7 research outputs found


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    27th January 2012 Higher Education General Directorates (ditjen dikti) Education ministry and Republic Of Indonesia culture publish form letter that comprising about scientific publication liabilities as requisite of pass programs master, magister, and doctor. Base of that verdict, researcher most draw for analyzes ability to make scientific journal manuscript PGSD UNNES'S college student, since new a portion PGSD'S college student little that understands with every consideration sistemation of scientific article writing. Researcher utilizes strategy Synergetic Teaching to increase ability writes scientific journal manuscript PGSD UNNES'S college student. Problem formula in observational it how to ability front end write scientific journal manuscript PGSD UNNES'S college student utilizes Synergetic Teaching? and If strategy Synergetic Teaching can increase ability writes scientific journal manuscript college student to the effect in this research is to increse writes skill college student write PGSD UNNES's journal manuscript year generation 2011. The method that is used in this research is method pseudo experiment attention by design one group pretest postest design . This observational that have been use 1) Essay and 2) nontest (questionnaire, observation / questionnaire, interview, and discussion). This research is executed on PGSD UNNES'S college student year generation 2011. This observational result is on reading ability early reference from 55% have been increase becomes 82,5% and understanding listen presentations of 47,5% have been increase as 72,5%. Meanwhile for one was complete through reading ability reference from 45% become down becomes 17,5% and understanding listen presentations of 52,5% as 27,5% that is mean by with strategy Synergetic Teaching is effective for increase known ability of college student. Keywords: writing skill, scientific journal manuscript, synergetic teachin


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    One of the studies that revealed the lack of students' reading ability, in this case the third grade students of SD/ MI, is a Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) study, which is an international study on children's world-wide reading sponsorship sponsored by The International Association for the Evaluation Achievement. The study results show that the average Indonesian child is ranked fourth from bottom of 45 countries in the world. This makes the researchers trying to explain how the level of understanding of literacy in elementary school students and has the potential to improve the ability to read writing writing, especially in SD Labschool Kecamatan Gajahmungkur. The researcher uses a literary workshop strategy model to improve students' reading ability to write SD Labschool Kecamatan Gajahmungkur. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design. This research technique using 1) Test and 2) nontes (questionnaire, observation, and strategy of literary workshop). This research was conducted in Grade 3 of SD Labschool Kecamatan Gajahmungkur. The results of this study are the initial reading ability to write the beginning of 40% to 93.33% and unfinished from 60% to 6.67%, which means reading the beginning writing with RW for elementary students is effective to improve understanding of reading ability

    The Influence of The Big Book Media Has The Character of Conservation in Early Reading

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    The big book media with the character of conservation is the development of learning media adapted to the character of the child in early reading. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of big book media on conservation characteristics in early reading in the first grade of SD Labschool Unnes using a quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest design with one research class without any comparison class with data analysis using SPSS 17. The results of the study were correlation correlation pretest and posttest of 0.757 with a determinant coefficient or R Square of 0.573 that the big book media conservation character influences early reading with a magnitude of 0.548, to test the significance with Fcount = 22.821 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.005, so the significant influence of big book media on conservation early reading skills, to answer the research hypothesis then tested by looking at constant posttest of 48.861 while the regression value of 0.561 can be interpreted that the regression coefficient is positive, then the research hypothesis is answered by the conclusion that the media is big book conservation characteristics affect early reading


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    This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of a structured numbered head model using zig-zag media to poem writing skills of class V Gugus Arjuna State Elementary School, Semarang City. This research belongs to quantitative research which has a type of experimental research using Quasi-Experimental Design and applied Nonequivalent Control Group form. The subjects of this research were students of class V Gugus Arjuna State Elementary School, Semarang City. The samples of this research were students of Class VA Kerobokan State Elementary School as a control class and students of class VB as an experimental class. Sampling technique was used area sampling. Data gathering technique was used documentation and test. The research data result was analyzed by using a prerequisite test and hypothesis test. The study data result was analyzed using t-test and n-gain test. The result of the hypothesis test showed that(calculate) 1.6927 > t(table) 1.66. N-gain control class 0.132 (low) and experimental class 0.320 (medium). From the analysis, it can be concluded that structured numbered head learning model using zig-zag media is effective to poem writing skill of class V Gugus Arjuna State Elementary School, Semarang City


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    The problems faced by two private schools that have almost the same characteristics, namely SDK Girisonta and SDK Genuk, are implementing distance learning and limited face-to-face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing AKM (minimum competency assessment) including literacy and numeracy skills. The solution to overcome these problems is blended learning training and mentoring centered on literacy and numeracy skills. The method of implementing the Participatory Action and Learning System method includes awareness, capacity building, mentoring and institutionalization. Teachers' knowledge of blended learning, literacy and numeracy reaches 78 in the good category so they are ready to plan and implement. Learning tools with blended learning and focusing on literacy and numeracy, teachers design and implement them in the classroom during distance learning. Reflection on the results of implementation assistance shows that it is very successful in blended learning (92%), successful in focusing on literacy (81%) and less successful in focusing on numeracy (47%). The suggestion from this community service activity is that the success of blended learning is influenced by the readiness of schools, teachers, parents and students, so good communication and awareness of all parties are needed. Through a variety of electronic learning resources and online games that focus on literacy and numeracy, students accompanied by teachers and parents can learn optimally to develop their potential.  Permasalahan yang dihadapi dua sekolah swasta dan memiliki karakteristik hampir sama, yaitu SDK Girisonta dan SDK Genuk adalah pelaksanana pembelajaran jarak jauh dan tatap muka terbatas di masa pendemi covid-19 dan mempersiapkan AKM (aseesment kompetensi minimum) meliputi kemampuan literasi dan numerasi.  Solusi untuk mengatasi permasalah tersebut adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan blended learning berpusat pada kemampuan literasi dan numerasi. Metode pelaksanaan metode Parcipatory Action and Learnig System meliputi penyadaran, pengkapasitasan, pendampingan dan pelembagaan. Pengetahuan guru terhadap blended learning, literasi dan numerasi mencapai 78 masuk pada kategori baik sehingga siap untuk membuat perencanaan dan mengimplementasikan. Perangkat pembelajaran dengan blended learning dan berfokus pada literasi dan numerasi, para guru merancang dan mengimpelementasikannya di kelas pada saat pembelajaran jarak jauh. Refleksi hasil pendampingan implementasi menunjukkan sangat berhasil pada blended learning (92%), berhasil untuk focus literasi (81%) dan kurang berhasil untuk focus numerasi (47%). Saran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah keberhasilan blended learning dipengaruhi oleh kesiapan sekolah, guru, orang tua dan siswa, maka diperlukan komunikasi yang baik dan kesadaran semua pihak. Melalui variasi sumber belajar eletronik dan permainan online yang berfokus pada literasi dan numerasi, siswa didampingi guru dan orang tua dapat belajar dengan optimal untuk mengembangkan potensinya


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    Abstrak: Keterampilan berbicara masih menjadi masalah dalam pembelajaran pada siswa sekolah dasar, salah satunya  adalah kompetensi mengomunikasikan opini. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut penelitian ini memiliki tiga tujuan: 1) mendeskripsi karakteristik model pembelajaran sinektik berbantuan CIRC, 2) mendeskripsi indikator penilaian hasil pembelajaran, dan 3) mengidentifikasi nilai karakter dalam proses belajar mengomunikasikan opini tentang isi buku sastra pada siswa kelas IV. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yang  dikemukakan Miles, Hubermen, dan Saldana (2014) melalui tujuh kegiatan berikut: membangun kerangka konseptual, merumuskan masalah, memilih dan membatasi  sampel, instrumentasi, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, dan matriks serta pengujian simpulan. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Karakteristik model berupa pengintegrasian pembelajaran tim dan  mandiri, materi sastra dan bahasa, serta produk belajar berupa teks sinopsis dan teks opini. (2) teks sinopsis dan teks opini siswa tentang isi buku sastra yang telah dibacanya dinilai berdasarkan aspek dasar teks. (3) Nilai karakter rasa ingin tahu, kooperatif, dan mandiri diamati mitra guru sejawat sejalan dengan pengamatan kinerja guru selama pembelajaran. 

    Penerapan IEP (Individualized Education Program) dengan Pendekatan Multisensori sebagai Wujud Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar Inklusi

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    Permasalahan penting yang dihadapi sekolah inklusi adalah belum banyak pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran untuk melayani PDBK (Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus), belum mengoptimalkan potensi yang dimiliki PDBK. Tantangan bertambah pada saat sekolah diharapkan mendukung implementasi kurikulum merdeka dengan pengembanagn pembelajaran berdiferensiasi.  Tujuannya agar guru kelas memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang memdai untuk merancang IEP bagi PDBK dengan mengimplementasikan pendekatan mutlisensori. Pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakuakn dalam 4 tahap yang mengadopsi pendekatan OL (Organizational Learning), yaitu sosialisasi, eksternalisasi, kombinasi, dan internalisasi. Dimana keempat tahap tersebut dibangun dalam 4 blok bangunan OL. Hasil yang dicapai meliputi: (1) pengetahuan guru tentang IEP dan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi, pendekatan multisensori dan membaca permulaan mencapai 77,8 kategori cukup baik, (2) dihasilkan dan diimplementasikan rancangan IEP bagi PDBK, dari 3 guru kelas mencapai kategori baik. Simpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah IEP dengan pendekatan multisensori dapat membantu guru kelas mewujudkan pelayanan yang optimal bagi PDBK berkesulitan membaca di SD inklusi