15 research outputs found

    Particulate Organic Matter Distributions in the Water Column of the Chukchi Sea During Late Summer

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    We investigated the distribution and composition of particulate organic matter in waters from the northeast Chukchi Sea during two late summer periods (September 2016 and August 2017). During both cruises we measured a variety of properties (salinity, temperature, density, chlorophyll fluorescence and particle beam attenuation). We also collected individual water samples from specific depths and measured the concentrations of suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, chlorophyll-a and pheophytin (a chlorophyll degradation product). These measurements revealed highly stratified conditions throughout the study area, with surface waters exhibiting relatively low particle and biomass concentrations, middepth waters with well-defined subsurface chlorophyll maxima and moderate biomass, and turbid bottom waters with intermediate concentrations of particulate organic carbon and elevated levels of pheophytin. Large contrasts in the composition of particulate materials in both cruises were related to the distribution of different regional water masses. In addition, we observed increases in biogeochemical tracers of phytoplankton production in response to downwelling- and upwelling-favorable wind events. Overall, our work suggests that under the right conditions, phytoplankton production may occur under highly stratified conditions both in surface and sub-surface waters, extending the productive season along Arctic marginal seas

    Nitrogen fixation rates from samples collected in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean near Barrow, Alaska in August of 2011 (ArcticNITRO project)

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    Dataset: Arctic Nitrogen Fixation RatesThis dataset provides rates of nitrogen fixation for the coastal Chukchi Sea near Barrow, Alaska. Nitrogen fixation supplies ‘new’ nitrogen to the global ocean and supports primary production and impacts global biogeochemical cycles. Historically, nitrogen fixation in marine waters was considered a predominantly warm water process but this and other recent studies have shown that nitrogen fixation is occurring at low rates in polar waters. This dataset reports rates of 3.5 – 17.2 nmol N L-1 d-1 in the ice-free coastal Alaskan Arctic. Additional investigations of high-latitude marine diazotrophic physiology are required to refine these N2 fixation estimates. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the supplemental document 'Field_names.pdf', and a full dataset description is included in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/701789NSF Arctic Sciences (NSF ARC) PLR-090983

    Living phosphatic stromatolites in a low-phosphorus environment: Implications for the use of phosphorus as a proxy for phosphate levels in paleosystems

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    In the geological record, fossil phosphatic stromatolites date back to the Great Oxidation Event in the Paleoproterozoic, but living phosphatic stromatolites have not been described previously. Here, we report on cyanobacterial stromatolites in a supratidal freshwater environment at Cape Recife, South African southern coast, precipitating Ca carbonate alternating with episodes of Ca phosphate deposition. In their structure and composition, the living stromatolites from Cape Recife closely resemble their fossilized analogues, showing phosphatic zonation, microbial casts, tunnel structures and phosphatic crusts of biogenic origin. The microbial communities appear to be also similar to those proposed to have formed fossil phosphatic stromatolites. Phosphatic domains in the material from Cape Recife are spatially and texturally associated with carbonate precipitates, but form distinct entities separated by sharp boundaries. Electron Probe Micro-Analysis shows that Ca/P ratios and the overall chemical compositions of phosphatic precipitates are in the range of octacalcium phosphate, amorphous tricalcium phosphate and apatite. The coincidence in time of the emergence of phosphatic stromatolites in the fossil record with a major episode of atmospheric oxidation led to the assumption that at times of increased oxygen release the underlying increased biological production may have been linked to elevated phosphorus availability. The stromatolites at Cape Recife, however, form in an environment where ambient phosphorus concentrations do not exceed 0.28μM, one to two orders of magnitude below the previously predicted minimum thresh-old of >5 μM for biogenic phosphate precipitation in paleo-systems. Accordingly, we contest the previously proposed suitability of phosphatic stromatolites as a proxy for high ambient phosphate concentrations in supratidal to shallow ocean settings in earth history

    Phytoplankton-Bacterial Interactions Mediate Micronutrient Colimitation at the Coastal Antarctic Sea Ice Edge

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    Southern Ocean primary productivity plays a key role in global ocean biogeochemistry and climate. At the Southern Ocean sea ice edge in coastal McMurdo Sound, we observed simultaneous cobalamin and iron limitation of surface water phytoplankton communities in late Austral summer. Cobalamin is produced only by bacteria and archaea, suggesting phytoplankton–bacterial interactions must play a role in this limitation. To characterize these interactions and investigate the molecular basis of multiple nutrient limitation, we examined transitions in global gene expression over short time scales, induced by shifts in micronutrient availability. Diatoms, the dominant primary producers, exhibited transcriptional patterns indicative of co-occurring iron and cobalamin deprivation. The major contributor to cobalamin biosynthesis gene expression was a gammaproteobacterial population, Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a. This group also contributed significantly to metagenomic cobalamin biosynthesis gene abundance throughout Southern Ocean surface waters. Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a displayed elevated expression of organic matter acquisition and cell surface attachment-related genes, consistent with a mutualistic relationship in which they are dependent on phytoplankton growth to fuel cobalamin production. Separate bacterial groups, including Methylophaga, appeared to rely on phytoplankton for carbon and energy sources, but displayed gene expression patterns consistent with iron and cobalamin deprivation. This suggests they also compete with phytoplankton and are important cobalamin consumers. Expression patterns of siderophore- related genes offer evidence for bacterial influences on iron availability as well. The nature and degree of this episodic colimitation appear to be mediated by a series of phytoplankton–bacterial interactions in both positive and negative feedback loops

    Effect of temperature on rates of ammonium uptake and nitrification in the western coastal Arctic during winter, spring, and summer

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    Biogeochemical rate processes in the Arctic are not currently well constrained, and there is very limited information on how rates may change as the region warms. Here we present data on the sensitivity of ammonium (NH4+) uptake and nitrification rates to short-term warming. Samples were collected from the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Barrow, Alaska, during winter, spring, and summer and incubated for 24h in the dark with additions of (NH4+)-N-15 at -1.5, 6, 13, and 20 degrees C. Rates of NH4+ uptake and nitrification were measured in conjunction with bacterial production. In all seasons, NH4+ uptake rates were highest at temperatures similar to current summertime conditions but dropped off with increased warming, indicative of psychrophilic (i.e., cold-loving) microbial communities. In contrast, nitrification rates were less sensitive to temperature and were higher in winter and spring compared to summer. These findings suggest that as the Arctic coastal ecosystem continues to warm, NH4+ assimilation may become increasingly important, relative to nitrification, although the magnitude of NH4+ assimilation would be still be lower than nitrification

    Trichodesmium-derived dissolved organic matter is a source of nitrogen capable of supporting the growth of toxic red tide Karenia brevis

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    Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) produced by the nitrogen-fixer Trichodesmium sp. has the potential to serve as a nitrogen source for the red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) from laboratory cultures of Trichodesmium sp. was isolated, concentrated and then supplied as a nutrient source to K. brevis cells collected from the Gulf of Mexico. K. brevis abundance increased immediately after Trichodesmium sp. cellular exudate (TCE) addition, allowing the population to double within the first 24 h. There was rapid and complete utilization of the TCE DON as well as ~89% of the TCE dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP). Additionally, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) was used to assess the bacterial community response to the addition of TCE . The number of bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) initially increased after the TCE DOM addition, but decreased as K. brevis reached its maximum abundance. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) were used to chemically characterize the DOM. Approximately 25% of compounds disappeared within the first 24 h, corresponding to the greatest increase in K. brevis abundance. Using FT-ICR MS, 391 DON and 219 DOP potentially bioavailable compounds were characterized. The bioavailable DON compounds were highly reduced and 44% had molar ratios indicative of lipid or protein-like compounds. The changes in DON concentration and compound composition show that Tricho desmium sp. provides a sufficient source of nitrogen to directly or indirectly support K. brevis blooms