115 research outputs found

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    ASCOT: solving the kinetic equation of minority particle species in tokamak plasmas

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    A comprehensive description of methods, suitable for solving the kinetic equation for fast ions and impurity species in tokamak plasmas using Monte Carlo approach, is presented. The described methods include Hamiltonian orbit-following in particle and guiding center phase space, test particle or guiding center solution of the kinetic equation applying stochastic differential equations in the presence of Coulomb collisions, neoclassical tearing modes and Alfv\'en eigenmodes as electromagnetic perturbations relevant to fast ions, together with plasma flow and atomic reactions relevant to impurity studies. Applying the methods, a complete reimplementation of the well-established minority species code ASCOT is carried out as a response both to the increase in computing power during the last twenty years and to the weakly structured growth of the code, which has made implementation of additional models impractical. Also, a benchmark between the previous code and the reimplementation is accomplished, showing good agreement between the codes.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    Interaction between Bacteriophage DMS3 and Host CRISPR Region Inhibits Group Behaviors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Bacteriophage infection has profound effects on bacterial biology. Clustered regular interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and cas (CRISPR-associated) genes are found in most archaea and many bacteria and have been reported to play a role in resistance to bacteriophage infection. We observed that lysogenic infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 with bacteriophage DMS3 inhibits biofilm formation and swarming motility, both important bacterial group behaviors. This inhibition requires the CRISPR region in the host. Mutation or deletion of five of the six cas genes and one of the two CRISPRs in this region restored biofilm formation and swarming to DMS3 lysogenized strains. Our observations suggest a role for CRISPR regions in modifying the effects of lysogeny on P. aeruginosa

    Kuntien väliset erot sairastavuudessa : THL:n sairastavuusindeksin tuloksia

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    Kuntien välillä oli merkittäviä eroja sairastavuudessa jaksolla 2009–2011. Myös perinteinen itä-länsijako sairaamman Itä-Suomen ja terveemmän Länsi-Suomen välillä oli edelleen näkyvissä. Yli 50 000 asukkaan kaupunkien vertailussa suurinta sairastavuus oli Kotkassa, Kuopiossa, Oulussa, Turussa ja Joensuussa, ja korkein indeksiarvo oli yli puolet suurempi kuin matalin (Kotka 124 – Espoo 76). Suurimmat sairausryhmittäiset alue-erot havaittiin sydän- ja verisuonisairauksissa, tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksissa, vakavissa mielenterveyden häiriöissä sekä dementiassa. Vaikka suurimman sairastavuuden kaupunkien tilanne näyttää johtuvan osittain eri sairauksista, yhteistä niille on se, että mielenterveyden häiriöt ovat niissä keskimääräistä yleisempiä. THL:n sairastavuusindeksi soveltuu hyvin kuntien sairastavuuserojen arviointiin ja terveystyön kehittämistarpeiden tunnistamiseen. Ikävakioimaton indeksi kuvaa kuntien todellista sairaustaakkaa, johon myös ikärakenne vaikuttaa, kun taas ikävakioitu luku soveltuu kuntien väliseen vertailuun

    On the Advertising Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

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    摘要 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,国际贸易在中国快速发展起来。国际交流的快速发展和国际竞争的加剧使得企业对于广告的需求也日益增长。不论对于商人还是消费者来说,国际广告都已经成为生活中重要的一部分。一则广告能否在国际市场上获得成功很大程度上取决于它的译本能否引起目的观众的兴趣并促使他们购买产品。因此,广告翻译在国际广告业有着至关重要的地位。 每个广告都蕴含着一个基本意思,这个基本意思正是广告人想要通过这则广告来表达的东西。广告人希望当观众看到这则广告时不费吹灰之力就能理解广告的基本意思。所以,广告的译本也应该以此为目标,帮助目的观众轻松地了解广告人的意图。但由于文化差异,一则广告的原观众和其译...Abstract After China joined the World Trade Organization, international trades have rapidly developed in China. The fast growth of international communications and acute competitions triggers an increasing need for advertising. International advertising has become a very important part not only for merchants but also for consumers. The success of an international advertisement depends largely on ...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_翻译硕士学号:1202009115234

    Severe Infection and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Multicohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: The excess risk of cardiovascular disease associated with a wide array of infectious diseases is unknown. We quantified the short- and long-term risk of major cardiovascular events in people with severe infection and estimated the population-attributable fraction. METHODS: We analyzed data from 331 683 UK Biobank participants without cardiovascular disease at baseline (2006-2010) and replicated our main findings in an independent population from 3 prospective cohort studies comprising 271 533 community-dwelling participants from Finland (baseline 1986-2005). Cardiovascular risk factors were measured at baseline. We diagnosed infectious diseases (the exposure) and incident major cardiovascular events after infections, defined as myocardial infarction, cardiac death, or fatal or nonfatal stroke (the outcome) from linkage of participants to hospital and mortality registers. We computed adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for infectious diseases as short- and long-term risk factors for incident major cardiovascular events. We also calculated population-attributable fractions for long-term risk. RESULTS: In the UK Biobank (mean follow-up, 11.6 years), 54 434 participants were hospitalized for an infection, and 11 649 had an incident major cardiovascular event at follow-up. Relative to participants with no record of infectious disease, those who were hospitalized experienced increased risk of major cardiovascular events, largely irrespective of the subtype of infection. This association was strongest during the first month after infection (HR, 7.87 [95% CI, 6.36-9.73]), but remained elevated during the entire follow-up (HR, 1.47 [95% CI, 1.40-1.54]). The findings were similar in the replication cohort (HR, 7.64 [95% CI, 5.82-10.03] during the first month; HR, 1.41 [95% CI, 1.34-1.48] during mean follow-up of 19.2 years). After controlling for traditional cardiovascular risk factors, the population-attributable fraction for severe infections and major cardiovascular events was 4.4% in the UK Biobank and 6.1% in the replication cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Infections severe enough to require hospital treatment were associated with increased risks for major cardiovascular disease events immediately after hospitalization. A small excess risk was also observed in the long-term, but residual confounding cannot be excluded

    EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications

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    International audienceRecent developments and achievements of the EUROfusion Code Development for Integrated Modelling project (WPCD), which aim is to provide a validated integrated modelling suite for the simulation and prediction of complete plasma discharges in any tokamak, are presented. WPCD develops generic complex integrated simulations, workflows, for physics applications, using the standardized European Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) framework. Selected physics applications of EU-IM workflows are illustrated in this paper