128 research outputs found

    Due nuove iscrizioni su instrumentum dal distretto plestino

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    Due inedite iscrizioni su instrumentum provenienti dal territorio plestino (Colfiorito di Foligno, PG) offrono nuovi elementi a conferma della precocità del processo di romanizzazione nel vasto settore compreso tra Umbria appenninica, ager Gallicus e ager Picenus, e consentono di riesaminare la dibattuta questione relativa all’attribuzione linguistica di un cospicuo gruppo di graffiti su ceramica di III-II sec. a.C. di provenienza umbra, recentemente ascritti al corpus italico ma da considerare invece genuinamente latini.Two unpublished inscriptions on instrumentum from the territory of Plestia (Colfiorito di Foligno, PG) offer new elements to confirm the precocity of the process of Romanization in the vast area between Appenninian Umbria, ager Gallicus and ager Picenus, allowing moreover to review the controversial question relating to linguistic attribution of a large group of III-II century BC graffiti on pottery from Umbria, recently ascribed to the Italic corpus but to consider instead genuinely Latin

    replacing energy crops with bio waste for an existing anaerobic digestion plant energetic and carbon footprint in a lca perspective

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    Abstract The energetic and greenhouse gases emissions performances related to energy crops substitution with bio-waste for an existing anaerobic digestion (AD) facility were investigated in a life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective. For this reason two different scenarios were compared In the base scenario 17,667Mg/year of energy crops were processed in an existing AD facility generating about 7,700 MWh/year whereas 23,000 Mg/year of bio-waste were processed separately in an existing composting facility for organic fertilizer production. In this case the cumulative energy demand (CED) resulted of 11,000 MWh. In the modified scenario the whole energy crops were substituted by the bio-waste in the AD facility leading to the generation of about 5,000 MWh/year of energy with a correspondent CED of 8,600 MWh. The life cycle analysis detected an higher impact for the base scenario. On the other hand the amount of kgCO 2eq generated per each kWh recovered resulted practically the same for both cases

    Latinità non latina: lo "ius Latii" come strumento di integrazione delle comunità provinciali in età repubblicana

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    Il contributo prende in esame alcuni aspetti particolarmente problematici della Latinitas di età tardo-repubblicana ed alto-imperiale: la diffusione in contesti provinciali della colonizzazione di diritto latino, la data di introduzione dello ius adipiscendae civitatis per magistratum, le ragioni giuridiche sottese alla creazione nei decenni finali del I sec. a.C. della nuova categoria del municipium Latinum

    Il significato del termine Italia nella tabula Heracleensis e la data di costituzione a provincia della Gallia Cisalpina

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    A partire dall’analisi del significato giuridico del termine Italia nella tabula Heracleensis, vengono sviluppati nuovi argomenti a sostegno della cronologia pre-sillana della provincia della Gallia Cisalpina, la cui istituzione può essere fatta risalire agli anni finali del II sec. a.C., nel contesto della crisi militare innescata dai movimenti migratori dei Cimbri e dei Teutoni. Starting from the analysis of the legal meaning of the term Italia in the tabula Heracleensis,the author develops new arguments in support of a pre-Sullan chronology for the province of Cisalpine Gaul, whose establishment can be traced back to the final years of the second century B.C., in the context of the military crisis triggered by the migration of the Cimbri and the Teutones. 

    Censimenti romani e demografia: ritorno alle fonti

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    EnIn this essay I submit to a renewed analysis the main literary and epigraphic testimonies helpful to illuminate some central aspects in the modern debate on the demography of Roman Italy, such as the position of cives sine suffragio in the count of civium capita, the demographic conditions of the peninsula during the Gracchan age, the decentralization of the census procedures. The conclusions reached allow to frame the figures of the censuses carried out between the fourth and first century BC within a line of demographic development consistent with that postulated by the 'low count'.EsEn este artículo presento un nuevo análisis de los principales testimonios literarios y epigráficos que ayudan a iluminar algunos aspectos centrales del moderno debate sobre la demografía de la Italia romana, como la posición de los cives sine suffragio en el recuento de civium capita, las condiciones demográficas de la península durante la época gracana, la descentralización del procedimiento del censo. Las conclusiones alcanzadas permiten encuadrar las cifras de los censos llevados a cabo entre los siglos IV y I a.C. dentro de una línea de desarrollo demográfico coherente con lo postulado por el 'low count'

    SOFC Micro-CHP integration in residential buildings

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    SOFC technology has reached many of the performance goals that where indicated by scientific society and is providing several application that permits market penetration. One of the main targets is related to Micro Cogeneration Heat and Power (μ-CHP) for residential application. The integration of this system with a residential house has to be deeply investigated to individuate market targets in terms of costs and efficiency. This study evaluates the Italian market condition and analyzes the integration possibility with both thermal and electrical systems. Different solutions are investigated evaluating thermal and electrical driven logic for μ-CHP SOFC based unit and the opportunity of integration with local electrical grid. Evaluation on heat and electricity storage was also considered as integration strategy. The study is based on electrical and thermal loads in typical residential users and the evaluation is based on Italian technical standards and guidelines. Several operating conditions were evaluated and compared to obtain an optimized size and integration of μHP SOFC based solution

    Determination of Pb(II) Ions in Water by Fluorescence Spectroscopy Based on Silver Nanoclusters

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    In this work, a method to determine Pb(II) ions in model water is presented; the method is based on the fluorescence emission of a silver nanoclusters (AgNCs) colloidal solution, which is sensitive to lead ions. The presence of Pb(II) ions causes a photoemission enhancement of the AgNCs solution dependent on the pollutant concentration. The functional dependence is logarithmic in the range from 2.5 to 40 mu M, and through the linearization of the calibration points, a linear function is determined and exploited for the extrapolation of the test Pb(II) concentrations with a precision estimated by relative standard deviation (RSD) ranging from 21% to 10% from the highest to the lowest Pb(II) quantity, respectively. Finally, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) successfully validated the described method. The accuracy of the method is also studied for intentionally polluted mineral waters, revealing the same trend of the model water: the lower the concentration, the higher the precision of the method

    Comparing comparators: A look at control arms in kidney cancer studies over the years

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    In the past decade, an increasing number of frequently positive randomised clinical trials have been completed, allowing new consideration of the present therapeutic armamentarium for advanced renal cell carcinoma. These studies were predominantly designed to compare the experimental drugs with 1 of 2 active control arms: interferon alpha-2a or sorafenib. Different from expectations, the final results of some of these studies were not in line with the predictions, and the reasons have not been fully investigated. Consequently, there is a great need for careful analysis of the studies carried out so far, chiefly the role and validity of the control arms. In this regard, the examination of patient baseline characteristics and other factors of potential interest seems fundamental for a correct analysis of the results of these trials and consequent optimal use of the available targeted agents
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