89 research outputs found

    Soggetto, libertà esenso dell’educare. Il pensiero sull’educazione

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    Il pensiero sull’educazione di Desinan mantiene come punto di riferimento costante il confronto con le mutevoli sfide che hanno costellato la società e il mondo dell’educazione durante i molti decenni ad essa dedicati, e con il dibattito nazionale e internazionale sui temi educativi, di cui ha saputo raccogliere e sintetizzare i nodi, le contraddizioni, le questioni pedagogiche essenziali secondo uno stile di pensiero sempre improntato al dialogo tra prospettive e filoni teorici differenti. Il presente contributo si propone di identificare ed esplorare il profilo teorico della sua produzione e del suo insegnamento, concentrando l’attenzione su due aspetti in particolare: in primo luogo i contenuti che costituiscono l’ossatura del contributo di Desinan alla riflessione pedagogica, e in secondo luogo la punteggiatura del suo pensiero, leggibile nei termini di un metodo che caratterizza il procedere delle sue riflessioni

    Words for Inclusion. A European glossary on LGBT+ parenting

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    Le travail social et éducatif en direction des familles des enfants placés. Une recherche en Italie

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    L’article présente une recherche sur les pratiques de soutien aux familles des enfants placés dans le territoire de Milan (Italie). La recherche vise à analyser le discours sur les actions mises en œuvre par des institutions différentes (publiques et privées) en faveur de ces familles, recueilli lors d’entretiens avec les professionnels. Neuf actions ont été prises en considération. Les entretiens ont permis d’accéder aux éléments liés à la culture professionnelle du travail avec les familles, aux conceptions plus ou moins implicites de la famille, de la protection de l’enfance et du rôle professionnel dans ce domaine. L’analyse des résultats met en évidence un cadre complexe dans lequel s’entremêlent les pratiques et les différentes perspectives des institutions concernées (système judiciaire, aide sociale, structures d’accueil, etc.). Il est dès lors possible d’identifier plusieurs axes d’innovation qui se rapportent en particulier à l’organisation des services, à la relation entre parents et professionnels, à la vision systémique du bien-être de l’enfant.The paper presents a qualitative research on interventions of empowerment and support for parents whose children are in care. The research, focused on the region of Milan (Italy), aims at analysing social workers’ discourses about their action towards families. It is based on in-depth interviews involving twelve people who work in nine different social services. The interviews facilitate gathering data on social workers’ more or less implicit representations of families, children protection, professional care.The analysis shows a complex frame where the practices and the different institutions’ points of view (judicial system, social care, boarding structures, etc.) are mingled. It is then possible to identify some paths of innovation with regard to the organisational structure of social services, the relation between parents and social workers, the systemic perspective on children well-being.El artículo presenta una investigación sobre las prácticas de apoyo a las familias de los niños acogidos en el territorio de Milán ((Italia). La investigación procura analizar el discurso sobre las acciones implementadas por diferentes instituciones (públicas y privadas) en favor de estas familias, a través de entrevistas con los profesionales. Se toman en consideración nueve acciones. Las entrevistas han permitido acceder a los elementos vinculados a la cultura del trabajo con las familias, a las concepciones más o menos implícitas de la familia, de la protección de la infancia y del papel que cumple el profesional en ese ámbito. Los resultados muestran un marco complejo en el cual las prácticas y las diferentes perspectivas de las instituciones involucradas (sistema judicial, ayuda social, estructuras de acogimiento, etc.) se entremezclan. Así pues es posible identificar varias orientaciones de innovación que implican en particular la organización de los servicios, la relación entre padres y profesionales, y la visión sistémica del bienestar del niño

    Le travail social et éducatif en direction des familles des enfants placés. Une recherche en Italie

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    L’article présente une recherche sur les pratiques de soutien aux familles des enfants placés dans le territoire de Milan (Italie). La recherche vise à analyser le discours sur les actions mises en œuvre par des institutions différentes (publiques et privées) en faveur de ces familles, recueilli lors d’entretiens avec les professionnels. Neuf actions ont été prises en considération. Les entretiens ont permis d’accéder aux éléments liés à la culture professionnelle du travail avec les familles, aux conceptions plus ou moins implicites de la famille, de la protection de l’enfance et du rôle professionnel dans ce domaine. L’analyse des résultats met en évidence un cadre complexe dans lequel s’entremêlent les pratiques et les différentes perspectives des institutions concernées (système judiciaire, aide sociale, structures d’accueil, etc.). Il est dès lors possible d’identifier plusieurs axes d’innovation qui se rapportent en particulier à l’organisation des services, à la relation entre parents et professionnels, à la vision systémique du bien-être de l’enfant.The paper presents a qualitative research on interventions of empowerment and support for parents whose children are in care. The research, focused on the region of Milan (Italy), aims at analysing social workers’ discourses about their action towards families. It is based on in-depth interviews involving twelve people who work in nine different social services. The interviews facilitate gathering data on social workers’ more or less implicit representations of families, children protection, professional care.The analysis shows a complex frame where the practices and the different institutions’ points of view (judicial system, social care, boarding structures, etc.) are mingled. It is then possible to identify some paths of innovation with regard to the organisational structure of social services, the relation between parents and social workers, the systemic perspective on children well-being.El artículo presenta una investigación sobre las prácticas de apoyo a las familias de los niños acogidos en el territorio de Milán ((Italia). La investigación procura analizar el discurso sobre las acciones implementadas por diferentes instituciones (públicas y privadas) en favor de estas familias, a través de entrevistas con los profesionales. Se toman en consideración nueve acciones. Las entrevistas han permitido acceder a los elementos vinculados a la cultura del trabajo con las familias, a las concepciones más o menos implícitas de la familia, de la protección de la infancia y del papel que cumple el profesional en ese ámbito. Los resultados muestran un marco complejo en el cual las prácticas y las diferentes perspectivas de las instituciones involucradas (sistema judicial, ayuda social, estructuras de acogimiento, etc.) se entremezclan. Así pues es posible identificar varias orientaciones de innovación que implican en particular la organización de los servicios, la relación entre padres y profesionales, y la visión sistémica del bienestar del niño

    Tra spazi di parola e forzature dell'identità. Il posto dei soggetti nella ricerca basata su interviste.

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    The article discusses emerging epistemological tensions regarding the status and position of participants in the design, implementation and analysis of interviews in educational research. As the interview is a method aimed at grasping and making sense of the subjects’ experience of the world, it emerges how different conceptions of subjectivity and experience shape enquiry practices and the ways in which participants are inserted, since the construction of the research design, into spaces of narration of their personal sphere. Interview practice is thus configured as a place where contradictory elements coexist, not always peace- full

    Riconoscersi situati: posizionamenti, dinamismi di potere e tensioni epistemologiche nella ricerca educativa

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    La ricerca educativa in contesti eterogenei ci sfida a ripensare quali competenze epistemologiche, etiche e metodologiche possano orientare i processi d’indagine in una direzione di equità e giustizia sociale, promuovendo reali spazi di parola e di agency da parte dei partecipanti. A partire da una visione della ricerca come una pratica non neutrale, dal dibattito sul posizionamento nato nell’ambito degli studi femministi e da esperienze di ricerca con gruppi sociali in condizioni di ‘marginalità’, l’articolo riflette criticamente sui nessi tra posizionamento del ricercatore, scelte teoriche e metodologiche e agentività dei partecipanti. Riconoscere la natura situata e intersezionale del proprio posizionamento e i dinamismi di potere che orientano le azioni di ricerca in tutte le sue fasi è una premessa per costruire processi di ricerca dialogici capaci di divenire occasioni di co-costruzione di competenze per tutti, contribuendo a sviluppare una cultura professionale critica per far fronte alle sfide della complessità.Educational research in heterogeneous contexts challenges us to rethink which epistemological, ethical and methodological skills can guide the investigation processes in a direction of equity and social justice, promoting real spaces of dialogue and agency on the part of the participants. Starting from a conceptualization of research as a non-neutral practice, and drawing upon the debate on positioning developed within feminist studies and research experiences with social groups in conditions of ‘marginality’, the article critically reflects on the connections between researcher positionality, theoretical and methodological choices and agency of the participants. Recognizing the situated and intersectional nature of one’s positioning and the power dynamics that guide research actions in all its phases is a prerequisite for building dialogical research processes as possible opportunities for co-construction of competencies for all the subjects involved, contributing to the development of a critical professional culture to cope with the challenges of complexity

    Vulnerability tracking tools in the context of perinatality

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    Early adversity experiences and wellbeing at school. A training module for (prospective) teachers

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    The BRIGHTER FUTURE project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.This publication has been developed in the context of the project BRIGTHER FUTURE: Innovative tools for developing full potential after early adversity, whose working team consists of the following entities: Comune di Torino (Italy) CORA (Spain), PAC UK/ Family Action (United Kingdom), Pharos Expertise Center on Health Disparities (the Netherlands), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), Università di Verona (Italy), University of Groningen (Netherlands). "Early adversity experiences and wellbeing at school" is an outcome of the project "BRIGHTER FUTURE. Innovative tools for developing full potential after early adversity" co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. It aims at providing material for the training of school staff working with children and adolescents who have experienced early adversities and who are in alternative care. During the Brighter Future project, our international team has designed a series of training modules, especially addressed to professionals working at school or with schools, suitable for deployment in multiple contexts. The training modules are the result of a process involving the analysis of the child protection system in different European countries, the review of the scientific literature on school and early adversity, and a qualitative data collection using interviews and focus groups in Spain, Italy and the Netherlands aimed at collecting voices from the key actors in the field: students, teachers, adoptive parents, foster parents, social workers, activists (especially careleavers and parents associations)

    Maria Montessori : penser l’éducation des jeunes enfants

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    Maria Montessori est entrée dans l’histoire avec l’élaboration d’une méthode qui s’appuie sur une vision de l’éducation comme ensemble de pratiques basées sur les ressources de l’élève et son élan vers l’exploration et la compréhension du monde. Cette éducation, capable, d’une part, de répondre aux besoins spécifiques et aux centres d’intérêts de l’enfant et, d’autre part, de respecter son rythme de développement, suppose de repenser entièrement les rôles traditionnels d’enseignant et d’élève. Quelles sont les conditions historiques et culturelles qui ont favorisé l’émergence de la pédagogie montessorienne ? Quels obstacles ont rencontré la circulation de la méthode montessorienne et sa mise en œuvre dans les écoles ? Quelle est la contribution de l’approche montessorienne à l’idée contemporaine d’éducation et d’école ? L’article explore l’expérience montessorienne et son héritage, afin de proposer quelques réponses à ces questions.Maria Montessori went down in history by developing a method based upon a vision of education as a set of practices centred on the pupil’s resources and his or her desire to explore and understand the world. This education, which is able to meet the specific needs and interests of the child on the one hand, and to respect their pace of development on the other, requires a complete rethinking of the traditional roles of teacher and pupil. What are the historical and cultural conditions that have encouraged the emergence of Montessorian pedagogy? What obstacles has the Montessorian method and its implementation in schools come up against? What is the contribution of the Montessorian approach to the contemporary idea of education and school? This article explores the Montessorian experiment and its legacy, in order to put forward answers to these questions.Maria Montessori ha pasado a la historia por haber elaborado un método sustentado en una visión de la educación como conjunto de prácticas basadas en los recursos del alumno y su anhelo de explorar y entender el mundo. Esta educación, capaz, por una parte, de dar respuesta a las necesidades e intereses propios del niño y, por otra, de respetar su ritmo de desarrollo, implica replantearse en su totalidad los roles tradicionales de profesor y alumno. ¿Cuáles son las condiciones históricas y culturales que propiciaron la aparición de la pedagogía Montessori? ¿Con qué obstáculos se ha topado la difusión del método Montessori y su aplicación en las escuelas? ¿Cuál es la aportación del método Montessori a las ideas contemporáneas de educación y escuela? El artículo explora la experiencia Montessori y su legado con el fin de ofrecer respuestas a estas preguntas
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