7 research outputs found

    Contingency Plan: Comparison of Health Policies in Managing COVID-19 in Singapore and Indonesia

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     Introduction: Singapore is one of the countries with the lowest mortality rate and the best handling of COVID-19. Singapore can be an example for Indonesia on COVID 19 pandemic handling.Methods: The method used is a literature review from google platform with these keywords: “Singapore Health Policy in COVID-19, Indonesian Health Policy in COVID-19, Singapore's success in suppressing COVID-19”. The analysis was done by comparing the policies taken from the two countries in dealing with COVID-19.Results: Singapore and Indonesia did indeed have very big differences in terms of government and in broad areas, it cannot be denied that Indonesia can have the same opportunity as Singapore in providing a good health disaster mitigation system for the community. Three factors influence Singapore's success in dealing with COVID-19: 1) having a responsive and efficient health disaster mitigation system, 2) government legitimacy which is determined by the capacity of the state. Singapore has a semi-centralized government with high legitimacy the experience of dealing with pandemics in the past, 3) Singapore's experience with SARS in the past makes Singaporeans understand very well the impact of the pandemic on their economic activities and social life.Conclusion: Several things can be emulated from Singapore in handling COVID-19 was the transparency, strong communication between community and the government, prioritizing the benefit and safety of civil society and building obedience and awareness of Covid 19 prevention


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    Di masa pandemi ini, masyarakat cenderung mengkonsumsi minuman herbal untuk menjaga sistem imun. Salah satu tumbuhan yang sering digunakan masyarakat lokal sebagai minuman herbal adalah tumbuhan lakum (Cayratia folia). Tumbuhan lakum memiliki berbagai aktivitas antioksidan dan imunomodulator. Kandungan utama tumbuhan lakum adalah flavonoid. Pelarut yang paling banyak digunakan sebagai pelarut ekstrak tumbuhan lakum yaitu etanol, air dan metanol. Pada review ini, data primer dikumpulkan dengan secara online, berupa jurnal nasional maupun jurnal internasional. Hasil yang didapatkan dari beberapa jurnal dan sumber lainnya dapat diketahui potensi imunomodulator dari tumbuhan lakum


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    ABSTRAKPandemi  COVID-19  memberikan dampak pada pembatasan akses dan anjuran untuk berkegiatan di rumah. Hal ini menuntut peran ibu untuk lebih paham tentang swamedikasi. Swamedikasi merupakan upaya pengobatan sendiri yang pelaksanaannya dari mengenali gejala penyakit dan pemilihan obatnya dilakukan dengan inisiatif sendiri tanpa ke dokter atau tenaga kesehatan lainnya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan swamedikasi pada ibu-ibu PKK di Kelurahan Sidomulyo, Samarinda.  Metode yang dilakukan pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pembagian kuisioner di awal kegiatan yang diolah menjadi data, dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan berupa presentasi interaktif tanya jawab dengan paserta, dan pengecekan kesehatan berupa pengukuran tensi dan gula darah. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan pembagian angket evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kuisioner menunjukan sebanyak 73% mengetahui pengertian swamedikasi, namun hanya 23 % peserta yang melakukan kegiatan swamedikasi di rumah. Setelah dilakukan edukasi, pengetahuan Ibu PKK tentang swamedikasi, menunjukan tingkat pemahaman baik. Sedangkan dari hasil pengecekan keseahatan, 77,7% peserta memiliki nilai gula darah normal dan 89,6% peserta memiliki tekanan darah normal. Kegiatan mendapat tanggapan yang sangat baik dari peserta dan diharapkan untuk dilakukan kegiatan serupa secara berkala. Kata kunci: swamedikasi; pemeriksaan kesehatan; penyuluhan. ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on access restrictions and recommendations for activities at home. This requires the mother's role to understand more about swamedikasi. Swamedikasi is a self-medication effort whose implementation to recognize the symptoms of disease and choose the medicine by its own initiative without going to a doctor or other health workers. This community service activity aims to increase self-medication knowledge for PKK mothers in Sidomulyo Village, Samarinda. The method used in this community service activity are the distribution of questionnaires at the beginning of the activity which is processed into data, followed by counseling with presentation and Q&A sessions, and medical check up by measuring blood pressure and blood sugar. The activity ended with the distribution of evaluation questionnaires. The results of the questionnaire showed that 73% knew the meaning of self-medication, but only 23% of participants carried out self-medication activities at home. After the education was carried out, PKK mother's knowledge of self-medication showed a good level of understanding. Meanwhile, from the results of medical check up, 77.7% of participants had normal blood sugar values and 89.6% of participants had normal blood pressure. The activity received a very good response from the participants and similar activities expected will be held periodically. Keywords: self-medication; medical check up; counseling

    New insights of propolis nanoformulation and its therapeutic potential in human diseases

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    Background and purpose Scientific research is crucial to develop therapies for various disease severity levels, as modern drugs cause side effects and are difficult to predict. Researchers are exploring herbal alternatives with fewer side effects, particularly propolis, which has been validated through in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies. This will focus on scientific evidence and its supporting technology for developing new bioactive compounds for chronic diseases. Nanotechnology can improve the delivery and absorption of herbal medicines, which often have poor bioavailability due to their high molecular weight and solubility in water, particularly in oral medicines. This technology can enhance propolis\u27s effects through multi-target therapy and reduce side effects. Experimental approach All publications related to each section of this review were discovered using the search engines Google Scholar, Scopus, and Pubmed. This was only available for publication between 2013 and 2023. The selected publications were used as references in this review after being thoroughly studied. Key results Evaluation of propolis active compounds, the classification of propolis nano formulations, design concepts, and mechanisms of action of propolis nano formulation. Additionally, the challenges and prospects for how these insights can be translated into clinical benefits are discussed. Conclusion In the last ten years, a list of nanoformulation propolis has been reported. This review concludes the difficulties encountered in developing large-scale nanoformulations. To commercialize them, improvements in nano carrier synthesis, standardized evaluation methodology within the framework of strategy process improvement, and Good Manufacturing Practices would be required


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    ABSTRAKEdukasi masyarakat tentang penggunaan antibiotik yang benar dan pelatihan pembuatan jajanan sehat merupakan dua hal yang penting untuk mencegah stunting pada anak. Stunting adalah kondisi kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh malnutrisi kronis dan merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sangat serius di negara-negara berkembang. Salah satu penyebab utama stunting adalah penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak tepat. Antibiotik yang digunakan secara tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan resistensi antibiotik dan menurunkan efektivitas obat dalam mengatasi infeksi. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk meningkatkan edukasi masyarakat tentang penggunaan antibiotik yang benar. Metode kegiatan melalui penyuluhan tentang penggunaan antibiotik, pelatihan pembuatan cemilah sehat, pemberian kuesioner pretest dan posttest, pemberian pamflet dan prototipe cemilan sehat bagi peserta. Secara keseluruhan, peningkatan edukasi masyarakat dalam penggunaan antibiotik yang benar dan pelatihan pembuatan jajanan sehat adalah langkah yang efektif dalam mencegah stunting pada anak. Kedua upaya ini dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan dan gizi anak, serta mencegah berkembangnya masalah kesehatan yang lebih serius di masa depan. Kata kunci: antibiotik; resistensi antibiotik; stunting; penyuluhan; pelatihan ABSTRACTTwo essential variables in avoiding childhood stunting are public education on the proper use of antibiotics and training in the preparation of healthy snacks. Stunting is a medical disorder induced by persistent malnutrition that is a major public health issue in underdeveloped nations. Antibiotic usage is one of the leading causes of stunting. Inappropriate antibiotic use can lead to antibiotic resistance and reduce antibiotic effectiveness in treating infections. As a result, it is vital to educate the public about antibiotic usage. Antibiotic advice, training in the production of healthy snacks, presentation of pretest and posttest questionnaires, and distribution of brochures and prototypes of healthy snacks to participants are all part of the activity. Overall, increasing public education on antibiotic safety and training in the preparation of nutritional snacks are good methods to reducing childhood stunting. These two measures can help enhance children's health and nutrition while also avoiding the emergence of more serious health issues in the future. Keywords: antibiotics; stunting; counseling; trainin

    Effectiveness of Oxalis corniculata L. Ethanol Extract against Mono-Species of Biofilm Staphylococcus aureus

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    Inappropriate administration of antibiotics can cause resistance to bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus is one of the strong biofilm-forming bacteria that cause antibiotic resistance. Calincing (Oxalis corniculata L.) leaves have excellent antibacterial activity, but their antibiofilm activity against S. aureus has not been reported until now. Currently, the discovery of new antibiofilm against S. aureus biofilms is significant to prevent the impact of infections caused by biofilms. This study was intended to determine the effectiveness of the ethanol extract of O. corniculata leaves in inhibiting and eradicating S. aureus biofilm formation. Planktonic testing, inhibition, and biofilm eradication activity were carried out using the microtiter broth method. Antibiofilm activity of O. corniculata leaves against S. aureus biofilm was analyzed by calculating the minimum concentration of biofilm inhibitor (MBIC50) and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC50). Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) with a 95% confidence level. Oxalis corniculata leaves showed inhibitory activity on the formation of the tested S. aureus biofilm. The ethanol extract of 1% O. corniculata leaves gave 76.23±0.01% antibacterial activity of S. aureus and 71.32±0.01% of mid-phase antibiofilm activity, and 69.33±0.01% maturation phase. The results also prove that the ethanolic extract of O. corniculata leaves can eradicate S. aureus biofilm formation. Therefore, the ethanol extract of O. corniculata leaves can be developed as a new antibiofilm against S. aureus

    A Review of Botanical Characteristics, Chemical Composition, Pharmacological Activity and Use of Scorodocarpus borneensis

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    Scorodocarpus borneensis, an indigenous tree from Kalimantan, was used traditionally. This forest plant is from the genus Olacaceae with a unique characteristic of their bark that smells like onions. The scientific information about the potential activity of this plant was very limited. In this study, the chemical compounds and potential activities of S. borneensis were reviewed in this article. The information was collected from several databases, such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, DOAJ, and Elsevier. Chemical compounds of S. borneensis were dominated by the volatile compound. That species has several activities, such as antioxidant, antibacterial