1,183 research outputs found

    Dancing in the Streets - a design case study

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    How do you transform a city center at night to enhance the experience of residents and visitors and to combat the public’s fears over safety and security after dark? This challenge was set by the York City Council’s “Renaissance Project: Illuminating York,” and we took them up on it. We made it our goal to get pedestrians to engage with our interactive light installation—and to get them dancing without even realizing it. People out shopping or on their way to restaurants and nightclubs found themselves followed by ghostly footprints, chased by brightly colored butterflies, playing football with balls of light, or linked together by a “cat’s cradle” of colored lines. As they moved within the light projections, participants found that they were literally dancing in the street

    Relevansi Kajian Hukum Adat : Kasus Perkawinan Anak dari Masa ke Masa

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    Although the prevalence of child marriage in Indonesia is still high, adat law studies on child marriage have not received as much attention as land-related studies. This research concerning a century of political debate on child marriage proves that child marriage can only be understood if examined from the perspective of the dynamic relationship between national law, religious law, and adat law. A comparison between the results of an antrophological case study on West Java (Sundanese and Islam) and a historical case study on North Sumatra (Toba Batak and Christian) shows that the legal culture of the community and the role of religious leaders are important determinants of the acceptance or rejection of child marriage. IntisariMeskipun prevalensi perkawinan anak di Indonesia masih tinggi, studi hukum adat terhadap perkawinan anak belum mendapat perhatian sebesar studi terkait tanah. Penelitian tentang satu abad debat politik tentang perkawinan anak ini membuktikan bahwa perkawinan anak hanya dapat dipahami bila diteliti dari sudut dinamika antara hukum negara, hukum agama dan hukum adat. Perbandingan studi kasus penelitian antropologi di Jawa Barat (suku Sunda, Islam) dan studi kasus sejarah di Sumatra Utara (suku Batak Toba, Kristen) menunjukkan bahwa budaya hukum masyarakat dan peran pemimpin agama adalah faktor penting penentu penerimaan atau penolakaan perkawinan anak

    Pelatihan Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak Dan Basis Data Bagi Guru RPL Dan TKJ Di Lingkungan SMK Negeri 1 Trimurjo

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    ABSTRAK  Guru merupakan pilar utama pendidikan. Peran guru sangat strategis dalam perkembangan kemajuan pendidikan di negara manapun. Keberhasilan pendidikan berada di tangan para guru, untuk itu berbagai kompetensi harus dimiliki guru. Salah satu bentuk pengembangan kompetensi guru adalah kompetensi profesional. Ceramah dan praktik digunakan untuk memberikan ketrampilan dalam mengambangkan materi ajar mata pelajaran Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak dan Basis Data kepada para guru digunakan metode ceramah dan praktik. Penyampaikan materi yang berkaitan dengan Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak dan Basis Data digunakan metode ceramah. Setelah peserta menerima penjelasan mengenai pemodelan perangkat lunak dan perancangan basis data yang benar, peserta diberikan kesempatan untuk mempraktikkannya dengan penyelesaian studi kasus yang ada. Untuk mengidentifikasi keberhasilan peserta pelatihan dalam pemodelan perangkat lunak dan perancangan basis data digunakan metode diskusi. Kegiatan pelatihan ini berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam penyelesaian studi kasus. Pemahaman guru RPL dan TKJ di lingkungan SMK Negeri 1 Trimurjo dalam mengikuti pelatihan ini sangat beragam walaupun sebagian peserta sudah pernah mengikuti pelatihan serupa namun para peserta masih sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini. Kata kunci : Kompetensi profesional, Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak, Basis DataABSTRACTThe teacher is the main pillar of education. The role of teachers is very strategic in the development of educational progress in any country. The success of education rests in the hands of the teachers, for that various competences must be possessed by teachers. One form of teacher competency development is professional competence. Lectures and practices are used to provide skills in developing teaching materials for the Modeling Software and Database Subjects to teachers using lecture and practical methods. Delivering material related to Software and Database Modeling used the lecture method. After the participants received an explanation of correct software modeling and database design, participants were given the opportunity to practice it by completing existing case studies. To identify the success of training participants in software modeling and database design, the discussion method is used. This training activity is in the form of training and assistance in completing case studies. The understanding of RPL and TKJ teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Trimurjo in participating in this training was very diverse, although some of the participants had attended similar training, the participants were still very enthusiastic about participating in this activity. Keywords: Professional competence, Software Modeling, Databas


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    Menyoroti kasus diskriminasi pendidikan, pelecehan seksual, KDRT (Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga), serta pemerkosaan terhadap kaum perempuan seakan tidak ada habisnya. Hal tersebut dilandasi stereotip buruk yang telah berkembang di masyarakat terhadap sosok perempuan. Upaya penghapusan stereotip buruk dengan mengubah pola pikir masyarakat menjadi lebih kritis, salah satunya melalui jalur pendidikan dengan membaca karya sastra. Penelitian didasarkan pada kegiatan membaca novel Birunya Skandal karya Mira Wijaya, kemudian dikaji dengan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis melalui citra perempuan. Penjabaran data penelitian yang berasal dari dokumen berupa karya sastra, maka digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan citra perempuan pada tokoh Kartika, Andromeda, dan Astri dalam novel. Citra perempuan tersebut meliputi citra diri perempuan yang di dalamnya terdapat aspek citra fisik perempuan dan citra psikis perempuan. Serta, citra sosial perempuan di dalamnya terdapat citra sosial dalam keluarga dan citra sosial dalam masyarakat. Representasi perempuan tradisional, dalam karakter-karakter perempuan novel Birunya Skandal karya Mira Wijaya, tidak bisa dianggap sebagai perempuan lemah secara sosial ataupun fisik melainkan menjadi perempuan lebih dianggap kuat dalam peran tradisional di ruang sosial, karena ada peran ganda, baik sebagai ibu dan perempuan karirTalk about cases of education discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and rape of women like there’s no end. This is based on harmful stereotypes that have developed in society, women’s, how eliminate harmful stereotypes by changing people's mindsets to become more critical through education by reading literary works. Research is based on reading the novel Birunya Skandal by Mira Wijaya, then studied with a feminist literary criticism approach through the image of women. Describe research data from documents in the form of literary works, then use the descriptive qualitative method. The analysis results show the portrayal of women in the characters of Kartika, Andromeda, and Astri in the novel. The portrait of a woman includes a woman’s self-image, which has a woman’s physical and psychological aspects. Also, a woman’s social image has a social idea in the family and society. The representation of traditional women in the female characters of the novel "Birunya Skandal" by Mira Wijaya cannot be regarded as socially or physically weak women but as women considered vital in their traditional roles in the social sphere. This is because they have dual roles, both as mothers and career wome

    Multimodal Machine Learning-based Knee Osteoarthritis Progression Prediction from Plain Radiographs and Clinical Data

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    Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common musculoskeletal disease without a cure, and current treatment options are limited to symptomatic relief. Prediction of OA progression is a very challenging and timely issue, and it could, if resolved, accelerate the disease modifying drug development and ultimately help to prevent millions of total joint replacement surgeries performed annually. Here, we present a multi-modal machine learning-based OA progression prediction model that utilizes raw radiographic data, clinical examination results and previous medical history of the patient. We validated this approach on an independent test set of 3,918 knee images from 2,129 subjects. Our method yielded area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.79 (0.78-0.81) and Average Precision (AP) of 0.68 (0.66-0.70). In contrast, a reference approach, based on logistic regression, yielded AUC of 0.75 (0.74-0.77) and AP of 0.62 (0.60-0.64). The proposed method could significantly improve the subject selection process for OA drug-development trials and help the development of personalized therapeutic plans

    Muscleblind-like 3 deficit results in a spectrum of age-associated pathologies observed in myotonic dystrophy.

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    Myotonic dystrophy type I (DM1) exhibits distinctive disease specific phenotypes and the accelerated onset of a spectrum of age-associated pathologies. In DM1, dominant effects of expanded CUG repeats result in part from the inactivation of the muscleblind-like (MBNL) proteins. To test the role of MBNL3, we deleted Mbnl3 exon 2 (Mbnl3(ΔE2)) in mice and examined the onset of age-associated diseases over 4 to 13 months of age. Accelerated onset of glucose intolerance with elevated insulin levels, cardiac systole deficits, left ventricle hypertrophy, a predictor of a later onset of heart failure and the development of subcapsular and cortical cataracts is observed in Mbnl3(ΔE2) mice. Retention of embryonic splice isoforms in adult organs, a prominent defect in DM1, is not observed in multiple RNAs including the Insulin Receptor (Insr), Cardiac Troponin T (Tnnt2), Lim Domain Binding 3 (Ldb3) RNAs in Mbnl3(ΔE2) mice. Although rare DM1-like splice errors underlying the observed phenotypes cannot be excluded, our data in conjunction with the reported absence of alternative splice errors in embryonic muscles of a similar Mbnl3(ΔE2) mouse by RNA-seq studies, suggest that mechanisms distinct from the adult retention of embryonic splice patterns may make important contributions to the onset of age-associated pathologies in DM1
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