10 research outputs found

    Disrupting MLC1 and GlialCAM and ClC-2interactions in leukodystrophy entails glial chloridechannel dysfunction

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    Defects in the astrocytic membrane protein MLC1, the adhesion molecule GlialCAM or the chloride channel ClC-2 underlie human leukoencephalopathies. Whereas GlialCAM binds ClC-2 and MLC1, and modifies ClC-2 currents in vitro, no functional connections between MLC1 and ClC-2 are known. Here we investigate this by generating loss-of-function Glialcam and Mlc1 mouse models manifesting myelin vacuolization. We find that ClC-2 is unnecessary for MLC1 and GlialCAM localization in brain, whereas GlialCAM is important for targeting MLC1 and ClC-2 to specialized glial domains in vivo and for modifying ClC-2's biophysical properties specifically in oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells chiefly affected by vacuolization. Unexpectedly, MLC1 is crucial for proper localization of GlialCAM and ClC-2, and for changing ClC-2 currents. Our data unmask an unforeseen functional relationship between MLC1 and ClC-2 in vivo, which is probably mediated by GlialCAM, and suggest that ClC-2 participates in the pathogenesis of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts

    Mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic reticulum abnormalities in cancer cachexia: Altered energetic efficiency?

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    Background Cachexia is a wasting condition that manifests in several types of cancer, and the main characteristic is the profound loss of muscle mass. Methods The Yoshida AH-130 tumor model has been used and the samples have been analyzed using transmission electronic microscopy, real-time PCR and Western blot techniques. Results Using in vivo cancer cachectic model in rats, here we show that skeletal muscle loss is accompanied by fiber morphologic alterations such as mitochondrial disruption, dilatation of sarcoplasmic reticulum and apoptotic nuclei. Analyzing the expression of some factors related to proteolytic and thermogenic processes, we observed in tumor-bearing animals an increased expression of genes involved in proteolysis such as ubiquitin ligases Muscle Ring Finger 1 (MuRF-1) and Muscle Atrophy F-box protein (MAFBx). Moreover, an overexpression of both sarco/endoplasmic Ca2 +-ATPase (SERCA1) and adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT1), both factors related to cellular energetic efficiency, was observed. Tumor burden also leads to a marked decreased in muscle ATP content. Conclusions In addition to muscle proteolysis, other ATP-related pathways may have a key role in muscle wasting, both directly by increasing energetic inefficiency, and indirectly, by affecting the sarcoplasmic reticulum-mitochondrial assembly that is essential for muscle function and homeostasis. General significance The present study reports profound morphological changes in cancer cachectic muscle, which are visualized mainly in alterations in sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. These alterations are linked to pathways that can account for energy inefficiency associated with cancer cachexia. Highlights â–ş Skeletal muscle from cachectic animals showed fiber morphologic alterations. â–ş These alterations are mitochondrial disruption and dilatation of sarcoplasmic reticulum. â–ş An overexpression of both sarco/endoplasmic Ca2 +-ATPase (SERCA1) and adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT1) was reported. â–ş Tumor burden also leads to a marked decreased in muscle ATP content. Previous article in issu

    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts: a personal biochemical retrospective

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    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a rare type of leukodystrophy characterized by dysfunction of the role of glial cells in controlling brain fluid and ion homeostasis. Patients affected by MLC present macrocephaly, cysts and white matter vacuolation, which lead to motor and cognitive impairments. To date, there is no treatment for MLC, only supportive care. MLC is caused by mutations in the MLC1 and GLIALCAM genes. MLC1 is a membrane protein with low identity to the Kv1.1 potassium channel and GlialCAM belongs to an adhesion molecule family. Both proteins form a complex with an as-yet-unknown function that is expressed mainly in the astrocytes surrounding the blood-brain barrier and in Bergmann glia. GlialCAM also acts as an auxiliary subunit of the chloride channel ClC-2, thus regulating its localization at cell-cell junctions and modifying its functional properties by affecting the common gate of ClC-2. Recent studies in Mlc1-,GlialCAM-and Clcn2-knockout mice or Mlc1- knockout zebrafish have provided fresh insight into the pathophysiology of MLC and further details about the molecular interactions between these three proteins. Additional studies have shown that GlialCAM/MLC1 also regulates other ion channels (TRPV4, VRAC) or transporters (Na+/K+-ATPase) in a not-understood manner. Furthermore, it has been shown that GlialCAM/ MLC1 may influence signal transduction mechanisms, thereby affecting other proteins not related with transport such as the EGFreceptor. Here, we offer a personal biochemical retrospective of the work that has been performed to gain knowledge of the pathophysiology of MLC, and we discuss future strategies that may be used to identify therapeutic solutions for MLC patients

    VAMP-2 is a surrogate cerebrospinal fluid marker of Alzheimer-related cognitive impairment in adults with Down syndrome

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació la Marató de TV3/20141210There is an urgent need for objective markers of Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related cognitive impairment in people with Down syndrome (DS) to improve diagnosis, monitor disease progression, and assess response to disease-modifying therapies. Previously, GluA4 and neuronal pentraxin 2 (NPTX2) showed limited potential as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) markers of cognitive impairment in adults with DS. Here, we compare the CSF profile of a panel of synaptic proteins (Calsyntenin-1, Neuroligin-2, Neurexin-2A, Neurexin-3A, Syntaxin-1B, Thy-1, VAMP-2) to that of NPTX2 and GluA4 in a large cohort of subjects with DS across the preclinical and clinical AD continuum and explore their correlation with cognitive impairment. We quantified the synaptic panel proteins by selected reaction monitoring in CSF from 20 non-trisomic cognitively normal controls (mean age 44) and 80 adults with DS grouped according to clinical AD diagnosis (asymptomatic, prodromal AD or AD dementia). We used regression analyses to determine CSF changes across the AD continuum and explored correlations with age, global cognitive performance (CAMCOG), episodic memory (modified cued-recall test; mCRT) and CSF biomarkers, CSF Aβ ratio, CSF Aβ, CSF p-tau, and CSF NFL. P values were adjusted for multiple testing. In adults with DS, VAMP-2 was the only synaptic protein to correlate with episodic memory (delayed recall adj.p =.04) and age (adj.p =.0008) and was the best correlate of CSF Aβ (adj.p =.0001), p-tau (adj.p < .0001), and NFL (adj.p < .0001). Compared to controls, mean VAMP-2 levels were lower in asymptomatic adults with DS only (adj.p =.02). CSF levels of Neurexin-3A, Thy-1, Neurexin-2A, Calysntenin-1, Neuroligin-2, GluA4, and Syntaxin-1B all strongly correlated with NPTX2 (p <.0001), which was the only synaptic protein to show reduced CSF levels in DS at all AD stages compared to controls (adj.p <.002). These data show proof-of-concept for CSF VAMP-2 as a potential marker of synapse degeneration that correlates with CSF AD and axonal degeneration markers and cognitive performance

    Bases moleculars de la Leucoeocefalopatia Megalencefàllca amb Quists subcorlicals. Utilització de models animals i cel·lulars

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    [cat] La Leucoencefalopatia Megalencefàlica amb quists subcorticals, també anomenada MLC, és un tipus rar de leucodistròfia vacuolitzant. Actualment encara es desconeix el mecanisme fisiopatològic de la malaltia, i per tant ni hi ha cap tractament possible per als pacients. S’han descrit dos gens implicats en la malaltia MLC. El primer gen descobert s’anomena MLC1 i codifica per una proteïna de membrana que porta el mateix nom. El segon gen s’anomena GLIALCAM i codifica per una proteïna transmembrana de tipus I que també porta el mateix nom. S’ha decrit que la proteïna GlialCAM actua com a subunitat ß de MLC1 ja que es capaç de dirigir-la i concentrar-la a les unions cel•lulars. Per altra banda, GlialCAM també s’ha descrit com a subunitat auxiliar del canal de Cl- ClC-2 ja que és capaç de modificar les propietats d’activació i rectificació del canal. En la present tesi s’han generat i estudiat diferents models animals i cel•lulars per a l’estudi de la malaltia. En primer lloc, s’ha generat i s’ha caracteritzat un model de ratolí knock-out per a Mlc1. Gràcies a aquest model s’ha observat que la proteïna MLC1 és únicament astrocitària i que la proteïna GlialCAM no es independent de MLC1, ja que en absència d’aquesta es troba deslocalitzada en el cerebel. També s’ha pogut descriure per primer cop la implicació del canal de Cl- ClC-2 en la fisiopatologia, ja que els seus nivells de proteïna disminuixen en el cerebel i el canal es troba gairebé inactiu en els oligodendròcits de l’animal knock-out. Les característiques fenotípiques que presenta el model de ratolí equivalen a les característiques observades en els pacients en fases inicials de la malaltia, ja que l’animal tot i que mostra presència de vacuoles no presenta deteriorament motor i macrocefàlia aparent. També s’ha generat un model de peix zebra knock-out per a zmlc1. Aquest model presenta avantatges respecte el ratolí, com per exemple el baix cost o l’aplicació de tècniques genètiques a gran escala. Aquest model ha permés observar de nou que realment GlialCAM necessita a MLC1 per a la seva correcta localització. També s’ha observat que l’ortòleg zGlialCAMa conserva la seva funció de entre espécies ja que també es capaç de modificar les corrents de ClC-2. Aquests resultats obtinguts amb els models s’han pogut comparar amb el cervell d’una pacient. Aquest cervell demostra que MLC1 és necessària per a la correcta localització de GlialCAM en la regió del cerebel. Per altra banda, s’han desenvolupat diferents models cel•lulars. Primerament s’han estudiat els astròcits del ratolí knock-out. Aquestes cel•lules mancades de MLC1 també presenten vacuoles per tot el citoplasma, però no mostren canvis en la localització ni en els nivells de proteïna de GlialCAM i ClC-2. Aquest fet juntament amb altres estudis del grup van fer pensar si la condició necessària per a que es veguessin afectades aquestes proteïnes estaria relacionada amb el procés del sifoneig de K+. Estudis realitzats en astròcits de rata demostren que en condicions d’un alt contingut de K+, com per exemple durant una alta activitat neuronal, GlialCAM i ClC-2 és localitzen juntament a les membranes cel•lular i ClC-2 canvia les seves propietat de canal. Paral•lelament, estudis realitzats en oligodendròcits de rata també demostren que aquest fet també succeix en aquest tipus cel•lular.[eng] Megalencefalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts, also known as MLC, is a rare type of leukodystrophy. Currently still unknown pathophysiological mechanism of the disease, and therefore there is no effective treatment possible for patients. There are two genes involved in the MLC disease. Gene was first discovered was MLC1 and this encodes for a membrane protein with the same name. The second gene is called GLIALCAM and encodes for a transmembrane protein type I that also carries the same name. In our group is has been described that GlialCAM acts as a protein ß subunit of MLC1 because it is able to direct and concentrate in the cellular junctions. Moreover, GlialCAM also act as auxiliary subunit of CLC-2 Cl channel as it is capable of modifying the activation and rectification properties of the channel. In this work we have developed two different models to study the physiopathology. The results show that GlialCAM affected by the absence of MLC1. It has been also demonstrated that ClC-2 is implicated in the disease.These results were compared with a patient brian and has been shown that MLC1 is important for the correct location of GlialCAM in the cerbellum. Have also been developed a different cellular models. The results with this models show that GlialCAM and ClC-2 could have a functional role in the process of potassium siphoning

    Formoterol and cancer wasting in rats: effects on muscle force and total physical activity

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    Cancer cachexia occurs in the majority of cancer patients before death, and it is responsible for the death of 22% of cancer patients. One of the most relevant characteristics of cachexia is that of asthenia, which reflects significant muscle wasting noted in cachectic cancer patients The aim of the present study was to assess whether the ?2-adrenergic agonist formoterol is associated with an improvement in physiological parameters such as grip force and total physical activity in cachetic rats. Administration of the ?2-agonist formoterol (0.3 mg/kg for 7 days) in rats bearing Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma tumors, a model which induces a strong loss of both body and muscle weight, resulted in a significant reversal of the muscle wasting process, as reflected by individual muscle weights. The anti-wasting effects of the drug were also observed in terms of total physical activity and grip force, thus resulting in an improvement in physical performance in cachectic tumor-bearing rats

    Disrupting MLC1 and GlialCAM and ClC-2interactions in leukodystrophy entails glial chloridechannel dysfunction

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    Defects in the astrocytic membrane protein MLC1, the adhesion molecule GlialCAM or the chloride channel ClC-2 underlie human leukoencephalopathies. Whereas GlialCAM binds ClC-2 and MLC1, and modifies ClC-2 currents in vitro, no functional connections between MLC1 and ClC-2 are known. Here we investigate this by generating loss-of-function Glialcam and Mlc1 mouse models manifesting myelin vacuolization. We find that ClC-2 is unnecessary for MLC1 and GlialCAM localization in brain, whereas GlialCAM is important for targeting MLC1 and ClC-2 to specialized glial domains in vivo and for modifying ClC-2's biophysical properties specifically in oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells chiefly affected by vacuolization. Unexpectedly, MLC1 is crucial for proper localization of GlialCAM and ClC-2, and for changing ClC-2 currents. Our data unmask an unforeseen functional relationship between MLC1 and ClC-2 in vivo, which is probably mediated by GlialCAM, and suggest that ClC-2 participates in the pathogenesis of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts

    Disrupting MLC1 and GlialCAM and ClC-2interactions in leukodystrophy entails glial chloridechannel dysfunction

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    Defects in the astrocytic membrane protein MLC1, the adhesion molecule GlialCAM or the chloride channel ClC-2 underlie human leukoencephalopathies. Whereas GlialCAM binds ClC-2 and MLC1, and modifies ClC-2 currents in vitro, no functional connections between MLC1 and ClC-2 are known. Here we investigate this by generating loss-of-function Glialcam and Mlc1 mouse models manifesting myelin vacuolization. We find that ClC-2 is unnecessary for MLC1 and GlialCAM localization in brain, whereas GlialCAM is important for targeting MLC1 and ClC-2 to specialized glial domains in vivo and for modifying ClC-2's biophysical properties specifically in oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells chiefly affected by vacuolization. Unexpectedly, MLC1 is crucial for proper localization of GlialCAM and ClC-2, and for changing ClC-2 currents. Our data unmask an unforeseen functional relationship between MLC1 and ClC-2 in vivo, which is probably mediated by GlialCAM, and suggest that ClC-2 participates in the pathogenesis of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts

    Disrupting MLC1 and GlialCAM and ClC-2interactions in leukodystrophy entails glial chloridechannel dysfunction

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    Defects in the astrocytic membrane protein MLC1, the adhesion molecule GlialCAM or the chloride channel ClC-2 underlie human leukoencephalopathies. Whereas GlialCAM binds ClC-2 and MLC1, and modifies ClC-2 currents in vitro, no functional connections between MLC1 and ClC-2 are known. Here we investigate this by generating loss-of-function Glialcam and Mlc1 mouse models manifesting myelin vacuolization. We find that ClC-2 is unnecessary for MLC1 and GlialCAM localization in brain, whereas GlialCAM is important for targeting MLC1 and ClC-2 to specialized glial domains in vivo and for modifying ClC-2's biophysical properties specifically in oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells chiefly affected by vacuolization. Unexpectedly, MLC1 is crucial for proper localization of GlialCAM and ClC-2, and for changing ClC-2 currents. Our data unmask an unforeseen functional relationship between MLC1 and ClC-2 in vivo, which is probably mediated by GlialCAM, and suggest that ClC-2 participates in the pathogenesis of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts

    Mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic reticulum abnormalities in cancer cachexia: Altered energetic efficiency?

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    Background Cachexia is a wasting condition that manifests in several types of cancer, and the main characteristic is the profound loss of muscle mass. Methods The Yoshida AH-130 tumor model has been used and the samples have been analyzed using transmission electronic microscopy, real-time PCR and Western blot techniques. Results Using in vivo cancer cachectic model in rats, here we show that skeletal muscle loss is accompanied by fiber morphologic alterations such as mitochondrial disruption, dilatation of sarcoplasmic reticulum and apoptotic nuclei. Analyzing the expression of some factors related to proteolytic and thermogenic processes, we observed in tumor-bearing animals an increased expression of genes involved in proteolysis such as ubiquitin ligases Muscle Ring Finger 1 (MuRF-1) and Muscle Atrophy F-box protein (MAFBx). Moreover, an overexpression of both sarco/endoplasmic Ca2 +-ATPase (SERCA1) and adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT1), both factors related to cellular energetic efficiency, was observed. Tumor burden also leads to a marked decreased in muscle ATP content. Conclusions In addition to muscle proteolysis, other ATP-related pathways may have a key role in muscle wasting, both directly by increasing energetic inefficiency, and indirectly, by affecting the sarcoplasmic reticulum-mitochondrial assembly that is essential for muscle function and homeostasis. General significance The present study reports profound morphological changes in cancer cachectic muscle, which are visualized mainly in alterations in sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. These alterations are linked to pathways that can account for energy inefficiency associated with cancer cachexia. Highlights â–ş Skeletal muscle from cachectic animals showed fiber morphologic alterations. â–ş These alterations are mitochondrial disruption and dilatation of sarcoplasmic reticulum. â–ş An overexpression of both sarco/endoplasmic Ca2 +-ATPase (SERCA1) and adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT1) was reported. â–ş Tumor burden also leads to a marked decreased in muscle ATP content. Previous article in issu