668 research outputs found

    Predictors of life satisfaction of persons with mental retardation

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    Data from a study conducted by the State of Nevada to assess consumer satisfaction with services of persons with mental retardation were factor analyzed. Data collected using ACD\u27s Outcome Performance Measures for People with Disabilities were used. It was attempted to replicate ACD\u27s obtained factor structure. It was then explored which groups of these variables best predicted the life satisfaction of these individuals; Results indicated that ACD\u27s factor structure was replicable with a sample of persons with mental retardation. This may suggest that variables important to a person\u27s quality of life may be similar for people with different disabilities. Results of the multiple regression indicated that 8 of the factors were significant predictors of life satisfaction. In order of strength, these were: Security, Freedom, Relationships, Safety, Achievement, Health, Lack of Resources/Privacy, and Rights, with Informed Consent not being significant. In addition, different factors were found to be important to the different groups divided by disability level and residence. Reasons and implications are discussed

    Effects of prolonged exposure to low dose metformin in thyroid cancer cell lines

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    © Ivyspring International Publisher. Background: Thyroid cancer is generally associated with an excellent prognosis, but there is significant long-term morbidity with standard treatment. Some sub-types however have a poor prognosis. Metformin, an oral anti-diabetic drug is shown to have anti-cancer effects in several types of cancer (breast, lung and ovarian cancer). The proposed mechanisms include activation of the Adenosine Mono-phosphate-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) pathway and inhibition of the mTOR pathway (which promotes growth and proliferation). By inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis and increasing glucose uptake by muscles, metformin decreases blood glucose and circulating Insulin levels. Aims: Explore the effect of metformin on the growth and proliferation of thyroid cancer cell lines. Methods: The effects of metformin on thyroid cancer cell lines (FTC-133, K1E7, RO82-W-1, 8305C and TT) and normal thyroid follicular cells (Nthy-ori 3-1) were investigated using the MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay for cell proliferation; clonogenic assays FACS analysis for apoptosis and cell cycle, H2A.X phosphorylation (γH2AX) assay for DNA repair and scratch assay for cell migration. Results: Metformin inhibited cell proliferation and colony formation at 0.03 mM and above and inhibited cell migration at 0.3 mM. At concentrations of 0.1 mM and above metformin increased the percentage of apoptotic cells and induced cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase at minimum concentration of 0.3 mM. Unlike previous reports, no effect on DNA repair response was demonstrated. Conclusion: Metformin suppressed growth of all thyroid cancer cell lines, at concentrations considered to be within in the therapeutic range for diabetic patients on metformin (<0.3 mM)

    Head and neck: Posterior uveal melanoma

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    Review on Head and neck: Posterior uveal melanoma, with data on clinics, and the genes involved

    El uso de las TICs para el logro de la competencia comunicativa del idioma ingles en los estudiantes del nivel avanzado de Overseas Languaje Center

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    El presente informe de investigación basado en el uso de las TICs para el logro de la competencia comunicativa del idioma inglés en los estudiantes del nivel avanzado de OVERSEAS LANGUAGE CENTER muestra los resultados del estudio realizado con 40 alumnos, utilizando el diseño cuasi experimental con dos grupos intactos (control y experimental) donde se le aplicó una prueba inicial y una prueba final y utilizando la Medida aritmética, desviación estándar, varianza, coeficiente de variación y la t de student para el análisis de los datos. Los resultados demostraron que después de usar las TICs, el grupo experimental presentó diferencias altamente significativas en comparación con el grupo control. Con lo cual queda demostrada la hipótesis de investigación de que el uso de las TICs permite el logro de la competencia comunicativa del idioma inglés.This research report based on the use of ICTs to achieve communicative competence of English language in advance level students from OVERSEAS LANGUAGE CENTER displays the results of the study conducted with 40 students, using a quasi-experimental design with two intact groups (control and experimental) in which an initial test and a final test was applied to and using the arithmetic measurement, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variance and Student t for data analysis. The results showed that after using ICTs, the experimental group showed significant differences compared with the control group. Whereupon the research hypothesis that the use of ICT enables achievement of communicative English language proficiency is demonstrated.Tesi

    No Association Between an Oxytocin Receptor Genetic Variant and Depressive Symptoms

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    • Depression has the greatest impact on daily functioning capability of all diseases and adversely effects individuals globally (Flint & Kendler, 2014). • Human capital value of these losses has been about $40 billion dollars annually (Kessler, 2012). • Analysis of the genetic and biological systems associated with depressive symptoms, such as the oxytocin system, could lead to identifying risk variants and possible treatment development. • Genetic Variation in OXTR is associated with a variation in depressive symptoms including low selfesteem, pessimism, and low self-efficacy, etc. (Conner et al., 2018). • The A allele of the SNP rs53576 is considered the risk allele as it’s associated with decreased pro-social behavior and increased loneliness and suicide attempts (Parris et. Al., 2018) • The exact mechanism has not been identified, but G/G homozygotes recorded to have higher oxytocin levels, associated with increased emotional responsiveness (Marsh et al., 2012; Tost et al., 2010) • We hypothesize that: (1) individuals possessing the A allele of the rs53576 SNP of OXTR will have more depressive symptoms on average. (2) Females will have more depressive symptoms on average. (3) There is an interaction between genotype and biological sex, as A allele females will have more depressive symptoms on average

    El uso de las TICs para el logro de la competencia comunicativa del idioma ingles en los estudiantes del nivel avanzado de Overseas Languaje Center

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    El presente informe de investigación basado en el uso de las TICs para el logro de la competencia comunicativa del idioma inglés en los estudiantes del nivel avanzado de OVERSEAS LANGUAGE CENTER muestra los resultados del estudio realizado con 40 alumnos, utilizando el diseño cuasi experimental con dos grupos intactos (control y experimental) donde se le aplicó una prueba inicial y una prueba final y utilizando la Medida aritmética, desviación estándar, varianza, coeficiente de variación y la t de student para el análisis de los datos. Los resultados demostraron que después de usar las TICs, el grupo experimental presentó diferencias altamente significativas en comparación con el grupo control. Con lo cual queda demostrada la hipótesis de investigación de que el uso de las TICs permite el logro de la competencia comunicativa del idioma inglés.This research report based on the use of ICTs to achieve communicative competence of English language in advance level students from OVERSEAS LANGUAGE CENTER displays the results of the study conducted with 40 students, using a quasi-experimental design with two intact groups (control and experimental) in which an initial test and a final test was applied to and using the arithmetic measurement, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variance and Student t for data analysis. The results showed that after using ICTs, the experimental group showed significant differences compared with the control group. Whereupon the research hypothesis that the use of ICT enables achievement of communicative English language proficiency is demonstrated.Tesi

    Caracterización de deportistas universitarios de karate de la Universidad de Antioquia : perfil antropométrico y nivel de actividad física

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    RESUMEN: estudio transversal, exploratorio, y comparativo del perfil antropométrico, somatotipo y nivel de actividad física de karatekas de la Universidad de Antioquia. Metodología: Veinticinco karatekas de ambos sexos, entre 18 y30 años de edad, practicantes competitivos y de recreación, fueron sometidos a medición antropométrica y cuestionario de actividad física. Las mediciones se realizaron de acuerdo a las normas y técnicas ISAK y el cuestionario, de acuerdo a las indicaciones de IPAQ. Resultados. La masa muscular promedio de todo el grupo fue de (31,56±1,24 kg), la masa osea (11,64±0,39 kg), la grasa corporal (11,59±1,16 kg) y el tejido residual (14,33±0,66 kg). El Índice de masa corporal activa IAKS todo el grupo fue de (1,22±0,40). El somatotipo medio del grupo, de acuerdo con el método de Heath-Carter, fue de 4,5-3,8-1,9. El nivel de actividad física general fue clasificado como alto (76%). Conclusiones. Entre más tiempo de entrenamiento (años), se observan estructuras corporales con más masa muscular y ósea. El Equipo de Representación presenta mayor desarrollo muscular y menor grasa corporal en relación al grupo Formativo-Recreativo, encontrándose diferencias significativas (P<0,05) en las variables: Índice de masa corporal activa IAKS (En E.R, mayor) y Grasa corporal (En E.R, menor). Los resultados fueron concordantes con los obtenidos por otros autores.ABSTRACT: Cross-sectional, exploratory, and comparative study of the anthropometric profile, somatotype and physical activity of karate practitioners at the University of Antioquia. Methodology: Twenty-five karate practitioners of both sexes, between 18 and 30 years, competitive and recreational practitioners, were subjected to anthropometric measurement and physical activity questionnaire. Measurements were performed according to ISAK standards and techniques and the questionnaire, according to IPAQ indications. Results. The mean muscle mass of the whole group was (31,56±1,24 kg), bone mass (11,64±0,39 kg), body fat (11,59±1,16 kg) and residual tissue (14,33±0,66 kg). The IAKS (active body mass index) throughout the group was (1,22±0,40). The mean somatotype of the group, according to the Heath-Carter method, was 4.5-3.8-1,9. The level of general physical activity was classified as high (76%). Conclusions. The longer training time ( years), body structures presented more muscle and bone mass. The Representation Team presented greater muscle development and lower body fat, in relation to the Formative-Recreative group, with significant differences (P <0.05) in the following variables: IAKS (In ER, major) and Body fat In ER, lower). The results were in agreement with those obtained by other authors

    Entorno familiar y relaciones interpersonales en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa 0348 Metilluyoc, Lamas - 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general establecer la relación entre el entorno familiar y relaciones interpersonales en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa 0348 Metilluyoc, Lamas - 2022. El estudio fue de tipo básico y diseño no experimental, descriptivo correlacional y transversal. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 37 estudiantes. La técnica que se utilizó fue la encuesta y como instrumentos dos cuestionarios cuya confiabilidad es 0.85 para cada variable. Los resultados muestran que el nivel del entorno familiar es 51,35% regular, 24,32% malo y 24,32% bueno. El nivel de relaciones interpersonales es 54,05% regular, 24,32% malo y 21,62% bueno. La relación entre el entorno familiar y las dimensiones de las relaciones interpersonales se muestran; autocontrol r= 0.439 y un p – valor= 0.000, empatía r= 0.435 y un p – valor= 0.000, tolerancia r= 0.335 y p – valor= 0.043, trabajo en equipo r= 0.354 y un p – valor= 0.032. La principal conclusión fue que existe relación positiva moderada y significativa entre el entorno familiar y las relaciones interpersonales con un Rho de Spearman de r= 0.688 y un p - valor= 0.000