1,145 research outputs found

    Gambaran Optimisme Dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif Pada Ibu Tunggal di Usia Dewasa Madya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan optimisme dan kesejahteraan subjektif ibu tunggal paruh baya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan wawancara, serta penentuan responden melalui skrining subjek menggunakan Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) dan Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari empat orang, dan selain subjek utama terdapat empat orang informan lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran optimisme dan kesejahteraan subjektif pada ibu tunggal paruh baya, dimana keempat subjek mampu bersyukur atas kehidupan yang mereka jalani sambil berfikir positif terhadap apapun yang akan terjadi. Hal tersebut dapat dicapai karena (1) dukungan dari masyarakat sekitar para ibu tunggal atau tetangganya. (2) Rutinitas atau aktivitas sehari-hari yang sangat mempengaruhi kondisi emosional subjek. (3) Anak-anak mereka yang menjadi sumber kebanggaan dan prestasi bagi para ibu tunggal. (4) Penghasilan atau pekerjaan tidak menjadi faktor utama kesejahteraan subjek

    TeatroNatura® in Feudozzo

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    O Thiasos TeatroNatura® answered the invitation to the Cammino Lter in Feudozzo, formulating a contribution that was artistic, educational and of common thought with which to meet a community of researchers from different disciplines interested in ecology and complexity. In researching new learning processes, epistemological models, and ways of interpreting and communicating a reality that is to be integrated with scientific learning models and transform their orientations, the perceptive, imaginative and empathic relationships with one's living body and the surrounding living place becomes of a crucial importance, especially in a natural context. The proposed experience points out the living quality of participation in the theater workshop and the encounter with the aesthetic dimension through a performance by TeatroNatura® with traditional polyphonic songs from rural cultures and the oral narration of an ancient myth. The face-to-face exchange of resonances and elements of different disciplines for a shared creation of knowledge becomes beneficial for the participants, and is an integral part of the theoretical vitality of the processes that unfolded during the meeting. The hypothesis, to be examined more thoroughly, is that all these aspects can regenerate contact with the senses, the body’s memories, cognitive openness and flexibility, the poetic relationship with the archetypal figurations that live in Western culture, and in doing so start radically questioning the hegemonic patriarchal mind that condition all fields of recognized knowledge, which is fully shifted towards its intellectual, mercified and competitive aspect, to the detriment of the affective, sensorial and emphatic side. The centrality of scientific thought is not denied, but the aim is to reconnect it with the mysterious and vulnerable depth from which every human desire for knowledge comes. There is no real knowledge without any contact with that reality. To establish a new culture, we need to find a new way to make a successful alliance between science and artistic thinking and to open up to lived wisdoms, close to the health of the land of non-Western people. In this paper we consider the embedded knowledge of performative art as a contribution to common research: understanding how to reach a new ethics, the need for which has been inexorably highlighted by the current pandemic, centered on personal health, that of living beings and the planet we inhabit. Our intention is not to internalize moral dictates or uplifting intentions, but to challenge all forms of knowledge in order to find tools, languages, poetics and practices that work together to effectively take root – those forms first of all - in the care of the common good, namely in the human journey through wisdom for a generalized and personalized development of the art of living. We must learn to consider the presence at various levels of Nature in every cognitive act as essential and the hypothesis of an enlargement of the identity of humans to living beings, to learn to build an alliance among the living beings which is now indispensable. One of the questions that can no longer be postponed is on the tragic existential separation between knowing and being, both on an individual and cultural level, which prevents our civilization from acting for the common good

    SIKAP MASYARAKAT PENGGUNA JASA LAYANAN TRANSPORTASI UDARA DI SURABAYA (Studi Deskriptif Sikap Masyarakat Pengguna Jasa Layanan Transportasi Udara Di Surabaya Pasca Pemberitaan Pengumuman KNKT Terkait Peristiwa Kecelakaan Pesawat Adam Air)

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    Media massa secara teoritis memiliki fungsi sebagai saluran informasi, saluran pendidikan dan saluran hiburan, namun pada kenyataannya media massa memberi efektif lain di luar fungsinya itu. Efek media massa tidak saja mempengaruhi sikap seseorang namun dapat pula mempengaruhi perilaku. Fenomena yang menarik adalah Beberapa waktu ini, surat kabar di tanah air banyak memuat berita tentang pengumuman KNKT (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi). Hal tersebut terkait dengan kecelakaan pesawat Adam Air di Majene Sulawesi Selatan. Sebagaimana diberitakan tim KNKT melakukan investigasi berdasar atas beberapa temuan di lapangan termasuk hasil pemeriksaan kotak hitam (black box) pesawat tersebut. Dari hasil investigasi KNKT bahwa jatuhnya Adam Air jurusan Surabaya- Manado yang membawa 96 orang penumpang (plus 2 pilot dan 4 awak kabin) di perairan Majene, Sulawesi Barat pada tanggal 1 Januari 2007. Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah sikap masyarakat pengguna jasa layanan transportasi udara di Surabaya pasca pemberitaan pengumuman KNKT (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi) terkait peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat Adam Air. Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang sikap masyarakat yang Surabaya yang membaca surat kabar Jawa Pos, Surat Kabar jawa Pos teori S.O.R. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah masyarakat berusia 17 sampai 60 tahun yang bertempat tinggal di kota Surabaya. Dengan menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel Multi Stage Cluster Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Aspek kognitif pembaca dalam membaca surat kabar Jawa Pos sebagian besar berada pada kategori yang positif, Aspek afektif dalam menyukai jasa transportasi udara sebagian besar berada pada kategori positif dan Aspek Konatif responden dalam kecenderungan untuk bertindak atau bereaksi terhadap penggunaan jasa transportasi udara sebagian besar berada pada kategori positif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar responden mempunyai sikap positif terhadap pemberitaan di dalam surat kabar Jawa Pos yang umumnya berisi tentang peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat Adam Air, serta tidak adanya responden yang mempunyai opini negatif dalam penelitian ini. Dengan banyaknya responden yang beropini positif dikarenakan semua responden atau masyarakat ingin mendapatkan informasi yang spesifik tentang pemberitaan pengumuman KNKT terkait peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat Adam Air

    Pengaruh Minat Siswa dan Lingkungan Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Mediasi Motivasi Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi (Survei terhadap Siswa Kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Se-Kabupaten Majalengka Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015)

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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh permasalahan masih adanya beberapa sekolah yang memiliki hasil belajar siswa yang rendah pada mata pelajaran ekonomi yang dilihat dari rata-rata nilai Ujian Akhir Semester yang diperoleh siswa kelas X tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dan perbedaan karakteristik setiap wilayah di SMA se-Kabupaten Majalengka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh minat siswa dan lingkungan belajar terhadap hasil belajar dengan mediasi motivasi belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksplanatori dengan menggunakan kuisioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Populasi sebanyak 20 SMA di Kabupaten Majalengka. Sampel sekolah terdiri dari 6 SMA dan sampel siswa sebanyak 261 siswa. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan uji deteksi pengaruh mediasi yaitu causal steps. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa melalui mediasi motivasi belajar; dan lingkungan belajar tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa melalui mediasi motivasi belajar. Dalam hasil pengujian pengaruh mediasi, diperoleh hasil bahwa variabel motivasi belajar tidak memenuhi syarat mediasi. Sehingga variabel motivasi belajar akan kembali lagi diuji sebagai variabel bebas. Maka menurut pengujian koefisien regresi berganda diperoleh hasil bahwa minat siswa berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa, lingkungan belajar dan motivasi belajar tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa.----------This study in the background by the problems there are still some schools with low student learning outcomes on economic subject are seen from the average value obtained Final Examination Semester students of class X 2014/2015 school year and different characteristics of each region of the high school in the district of Majalengka. This study aims to determine how the influence of interest of the student and the learning environment to the learning outcomes with the mediation of learning motivation. The method used is the method of explanatory research using questionnaires as a data collection tool. The population of as many as 20 high school in Majalengka. Samples school consists of six high school and a student sample as many as 261 students. Data analysis technique performed with detection test. The effect of mediations that is causal steps. The results showed that the students interest had no effect on student learning outcomes through mediation motivation to learn; and the learning environment have no effect on student learning outcomes through the mediation of learning motivation. In the test result influence the mediation, the result that the variable of learning motivation ineligible mediation. So variable motivation to learn will be back again tested as independent variables. Then by multiple regression coefficient test showed that the students interest influence on student learning, learning environment and learning motivation has no effect on student learning outcomes

    Linking Financial Planning to Demand Planning

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of credit terms, financial literacy, and demographics to formal credit accessibility on Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in Sidoarjo. The research method in this study is purposive sampling where there are two requirements that must be fullfiled by the owner of SME to be chosen respondent in this study. The data in this study was collected by distributing questionnaires either directly or online from April 2nd 2018 – April 30th 2018. Samples on this study are 100 respondent who have access to credit at a formal financial institution. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression. The finding of this study shows that the credit requirements and financial literacy have a significant positive effect on access to formal credit. While age, gender, and level of education are not significant effect on access to formal credit. The implication of this research is known that access to formal credit by SMEs in Sidoarjo more affected by financial literacy variables, so the government is expected to improve the financial literacy rate of SMEs owners to socialize the importance of access to formal credit and financial management for the development of their businesses. Keywords: Access to Formal Credit, Credit Terms, Financial Literacy, Demographics, Small Medium Enterprise (SME)

    Public Perceptions of Halal Tourism Infrastructure in Pekalongan, Central Java

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    Pekalongan City is known for its creative city and religious people, which can be a competitive advantage in developing halal tourism destinations. However, having that alone is insufficient; infrastructure readiness is also crucial. This paper seeks to describe public perceptions of Pekalongan City’s readiness to become a halal tourism destination in terms of its infrastructure. Primary data was collected through the random distribution of questionnaires. Using the accidental sampling method, a total of 65 people were selected as a sample. Data was also gathered through interviews with key informants, who were selected using a purposive random sampling method. The criterion is that the informants have visited tourist attractions in Pekalongan City. The secondary data was gathered through a review of books, journal articles, research reports, websites, and other sources pertinent to the research topic. This study reveals that the community has a favorable view of Pekalongan City’s tourism infrastructure in terms of attractions, access, environment, and amenities. From this perception, it is concluded that Pekalongan City deserves to be a halal tourism destination. Although a positive impression is made, there is still room for development in areas like worship facilities, public restrooms, tourist attractions’ safety and comfort, and more. This study recommends that the local government invest in infrastructure to improve tourism services. A successful regional halal tourism industry will produce a tourist-attractive halal industry. Thus, establishing a good halal tourism destination begins with ensuring the location has the necessary infrastructure in place.========================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Persepsi tentang Infrastruktur Pariwisata Halal di Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Kota Pekalongan dikenal dengan kota kreatif dan masyarakatnya yang agamis yang dapat menjadi keunggulan kompetitif dalam membangunan destinasi wisata halal. Akan tetapi, tidak cukup hanya itu, kesiapan infrastruktur juga menjadi bagian yang sangat penting. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah mengeksplorasi persepsi masyarakat tentang kesiapan Kota Pekalongan menjadi destinasi wisata halal, terutama infrastrukturnya. Data primer diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara acak kepada 65 responden yang dipilih dengan teknik accidental sampling. Selain itu, data juga diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber yang ditentukan secara purposive sampling dengan kriteria pernah berkunjung ke objek wisata di Kota Pekalongan. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui telaah buku, artikel jurnal, laporan penelitian, website, dan sumber lainnya yang mendukung tema penelitian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memiliki persepsi yang baik terhadap infrastruktur pariwisata Kota Pekalongan, baik pada komponen atraksi, akses, lingkungan, maupun amenitas. Dari persepsi ini diperoleh deskripsi bahwa Kota Pekalongan layak menjadi destinasi pariwisata halal. Meskipun demikian, masih ada ruang perbaikan yang diperlukan, seperti kelayakan fasilitas ibadah, kebersihan toilet, keamanan dan kenyamanan destinasi wisata, dan sebagainya. Kajian ini merekomendasikan agar pemerintah daerah berinvestasi dalam infrastruktur untuk meningkatkan layanan pariwisata. Industri wisata halal daerah yang berhasil akan menghasilkan industri halal yang menarik bagi wisatawan. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan destinasi wisata halal yang baik harus dimulai dengan memastikan adanya infrastruktur yang memadai di lokasi dimaksud

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Dividen, Volume Perdagangan, Earning Volatility, Leverage, dan Firm Size Terhadap Volatilitas Harga Saham Perusahaan LQ45

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    This research was conducted to determine the factors that which influence the volatility of the LQ45 companys stock prices. The independent variables used are dividend policy measured by DPR and DY, trading volume, earning volatility, leverage (DER), and firm size. The population of this research is the LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between to 2015-2017. Meanwhile, the sample was selected using a purposive sampling, so that 19 sample companies that fulfill the criteria were obtained. Furthermore, the data in this research was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Based on the results tests, it can be concluded that the DPR has a significant negative effect on stock price volatility, because the large amount of dividend payments give a positive signal regarding with the low investment risk. DY has a significant positive effect on stock price volatility, because the high DY means the current stock price is low, so company has a high investment risk. Trading volume has no effect on stock price volatility, because company is included in blue chips stock with large market capitalization. Earning Volatility has no effect on stock price volatility, because company pays dividend to investors even thought profits earned are not stable. Leverage has no effect on stock price volatility, because the company is able to utilize its loan capital to maximize profits. Firm size has a significant negative effect on stock price volatility, because company that has large assets can increases productivity and reduces level of investment risk.Keywords: dividend policy; earning volatility; leverage: stock price volatility; trading volume
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