13 research outputs found

    Impact of weather cues and resource dynamics on mast occurrence in the main forest tree species in Europe

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    Mast seeding, the synchronised occurrence of large amounts of fruits and seeds at irregular intervals, is a reproductive strategy in many wind-pollinated species. Although a series of studies have investigated mast year (MY) patterns in European forest tree species at the regional scale, there are few recent evaluations at a European scale on the impact of weather variables (weather cues) and resource dynamics on mast behaviour. Thus the main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of specific weather conditions, as environmental drivers for MYs, on resources in Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Matt.)Liebl., Quercus robur L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. at a European level and to explore the robustness of the relationships in smaller regions within Europe. Data on seed production originating from the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) were analysed. Three beta regression models were applied to investigate the impact of seasonal weather variables on MY occurrence, as well as the influence of fruiting intensity levels in the years prior to MYs. Resource dynamics are analysed at three different spatial scales (continent, countries and ecoregions). At a European scale, important weather cues for beech MYs were a cold and wet summer two years before a MY, a dry and warm summer one year before a MY and a warm spring in the MY. For spruce, a cold and dry summer two years prior to a MY and a warm and dry summer in the year before the MY showed the strongest associations with the MY. For oak, high spring temperature in the MY was the most important weather cue. For beech and spruce, and to some extent also for oak species, the best fitting models at European scale were well reflected by those found at smaller scales. For pine, best fitting models were highly diverse concerning weather cues. Fruiting levels were high in all species two years before the MY and also high one year before the MY in the oak species and in pine. In beech, fruiting levels one year before the MY were not important and in spruce, they were inconsistent depending on the region. As a consequence, evidence of resource depletion could only be seen in some regions for spruce.publishedVersio

    Outbreaks of Tomostethus nigritus (Fabricius, 1804) (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) on Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’ in Belgium

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    In Western Europe the ash sawfly Tomostethus nigritus is known to occur at low densities on Fraxinus excelsior and is uncommonly reported as a pest species. However, we show here that outbreaks can occur on non-endemic trees such as F. angustifolia, and that the species is able to spread quickly using city infrastructure. At the visited localities near the city of Ghent, foliage of Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’ emerged approximately one month earlier than on F. excelsior. At the same time, changed climatic conditions in the last decade, i.e. higher temperatures in March, caused adults to emerge earlier. Synchronicity of the potential hosts and T. nigritus may therefore have altered, playing a crucial role in population dynamics. Future research should aim to confirm if the species dramatically declines in numbers after reaching its peak population level, an effect which was observed in previous studies, but for which there is still no satisfactory explanation

    Transosseous ‘over the top’ reconstruction of capsule and tendons in primary total hip arthroplasty using a posterior approach.

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    Background: Dislocation after total hip arthroplasty (THA) remains a devastating complication and a primary cause for revision arthroplasty. Historical data indicate that a posterior approach is associated with a higher dislocation rate. In this study, we present a highly reliable and anatomical reconstruction, based on the biomechanical findings of a previous cadaveric experiment.  Description of Technique: The posterior soft tissues were repaired in 2 layers. First a reattachment of the posterior orbicular ligament is performed at the anterior capsule. Subsequently a transosseous ‘over the top’ reinsertion of both capsule and tendons is performed close to there anatomical insertion.  Patients and Methods: We prospectively collected data of 408 THAs from January 2004 until December 2013, through a posterior approach and with a capsule and tendon reconstruction based on a previous cadaveric study.  Results: There was a low early dislocation rate in primary THA (one of 408 THAs, 0,2%) and no complications related to the technique.  Conclusions: This anatomical reconstruction of both capsule and tendons is associated with a low dislocation rate without complications at the level of the greater trochanter

    Tree diversity mitigates defoliation after a drought-induced tipping point

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    Understanding the processes that underlie drought-related tree vitality loss is essential for anticipating future forest dynamics, and for developing management plans aiming at increasing the resilience of forests to climate change. Forest vitality has been continuously monitored in Europe since the acid rain alert in the 1980s, and the intensive monitoring plots of ICP Forests offer the opportunity to investigate the effects of air pollution and climate change on forest condition. By making use of over 100 long-term monitoring plots, where crown defoliation has been assessed extensively since 1990, we discovered a progressive shift from a negative to a positive effect of species richness on forest health. The observed tipping point in the balance of net interactions, from competition to facilitation, has never been reported from real ecosystems outside experimental conditions; and the strong temporal consistency of our observations with increasing drought stress emphasizes its climate change relevance. Furthermore, we show that higher species diversity has reduced the severity of defoliation in the long term. Our results confirm the greater resilience of diverse forests to future climate change-induced stress. More generally, they add to an accumulating body of evidence on the large potential of tree species mixtures to face manifold disturbances in a changing world.status: publishe