13 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor kelewatan pembinaan projek perumahan rakyat di negeri Perak

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    Federal Government is currently allocating a huge budget in developing the affordable house (PPR) project under the RMK-11. However, the performance of development project in the past of RMK-10, should be relooked as it was delayed due to many reasons. Consequently, customer (owner of the project) would be affected. The aforesaid incompletion housing project may badly affect the owner of the project and will incur more cost. The Perak State Government is facing the difficulties of three (3) PPR projects, recently. Those delays project lead to the AG’s Dashboard incompliance. Thus, a study need to be done to identity the causes that may hindrance several projects, such as PPR Jalan Laksamana, Hilir Perak and overcome it effectively. This study will involve a collection of data, amongst others, content analysis, site-visit project surveillance and interview of those parties directly responsible, for instance, BPA, SUK, JKR and contractor. Qualitative method is appropriate to analyze the above mentioned data. The findings, apparently, discover several key-delay factors: project owner, project implementer and contractor. Four (4) major factors contribute to the delays: the temple and squatter relocation, the late approval of tower-crane, development order approval and the failure of contractor in evaluating the pilling works. In summary, the study will adequately furnish a necessary information and guidance in making the PPR project a success for the betterment of Perak State Government

    The Impact of Interest Rates and Inflation Rates on Increasing the Number of Customers Saving: Study At One of The Banks in Medan

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    This research investigates the impact of interest rates and inflation on the customer base of PT. Medan Independent Bank in terms of savings. The present study aims to examine the impact of interest rates and inflation on the customer base of Bank Mandiri (Persero) Medan. This study aims to examine the impact of interest rates and inflation on the customer base of Bank Mandiri (Persero) Medan in terms of savings. This study used a causal-comparative research design, which is a type of research that examines the cause-and-effect relationship between two or more variables. This study employs many data analysis approaches, including Validity and Reliability Tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing, simultaneous tests, and the Coefficient of Determination (R2). The statistical findings show a significant relationship between the interest rate and the number of customers. This conclusion is based on the t-test (partial), where the calculated t-value of 5.039 exceeds the critical t-value of 2.920, and the significance level of 0.001 is less than the predetermined threshold of 0.05. Therefore, each interest rate significantly impacts the number of customers. Based on the obtained results, inflation substantially influences customer numbers. This conclusion is drawn from the t-test (partial) analysis, where the calculated t-value of 4.051 exceeds the critical t-value of 2.920 at a significance level of 0.001, which is lower than the conventional threshold of 0.05. Hence, individually and independently, inflation significantly impacts the number of customers. Based on the statistical findings, interest rates, and inflation substantially influence customer numbers. This assertion is supported by the F (simultaneous) test, where the F-count value of 18.348 exceeds the critical F-table value of 9.55, and the significance level of 0.000 is less than the predetermined threshold of 0.05. Hence, both interest rates and inflation significantly impact the number of customers concurrently

    Meningkatkan Percaya Diri dan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Pengembangan Modul Mata Pelajaran Memberikan Pelayanan kepada Pelanggan Berbasis Guided Inquiry

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    Abstract : This research is aimed at generating module and determine the feasibility of the module, the difference in learning outcomes, as well as differences confidence of students who use the modules with students who do not use the module Providing Services to Customers Based Guided Inquiry. This research method using the 4D model of Thiagarajan, et al. through four stages, namely to define, design, develop, and disseminate. The results showed a very valid and worthy module used in learning. In addition, it was also the average difference in student learning outcomes experimental class and control class, namely 87.96 and 77.94. The results of the analysis of overall confidence also shows that there are differences in the level of confidence of students in the experimental class control class.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan modul dan mengetahui tingkat kelayakan modul, perbedaan hasil belajar, serta perbedaan percaya diri siswa yang menggunakan modul dengan siswa yang tidak menggunakan modul Memberikan Pelayanan kepada Pelanggan Berbasis Guided Inquiry. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model 4D dari Thiagarajan, dkk. melalui 4 tahapan, yaitu mendefinisikan, merancang, mengembangkan, dan menyebarluaskan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modul sangat valid dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Selain itu, diketahui juga perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, yaitu 87,96 dan 77,94. Hasil analisis percaya diri secara keseluruhan juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pada tingkat percaya diri siswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol.

    Influence of Reliability Dimension on Service Quality Performance in Northern Region Malaysian University Academic Library

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    This study in particular scrutinizes the quality services in academic library. The reason for choosing academic library at Northern Region Malaysia (UiTM Kedah, UiTM Perlis, UiTM Penang, University Utara Malaysia, and UniMAP) is because these universities by virtue provide service par excellence. Thus, their implementation of quality service could be a guideline or standards to other university. One of the objectives of this study is to measure the quality service performance in academic libraries using reliability dimension. The fulfillment of quality service performance is the key to the success of every academic library. A high quality score for academic library depends on the several dimensions. The results of correlation showed that there is a significant relationship between all independent variable. found that reliability dimension walk out on to the high quality score given by the user from visit to visit library. Key words: Service Quality; Reliability Dimension; Academic Library; Northern Region Malaysia Résumé: Cette étude examine en particulier la qualité de service de bibliothèque universitaire. La raison du choix de bibliothèque des universités de la région du Nord de Malaisie (UiTM Kedah, Perlis UiTM, UiTM Penang, Université Utara Malaysia, et UniMAP) est dû au fait que ces universités offrent des services réputés. Ainsi, leur mise en œuvre d'un service de qualité pourrait être une norme ou un standard pour les autres universités. L’un des objectifs de cette étude est d’évaluer la performance des services de qualité dans les bibliothèques universitaires en utilisant la dimension de fiabilité. La réalisation de la performance de service de qualité est la clé de la réussite pour chaque bibliothèque universitaire. Un niveau élevé de qualité de service de bibliothèque universitaire repose sur plusieurs dimensions. Les résultats de corrélation ont montré qu'il existe une relation significative entre toutes les variables indépendantes. Enfin, cette étude a révélé que la dimension de fiabilité a une influence sur les notes données par l'utilisateur de visite à la bibliothèque. Mots-Clés: qualité de service; dimension de fiabilité; bibliothèque universitaire; région du Nord de Malaisi

    Nutrient Profiling of Snack Bars According to Indonesian Healthier Choice Criteria

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    This study aims to evaluate the nutrient profiling profile of snack bars according to Indonesian healthier choice criteria for healthier choice. Snack bars were purchased and classified into soy-, cereal-, and other -based snack bars. Nutritional information were was compared with the healthier choice criteria. Soy-based snack bars had the highest protein content (20.94±6.12 g/100 g) compared to others-based snack bars (11.21±5.13 g/100 g) and cereal-based snack bars (8.36±3.55 g/100 g) with p<0.001. Others-based snack bars (15.30±5.54 g/100 g) had the highest dietary fiber content compared to soy-based (8.91±2.11 g/100 g) and cereal-based snack bars (7.06±3.26 g/100 g) with p<0.001. Only two snack bars passed the criteria as “healthier choice” while others need to be reformulated to pass the criteria

    Influence of Reliability Dimension on Service Quality Performance in Northern Region Malaysian University Academic Library

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    This study in particular scrutinizes the quality services in academic library. The reason for choosing academic library at Northern Region Malaysia (UiTM Kedah, UiTM Perlis, UiTM Penang, University Utara Malaysia, and UniMAP) is because these universities by virtue provide service par excellence. Thus, their implementation of quality service could be a guideline or standards to other university. One of the objectives of this study is to measure the quality service performance in academic libraries using reliability dimension. The fulfillment of quality service performance is the key to the success of every academic library. A high quality score for academic library depends on the several dimensions. The results of correlation showed that there is a significant relationship between all independent variable. found that reliability dimension walk out on to the high quality score given by the user from visit to visit library. Key words: Service Quality; Reliability Dimension; Academic Library; Northern Region Malaysia Résumé: Cette étude examine en particulier la qualité de service de bibliothèque universitaire. La raison du choix de bibliothèque des universités de la région du Nord de Malaisie (UiTM Kedah, Perlis UiTM, UiTM Penang, Université Utara Malaysia, et UniMAP) est dû au fait que ces universités offrent des services réputés. Ainsi, leur mise en œuvre d'un service de qualité pourrait être une norme ou un standard pour les autres universités. L’un des objectifs de cette étude est d’évaluer la performance des services de qualité dans les bibliothèques universitaires en utilisant la dimension de fiabilité. La réalisation de la performance de service de qualité est la clé de la réussite pour chaque bibliothèque universitaire. Un niveau élevé de qualité de service de bibliothèque universitaire repose sur plusieurs dimensions. Les résultats de corrélation ont montré qu'il existe une relation significative entre toutes les variables indépendantes. Enfin, cette étude a révélé que la dimension de fiabilité a une influence sur les notes données par l'utilisateur de visite à la bibliothèque. Mots-Clés: qualité de service; dimension de fiabilité; bibliothèque universitaire; région du Nord de Malaisi

    PENGEMBANGAN KASTENGEL DARI BUAH SUKUN (Artocarpus Altilis Park Fosberg)

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    Pendahuluan : Kastengel merupakan kue kering yang berbentuk batang dan memiliki rasa keju. Kastengel biasanya terbuat dari bahan dasar tepung terigu. Buah sukun sebagai pangan lokal dapat dijadikan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam pengembangan pengolahan buah sukun yang memiliki kandungan serat tinggi. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengembangan dan kandungan serat dengan penambahan buah sukun pada kastengel. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Experimental Design. Perlakuan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan membuat tiga formulasi penambahan buah sukun. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan membuat variasi penambahan buah pada kasengel F1 (70% : 30%), F2 (50% : 50%), 30% : 70%) kemudian di uji kandungan serat. Analisis kandungan serat menggunakan uji analisi Refluks dan analisil kandungan energi menggunkan TKPI (2017). Hasil : Hasil analisis kandungan energi kastengel buah sukun tertinggi pada formula 3 yaitu sebanyak 1198,7kkal, sedangkan kandungan energi terendah yaitu pada formula 1 yaitu sebanyak 881,3 kkal. Hasil uji analisis kandungan serat kastengel tertinggi pada formula 3 (30% buah sukun dan 70% tepung terigu) yaitu sebanyak 55,02% dan kandungan serat terendah pada formula 2 (50% buah sukun dan 50% tepung terigu) sebanyak 40,01%. Simpulan: Ada perbedaan kadar serat kastengel buah sukun setiap formula, kadar serat tertinggi pada formula 3 sebesar 55,02% dan terendah pada formula 2 sebanyak 40,01%

    Conversion motifs: a case study in Malaysia / Siti Rafidah Muhamat Dawam … [et al.]

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    The number of newly converts to Islam is fast growing of about 30-40% every year. This increasing number must be dealt with carefully dan taken care by the respective bodies in order to sustain the converts in Islam. This tacit knowledge of decision making process of conversion, need to be codified by gathering data on the related socio-demographic factors that have significant relationship to the conversion patterns/ motifs. This valuable knowledge needs to be shared across the related organizations dealing with the muallafs issues. In addition, this study examines the most common conversion patterns / motifs among the muallafs. The study will be conducted at the Pusat Bimbingan Saudara Baru of the Northern Region in Malaysia, particularly in Kedah, Perlis and Penang. The data collection involves a series of survey conducted among the respondents of the centres in the study. It is expected that the study could provide some insights or tacit knowledge on the sociodemographics that lead to the decision of religious conversion

    Analisis Pengaruh Waktu Torefaksi Terhadap Kualitas Biobriket dari Cangkang Kelapa Sawit (Palm Oil Shell)

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    Palm oil shells are solid waste from the palm oil processing industry. In 1 ton of palm oil produces 6.5% shell waste. Solid waste can be converted into fuel as a substitute for oil, namely bio-briquettes as an alternative fuel through a combustion process with less air. This study aims to determine the effect of time variations on the quality and yield of bio-briquettes produced using a combined pretreatment method of densification (with additional binder) and torrefaction at a temperature of 275 oC and time variations of 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes. Torrefaction is a new method in the briquetting process where this method takes place at low temperatures. The results showed that the longer the torrefaction time, in general, the value of water content, ash content, volatile matter content, fixed carbon value and burning time also increased. However, this is inversely proportional to the yield value of the resulting product, so the best quality is obtained in 75 minutes with a moisture content of 0.86%, ash content 2.38%, volatile matter content 18.23%, fixed carbon value 78.51 %, product yield is 36.3165% and calorific value is 5964 Kcal/kg.Cangkang kelapa sawit adalah limbah padat dihasilkan dari industri pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit, dimana dalam 1 ton kelapa sawit dapat menghasilkan 6,5% limbah cangkang. Limbah ini dapat diproses menjadi bahan bakar padat / biobriket sebagai alternatif bahan bakar melalui proses torefaksi dengan sedikit atau tanpa udara. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari variasi waktu terhadap kualitas dan rendemen biobriket yang dihasilkan menggunakan metode pretreatment gabungan densifikasi (dengan tambahan pengikat) dan torefaksi pada temperatur 275 oC dan variasi waktu yaitu 30, 45, 60, 75 dan 90 menit. Torefaksi termasuk metode baru dalam proses pembriketan dimana metode ini berlangsung pada temperatur rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama waktu torefaksi maka secara umum nilai kadar air, kadar abu, kadar zat terbang, nilai fixed carbon serta waktu bakar juga semakin meningkat. Namun hal ini berbanding terbalik untuk nilai rendemen produk yang dihasilkan, sehingga untuk kualitas terbaik didapatkan pada waktu 75 menit dengan kadar air 0,86%, kadar abu 2,38%, kadar zat terbang 18,23%, nilai fixed carbon 78,51%, rendemen produk 36,3165 % dan nilai kalor sebesar 5964 Kcal/kg

    Penerapan manajemen pondok pesantren al-masthuriyah cisaat sukabumi

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