19 research outputs found

    Novel Charge Sensitive Amplifier Design Methodology suitable for Large Detector Capacitance Applications

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    Current mode charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) topology and related methodology for use as pre-amplification block in radiation detection read out front end IC systems is proposed1. It is based on the use of a suitably configured current conveyor topology providing advantageous noise performance characteristics in comparison to the typical used CSA structures. In the proposed architecture the noise at the output of the CSA is independent of the detector capacitance value, allowing the use of large area detectors without affecting the system noise performance. Theoretical analysis and simulation analysis are performed concerning the operation – performance of the proposed topology. Measurement results on a current mode CSA prototype fabricated with a 0.35 μm CMOS process by Austriamicrosystems are provided supporting the theoretical and simulation results and confirming the performance mainly in terms of the noise performance dependency on the detector capacitance value

    Analog Sensor Interface for Field Mill Sensors in Atmospheric Applications

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    An overview of the electric field mill sensor specifications in applications related to the measurement of the atmospheric electric field was conducted. The different design approaches of the field mill sensor interface are presented and analyzed, while the sensitivity-related parameters of a field mill are discussed. The design of a non-complex analog sensor interface that can be employed for the measurement of the electric field in both fair and foul weather conditions, such as thunderstorms, is implemented using discrete components for experimental validation and is optimized in an integrated version in terms of noise and power consumption. Advanced noise simulations are conducted in a 180 nm CMOS process (XH018 XFAB). The energy-autonomous operation of the sensor for extended periods of time is made feasible due to the low power consumption of the front-end circuitry (165 μW at 3 V) as well as the proposed intermittent style of operation of the motor. The total sensing system is low power, and its realization is simple and cost-effective, while also offering adequate sensitivity (45 mV/kV/m), making it comparable to the existing works

    Vibration-based Energy Harvesting Systems Characterization Using Automated Electronic Equipment

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    A measurement bench has been developed to fully automate the procedure for the characterization of a vibration-based energy scavenging system. The measurement system is capable of monitoring all important characteristics of a vibration harvesting system (input and output voltage, current, and other parameters, frequency and acceleration values, etc.). It is composed of a PC, typical digital measuring instruments (oscilloscope, waveform generator, etc.), certain sensors and actuators, along with a microcontroller based automation module. The automation of the procedure and the manipulation of the acquired data are performed by LabVIEW software. Typical measurements of a system consisting of a vibrating source, a vibration transducer and an active rectifier are presented

    73.5 uW Indoor-Outdoor Light Harvesting System with Global Maximum Power Point Tracking

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    This work introduces a light harvesting system with battery management. In contrast to relevant solutions that operate in limited ranges, the proposed system covers a wide operating input power range from 10 uW up to 300 mW. Specifically, experimental results highlight that, combined with a 73 × 94 mm flexible light harvester, it can harness light in a range from 50 LUX (indoor lighting) up to 120,000 LUX (outdoor lighting). The introduced system consists of a boost converter and an ultra-low power microcontroller (MCU). The MCU performs Global Maximum Power Point Tracking (GMPPT), using a resistor-free time-based input power sensing method, to calculate the input power of the converter, which does not interfere with the operation of the boost converter. The efficiency of the GMPPT system was evaluated with detailed experimentation, where we achieved 99.75% average GMPPT tracking efficiency while consuming only 73.5 uW at 4.2 V

    Integrated Filter Design for Analog Field Mill Sensor Interface

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    The design process of an integrated bandpass filter targeted for the noise filtering stage of the synchronous demodulation unit of an electric field mill sensor interface is presented. The purpose of this study of filter integration techniques is to avoid the challenging and, in some cases, impossible passive element integration process and to incorporate the final filter design in an entirely integrated field mill sensing system with superior performance and an optimized silicon-to-cost ratio. Four different CMOS filter implementations in the 0.18 μm process of XFAB, using OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier)-based configurations for passive element replacement in cascaded filter topologies and leapfrog techniques, are compared in terms of noise performance, total harmonic distortion, dynamic range, and power consumption, as well as in terms of integrability, silicon area, and performance degradation at process corners/mismatches. The optimum filter design performance-wise and process-wise is included in the final design of the integrated analog readout of a field mill sensor, and post-layout simulation results of the total circuit are presented

    Precision of Contingency in Parents and Children Values and Mutual Recognition of Values and Characterization of the Emotional Climate in Family

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    Maģistra darba pētījuma ietvaros tika pētīta bērnu un vecāku vērtību sakritība un savstarpējo vērtību atpazīšanas precizitāte saistībā ar ģimenes emocionālā klimata raksturojumu. Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai pastāv atšķirības vērtību sakritības rādītājos starp bērniem un mātēm starp ģimenēm ar atbalstošu, formālu un konfliktējošu emocionālo klimatu. otrs pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai pastāv atšķirības bērnu atpazītajās māšu vērtību precizitātes rādītājos starp ģimenēm ar atbalstošu, formālu un konfliktējošu emocionālo klimatu, un aplūkot kādas ir atšķirības māšu atpazītajās bērnu vērtību precizitātes rādītājos starp ģimenēm ar dažādu emocionālo klimatu. Pētījumā piedalījās kopā 143 ģimenes: grupā ar konfliktējošu emocionālā klimata raksturojumu bija 31 ģimene, ar formālu emocionālo klimatu – 68 ģimenes un ar atbalstošu emocionālo klimatu bija 44 ģimenes. No ģimenes piedalījās mātes un vecākie vai vienīgie bērni vecumā no 16 – 18 gadiem. Māšu vecums ir 37 līdz 55 gadi. Izmantotās metodes ir „Ģimenes locekļu emocionālās ekspresivitātes aptauja” (Family Expressiveness Qestionnaire) un Švarca vērtību portretu raksturojumu aptauja (Portrait Values Questionnaire) Pētījuma rezultāti parādīja, ka nav saistības starp vecāku un bērnu vērtību sakritību un ģimenes emocionālo klimatu. Bet ir saistība starp savstarpējo vērtību atpazīšanas precizitāti un ģimenes emocionālā klimata raksturojumu. Atslēgas vārdi: ģimenes emocionālais klimats, vērtības, jaunieši, vecāki, vērtību sakritība, vērtību atpazīšana.The study of childs and parents values congruence and values recognizing is the subject of this paper. The aim of this investigation is to clarify is there any relationship between values congruence between parents and children and family emotional climate. The second aim of this invetigation is to clarify is there any relationship between children ability to recognize parents vaues and family emotional climate and have any relationship between family emotional climete and mothers ability to recignize shildrens values. In research participated 143 families: in group with supportive emotional climate was 44 family, with formal emotional climate was 68 family and with conflicting emotional climate was 31 family. From families taked parte in research mothers and oldest or onliest children in age 16 – 18. To collect research data was used Family Expressiveness Qestionnaire and Portrait Values Questionnaire. Main finding was, that there is no relationship between childeren and parents values congruence and family emotional climate. But there is relationship between ability to recognize other generations values and family emotional climate. Key words: family’s emotional climate, values, values congruence, values recognizing, youth, parents