7,156 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Instrument Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - Adult Form

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    Objective: to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - (RHDS) Adult Form for use in Brazil. Method: a methodological study was conducted in 2015, in Brazil’s federal capital, following the eight stages scientifically established. Results: analysis proved the maintenance of semantic, idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual equivalences and kept both the face and content validity of the original version. The judging committee and the pre-test participants declared they understood the RHDS items and answer scale. Conclusion: the instrument is culturally adapted for Brazil and can be used as one of the stages for planning hospital discharge. Descriptors: Nursing Methodology Research; Transitional Care; Continuity of Patient Care; Patient-Centered Care; Patient Discharg

    A changing role for universities in the periphery

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    An international research on interactions between universities and firms is an opportunity to investigate this subject beyond the developed countries. This project involves 12 countries from three continents: Africa (South Africa, Nigeria and Uganda), Asia (South Korea, China, India, Thailand and Malaysia) and Latin America (Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina and Brazil). This paper introduces a theoretical framework to deal with this broad set of countries, their different levels of NSI formation and their different levels of development. This framework may help public policies to understand the role of universities for a country search for an “active insertion in the international division of labor”.interactions between firms and universities, National Innovation Systems, catch up processes.

    Tendências do Mercado Bancário Brasileiro a partir dos anos 2000

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015Com a implantação do Plano Real, em meados da década de 1990, houve modifi cações severas no setor fi nanceiro. Algumas das soluções implementadas representaram um aumento da concentração no setor, com as instituições maiores incorporando as menores. A década seguinte apresentou a consolidação do modelo. O artigo busca entender como esse processo se apresenta a partir dos anos 2000 em termos da concentração do setor bancário. A desconcentração inicial do Mercado, seguida de uma nova concetração a partir de 2002, passando pela crise de 2008 e o papel das instituições federaisBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Autonomous Incident Response

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    Trabalho de Projeto de Mestrado, Segurança Informática, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasInformation security is a must-have for any organization willing to stay relevant and grow, it plays an important role as a business enabler, be it from a regulatory perspective or a reputation perspective. Having people, process, and technology to solve the ever growing number of security incidents as fast as possible and with the least amount of impact is a challenge for small and big companies. To address this challenge, companies started investing in Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) [39, 68, 70]. Security orchestration is the planning, integration, cooperation, and coordination of the activities of security tools and experts to produce and automate required actions in response to any security incident across multiple technology paradigms [40]. In other words, the use of SOAR is a way to translate the manual procedures followed by the security analysts into automated actions, making the process faster and scalable while saving on human resources budget. This project proposes a low-cost cloud native SOAR platform that is based on serverless computing, presenting the underlying details of its design. The performance of the proposed solution was evaluated through 364 real-world incidents related to 11 use cases in a large multinational enterprise. The results show that the solution is able to decrease the duration of the tasks by an average of 98.81% while having an operating expense of less than $65/month. Prior to the SOAR, it took the analyst 75.84 hours to perform manual tasks related to the 11 use cases. Additionally, an estimated 450 hours of the analyst’s time would be used to run the Update threat intelligence database use case. After the SOAR, the same tasks were automatically ran in 31.2 minutes and the Update threat intelligence database use case ran 9.000 times in 5.3 hours

    Onde erramos: historiografia e auto-crítica das guerrilhas do Cone Sul

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    “Anais da 2a Semana Acadêmica de Ciência Política e Sociologia: Violência e Democracia na América Latina.” - 09, 10 e 11 de Novembro de 2016. Realização: Curso de Graduação em Ciência Política e Sociologia - Sociedade, Estado e Política na América Latina. Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila) - Ditaduras e Golpes de Estado, Democracia e resitências na América LatinaEntre os anos sessenta e setenta, os países do cone sul (Brasil, Uruguai, Argentina e Chile) compartilharam uma história de golpes de estado e de sangrentas perseguições aos que se opuserem aos novos governos. Como não podia deixar de ser, cada país teve peculiaridades no seu regime ditatorial e qualquer generalização e comparação, não conseguiria alcançar toda a complexidade de cada caso. Entretanto, não se pode ignorar os pontos de contato entre esses quatro países. A oposição à ditadura era baseada principalmente em partidos e/ou movimentos de esquerda. Em todos os países do cone sul, a guerrilha foi uma escolha, às vezes iniciadas anteriormente ao governo de exceção. A repressão das ditaduras foi responsável pela prisão e morte de muitos membros desses movimentos, que ao pegarem em armas, foram responsáveis por roubos e assassinatos que visavam minar o poder das ditadurasRealização: Curso de Graduação em Ciência Política e Sociologia - Sociedade, Estado e Política na América Latina. Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila

    Modeling of Wind Phenomena and Analysis of Their Effects on UAV Trajectory Tracking Performance

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    The use of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has increased greatly over the years and is predicted to increase even more in the future. Thus, it is essential that these vehicles are able to fly safely with adequate performance under normal and abnormal conditions. In this research effort, the objective was to create a wind model to analyze the effects of atmospheric phenomena on trajectory tracking control of UAVs. A simplified model was developed and implemented within the WVU UAV simulation environment in order to simulate atmospheric phenomena, such as, constant wind with turbulence, wind gust and wind shear. Graphical user interfaces allow the setup of diverse simulation scenarios including constant wind and gusts in any direction and of any magnitude, different levels of turbulence and spatial variation of wind vector components in any direction (wind shear). The factors of the experimental grid also include, fixed parameter and adaptive trajectory tracking control laws, different 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional commanded trajectories and aircraft actuator failures.;Analysis of trajectory tracking performance relied on using composite indices based on trajectory tracking errors and control activity. Results show that, as the magnitude of the wind phenomena increases, the trajectory tracking degrades significantly for both adaptive and fixed parameter control laws, up to the point of loss of control. Control activity exhibits much less sensitivity. While adaptive control laws generally perform better, they present a greater degradation relative to nominal conditions than their fixed parameter counterpart. These results lead to the observation that specific adaptive mechanisms successful in handling a variety of other abnormal flight conditions may be less effective under wind. The direction of the wind relative to the aircraft proved important. In particular, downward wind components degrade significantly trajectory tracking and can easily lead to loss of control especially in combination with severe turbulence. The combination of actuator failures and wind conditions demonstrated that the adaptive controller presents higher performance than the fixed parameter controller.;This study reveals that UAV flight under wind phenomena may pose specific challenges in terms of trajectory tracking control laws design. Due to their typically reduced size, UAVs possess increased sensitivity to wind phenomena, which must be specifically addressed to improve safety and performance

    Screening forCronobacterSpecies in Powdered and Reconstituted Infant Formulas and from Equipment Used in Formula Preparation in Maternity Hospitals

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    Background/Aims: Cronobacter spp. have been identified as being of considerable risk to neonates. The occurrence of organism in infant formulas is therefore of considerable interest. Methods: The occurrence of Cronobacter spp. in infant feeds (formulas and fortified cow’s milk) was determined using most probable number (MPN) analysis, and from formula preparation utensils. Ninety nine samples were analyzed, of which 42 were unopened cans of powdered infant formula (PIF), 25 reconstituted infant formulas in feeding bottles, 27 utensils used from the preparation of infant formula, and 5 samples of fortified cow’s milk. Presumptive Cronobacter spp. isolates were identified using the 7 allele multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme. Results: C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus and C. muytjensii were recovered from PIF. Although the incidence of Cronobacter in PIF was 29% (12/42), the level was low with an average of 0.54 MPN/100g. According to MLST profiling, C. sakazakii was the most frequently isolated Cronobacter species, and C. sakazakii ST4 (associated with neonatal meningitis) was recovered from 2/42 PIF samples at 0.51 and 0.92 MPN/100g. Conclusions: Cronobacter spp. can be isolated from PIF and therefore strict hygienic practices during PIF preparation are important to minimize neonate exposure and reduce the risk of severe infections