil Pelajar Pancasila sudah mulai terbentuk pada peserta didik baik kelas rendah maupun kelas atas, untuk tahap  selanjutnya guru dituntut untuk  tetap menumbuhkan karakter  pada peserta didik dalam pembelajaran di dalam kelas

    Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level.

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    Importance: Early diagnosis of retinoblastoma, the most common intraocular cancer, can save both a child's life and vision. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many children across the world are diagnosed late. To our knowledge, the clinical presentation of retinoblastoma has never been assessed on a global scale. Objectives: To report the retinoblastoma stage at diagnosis in patients across the world during a single year, to investigate associations between clinical variables and national income level, and to investigate risk factors for advanced disease at diagnosis. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 278 retinoblastoma treatment centers were recruited from June 2017 through December 2018 to participate in a cross-sectional analysis of treatment-naive patients with retinoblastoma who were diagnosed in 2017. Main Outcomes and Measures: Age at presentation, proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, and tumor stage and metastasis. Results: The cohort included 4351 new patients from 153 countries; the median age at diagnosis was 30.5 (interquartile range, 18.3-45.9) months, and 1976 patients (45.4%) were female. Most patients (n = 3685 [84.7%]) were from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Globally, the most common indication for referral was leukocoria (n = 2638 [62.8%]), followed by strabismus (n = 429 [10.2%]) and proptosis (n = 309 [7.4%]). Patients from high-income countries (HICs) were diagnosed at a median age of 14.1 months, with 656 of 666 (98.5%) patients having intraocular retinoblastoma and 2 (0.3%) having metastasis. Patients from low-income countries were diagnosed at a median age of 30.5 months, with 256 of 521 (49.1%) having extraocular retinoblastoma and 94 of 498 (18.9%) having metastasis. Lower national income level was associated with older presentation age, higher proportion of locally advanced disease and distant metastasis, and smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma. Advanced disease at diagnosis was more common in LMICs even after adjusting for age (odds ratio for low-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 17.92 [95% CI, 12.94-24.80], and for lower-middle-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 5.74 [95% CI, 4.30-7.68]). Conclusions and Relevance: This study is estimated to have included more than half of all new retinoblastoma cases worldwide in 2017. Children from LMICs, where the main global retinoblastoma burden lies, presented at an older age with more advanced disease and demonstrated a smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, likely because many do not reach a childbearing age. Given that retinoblastoma is curable, these data are concerning and mandate intervention at national and international levels. Further studies are needed to investigate factors, other than age at presentation, that may be associated with advanced disease in LMICs

    The global retinoblastoma outcome study : a prospective, cluster-based analysis of 4064 patients from 149 countries

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    DATA SHARING : The study data will become available online once all analyses are complete.BACKGROUND : Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular cancer worldwide. There is some evidence to suggest that major differences exist in treatment outcomes for children with retinoblastoma from different regions, but these differences have not been assessed on a global scale. We aimed to report 3-year outcomes for children with retinoblastoma globally and to investigate factors associated with survival. METHODS : We did a prospective cluster-based analysis of treatment-naive patients with retinoblastoma who were diagnosed between Jan 1, 2017, and Dec 31, 2017, then treated and followed up for 3 years. Patients were recruited from 260 specialised treatment centres worldwide. Data were obtained from participating centres on primary and additional treatments, duration of follow-up, metastasis, eye globe salvage, and survival outcome. We analysed time to death and time to enucleation with Cox regression models. FINDINGS : The cohort included 4064 children from 149 countries. The median age at diagnosis was 23·2 months (IQR 11·0–36·5). Extraocular tumour spread (cT4 of the cTNMH classification) at diagnosis was reported in five (0·8%) of 636 children from high-income countries, 55 (5·4%) of 1027 children from upper-middle-income countries, 342 (19·7%) of 1738 children from lower-middle-income countries, and 196 (42·9%) of 457 children from low-income countries. Enucleation surgery was available for all children and intravenous chemotherapy was available for 4014 (98·8%) of 4064 children. The 3-year survival rate was 99·5% (95% CI 98·8–100·0) for children from high-income countries, 91·2% (89·5–93·0) for children from upper-middle-income countries, 80·3% (78·3–82·3) for children from lower-middle-income countries, and 57·3% (52·1-63·0) for children from low-income countries. On analysis, independent factors for worse survival were residence in low-income countries compared to high-income countries (hazard ratio 16·67; 95% CI 4·76–50·00), cT4 advanced tumour compared to cT1 (8·98; 4·44–18·18), and older age at diagnosis in children up to 3 years (1·38 per year; 1·23–1·56). For children aged 3–7 years, the mortality risk decreased slightly (p=0·0104 for the change in slope). INTERPRETATION : This study, estimated to include approximately half of all new retinoblastoma cases worldwide in 2017, shows profound inequity in survival of children depending on the national income level of their country of residence. In high-income countries, death from retinoblastoma is rare, whereas in low-income countries estimated 3-year survival is just over 50%. Although essential treatments are available in nearly all countries, early diagnosis and treatment in low-income countries are key to improving survival outcomes.The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust and the Wellcome Trust.https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/homeam2023Paediatrics and Child Healt

    Habituasi Kekerasan Anak Dalam Keluarga (Studi Reproduksi Kekerasan Anak dalam Keluarga di Surabaya)

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    Penelitian habituasi kekerasan anak dalam keluarga ini di lakukan di beberapa slum area di kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi tingginya kasus kekerasan anak yang terjadi di kota Surabaya, dimana menjadi kota dengan angka kekerasan anak tertinggi di Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memahami dan mengintrepretasikan proses habituasi kekerasan anak dalam keluarga. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi reproduksi kekerasan anak dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi sehingga peneliti dapat melihat realitas habituasi kekerasan anak dalam keluarga, serta bagaimana anak dapat mengkonstruksi makna kekerasan dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pemikiran dari Pierre Bordieau, konsep pemikirannya tentang habitus, ranah, modal dan kekuatan simbolik. Dalam metode pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan instrumen wawancara mendalam, observasi lapangan, studi dokumentasi dan studi keperpustakaan sehingga data yang didapatkan dari hasil penelitian lebih jelas dan mendalam. Informan yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah anak yang pernah menerima dan melakukan kekerasan serta orang tua yang melakukan kekerasan untuk melihat kekerasan yang ada dalam keluarga dari prespektif yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa anak dapat mereproduksi kekerasan dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga proposisi yaitu reproduksi kekerasan lurus, reproduksi kekerasan loncat, dan reproduksi kekerasan gabungan


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    Setiap organisasi mempunyai tujuan. Organisasi yang bertujuan mencari laba, tujuan utama perusahaan adalah mencapai laba dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber ekonomi yang dimilikinya, mempertahankan hidup serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan. Dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut perusahaan harus mempunyai perencanaan. Perencanaan akan berfungsi dengan baik apabila ada pengendalian. bagi perusahaan manufaktur, kegiatan produksi merupakan kegiatan yang utama. Elemen biaya paling besar dalam perusahaan manufaktur adalah biaya produksi. Biaya produksi merupakan biaya paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi laba perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu biaya produksi perlu dikendalikan. Pengendalian biaya produksi dapat diperoleh dengan cara melakukan evaluasi analisis selisih biaya produksi. Analisis biaya produksi merupakan proses menganalisa selisih biaya yang timbul karena perbedaan biaya produksi yang sesungguhnya terjadi dibandingkan dengan biaya produksi standar. Selisih yang terjadi menunjukkan apakah kinerja perusahan sudah baik atau belum. Selish biaya produksi dapat dijabarkan menjadi selisih biaya bahan baku, selisih biaya tenaga kerja langsung, selisih biaya overhead pabrik, selisih yang terjadi kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan pengujian 1 bepasangan dengan menggunakan perangakat lunak SPSS untuk mengetahui apakah terjai perbedaan yang signifikan antara biaya standar dengan biaya sesungguhnya