13 research outputs found

    Kajian Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) Dalam Pencarian Kandidat Penghambatnya Melalui Ekplorasi Bahan Alam Indonesia: Review on Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) for Exploration of Its Inhibitor Candidates Through Indonesian Natural Resources

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    Exploration on anticancer candidates on inhibition of Heat Shock Protein (HSP) activity are increasing in the past ten years. Some of HSP90 inhibitor candidates were in third phase of clinical trials. However, this issue is not followed by the emergency of HSP90 inhibitor research in Indonesia, not only study on natural source but also on synthetic candidates. This study aims to look the development of tracking HSP90 inhibitor candidates globally so that it can initiate the related research in Indonesia. Study of HSP90 and its inhibitors were taken from scientific articles in the range from 2009 to 2018. HSP90 and its inhibitors have important values in the dynamics of functions and stability of proteins to maintain survival of cells. This also include the oncogene proteins that involve in cell proliferation such as tyrosine kinases, transcription factors, and regulatory proteins that expression and interaction depend on HSP90. Expression of the transcription factor p53, Alk gene, Wnt gene, glucocorticoid receptors have also links with HSP90 protein activity. Some candidates for inhibitor of HSP90 have been entering clinical trials such as geldanamycin analogues, resorcinol derivatives, and purines analog. Candidates from natural sources that are also being developed such as luteolin, licochalcone A, oleochantal, novobiocin, epigallocathecin gallat, silybin, deguelin, and celastrol from terpenoid class, Apigenin from flavon class, Curcumin, and  Gambogat Acid. HSP90 inhibitors which are entering the third phase of clinical trial are ganetespib from the resorcinol derivative and retaspimycin from geldanamisin analog group. Exploration of HSP90 inhibitors from Indonesia natural resources still have great potential to be developed because they have high impact values as anticancer candidates

    Skrining Aktivitas Klorofilase pada Daun Katuk (Saorpus androgynus)

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    Latar Belakang: Klorofilase (Chlase) merupakan salah satu enzim yang terlibat dalam degradasi klorofil. Enzim ini berfungsi dalam mendegradasi klorofil menjadi fitol dan klorofilid. Beberapa literatur menunjukkan aktivitas klorofilase yang tinggi ada pada tanaman-tanaman herba. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari kandidat enzim klorofilase dari beberapa tanaman herba di Indonesia, khususnya herbal. Kandidat klorofilase tesebut nantinya dapat digunakan pada Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). PDT sangat efektif dalam membunuh sel kanker dengan mengubah oksigen dilingkungan sel kanker mejadi oksigen radikal sehingga efektif membunuh sel kanker. Metode:  Skrining aktivitas klorofilase diamati pada daun Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus), daun Katuk (Saoropus androgynus), dan daun Pecut Kuda (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis). Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode skrining awal aktivitas klorofilase dan pengujian menggunakan ekstrak klorofil daun Bayan sebagai substrat, maka dapat disimpulkan daun Katuk memiliki aktivitas klorofilase yang baik. Simpulan dan saran: isolat aseton daun Katu memiliki aktivitas klorofilase dan sebaiknya dapat dilakukan karakterisasi profil protein klorofilase tersebut


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    Irrational use of antibiotics can cause an increase in morbidity and mortality, while also causing resistance to antibiotics. Evaluate the use of antibiotics aimed at reducing the use of antibiotics in ARI Non-Pneumonia as well as supporting government programs that the use of antibiotics for ARI non-pneumonia is no more than 20%. This research is descriptive in nature with a cross-sectional design and retrospective data collection in the January-September 2019 period. The data used are the use of antibiotics in Non-pneumonia ARI in the Sampang Regency. Evaluation of the use of this antibiotic using the ATC / DDD, PDD, PDD and DDD Comparison Ratio as well as 90% DU. There are 7 types of antibiotics used for Non-Pneumonia ISPA and 2 types of antibiotics included in DU90% are amoxicillin 500 mg by 44.63% and ciprofloxacin 500 mg by 44.58%. Quantitative data analysis using ATC / DDD shows that the most widely used antibiotic is amoxicillin 500 mg of 742.58 DDD / 1000 patient-days. Inappropriate use of antibiotics can increase the incidence of resistance. A policy is needed to control the use of antibiotics in Puskesmas to reduce antibiotic resistance and its side effects


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    Latar belakang: Lisinopril adalah obat antihipertensi dari golongan obat angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) yang dapat memiliki efek samping batuk kering. Tujuan: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan menilai resiko pada penggunaan obat golongan ACE inhibitor yang menimbulkan batuk kering pada pasien hipertensi di lingkup gereja. Metode: Desain penelitian ini analitic case control. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien hipertensi yang menggunakan obat golongan ACE inhibitor >3 bulan, rentang umur 35-60. Subjek terdiri dari 49 pasien yang menggunakan Lisinopril (ACE inhibitor) dan 49 pasien yang tidak menggunakan Lisinopril (Non-ACE inhibitor) yang diambil secara nonprobability sampling pada bulan April-Mei 2020. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terstruktur dan kuesioner. Kejadian batuk kering akibat dievaluasi menggunakan Algoritma Naranjo. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Simpulan dan saran: Hasil menunjukkan penggunaan ACE inhibitor memiliki hubungan yang bermakna pada faktor usia, pekerjaan, dan riwayat merokok. Responden dengan usia 46-50 tahun dan Ibu rumah tangga  memiliki resiko kejadian batuk kering lebih kecil 0,8 (p= 0,035, 95%; CI= 0,004-0,817) dan 2,78 (p= 0,016, 95%; CI= 1,51-57,65) kali dibandingkan dengan responden Non ACE inhibitor. Sedangkan responden dengan riwayat tidak merokok memiliki resiko kejadian batuk kering empat kali lebih besar pada pengobatan dengan ACE inhibitor (p= 0,043, 95%; CI= 1,00-8,00)


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    Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) sangat baik digunakan dalam pencegahan efek samping bakteri patogen. Bakteri ini termasuk dalam golongan bakteri baik dan menguntungkan yang memiliki peranan besar untuk mencegah dan mengurangi pertumbuhan bakteri patogen. Sisa air cucian beras terkandung kikisan dari karbohidrat sehingga dapat digunakan BAL untuk berkembangbiak. Fermentasi air cucian beras diidentifikasi untuk mengetahui kandungan BAL spesifik yang terdapat didalamnya menggunakan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Identifikasi ini dilakukan menggunakan tahapan-tahapan metode yang dimulai dari pencarian isolat murni, uji aktivitas antimikroba, uji katalase, ekstraksi DNA, siklus PCR dan elektroforesis gel agarosa. Hasil penelitian terbentuk pita pada kisaran 300 bp yang artinya kedua primer terdeteksi dikarenakan Lactobacillus casei berada pada 254 bp sedangkan Lactobacillus rhamnosus berada pada 159 bp pada fermentasi air cucian beras


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    Objective: DLBS3233 is a standardized extract combination containing Lagerstroemia speciosa and Cinnamomum burmannii. The effect of DLBS3233 on adipocyte differentiation was examined in this study.Methods: 3T3-L1 pre-adipocyte was used to investigate gene expression using the real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method. Oil red-O staining for detecting lipid formation was also carried out in this experiment.Results: DLBS3233 caused cell differentiation of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes into adipocytes which were indicated by positive results on staining cells with oil red-O on day 6 of the differentiation process. Analysis of gene expressions associated with adipogenesis (C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, C/EBP-δ, FASn and adiponectin) showed an increase compared to control. In this study, DLBS3233 at a concentration of 5 μg/ml exhibited better differentiation effect than DLBS3233 at a concentration of 10 μg/ml.Conclusion: DLBS3233 can stimulate differentiation of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes into adipocytes.Keywords: DLBS3233, Adipogenesis, Gene expression analysis, Real-time RT-PC

    Karakterisasi Antosianin Buah Murbei Spesies Morus alba dan Morus cathayana di Indonesia

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    Buah murbei kaya antioksidan karena kandungan antosianin yang banyak. Sayangnya,  pemanfaatannya sebagai sumber antioksidan di Indonesia masih  minim. Pemanfaatan tanaman murbei hanya sebatas daun yang dijadikan pakan ternak dan teh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan karakterisasi antosianin buah murbei spesies Morus alba dan Morus cathayana. Karakterisasi antosianin ekstrak buah murbei Morus cathayana dan Morus alba dilakukan menggunakan pelarut 0,1% asam klorida (HCl)  dalam metanol dan dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-tampak dan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT). Hasil serapan spektra UV-tampak yang diperoleh dari ekstrak kasar menunjukkan spektra serapan ekstrak buah M. cathayana memberikan nilai yang lebih tinggi ± 1,3 a.u dibandingkan serapan yang diperoleh dari ekstrak kasar buah M. alba dengan serapan ± 0,4 a.u. Nilai total antosianin yang diperoleh dari M. cathayana sebanding dengan serapan ekstrak segarnya, yaitu 40,39 ± 7,64 mg/g berat kering dibandingkan  M. alba yang memiliki nilai total antosianin 11,57 ± 3,02 mg/g berat kering. Hasil kromatogram dari KCKT menggunakan kolom XR-ODS dengan pengelusi A adalah 0,1% asam formiat dalam asetonitril dan pengelusi B adalah 0,1% asam formiat dalam air menunjukkan baik M. cathayana maupun M. alba memiliki dua pigmen antosianin dominan. Walaupun bergitu, intensitas kromatogram M. cathayana lebih tinggi dibandingkan intesitas pada M. alba. Nilai intensitas M. cathayana adalah 50 mAU untuk waktu tambat 7,86 menit dan 15 mAU untuk waktu tambat 8,38 menit. Nilai intensitas M. alba adalah 10 mAU untuk waktu tambat 7,35 menit dan 3 mAU untuk waktu tambat 7,76 menit. Dua antosianin dominan pada M. alba dan M. cathayana  diprediksi  merupakan sianidin-3-O-glukosida dan sianidin-3-O-rutinosida

    Efek Antibakteri dari Kombinasi Minyak Atsiri Masoyi dan Kayu Manis

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    Essential oils had been used as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant and insecticidal in medicine and industry. Increasing the usage of essential oils as an alternative medication also lead more research of essential oils in vivo and in vitro. Cinnamon with cynamaldehide as a main active substance and masoyi with massoia lacton as a main active substance have antibacterial activity.This study aimed to determine the activity of masoyi and cinnamon essentials oils combinationin E.coli, S.aureus, and P.aeruginosabacteria. The research encompasses antibacterial activity screening and antibacterial evaluation. The aims of essential oil activity screening using Kirby-Bauer method is to find the optimum concentration of masoyi and cinnamon essentials oils combination. Determination of MIC50, MIC90, and MBC concentration is using microdilution method. Kirby-Bauer test results showed the highest inhibitory concentration that had bactericidal effect to E.coli, S.aureus, and P.aeruginosa were the combination o

    Kajian Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) dalam Pencarian Kandidat Penghambatnya melalui Ekplorasi Bahan Alam Indonesia

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    Exploration on anticancer candidates on inhibition of Heat Shock Protein (HSP) activity are increasing in the past ten years. Some of HSP90 inhibitor candidates were in third phase of clinical trials. However, this issue is not followed by the emergency of HSP90 inhibitor research in Indonesia, not only study on natural source but also on synthetic candidates. This study aims to look the development of tracking HSP90 inhibitor candidates globally so that it can initiate the related research in Indonesia. Study of HSP90 and its inhibitors were taken from scientific articles in the range from 2009 to 2018. HSP90 and its inhibitors have important values in the dynamics of functions and stability of proteins to maintain survival of cells. This also include the oncogene proteins that involve in cell proliferation such as tyrosine kinases, transcription factors, and regulatory proteins that expression and interaction depend on HSP90. Expression of the transcription factor p53, Alk gene, Wnt gene, glucocorticoid receptors have also links with HSP90 protein activity. Some candidates for inhibitor of HSP90 have been entering clinical trials such as geldanamycin analogues, resorcinol derivatives, and purines analog. Candidates from natural sources that are also being developed such as luteolin, licochalcone A, oleochantal, novobiocin, epigallocathecin gallat, silybin, deguelin, and celastrol from terpenoid class, Apigenin from flavon class, Curcumin, and  Gambogat Acid. HSP90 inhibitors which are entering the third phase of clinical trial are ganetespib from the resorcinol derivative and retaspimycin from geldanamisin analog group. Exploration of HSP90 inhibitors from Indonesia natural resources still have great potential to be developed because they have high impact values as anticancer candidates

    Efek Antibakteri dari Kombinasi Minyak Atsiri Masoyi dan Kayu Manis

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    Essential oils had been used as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant and insecticidal in medicine and industry. Increasing the usage of essential oils as an alternative medication also lead more research of essential oils in vivo and in vitro. Cinnamon with cynamaldehide as a main active substance and masoyi with massoia lacton as a main active substance have antibacterial activity. This study aimed to determine the activity of masoyi and cinnamon essentials oils combination in E.coli, S.aureus, and P. aeruginosa bacteria. The research encompasses antibacterial activty screening and antibacterial evaluation. The aims of essential oil activity screening using Kirby-Bauer method is to find the optimum concentration of masoyi and cinnamon essentials oils combination. Determination of MIC50, MIC90, and MBC concentration is using microdilution method. Kirby-Bauer test results showed the highest inhibitory concentration that had bactericidal effect to E.coli, S.aureus, and P.aeruginosa were the combination of 5% masoyi and 10% cinnamon.