2,794 research outputs found

    Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Induk Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Pada Lima Media Biji Sorgum

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    Growth Response Of Pleurotus Ostreatus Parent Seed At Five Different Sorghum Medium. The research was conducted in Biotechnology Laboratory of Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic in one month, December 2008. The research was aimed to know the growth response of Pleurotus ostreatus parent seed at five different sorghum medium.This research used sorghum seed as mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus growth medium. The variables that used to measure were mycelium growth time and mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus scattered which measured from the beginning of mycelium scattered. The result shown that the fastest growth and scattered of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium was Sikun sorghum and the lowest growth and scattered of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium was Pisan sorghum


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu penyerapan anggaran yang tidak efektif tercermin dalam rata-rata Sisa Lebih Pembiayaan Anggaran (SILPA). Jumlah SILPA yang besar tersebut terjadi bukan karena semata-mata efisiensi dalam pengelolaan belanja tetapi lebih menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan keuangan belum efektif karena didalamnya, antara lain ada program/kegiatan yang tidak dapat dilaksanakan pada tahun anggaran yang bersangkutan. Serapan anggaran yang tidak optimal menunjukkan adanya permasalahan yang perlu dievaluasi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu dengan menghitung tingkat efektivitas dan efisiensi anggaran belanja.Hasil perhitungan yang diperoleh dalam analisis efektivitas pada tahun 2014 untuk belanja pegawai sebesar 90,87%, belanja barang 86,73%, belanja modal 96,39%, belanja bantuan sosial 100%, tahun 2015 belanja pegawai 93,36%, belanja barang 82,63%, belanja modal 97,14%, tahun 2016 belanja pegawai 99,39%, belanja barang 92,82%,belanja modal 96,24%, tahun 2017 belanja pegawai 96,36%, belanja barang 89,87%, belanja modal 95,52%, tahun 2018 belanja pegawai 98,36%, belanja barang 89,37%, belanja modal 87,87%. Sementara itu, analisis efisiensi yang menggunakan rumus rasio efisiensi, dari hasil perhitungannya pada tahun 2014 sebesar 68,90 %, tahun 2015 sebesar 83 %, tahun 2016 sebesar 66 %, dan tahun 2017 sebesar 79,64 %, tahun 2018 sebesar 57,77%


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    This paper assessed the impact of motivation on job performance and satisfaction of healthcare workers in Federal Medical Centre Jalingo, Taraba State-Nigeria.  Data were collected from the primary source using a survey research design. A sample of 80 respondents was drawn and used to represent the entire population of the study. The research instrument was validated and tested using Alpha Cronbach with a reliability coefficient of 0.80. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency, simple percentage, mean and standard deviation. The Results showed that good leadership, recognition, good work-life balance, good company culture and royalty from management, good wages, good working conditions, promotion, financial benefits, and job security were identified as the main factors that motivate the job performance of health workers. The result also showed that motivation promotes quality service delivery, motivation raises job satisfaction, fosters persistency in reaching a specific goal, yields better results, motivation promotes effectiveness and efficiency, and encourages workers' self-confidence toward goal attainment.  Lack of good leadership, uncertainties, insufficient availability of resources and opportunities, the attitude of workers, fear of success, and fear of failure were found in this study as the main factors militating against health workers’ motivation in Federal Medical Centre Jalingo, Taraba State. It is therefore recommended that: The management of Federal Medical Centre Jalingo should pay attention to the improvement of employee empowerment, benefits package; work conditions & recognition in connection with their job performance practices; there is a need for performance standards to be measured by criteria directly related to the job and derived from a thorough job analysis

    Structure of excited vortices with higher angular momentum in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The structure of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensed atomic gases is studied taking into account many-body correlation effects. It is shown that for excited vortices the particle density in the vortex core increases as the angular momentum of the system increases. The core density can increase by several times with only a few percent change in the angular momentum. This result provides an explanation for the observations in which the measured angular momentum is higher than the estimation based on counting the number of vortices, and the visibility of the vortex cores is simultaneously reduced. The calculated density profiles for the excited vortices are in good agreement with experimental measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Penggunaan Gypsum Block Untuk Mengukur Kadar Air Pada Tanah Lempung

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    The test of soil moisture content that most often method applied is gravimetric. By the development of sciences, nowdays a sensor device test on soil moisture content that is called gypsum block. Such devices could be directed inplanted in the place where the moisture content would be measured. This research aimed at getting the calibration equation and correlation coefficient of gypsum block and to determine whethergypsum block could be used as a test of moisture content of clay. The kind of sample was taken from Oebelo village, Central Kupang Subdistrict, East Nusa Tenggara and variations of water used were 15%, 20%, 30.7% and 40%, and total samples were 20. The results of the research revealed that calibration equation of gypsum block to the measurements for 7 days (constant resistantion) was Y=1.323x-0.54 by r = 0.835. The results of field testing and compared with gravimetric method obtained difference moisture content value in the range of 0.26%-2.56%. From the results it could be concluded that the gypsum block could be used as a device to measure the moisture content of clay

    Supplementary Report On The Feasibility Study Of Submerged Cylinder Wave Energy Device

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    This report has been compiled as the result o f a four-month supplementary contract to our first broad look at submerged cylinder wave energy devices. In this further period we have discussed widely within the wave energy community the findings of our main Report dated October 1979. We have also considered topics that were either not within our earlier brief or were only peripheral to its principal purpose of identifying how the device could be engineered using proven technology, and the likely range of unit costs that this could involve. The present Report therefore covers a wide spectrum of topics. These are mostly pitched in the form of 'Appe ndix' notes to subjects studied and presented in our main Report. They serve to clarify points of detail, and have been pursued in sufficient depth to show whether they need be studied further in the next phase of this enquiry. We have also continued our studies of the main subjects underlying the behaviour and performance of the device, especially its dyna mic behaviour in response to wave motion and how energy is best transmitted to and through the seabed power takeoff units. This supplementary period has therefore allowed us to narrow our options, Although we believe it is still premature to expect the preferred system of mooring and power takeoff to be selected with certainty, our earlier recommendations are upheld by the further findings now presented. This system will therefore form the basis for the optimisation study of the device that now logically follows, but we will continue to seek improvements both to the overall arrangement of the device and to its component parts in the light of all further information that becomes available to us. We conclude that the submerged cylinder device is a technically sound and efficient way of capturing wave energy. On the basis of present knowledge we have reason to believe that, from the thorough optimisation study that constitutes the next phase of our work, the device may also turn out to be an economic proposition. In this case it should be advanced through a full engineering design phase to the prototype construction of perhaps five units at full scale in say 1984/5

    Energy flow lines and the spot of Poisson-Arago

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    We show how energy flow lines answer the question about diffraction phenomena presented in 1818 by the French Academy: "deduce by mathematical induction, the movements of the rays during their crossing near the bodies". This provides a complementary answer to Fresnel's wave theory of light. A numerical simulation of these energy flow lines proves that they can reach the bright spot of Poisson-Arago in the shadow center of a circular opaque disc. For a monochromatic wave in vacuum, these energy flow lines correspond to the diffracted rays of Newton's Opticks


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsistensi antara perencanaan dan penganggaran BPPKAD Provinsi NTT Tahun 2016 dan 2017. Penilaian konsistensi antara program dan kegiatan dokumen dilakukan dengan menggunakan Matriks Konsolidasi Perencanaan dan Penganggaran (MKPP) sedangkan untuk analisis konsistensi anggaran PPAS dan APBD dilakukan dengan menggunakan deviasi anggaran dan untuk mengetahui penyebab ketidakkonsistensi dilakukan dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kegiatan yang tidak konsisten, namun secara umum antar dokumen telah menunjukkan tingkat konsistensi yang baik. Sedangkan untuk programnya telah menunjukkan tingkat kosistensi yang sangat baik. Untuk tingkat konsistensi anggaran antara PPAS dan APBD BPPKAD Provinsi NTT Tahun 2016 dan 2017 menunjukkan tingkat konsistensi yang kurang baik
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