191 research outputs found

    Effect of agomelatine on psychomotor function tests in healthy human volunteers

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    Background: Agomelatine is a melatonergic agonist that acts specifically on MT1/MT2 melatonergic receptors and 5-HT2C antagonism. The present study was taken up to evaluate the effect of Agomelatine 25mg on psychomotor function in healthy human volunteers.Methods: The effect of Agomelatine was studied in 12 healthy volunteers of either gender. The study was a randomised, cross over, placebo controlled study, done after obtaining permission from NIMS Institutional Ethics Committee and informed consent taken from all the subjects, after briefly explaining the study procedure and training them adequately. Psychomotor function was assessed using Choice reaction time (CRT), Critical Flicker fusion test (CFFT), Digit letter substitution test (DLST), Six letter cancellation test (SLCT), Card sorting test (CST) and Visual analog scale (VAS). Psychomotor function tests were performed, 90 minutes after administering Agomelatine 25 mg or placebo. Washout period of seven days was allowed between the cross over. Statistical analysis was done by comparing groups using unpaired t test.Results: There was significant decrease in the mean percentage of time (p<0.01) in CRT in Agomelatine group (20.09±9.47%) when compared to placebo (10.48±3.68%). Improved mean percentage of performance was seen in CFFT with Agomelatine (6.2±2.1%) compared to placebo (9.11±2.99%). No significant difference was noted in the performance of DLST, SLCT and CST. Drug was subjectively rated as sedative on VAS.Conclusions: There is no significant effect of Agomelatine on psychomotor performance. CNS processing of information also improved. Agomelatine can thus be safely administered to depressed patients

    Simplified Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation based on Switching Schemes with Reduced Switching Frequency and Harmonics for Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter

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    This paper presents a simplified control strategy of spacevector pulse width modulation technique with a three segment switching sequence and seven segment switching sequence for high power applications of multilevel inverters. In the proposed method, the inverter switching sequences are optimized for minimization of device switching frequency and improvement of harmonic spectrum by using the three most desired switching states and one suitable redundant state for each space vector. The proposed three-segment sequence is compared with conventional seven-segment sequence for five level Cascaded H-Bridge inverter with various values of switching frequencies including very low frequency. The output spectrum of the proposed sequence design shows the reduction of device switching frequency, current and line voltage THD, thereby minimizing the filter size requirement of the inverter, employed in industrial applications, where sinusoidal output voltage is required

    Design Of High Speed Shift Registers Using Pulsed Latches

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    Record this design change using TSPC pulse latches and clock generator circuit with GDI AND gate and single delay cell. The proposed method reduces waste of space and energy with the Mentor Graphics 130nm tool. Here, the proposed method is compared with the two conventional shift register methods. In a traditional method, the shift register was designed using a PPCFF (Power-PC style flip-flop). The flip-flop based shift register required a one hour signal per flip to work. In the second method, the shift register was designed using SSASPL (Static Differential Sense Amplifier Pulse Lock) and a clock generator circuit with a simple AND gate and some delay cells. To operate the pulse latch, the pulse clock signals (part of the clock signal) are sufficient. The gateway must continue to move forward and reverse data sources can also be recovered from returns. At the point where the device meets these two conditions, the second law of thermodynamic elements ensures that heat does not spread. Fans can't go out and recharge. Reverse logic applications have applications in various fields, including quantum computing, optical computing, nanotechnology, computer graphics, VLSI technology, etc. Low speed as reverse logic has recently gained its importance due to its low power characteristic. In addition, a relative review of waste performance, quantitative cost, and input quantities is provided. The circuit was implemented and recreated using Xilinx programming. Reverse logic is today's advanced field of view. The aim of this article is to get acquainted with the different types of combinational circuits such as whole circuits, whole circuits, and multiplexes, and to compare using a reverse decoder circuit at the lowest quantitative cost

    Unscarred uterine rupture: a retrospective analysis

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    Uterine rupture is an obstetrical emergency associated with significant maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. Spontaneous rupture of an unscarred uterus, though rare, can occur in developing countries. Many risk factors for uterine rupture, as well as a wide range of clinical presentations, have been identified. The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence, predisposing factors and to determine the maternal and perinatal outcomes of unscarred uterine rupture. A retrospective analysis of cases of unscarred uterine rupture was conducted at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Andhra Medical College/King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam from 01 October 2020 to 31 October 2021. Out of the 8657 deliveries in our hospital during the study period, there were 11 cases of ruptured unscarred uteri giving an incidence of 0.127%. All of these (100%) were unbooked cases. Most of them (90.9%) were multigravida. Uterine rupture occurred at term in 9 cases and 2 were pre term. Maternal mortality was 18.18% (2 cases) and perinatal mortality was 72.72% (8 cases). Sub-total hysterectomy was done in 4 and laparotomy with repair of the rent was performed in the remaining 7 cases. Unscarred uterine rupture though a rare complication of pregnancy, can occur commonly in developing countries. Obstructed labour, mismanaged labour, injudicious use of oxytocin and grand multiparity are the common risk factors associated with unscarred uterine rupture


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    The main objective of this Paper is to develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter using look-up table (LUT) and memory based processor. The configuration is to reduce memory size, logic gate count and improve the speed of operation. Digital filters are becoming ubiquitous in audio applications. As a result, good digital filter performance is important to audio system design. Digital filters differ from conventional analog filters by their use of finite precision to represent signals and coefficients and finite precision arithmetic to compute the filter response. In this Paper, FIR filter is implemented in Xilinx ise using VHDL language. VHDL coding for the FIR filter is implemented in this Paper and waveforms are observed through simulation

    Changing trends of blood transfusion requirement in obstetrics and gynaecology

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    Background: With the advent of the new pharmacological drugs and surgical advances compared to yesteryears, that the requirement of blood transfusion in obstetrics and gynaecology has decreased. Earlier obstetrical haemorrhage had been the commonest reason for blood transfusion. This trend seems to be changing. To evaluate this an observational study was done at a peripheral hospital to assess various indications for blood transfusion in maternity ward over a period of one year.  Methods: A total of 129 transfusions were studied in a period of one year and requirement of transfusion was assessed by the same team of doctors as per AABB guidelines for blood transfusion.  Results: A total of 87 obstetric patients required transfusion out of which 51.2% patients were transfused for anaemia near term. Postpartum haemorrhage constituted only 1.15% and ante partum haemorrhage only 4.6%. 17.24% of patients were transfused for incomplete abortion after taking medical abortion. 42 patients were transfused blood for various gynaecological reasons of which puberty menorrhagia constituted 19.01% and patients with perimenopausal bleeding were 28.57%.Conclusions: This study highlights the changing trends in requirement of blood transfusion and the need to emphasise on antenatal nutrition, supplements and contraception

    Comparative study of oral PGE 1 and intracervical PGE2 gel for pre-induction cervical ripening in prelabour rupture of membranes >37 weeks gestational age

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    Background: Active induction of labour in prelabour rupture of membranes resulted in a lower risk of maternal and fetal sepsis as compared to conservative management. Pre-induction cervical ripening helps in successful induction of labour.in this study we have compared the efficacy of low dose 25 mcg oral misoprostol versus intracervical PGE2 gel for cervical ripening in term PROM patients.Methods: Women with pregnancies between 37 and 41 weeks gestational age presenting with PROM at term and a Bishop score of 4 or less were randomly assigned to receive either a 25-mcg oral misoprostol every 4-hourly interval or 3 applications of intracervical PGE2 gel at a 6-hour interval for effective cervical ripening. Oxytocin was initiated if labor had not started after 6 hours of last effective dose of prostaglandin.Results: Fifty-three women (75.73%) (n = 70) in the oral misoprostol group with 2 doses, 4 hours apart had successful cervical ripening within 8 hours in comparison to sixty-two women (88.58%) (n = 70) in the intracervical PGE2 gel group with 2 doses, 6 hrs apart approximately 12 hrs for successful ripening. (p = 0.021). Oral misoprostol group needed shorter mean duration interval for the Bishop score 6 than intracervical PGE2 gel group, 7.84±3.64 hours and 9.39±4.20 hours respectively (p = 0.022). Similarly, the mean time duration interval from ruptured membranes to vaginal delivery in oral misoprostol was shorter i.e. 12.60±3.78 hours versus 14.66±4.08 hours (p = 0.005).Conclusions: Low dose 25 mcg oral misoprostol is a safe, efficacious and better tolerated alternative to intracervical PGE2 gel for pre-induction cervical ripening in especially in PROM patients at term


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    Objective: Diabetes is a group of disorders characterized by high blood glucose levels. Disturbances in serum electrolytes like sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) are found in diabetes. The purpose of the study was to investigate the disturbances in concentrations of serum electrolytes in hyperglycemic crisis and the effect of syzygium cumini and momordica charantia standardized aqueous extracts on serum electrolytes (Na+and K+) in normal and diabetic rats.Methods: Diabetes is induced by intraperitoneal injection of alloxan at a dose of 120 mg/kg b. w in rats. Rats were divided into 5 groups (normal control, disease control, metformin, test 1 and test 2). In test groups 1 and 2, SASESC (standardized aqueous seed extract of syzygium cumini) and SAFEMC (standardized aqueous fruit extract of momordica charantia) were respectively administered orally to alloxan induced diabetic rats, and their serum electrolyte levels were observed at 1st, 4th, 7th and 14th days.Results: By the 14thday, the Na+ and K+ levels in groups 4 and 5 were almost normal. However, in group 3 (standard), Na+levels were relatively lower and K+ levels were relatively higher than groups 4 and 5 (test). In group 2 (disease control) as compared to group 1 (normal control), a decrease in Na+ and increase in K+ levels was observed even on day 14.Conclusion: Treatment with anti diabetic drugs like metformin, syzygium cumini (test-1), momordica charantia (test-2) restored the electrolyte levels almost back to normal over a period of study (14 d). There was significant (**P&lt;0.01, *P&lt;0.05) normalization of electrolyte levels in diabetic rats. It was concluded that syzygium cumini and momordica charantia showed better efficiency in restoring the electrolyte imbalance as compared to metformin during our study

    The Power of Community Partnerships for Innovative Regional Solutions for Food Justice: A Food Alert Phone Application for Southcoast Massachusetts

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    There is evidence for a growing need for innovative solutions that a collaborative nonprofit network can facilitate. There is now interest by funders in the potential of collaborative networks. However, such networks can be difficult to create and nourish. The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth founded and facilitated a successful nonprofit network which has led to a significant, regional projects. Founded in 2009, Southcoast Serves - based in the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement -- began as a collaborative of over 40 community organizations. Starting as a leap of faith, then slowly developing connections through monthly meetings over five years, by 2014 Southcoast Serves became a set of trusted, collaborative partners, actively looking for effective regional projects. In 2015 Southcoast Serves settled on a regional, food justice campaign that has resulted in a number of projects - most recently the development of a \u27Food Finder\u27 web/phone app for the region. The \u27Food Finder\u27 project team has successfully utilized people from Southcoast Serves non-profits, the university\u27s LeDuc Center as well as students and faculty from the Charlton College of Business\u27 Management Information Systems group. This poster will present the successful development of the Southcoast Serves network of nonprofits as well as the details of the Food Alert Phone/Web application. Best practices will be highlighted to encourage others to develop their networks

    Role of urine sediment cytology in the diagnosis of renal disorders in comparison with biochemical and histopathological findings

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    Background:The functional reserve of the kidney being large, serum biochemical parameters do not show abnormality until late. The need to recognize minimal damage in the kidneys is hence valuable. Urine sediment examination is cost effective, time saving and is called “liquid renal biopsy”. The present study was aimed to evaluate the role of urine sediment examination in predicting the severity of renal damage and compare the results with serum biochemical parameters, 24 hour urine protein values and renal biopsy findings.  Methods:A total of 149 patients presenting with symptoms pertaining to renal disease were included in the study. Clinical information and serum biochemical parameters were obtained. Urine examination was done and renal biopsy performed in all the cases. 2 scoring systems were adopted to grade the urine sediment findings and renal biopsy grading devised by A. Z. Gyory et al. was used to grade the renal injury. 24 hour urine protein was estimated by Esbach’s method. Urine sediment scores, serum biochemical parameters, 24 hour urine protein values were compared with the grades of renal injury on renal biopsies and statistical significance calculated.Results:32.8% of patients with renal disease were in the age group of 31-40 years. Nephrotic syndrome was the most common clinical presentation (33.5%) followed by nephritic syndrome (21.4%). The most common histopathological diagnosis was post infectious glomerulonephritis (n = 26) followed by acute interstitial nephritis (n = 17). 14 cases of lupus nephritis were diagnosed all of which were confirmed by “full house” pattern of immunofluorescence. Both the urine sediment scores had high specificity and positive predictive values in predicting the severity of renal injury. 24 hour urine protein had high positive predictive value in predicting the severity of renal injury. Serum biochemical parameters were insignificant in predicting the severity of renal injury.Conclusion: Urine sediment examination can be used as an effective diagnostic test for predicting the severity of renal injury. The decision of further investigations and follow-up can be certainly decided by taking urine microscopy findings and 24 hour urine protein values into consideration.