142 research outputs found


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    Following many years of research, it has been determined that for the environmentally friendly stimulation of the growth of plants and increase of their yields, it is necessary to apply pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment to the seeds of these plants.A study has been carried out of the impact of the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment of the seeds of different Bulgarian wheat varieties and of maize hybrids provided by Bulgarian producers and by the companies Pioneer-USA and the French Maisadour Semences.At certain values of the controllable factors of the pre-sowing treatment, the following results have been achieved: an increase of (9...20)% in wheat yields as compared to the control batch, and an increase in the length of the maize ears, a higher number of leaves and a higher number of kernel rows in an ear, a higher number of kernels in a row, and yields increased by (5...21)% as compared to the control batch.Following many years of research, it has been determined that for the environmentally friendly stimulation of the growth of plants and increase of their yields, it is necessary to apply pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment to the seeds of these plants.A study has been carried out of the impact of the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment of the seeds of different Bulgarian wheat varieties and of maize hybrids provided by Bulgarian producers and by the companies Pioneer-USA and the French Maisadour Semences.At certain values of the controllable factors of the pre-sowing treatment, the following results have been achieved: an increase of (9...20)% in wheat yields as compared to the control batch, and an increase in the length of the maize ears, a higher number of leaves and a higher number of kernel rows in an ear, a higher number of kernels in a row, and yields increased by (5...21)% as compared to the control batch

    ENDF-6 compatible evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections for 182,183,184,186W

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    An ENDF-6 compatible evaluation for neutron induced reactions in the resonance region has been completed for 182,183,184,186W. The parameters are the result of an analysis of experimental data available in the literature together with a parameter adjustment on transmission and capture data obtained at the time-of-flight facility GELINA. Complete evaluated data files in ENDF-6 format have been produced by joining the evaluations in the resonance region with corresponding files from the JEFF-32T1 and ENDF/B-VII.1 library. The evaluated files have been processed with the latest updates of NJOY.99 to test their format and application consistency as well as to produce a continuous-energy data library in ACE format for use in Monte Carlo codes. The evaluated files will be implemented in the next release of the JEFF-3 library which is maintained by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD. The evaluated files will be implemented in the next release of the JEFF-3 library which is maintained by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections in the resolved and unresolved resonance region at EC-JRC-IRMM

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    Recent efforts made at the EC-JRC-IRMM to produce evaluated cross section data files for neutron induced reactions are described as well as the methodology applied in both the resolved and unresolved resonance. For the resolved resonance region the paper focuses on a recent evaluation of isotopes present in natural cadmium. For the unresolved resonance region results for gold are presented.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    ENDF-6 compatible evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections for 106,108,110,111,112,113,114,116Cd

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    An ENDF-6 compatible evaluation for neutron induced reactions in the resonance region has been completed for 106,108,110,111,112,113,114,116Cd. The parameters are the result of an analysis of experimental data available in the literature together with a parameter adjustment on transmission and capture data obtained at the time-of-flight facility GELINA. Complete evaluated data files in ENDF-6 format have been produced by joining the evaluations in the resonance region with corresponding files from the JEFF-3.1.2 nuclear data library (or with the JEFF-Beta-CAD proposed evaluation in case of 113Cd). These files were produced for use in the JEFF32T2 library. For neutron induced reactions in the unresolved resonance region the JENDL-4.0 evaluation for 111Cd and 113Cd was adopted. The evaluated files have been processed with the latest updates of NJOY.99 to test their format and application consistency as well as to produce a continuous-energy data library in ACE format for use in Monte Carlo codes. The ACE files have been utilized to study the effect of the evaluated resonance parameters on results of integral experiments. The evaluated files will be implemented in the next release of the JEFF-3 library which is maintained by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections on gold

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    A new evaluation of neutron induced reactions on 197Au nucleus in the energy regions below 500 eV and from 4 keV and 100 keV is presented. Complete evaluated data files in ENDF-6 format have been produced by joining the evaluation with corresponding files from the ENDF/B-VII.1 library. The evaluation in the unresolved resonance region between 4 keV and 100 keV is based on a generalized single-level representation compatible with the energy-dependent option of the ENDF-6 format. The average partial cross sections have been expressed in terms of transmission coefficients by applying the Hauser-Feshbach statistical reaction theory including width fluctuations. The transmission coefficients have been obtained from a combined analysis of the capture cross section resulting from the cross section standards evaluation project and theoretical non-fluctuating cross sections derived from a dispersive coupled channel optical model. The evaluated cross sections have been validated by a comparison with transmission and capture data obtained at the time-of-flight facility GELINA. The evaluated files have been processed with the latest updates of NJOY.99 to test their format and application consistency as well as to produce a continuous-energy data library in ACE format for use in Monte Carlo codes. The ACE files have been utilized to study the effect of the evaluated resonance parameters on results of lead slowing-down experiments. The evaluated files will be implemented in the next release of the JEFF-3 library which is maintained by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Singular solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic equations and applications

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    We study the properties of solutions of fully nonlinear, positively homogeneous elliptic equations near boundary points of Lipschitz domains at which the solution may be singular. We show that these equations have two positive solutions in each cone of Rn\mathbb{R}^n, and the solutions are unique in an appropriate sense. We introduce a new method for analyzing the behavior of solutions near certain Lipschitz boundary points, which permits us to classify isolated boundary singularities of solutions which are bounded from either above or below. We also obtain a sharp Phragm\'en-Lindel\"of result as well as a principle of positive singularities in certain Lipschitz domains.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figure

    Fibers and global geometry of functions

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    Since the seminal work of Ambrosetti and Prodi, the study of global folds was enriched by geometric concepts and extensions accomodating new examples. We present the advantages of considering fibers, a construction dating to Berger and Podolak's view of the original theorem. A description of folds in terms of properties of fibers gives new perspective to the usual hypotheses in the subject. The text is intended as a guide, outlining arguments and stating results which will be detailed elsewhere

    Neutron capture cross section measurements for 197Au from 3.5 to 84 keV at GELINA

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    Cross section measurements have been performed at the time-of-flight facility GELINA to determine the average capture cross section for 197Au in the energy region between 3.5 keV and 84 keV. Prompt gamma-rays, originating from neutron induced capture events, were detected by two C6D6 liquid scintillators. The sample was placed at about 13 m distance from the neutron source. The total energy detection principle in combination with the pulse height weighting technique was applied. The energy dependence of the neutron flux was measured with a double Frisch-gridded ionization chamber based on the 10B(n,alpha)reaction. The data have been normalized to the well-isolated and saturated 197Au resonance at 4.9 eV. Special care was taken to reduce bias effects due to the weighting function, normalization, dead time and background corrections. The total uncertainty due to normalization, neutron flux and weighting function is 1.0%. An additional uncertainty of 0.5% results from the correction for self-shielding and multiple interaction events. Fluctuations due to resonance structures have been studied by complementary measurements at a 30 m flight path station. The results reported in this work deviate systematically by more than 5% from the cross section that is recommended as a reference for astrophysical applications. They are about 2% lower compared to an evaluation of the 197Au(n,gamma) cross section, which was based on a least squares fit of experimental data available in the literature prior to this work. The average capture cross section as a function of neutron energy has been parameterized in terms of average resonance parameters. Maxwellian average cross sections at different temperatures have been calculated.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Lesion detection in demoscopy images with novel density-based and active contour approaches

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dermoscopy is one of the major imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of melanoma and other pigmented skin lesions. Automated assessment tools for dermoscopy images have become an important field of research mainly because of inter- and intra-observer variations in human interpretation. One of the most important steps in dermoscopy image analysis is the detection of lesion borders, since many other features, such as asymmetry, border irregularity, and abrupt border cutoff, rely on the boundary of the lesion. </p> <p>Results</p> <p>To automate the process of delineating the lesions, we employed Active Contour Model (ACM) and boundary-driven density-based clustering (BD-DBSCAN) algorithms on 50 dermoscopy images, which also have ground truths to be used for quantitative comparison. We have observed that ACM and BD-DBSCAN have the same border error of 6.6% on all images. To address noisy images, BD-DBSCAN can perform better delineation than ACM. However, when used with optimum parameters, ACM outperforms BD-DBSCAN, since ACM has a higher recall ratio.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We successfully proposed two new frameworks to delineate suspicious lesions with i) an ACM integrated approach with sharpening and ii) a fast boundary-driven density-based clustering technique. ACM shrinks a curve toward the boundary of the lesion. To guide the evolution, the model employs the exact solution <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B27">27</abbr></abbrgrp> of a specific form of the Geometric Heat Partial Differential Equation <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B28">28</abbr></abbrgrp>. To make ACM advance through noisy images, an improvement of the model’s boundary condition is under consideration. BD-DBSCAN improves regular density-based algorithm to select query points intelligently.</p

    Status of evaluated data files for 238U in the resonance region

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    Experimental data and evaluated data libraries related to neutron induced reaction cross sections for 238U in the resonance region are reviewed. Based on this review a set of test files is produced to study systematic effects such as the impact of the upper boundary of the resolved resonance region (RRR) and the representation of the infinite diluted capture and in-elastic cross section in the unresolved resonance region (URR). A set of Benchmark experiments was selected and used to verify the test files. Based on these studies recommendations to perform a new evaluation have been defined. This report has been prepared in support to the CIELO (Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation) project. The objective of this project is the creation of a world-wide recognised nuclear data file with a focus on six nuclides, i.e. 1H, 16O, 56Fe, 235U, 238U and 239Pu. Within the CIELO project, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) at Geel (B) is in charge of the production of an evaluated cross section data file for neutron induced reaction of 238U in the resonance region.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard