23 research outputs found


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    Penelitian dengan judul analisis disparitas harga dan potensi persaingan\ud tidak sehat pada distribusi cengkeh dengan tujuan menganalisis disparitas harga\ud pada proses distribusi cengkeh serta Mengetahui potensi praktek monopoli yang\ud dapat ditimbulkan oleh adanya disparitas harga cengkeh pada distribusi cengkeh.\ud Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis. dilakukan secara pemaparan dan kualitatif\ud dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Peneliti bertindak sebagai pengamat, dimana\ud ia hanya membuat kategori perilaku, mengamati gejala dan mencatatnya.\ud Pelaksanaan dari metode deskriptif tidak hanya sampai pada pengumpulan dan\ud penyusunan data, tetapi juga meliputi analisa dan interpretasi tentang arti data itu.\ud Penelitian ini mengacu pada monitoring cengkeh yang dilakukan oleh Komisi\ud Pengawas Persaingan Usaha pada Tahun 2011, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan,\ud bahwa Disparitas harga cengkeh dalam kurun waktu tertentu cukup tinggi, sehingga\ud dapat mempengaruhi biaya produksi pabrik rokok dan memberikan ketidakpastian\ud usaha bagi petani dalam mengusahakan tanaman cengkeh. Perbedaan harga cukup\ud tinggi terjadi pada sistem distribusi cengkeh sejak dari petani hingga ke pedagang\ud pengumpul. Setiap titik distribusi berpotensi melakukan praktek monopoli seperti\ud monopsoni dan predatory pricing

    Modernizing Dairy Farm: A Production Mode Analysis

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    Appearing livestock modernity due to a greater dependency on the market and actions follows the capitalistic logic of production. This study focuses on the mode of production in developing dairy cattle in the modernity era. Data collection was carried out through observations, recordings, and deep interviews for key informants using the snowball technique. The data were compiled in forms of field notes and audio records transferring into written transcription. Those data were then analyzed using thematic analysis. This study found out that the forces of production in dairy farms are based on simple technology, and subsistence needs orientation. Also, this study becomes aware of the social relations of production in dairy farms are based on a low division of labor and combine morality and rationality based on production organizations. Thus, the mode of production of dairy farming is a non-capitalistic. This research contributes to the modernization theory that the modernization process is not always displayed by changes from non-capitalistic to capitalistic modes of production. It is expected that dairy farming is no longer considered a side job, but is a promising and attractive job for the younger generation. Thus, this condition encourages the emergence of young breeders who certainly have better abilities than the current breeders. The increasing entrepreneurial spirit of farmers, it is expected to have an impact on increasing income and employment. Production mode also plays an essential function to assist in increasing output per labor unit. Labor productivity is projected to rise through innovation and technology


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    Abstract: Nadzir in compilation of Islamic Law and Law Number 41/2004 are very important, because, nadzir is the one who has the right to receive waqf when it is submitted and in the name of nadzir, waqf is registered. Third, Nadzir has function to administer, manage, develop, control, protect the properties of waqf, and to report the implementation of duties to BWI. The endowment deed evidence of an asset is endowment. Because of the Huta Bargot community did not know the provisions of nadzir and the endowment deed itself so that it formed into a habit. It categorized as urf sahih (habits that do not violate syari’ah).Keywords: waqf, nadzir, endowment deed, Huta Bargor sub districtPendahulua


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    Agribisnis sapi potong merupakan kegiatan yang mengintegrasikan pembangunan sektor pertanian secara simultan dengan pembangunan sektor industri dan jasa yang terkait dalam suatu kluster industri sapi potong mulai dari hulu sampai hilir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peningkatan Pendapatan Peternak Melalui Inseminasi Buatan Pada Agribisnis Sapi Potong di Kecamatan Sinjai Tengah Kabupaten Sinjai. Ada 100 orang peternak yang terbagi di empat desa dan ditentukan secara Proportional Sampling, yang diwawancarai untuk dijadikan sumber data. Analisis data menggunakan rumus pendapatan dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif serta menggunakan rumus efisiensi reproduksi. Pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong inseminasi buatan ataupun kawin alam bernilai positif jika hanya menghitung penerimaan. Pendapatan bernilai sangat rendah apabila komponen yang terbesar dalam usaha ternak seperti biaya tetap dan biaya variabelnya yakni kandang, sewa lahan untuk pakan, pupuk dan tenaga kerja juga terhitung. rata-rata pendapatan sapi kawin alam Rp. 5.052.480 sedangkan sapi inseminasi buatan Rp. 6.854.960. sedangkan efisiensi penggunaan Inseminasi Buatan dengan nilai Conception Rate (CR) 79%. Service Conception (S/C) dan Non Returt Rate (NRR) 79%

    Analysis of Beef Marketing Channels in Makassar City Slaughterhouses, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

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    Makassar City Slaughterhouses (RPH) have the role of being a cattle barn before slaughter, slaughtering beef cattle belonging to wholesalers (middlemen) and also beef marketing activities. The research aims to identify beef marketing channels in Makassar City Slaughterhouses. The research was conducted in July 2022. The results showed that there were 2 patterns of marketing channels for beef at RPH in Makassar city, namely: (1) Cattle Breeders - Inter-Regional Traders - Butcher Entrepreneurs - Retailers - Final Consumers and (2) Cattle Farmers - Inter-Regional Traders - Butcher Entrepreneurs - Final Consumers

    Market Risk Sharing In Partnership Broilers

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    This research aims to determine the distribution of market risk is carried out between the company and the plasma farmers who work in partnership broiler. Furthermore, whether there is market domination that lead to monopolistic practices and unfair business competition. When the study was conducted in May through July 2015 were housed in company X in Makassar. This research is quantitative descriptive. Used income analysis II = TR-TC. Further analysis of monopolistic practice violations based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. This study shows the distribution of loss in partnership broiler received by the company and based on the market risk is 108 % : 8 %. The company suffered a loss due to the loss of 100 % of potential revenue from the partnership due to lower selling prices and also bear the losses of farmers amounted to 8 %. The research results show there has been a violation of Article 19 c under Indonesian Law Number 5 of year1999

    Local Government and University Partnership Systems: Evidence from Cattle Beef Farmers in Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Partnership systems still become an interesting issue to discuss. Partnerships with beef cattle farmers can be carried out by several parties, including the private sector, universities, and local governments. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the partnership systems of regional governments and Hasanuddin university from the perspective of beef cattle farmers. This study was conducted in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, from September to December 2018. The samples comprised farmers who participated in the partnership system in Tanete Riaja Subdistrict, Barru Regency, amounting to 80 people. Farmer perceptions of the partnerships were assessed using descriptive statistics with a distribution frequency. The results showed differences in the partnership system between tertiary institutions and local governments, namely, from the system of sharing results and the different benefits obtained by farmers if partnering between universities and local governments

    Alasan peternak ayam ras petelur memilih pakan produksi lokal di Kabupaten Sidrap Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur merupakan salah satu upaya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia akan protein hewani yang semakin meningkat. Salah satu faktor yang sering menjadi permasalahan pada usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur adalah ketersediaan bahan pakan yang berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau. Tingginya harga pakan komersial mendorong peternak melakukan inovasi dengan cara menyusun pakan sendiri dengan menggunakan bahan pakan lokal yang tersedia sehingga kebutuhan pakan ayam ras petelur dapat terpenuhi baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan peternak ayam ras petelur memilih pakan produksi lokal. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 5 kecamatan di Kabupaten Sidrap yang memiliki jumlah ternak ayam ras petelur terbesar yaitu Kecamatan Maritengngae (1.112.100 ekor), Kecamatan Kulo (990.600 ekor), Kecamatan Panca Rijang (826.500 ekor), Kecamatan Baranti (399.400 ekor), dan Kecamatan Panca Lautang (375.850 ekor). Sampel penelitian dari kecamatan dipilih 25 peternak sehingga keseluruhan sampel terpilih 125 peternak. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak sederhana. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuisioner. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan skala likert pada setiap parameter yang diukur yaitu 1 = tidak setuju, 2 = kurang setuju, 3 = setuju dan dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alasan peternak ayam ras petelur memilih pakan produksi lokal di Kabupaten Sidrap berdasarkan harga pakan, ketersediaan pakan, kandungan nutrisi pakan, daya tahan pakan, warna pakan, aroma pakan, bentuk butiran, informasi pakan, dan desain kemasan pakan berada pada kategori setuju

    Analisis pemetaan pertambangan Bauksit ditinjau dari aksi akuisisi oleh PT. Aneka Tambang

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