25 research outputs found

    Collaborative Survey of Eggplant Genetic Resources in Lao PDR, 2018

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    Under the Joint Research Agreement, the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences [currently, integrated with the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)], Japan, and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) have collaborated since 2014 to survey plant genetic resources in Lao PDR. The main objective of this survey was to collect samples of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and related crop species from the Bolikhamxay and Khammounane provinces of central Lao PDR. Between November 5 and 21, 2018, we collected 135 samples, including S. melongena (102) and other Solanum spp. (33). We found a wide diversity of eggplant landraces in central Lao PDR, with variation in fruit shape (flattened, globular, ovoid, pear shaped, ellipsoid, and cylindrical), size (19.2 to 417 mm long), and color (purple, green, and white); spineless landraces were also common. The collected seeds were deposited at NAFRI; a subset of the collection will be transferred to the Genetic Resources Center, NARO, Japan, as backup under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Seeds from these genetic resources will be reproduced via self-pollination, and the NAFRI staff will evaluate the characteristics of the plant material in the next season. We plan to evaluate the accessions’ morphological characteristics and resistance to Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt, powdery mildew, and nematodes in Japan.本報告は,独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所とラオス農林省国立農林業研究所 (NAFRI) との間で 2014 年に締結された共同研究協定(JRA)に基づいて行われたラオス国における 2018 年のナス遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2018 年 11 月 5 ~ 21 日にかけて実施された.今回,我々はラオス国中央地域であるボリカムサイ県およびカムアン県を調査し,ナス栽培種Solanum melongena 102 点およびナス近縁種を 33 点の合計 135 点の種子サンプルを収集した.当該地域におけるナスの多様性は高く,果形や果色に広い変異が観察された.また,とげなし性の在来種が多かったことは興味深い.収集した遺伝資源の種子は,NAFRI において保存されるとともに,定型の素材移転契約 (SMTA) を用いて農研機構遺伝資源センターに移転され,保存される予定である.また,NAFRI では,これら遺伝資源の種子を自殖による増殖の後,特性調査が行われる予定である.さらに,日本では,土壌伝染性病害虫への抵抗性を含む特性が調査される予定である

    Collaborative Survey of Eggplant Genetic Resources in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 2019

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    Under a Joint Research Agreement (JRA), the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (now merged with the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization [NARO]), Japan) and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), have been collaborating since 2014 to survey plant genetic resources in Lao PDR. In 2019, the JRA was extended until 2023 under a newly signed addendum. The main objective of the present survey was to collect the samples of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and related crop and wild species from the Savannakhet Province of southern Lao PDR. During November 5 to 20, 2019, we collected 163 samples of S. melongena (n=140) and additional Solanum spp. (n=23). We found various eggplant landraces in southern Lao PDR and observed variations in fruit shape (flattened, globular, ovoid, obovate, or ellipsoid), size (7.9 to 95.1 mm long), and skin color (purple, green, or white). Over half of the collected landrace accessions were spineless. The collected seeds are deposited at NAFRI for further evaluation of their general characteristics and reproduction via self-pollination in the next season. Following seed reproduction, a subset of the collection will be transferred to the Genetic Resources Center, NARO, Japan, under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement in accordance with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In Japan, NARO will evaluate the resistance of these accessions to Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt, powdery mildew, and nematode infection as well as their morphological characteristics.本報告は,独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所とラオス農林省国立農林業研究所(NAFRI)との間で2014 年に締結された共同研究協定(JRA)および2019年に追加された補遺に基づいて行われたラオス国における2019年のナス遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2019年11月5~20日にかけて実施された.今回,我々はラオス国南部地域であるサワンナケート県を調査し,ナス栽培種Solanum melongena 140点およびナス近縁種を23点の合計163点の種子サンプルを収集した.当該地域におけるナスには、果皮色や果形に一定程度の多様性は確認されたものの,そのほとんどは小さな球形の緑色果実であり,これまでに実施した北部や南部での調査に比べると,多様性に乏しい傾向にあった.一方で,とげの有無については,他の地域と同様に半数程度の在来品種がとげなし性であったことは興味深い.収集した遺伝資源の種子は,NAFRIにおいて保存されるとともに,自殖による再増殖の後,特性調査が行われる予定である.再増殖された種子は、「食料及び農業のための植物遺伝資源に関する国際条約」(ITPGRFA)に基づく定型の素材移転契約(SMTA)により農研機構遺伝資源センターに分配され,重複保存される予定である.日本では,土壌伝染性病害虫への抵抗性などの特性が調査され,有望な育種素材が検索される予定である.Figure 2点, Table 4点, Photo 30

    Collaborative Exploration of Vegetable Genetic Resources in Laos, 2014

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    Under a Memorandum of Understanding, the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao People\u27s Democratic Republic (Laos), have collaborated since 2006 to survey plant genetic resources in Laos. The main objectives of the current survey were to collect accessions of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and other target Solanaceae (crop species) in the Houaphan and Xiengkhouang provinces of northern Laos. The survey was conducted from 24 November to 10 December 2014. A total of 134 accessions were collected: 112 of S. melongena, 9 of other Solanum spp., and 3 of Capsicum spp. We discovered large eggplant diversity in the northern part of Laos: the landraces had diverse fruit characteristics such as shape (elongated, round, or slightly flattened), size, and color (purple, green, white, orange or yellow). Moreover, it was very interesting that spineless landraces were popular in this area. Seeds of these genetic resources will be produced by self-pollination, and the HRC staff will evaluate the characteristics of materials collected in this survey in the next season. Seeds produced in the HRC will be shared between Laos and Japan. We plan to evaluate morphological characteristics and resistance to soil-borne diseases, Verticillium wilt, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, and nematodes in Japan.本報告は,独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所とラオス農林省との間で2006年に締結した共同研究協定(MOU)に基づいて行われたラオス国における2014年の野菜遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2014年11月24日~12月10日にかけ,ナスを主な調査対象とした.今回は,ラオス国北部地域であるフアパン県およびシェンクワン県を調査した.ナス栽培種Solanum melongena を122点,ナス近縁種を9点およびトウガラシ属を3点の合計134点の種子サンプルを収集した.当該地域におけるナスの多様性は高く,果形や果色に広い変異が観察され,とげなし性の在来種が多かったことは興味深い.これら遺伝資源の種子は自殖によって増殖し,ラオス園芸研究センター(HRC)で特性調査が行われる予定である.将来的には,種子は日本とラオスの両国が保有し,日本でも土壌伝染性病害虫への抵抗性を含む諸特性を調査する予定である

    Collaborative Survey of Eggplant Genetic Resources in Laos, 2015

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    Under a Memorandum of Understanding, the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (Japan) and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Lao People\u27s Democratic Republic (Laos) have collaborated since 2006 to survey plant genetic resources in Laos. The main objective of the current survey was to collect accessions of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and related crop species from the northern provinces of Oudomxai and Phongsaly in Laos. From 9th to 25th November 2015, we collected a total of 124 accessions, including 101 S. melongena accessions and 23 accessions of other Solanum spp. We discovered a wide diversity of eggplant landraces in northern Laos, with variation in fruit shape (elongated, round, and flattened), length (21-600 mm), and color (purple, green, and white), and spineless landraces were popular. Seeds of these genetic resources will be produced by self-pollination, and NAFRI staff will evaluate the characteristics of the materials during the next season. The seeds produced at NAFRI will be shared between Laos and Japan. We plan to evaluate morphological characteristics and resistance of the accessions to Verticillium wilt, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, and nematodes in Japan.本報告は,独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所とラオス農林省との間で2006年に締結した共同研究協定(MOU)に基づいて行われたラオス国における2015年の野菜遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2015年11月9~25日にかけ,ナスを主な調査対象とした.今回は,ラオス国北部地域であるウドムサイ県およびポンサリー県を調査した.ナス栽培種Solanum melongena を101点およびナス近縁種を23点の合計124点の種子サンプルを収集した.当該地域におけるナスの多様性は高く,果形や果色に広い変異が観察され,とげなし性の在来種が多かったことは興味深い.これら遺伝資源の種子は自殖によって増殖し,ラオス園芸研究センター(HRC)で特性調査が行われる予定である.将来的には,種子は日本とラオスの両国が保有し,日本でも土壌伝染性病害虫への抵抗性を含む諸特性を調査する予定である

    Collaborative Survey of Eggplant Genetic Resources in Lao PDR, 2017

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    Under a Joint Research Agreement (JRA), the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (now the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization [NARO]), Japan, and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) have collaborated since 2014 to survey plant genetic resources in Lao PDR. The main objective of this current survey was to collect samples of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and related crop species in the Sekong and Attapeu provinces, of southeastern Lao PDR. From 13th ? 29th of November 2017, we collected 200 samples, including S. melongena (182) and additional Solanum spp. (18). We found a wide diversity of eggplant landraces in southeastern Lao PDR, with a variation in fruit shape (flattened, globular, ovoid, pear shaped, ellipsoid, cylindrical), sizes (24 to 153 mm long), and colors (purple, green, white); spineless landraces were also common. The collected seeds were deposited at NAFRI, and a subset of the collection will be transferred to the Genetic Resources Center, NARO, Japan, as backup under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Seeds from these genetic resources will be reproduced by self-pollination, and NAFRI staff will evaluate the characteristics of the plant material next season. Our plan is to evaluate the accessions’ morphological characteristics and resistance to Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt and nematodes in Japan.本報告は,独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所とラオス農林省との間で2014 年に締結された共同研究協定(JRA)に基づいて行われたラオス国における2017年のナス遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2017年11月13~29日にかけて実施された.今回,我々はラオス国南東部地域であるセーコーン県およびアッタプー県を調査し,ナス栽培種Solanum melongena を182点およびナス近縁種を18点の合計200点の種子サンプルを収集した.当該地域におけるナスの多様性は高く,果形や果色に広い変異が観察された.また,とげなし性の在来種が多かったことは興味深い.収集した遺伝資源の種子は,ラオス国立農林業研究所(NAFRI)において保存されるとともに,SMTA(標準材料移転契約)を用いて農研機構遺伝資源センターに移転され,バックアップとして保存される予定である.また,NAFRIでは,これら遺伝資源の種子を自殖による増殖の後,特性調査が行われる予定である.さらに,日本では,土壌伝染性病害虫への抵抗性を含む特性が調査される予定である

    Identification and expression profiling of Pht1 phosphate transporters in wheat in controlled environments and in the field

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    Phosphorus (P) is an important macronutrient with critical functions in plants. Phosphate (Pi) transporters which mediate Pi acquisition and Pi translocation within the plant are key factors in Pi deficiency responses. However, their relevance for adaptation to long-term Pi limitation under agronomic conditions, particularly in wheat, remains unknown. Here, we describe the identification of the complete Pi transporter gene family (Pht1) in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Gene expression profiles were compared for hydroponic and field-grown plant tissues of wheat at multiple developmental stages. Cis-element analysis of selected Pht1 promoter regions was performed. A broad range of expression patterns of individual TaPht1 genes was observed in relation to tissue specificity and the nutrient supply in the soil or in liquid culture, as well as an influence of the experimental system. The expression patterns indicate the involvement of specific transporters in Pi uptake, and in Pi transport and remobilization within the plant, at different growth developmental stages. Specifically, the influence of Pi nutrition indicates a complex regulatory pattern of TaPht1 gene transcript abundances as a response to low Pi availability in different culture systems, correlating with the existence of different cis-acting promoter elements

    Phosphate concentration and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation influence the growth, yield and expression of twelve PHT1 family phosphate transporters in foxtail millet (Setaria italica)

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    Phosphorus (P) is an essential element which plays several key roles in all living organisms. Setaria italica (foxtail millet) is a model species for panacoid grasses including several millet species widely grown in arid regions of Asia and Africa, and for the bioenergy crop switchgrass. The growth responses of S. italica to different levels of inorganic phosphate (Pi) and to colonisation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Funneliformis mosseae (syn. Glomus mosseae) were studied. Phosphate is taken up from the environment by the PHT1 family of plant phosphate transporters, which have been well characterized in several plant species. Bioinformatic analysis identified 12 members of the PHT1 gene family (SiPHT1;1-1;12) in S. italica, and RT and qPCR analysis showed that most of these transporters displayed specific expression patterns with respect to tissue, phosphate status and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation. SiPHT1;2 was found to be expressed in all tissues and in all growth conditions tested. In contrast, expression of SiPHT1;4 was induced in roots after 15 days growth in hydroponic medium of low Pi concentration. Expression of SiPHT1;8 and SiPHT1;9 in roots was selectively induced by colonisation with F. mosseae. SiPHT1;3 and SiPHT1;4 were found to be predominantly expressed in leaf and root tissues respectively. Several other transporters were expressed in shoots and leaves during growth in low Pi concentrations. This study will form the basis for the further characterization of these transporters, with the long term goal of improving the phosphate use efficiency of foxtail millet

    Localized expression of the Dwarf14-like2a gene in rice roots on infection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and hydrolysis of rac-GR24 by the encoded protein

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    Strigolactones (SLs) are plant hormones that control diverse aspects of the shoot and root growth and are exuded into the soil as recruitment signals for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. SL signaling in plants is transduced via the α/β-hydrolase receptor Dwarf14 (D14). The D14 family consists of D14, Dwarf14-like (D14L), and Dwarf14-like 2 (D14L2) clades in rice. The D14L receptor is known to condition pre-symbiotic perception of AM fungi. In this study, it was found that the Dwarf14-like2a (D14L2a) gene expression was significantly induced by AM fungal colonization. The transcript of D14L2a appeared not only in mature arbuscule-containing cells but also in epidermal/cortical cells at an early colonization stage and near the elongating intercellular hyphae. D14L2a transcript was detected normally in mycorrhizal roots of str1-2 mutant that form stunted arbuscules, suggesting that the gene expression is independent of arbuscule development. Moreover, the recombinant D14L2a protein exhibited hydrolase activity of synthetic SL, rac-GR24. Based on these results, we discussed the role of D14L2 in the establishment of AM symbiosis

    Varietal differences in the growth responses of rice to an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus under natural upland conditions

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    Seedlings of three rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (one indica, ARC5955; and two japonica, Nipponbare and Koshihikari) with or without pre-colonization by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Funneliformis mosseae were transplanted into an upland field and grown to maturity. Pre-colonization had no effect on the yield of Nipponbare or Koshihikari. However, pre-colonized ARC5955 exhibited a strong tendency toward increased yield, which was accompanied by increases in the percentage of ripened grain and the 1000-grain weight. The rice roots were also colonized by indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the field, but these had only limited effects on shoot biomass and grain yields. We speculate that F. mosseae may have exhibited priority effects, allowing it to dominate the rice roots. There was no significant difference in the contents of most mineral elements in the shoots of pre-colonized ARC5955 at harvest, indicating that some other factor is responsible for the observed yield increase