1,302 research outputs found

    Hardness of Demineralized Enamel with the Application of Toothpaste Containing Green Tea Extract

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of toothpastes with or without green tea extract on the enamel hardness. Human teeth were used as specimens and surface enamel demineralization by soaking in 1% citric acid. Teeth that have been demineralized were applied with a toothpaste containing green tea extract with concentrations of up to 15% on the surface of the enamel teeth and then proceed with surface hardness measurement using Knoop system. The results showed that soaking the teeth (enamel) in a demineralized solution has significantly decreased the hardness of tooth enamel. Applications of toothpaste without (0%) and with green tea extract 5% or 10% or 15% on the demineralized enamel surface have increased the enamel hardness significantly. However, no significant differences were seen between the demineralized enamel and enamel applied with toothpaste containing green tea 5% or 10% or 15%. It was concluded that the application of toothpaste containing 5% green tea extract was able to increase the hardness of demineralized enamel.   &nbsp

    Analisis Kinerja Pembiayaan Take Over pada Btn Syariah di Tahun 2014- 2015

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    Since 2014, the growth of financing is slowed. This prompted the government to revise the policy Financing To Value and down payment financing of the property. Financing Take Over is one of the financing relating to the property. Therefore this study wanted to see is there any influence of this policy revision with the performance of the financing Take Over.The research methodology used is qualitative method with descriptive data analysis. This study analyzes the achievements that have been obtained on the financing of the take Over the BTN Syariah in 2014 until 2015. The results of the study found that the design contract used BTN Syariah is using Hiwalah and Murabahah contract, it is different from MUI No. 31 / DSN-MUI / VI / 2002, PBI Application no17 / 10 / PBI / 2015. The financing of Take Over had a significant impact both in quality and quantity of financing

    Perkembangan bakteri pasteuria penrtrans pada nematoda puru akar (Meloidogyne spp).=Development of bacterium pasteuriia penetrans in root-knot nematodes ((Meloidogyne spp)

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    ABSTRAK Bacterium Pasteuria penetrans constitute one of a potential biological control agents against root-knot nematodes offer a great promise in the future. Development of P. penetrans spore in nematode was similar to fungal vegetative growth. At present, P. Penetrans is always mass cultured in its host {Meloidogyne spp.). The objective of this research were to study the life cycle of the bacterium in root-knot nematode, and to characterize morphology of spore of P. penetrans. Experimental results showed that : 1) spore of P. penetrans produced a germination tube which then penetrated the nematode body at 10 days after inoculation, 2) microcolonies were observed at 15 days after inoculation, 3) at 18 days after inoculation, vegetative hyphe became branched, segmented, and enlerged in some regions, 4) Sporogenic hypha was swollen, branched, and the tips were broken up at 23 days after inoculation, 5) spores were scattered all over nematode body at 28 days after inoculation, and 6) single endospore was ready to penetrate host body at 30 days after inoculation. Keywords: bacterium P. penetrans â root-knot nematod

    Study of Dispersion Hazard Potential of the LPG Stations Around the RDE Site in Rainy and Dry Season

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    STUDY OF DISPERSION HAZARD POTENTIAL OF THE LPG STATIONS AROUND THE RDE SITE IN RAINY AND DRY SEASON. There are two LPG station (SPPBE) which are the depot of filling, storage and distribution of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) namely PT. BM and PT. ISR which the distance each are 2,995 and 4,141 km from Experimental Power Reactor (RDE) site with capacity 15 and 30 tons. LPG station is a stationary source, which is one aspect of the external human induced events that need to be analyzed in the preparation of site evaluation reports to obtain site permits. Hazard potential that may occur from the depot LPG are fire, explosion and dispersion of hazardous and toxic gas. The release of LPG due to valve leakage which is then dispersed at a certain dose has potentially harmful to health, even death to the population around the RDE site. The purpose of the study was to know the effect of seasons (rainy and dry) to the potential hazard of LPG dispersion from LPG truck tank valve to the around RDE site. The method of study are collection the atmospheric data such as wind direction and speed, temperature and humidity, collection the station LPG characteristic, such as mass of gas, diameter and length of tank, and valve diameter, etc. The atmospheric data was obtained from Pondok Betung Climatology Station, in dry, transition, and rainy seasons, furthermore data was analyzed using ALOHA software version 5.4.5. The results show dispersion from LPG release due to valve leakage from PT. BM and PT. ISR around the RDE site, in the dry season (April), the transition (January and July) as well as the rainy season (October) does not hazardous to the RDE site. Maximum threat zone occurs in dry season at April (wind speed 1.54 m/s), which reaches radius 179 m with airborne LPG concentration 5500 ppm, radius 111 m with concentration 17000 ppm and radius 71 m with concentration 53000 ppm

    Selection of broodstock of Tiger Prawn, penaeus monodon fabricius, on the basis of Morphometric traits

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    Mature Penaeus monodon were collected from Kedah, Perak, Terengganu, johore and Sabah waters in Malaysia. Selected morphometric characters and body weight Were measured individually. The results showed that the females were significantly larger (P<O.05) than the males in all locations. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that carapace length alone is sufficient to explain the variance in body weight for male and female prawns and can thus be used as a criterion for the selection of broadstock. The logarithmic relationships between body weight and total length. body weight and carapace length, and between carapace length and total length for both sexes were also calculated

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelayanan Bagian Administrasi Akademik STIA LPPN Padang

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    Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahu persepsi mahasiswa STIA LPPN Padang terhadap pelayanan akademik dan kemahasiswaan di STIA LPPN Padang yang diukur dari asepek berwujud (tangible), keandalan (reliability), daya tanggap (responsivenese), kepastian (assurance), dan empati (emphaty) yang berguna sebagai pedoman peningkataan kualitas pelayanan akademik dan kemahasiswaan STIA LPPN Padang. Penelitian ini mengggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan angket menggunakan google form. Sampel penelitian yakni sebanyak 82 orang mahasiswa angkatan 2019, 2020, 2021 dan 2022. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjukan bahwa pelayanan administasi kemahasiswaan STIA LPPN pada kategori baik yakni dengan presentase 83,52%


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    The purposes of this research are to prove the influence of ability on the audit quality Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors; to prove the influence of the auditors independency on the audit quality Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors; to prove the moderating influence of the profession ethic on the correlation of ability on the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province and to prove the moderating influence of the profession ethic on the correlation of auditors independency on the audit quality Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors.The data used in this research is the primary data which was gained by spreading the questionnaires to 101 respondents of Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors. This research used multiple linear regression and moderated regression analysis.The research result are the ability have influences toward the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province; auditors independency have influences toward the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province; the profession ethics have moderating effect on correlation between ability and the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province; and the profession ethics have not moderating effect on the correlation between independency with the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province

    Tinjauan Kebutuhan Rak Penyimpanan Berkas Rekam Medis Untuk 5 Tahun Kedepan Di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan Tahun 2018

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    Rak penyimpanan merupakan salah satu peralatan yang berada di rumah sakit yang berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk menyimpanan dokumen rekam medis, dengan tersedianya rak penyimpanan rekam medis yang sesuai dengan kapasitas penyimpanan dokumen rekam medis maka tidak akan terjadi penumpukan pada dokumen rekam medis. Maka dari itu peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan rak penyimpanan berkas rekam medis rawat jalan maupun rawat jalan untuk 5 tahun kedepan di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Tahun 2018. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriftif, metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data antara lain dengan observasi langsung dan wawancara. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah rak penyimpanan dokumen rekam medis rawat jalan dan rawat inap, dan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah berkas rekam medis rawat jalan dan rawat inap.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa jumlah rak yang tersedia di RSU IPI Medan masih kekurangan rak untuk penyimpanan berkas rekam medis pasien baik rawat inap maupun rawat jalan