162 research outputs found

    Self-optimizing Uplink Outer Loop Power Control for WCDMA Network

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    The increasing demands for high data rates, drives the efforts for more efficient usage of the finite natural radio spectrum resources. Existing wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) uplink outer loop power control has difficulty to answer to the new load on air interface. The main reason is that the maximum allowed noise rise per single user is fixed value. In worst case uplink load can be so high that all services, including conversational service, could be blocked. In this paper investigation has been performed to present correlation of main system parameters, used by uplink outer loop power control, to uplink load. Simulation has been created and executed to present difference in current implementation of uplink outer loop power control against proposed changes. Proposed solution is self-optimizing uplink outer loop power control in a way that maximum allowed noise rise per single user would be dynamically changed based on current uplink load on cell

    Cyclic and low temperature effects on microcircuits

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    Cyclic temperature and low temperature operating life tests, and pre-/post-life device evaluations were used to determine the degrading effects of thermal environments on microcircuit reliability. Low power transistor-transistor-logic gates and linear devices were included in each test group. Device metallization systems included aluminum metallization/aluminum wire, aluminum metallization/gold wire, and gold metallization/gold wire. Fewer than 2% electrical failures were observed during the cyclic and low temperature life tests and the post-life evaluations revealed approximately 2% bond pull failures. Reconstruction of aluminum die metallization was observed in all devices and the severity of the reconstruction appeared to be directly related to the magnitude of the temperature excursion. All types of bonds except the gold/gold bonds were weakened by exposure to repeated cyclic temperature stress

    A Low Cost Platform for Sensor Network Applications and Educational Purposes

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    In this paper we describe the design, key features and results obtained from the development of a generic platform usable for sensor network applications operational in the ISM band. The goal was to create an open source low cost platform suitable for use in educational environment. The platform should allow students to easily grasp the fundamentals of wireless sensor networks so special attention was paid to basic concepts related to their functioning. Two versions of this platform were designed, the first one being a proof of concept and the second one more adequate to field test and measurements. Practical aspects of implementation such as network protocol, power consumption, processing speed, media access are discussed

    Simple and Low-Cost Realization of RDS Encoder

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    This paper presents a simple and easy way of realization of RDS encoder. Autonomous equipment which is capable to generate wanted data stream, modulate that data stream and mixed generated signal with stereo or mono FM composite multiplex signal is simulated and produced. Parts of encoder are described, simulated and measured. The use of RDS makes FM receivers more user-friendly. With this simple and cheap RDS encoder, smaller FM broadcasters have a chance to improve business ability

    Nota a Verg., Aen. 10.800: El escudo como clave de lectura del enfrentamiento desigual entre Eneas y Lauso

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    Al oponerse a Eneas en defensa de su padre herido, Lauso ocupa el lugar de un guerrero consagrado siendo, aún, inexperto. La escena evidencia el conocido motivo virgiliano de la batalla desigual, anticipado en la introducción del personaje en el décimo canto de la Eneida (mox illos sua fata mament maiore sub hosteen Verg. Aen. 10.438) y explicitado en las palabras que el protagonista pronuncia, en vano, para disuadirlo de combatir(...maioraque viribus audes en Aen. 10.811). En este breve trabajo destacamos otro modo utilizado por Virgilio para señalar el desequilibrio: la variación léxica en la nomenclatura de los escudos de los personajes. A continuación, explicitaremos cómo funciona esta estrategia.Fil: Sisul, Ana Clara. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios de Filología Clásica, Antigua y Medieval; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Dido en Pompeyo (<i>Phars.</i>, viii, 843-8451): motivaciones de la intertextualidad

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    Al describir el cadáver de Pompeyo en las arenas egipcias (Phars., VIII, 843-845), Lucano recurre a un elemental antecedente virgiliano: Príamo, cuyo destino refleja la suerte del líder romano. Sin embargo, existe otro personaje de la Eneida aludido en este fragmento mediante una elaborada relación intertextual, que trabaja sobre los niveles léxico, sintáctico y semántico: Dido. La intertextualidad se basa en cuatro puntos en común: la técnica de internalización en la composición de los personajes, las primitivas falencias fundacionales de sus dos ciudades, la ausencia de descendientes (o la muerte de las generaciones jóvenes) y la apertura hacia la historia.When describing Pompey’s corpse on the Egyptian shore (Phars., VIII, 843-845), Lucan resorts to a comprehensible Virgilian precedent: Priam, whose destiny mirrors that of the Roman leader. However, there is another character from the Aeneid alluded in these lines through an elaborated intertextual connection, which affects the lexical, syntactical, and semantic levels: Dido. The intertextuality depends on four shared elements: the internalization technique in both character’s composition, the primeval founding shortcomings of their cities, the lack of progeny (or the loss of the younger generation) and the opening towards history.Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS

    Counter-facture centos: an exasperated intertextual form and its challenges

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    Los centones contrafactura presentan una distancia ideológica entre los contenidos del hipotexto y los del hipertexto. En este artículo, nos centramos en De Verbi Incarnatione, un centón virgiliano-cristiano, para tratar de responder una pregunta crucial: ¿cómo debe abordarse un texto que está compuesto de reconocibles fragmentos virgilianos puestos al servicio de la transmisión de un mensaje cristiano? Sea que el autor tardoantiguo incorpore fragmentos virgilianos fácilmente cristianizables o, en cambio, otros de tono dispar, con el objetivo de resaltar las diferencias entre los dos contextos, en todos los casos la relación con la obra virgiliana constituye un elemento significador que no debería ser menospreciado. Por este motivo, consideramos que el mejor enfoque para abordar los centones contrafactura consiste en traducciones anotadas, que desarrollen las complejas e interesantes operaciones intertextuales realizadas por los autores tardoantiguos. En este trabajo, argumentaremos a favor de esta decisión, desplegando los conceptos teóricos pertinentes y proporcionando ejemplos extraídos del centón seleccionado.Cento-literature of late Antiquity is composed by the dismemberment and recombination of fragments belonging to consecrated classics, in accordance with the patchwork-technique. Particularly, counter-facture centos present an ideological distance between the contents of the hipotext and hypertext. In this article, we will center our attention on the De Verbi Incarnatione, a Virgilian-Christian cento, in order to answer a crucial question: how are we expected to approach a text that is composed of recognizable Virgilian fragments and uses them to transmit a Christian message? In the following pages, we will analyze examples where the later author assimilates easily convertible Virgilian quotes or, on the contrary, discusses with others that carry a different tone, to highlight the distance between both realities. Either way, the relationship with the Virgilian hipotext (whether being of convergence or divergence) is a significant element, which should not be underrated. For this reason, we consider that the best approach for counter-facture cento-literature consists of annotated translations, which delve into the extremely complex and equally interesting intertextual relationships crafted by late antique authors. In this work, we argue for this decision, deploying the theorical concepts and providing examples extracted from the selected cento.Fil: Sisul, Ana Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios de Filología Clásica, Antigua y Medieval; Argentin

    El tópico de la mors immatura en la Eneida: entre la transgresión y el sacrificio

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    La muerte de personajes juveniles de la Eneida acontece como consecuencia directa de la apropiación transgresiva (literal o figurada) de armas ajenas, que representa metonímicamente su prematura inserción en la guerra. Virgilio presenta este acontecimiento como un sacrificio necesario en pos de un bien mayor: el establecimiento del imperio. Sin embargo, el tono luctuoso de las escenas involucradas confiere a este evento un sentido alternativo: la potencial pérdida del futuro en el cual debería garantizarse la pervivencia de la empresa heroica del protagonista. De este modo, la representación de las mortes immaturae se constituye como expresión de una voz disidente dentro de la obra.The death of youth in the Aeneid is a product of a transgressive act of appropriation (whether literal or figured) of someone else’s weapons, which represents, as a metonymy, these young warrior’s premature insertion in war. Virgil presents this event as a sacrifice for a bigger gain: the establishment of empire. However, all the scenes involved carry a tragic overtone that portrays an alternative interpretation: the loss of the future that ought to guarantee the survival of Aeneas’ heroic task. As a result, the representation of mortes immaturae becomes an expression of a dissident voice inside Virgil’s work.Fil: Sisul, Ana Clara. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Dido en Pompeyo (<i>Phars.</i>, viii, 843-8451): motivaciones de la intertextualidad

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    Al describir el cadáver de Pompeyo en las arenas egipcias (Phars., VIII, 843-845), Lucano recurre a un elemental antecedente virgiliano: Príamo, cuyo destino refleja la suerte del líder romano. Sin embargo, existe otro personaje de la Eneida aludido en este fragmento mediante una elaborada relación intertextual, que trabaja sobre los niveles léxico, sintáctico y semántico: Dido. La intertextualidad se basa en cuatro puntos en común: la técnica de internalización en la composición de los personajes, las primitivas falencias fundacionales de sus dos ciudades, la ausencia de descendientes (o la muerte de las generaciones jóvenes) y la apertura hacia la historia.When describing Pompey’s corpse on the Egyptian shore (Phars., VIII, 843-845), Lucan resorts to a comprehensible Virgilian precedent: Priam, whose destiny mirrors that of the Roman leader. However, there is another character from the Aeneid alluded in these lines through an elaborated intertextual connection, which affects the lexical, syntactical, and semantic levels: Dido. The intertextuality depends on four shared elements: the internalization technique in both character’s composition, the primeval founding shortcomings of their cities, the lack of progeny (or the loss of the younger generation) and the opening towards history.Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS