63 research outputs found

    Virulence factors of Moraxella catarrhalis outer membrane vesicles are major targets for cross-reactive antibodies and have adapted during evolution

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    Moraxella catarrhalis is a common human respiratory tract pathogen. Its virulence factors associated with whole bacteria or outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) aid infection, colonization and may induce specific antibodies. To investigate pathogen-host interactions, we applied integrated bioinformatic and immunoproteomic (2D-electrophoresis, immunoblotting, LC-MS/MS) approaches. We showed that OMV proteins engaged exclusively in complement evasion and colonization strategies, but not those involved in iron transport and metabolism, are major targets for cross-reacting antibodies produced against phylogenetically divergent M. catarrhalis strains. The analysis of 31 complete genomes of M. catarrhalis and other Moraxella revealed that OMV protein-coding genes belong to 64 orthologous groups, five of which are restricted to M. catarrhalis. This species showed a two-fold increase in the number of OMV protein-coding genes relative to its ancestors and animal-pathogenic Moraxella. The appearance of specific OMV factors and the increase in OMV-associated virulence proteins during M. catarrhalis evolution is an interesting example of pathogen adaptation to optimize colonization. This precisely targeted cross-reactive immunity against M. catarrhalis may be an important strategy of host defences to counteract this phenomenon. We demonstrate that cross-reactivity is closely associated with the anti-virulent antibody repertoire which we have linked with adaptation of this pathogen to the host

    The Tyrosine Kinase BceF and the Phosphotyrosine Phosphatase BceD of Burkholderia contaminans Are Required for Efficient Invasion and Epithelial Disruption of a Cystic Fibrosis Lung Epithelial Cell Line

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    Bacterial tyrosine kinases and their cognate protein tyrosine phosphatases are best known for regulating the biosynthesis of polysaccharides. Moreover, their roles in the stress response, DNA metabolism, cell division, and virulence have also been documented. The aim of this study was to investigate the pathogenicity and potential mechanisms of virulence dependent on the tyrosine kinase BceF and phosphotyrosine phosphatase BceD of the cystic fibrosis opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia contaminans IST408. The insertion mutants bceD::Tp and bceF::Tp showed similar attenuation of adhesion and invasion of the cystic fibrosis lung epithelial cell line CFBE41o- compared to the parental strain B. contaminans IST408. In the absence of bceD or bceF genes, B. contaminans also showed a reduction in the ability to translocate across polarized epithelial cell monolayers, demonstrated by a higher transepithelial electrical resistance, reduced flux of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin, and higher levels of tight junction proteins ZO-1, occludin, and claudin-1 present in monolayers exposed to these bacterial mutants. Furthermore, bceD::Tp and bceF::Tp mutants induced lower levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 release than the parental strain. In conclusion, although the mechanisms of pathogenicity dependent on BceD and BceF are not understood, these proteins contribute to the virulence of Burkholderia by enhancement of cell attachment and invasion, disruption of epithelial integrity, and modulation of the proinflammatory response

    Protein with negative surface charge distribution, Bnr1, shows characteristics of aDNA‐mimic protein andmay be involved in the adaptation of Burkholderia cenocepacia

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    Adaptation of opportunistic pathogens to their host environment requires reprogramming of a vast array of genes to facilitate survival in the host. Burkholderia cenocepacia, a Gram-negative bacterium with a large genome of ∼8 Mb that colonizes environmental niches, is exquisitely adaptable to the hypoxic environment of the cystic fibrosis lung and survives in macrophages. We previously identified an immunoreactive acidic protein encoded on replicon 3, BCAS0292. Deletion of the BCAS0292 gene significantly altered the abundance of 979 proteins by 1.5-fold or more; 19 proteins became undetectable while 545 proteins showed ≥1.5-fold reduced abundance, suggesting the BCAS0292 protein is a global regulator. Moreover, the ∆BCAS0292 mutant showed a range of pleiotropic effects: virulence and host-cell attachment were reduced, antibiotic susceptibility was altered, and biofilm formation enhanced. Its growth and survival were impaired in 6% oxygen. In silico prediction of its three-dimensional structure revealed BCAS0292 presents a dimeric β-structure with a negative surface charge. The ΔBCAS0292 mutant displayed altered DNA supercoiling, implicated in global regulation of gene expression. Three proteins were identified in pull-downs with FLAG-tagged BCAS0292, including the Histone H1-like protein, HctB, which is recognized as a global transcriptional regulator. We propose that BCAS0292 protein, which we have named Burkholderia negatively surface-charged regulatory protein 1 (Bnr1), acts as a DNA-mimic and binds to DNA-binding proteins, altering DNA topology and regulating the expression of multiple genes, thereby enabling the adaptation of B. cenocepacia to highly diverse environments

    Rational Vaccine Design in Times of Emerging Diseases: The Critical Choices of Immunological Correlates of Protection, Vaccine Antigen and Immunomodulation.

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    Vaccines are the most effective medical intervention due to their continual success in preventing infections and improving mortality worldwide. Early vaccines were developed empirically however, rational design of vaccines can allow us to optimise their efficacy, by tailoring the immune response. Establishing the immune correlates of protection greatly informs the rational design of vaccines. This facilitates the selection of the best vaccine antigens and the most appropriate vaccine adjuvant to generate optimal memory immune T cell and B cell responses. This review outlines the range of vaccine types that are currently authorised and those under development. We outline the optimal immunological correlates of protection that can be targeted. Finally we review approaches to rational antigen selection and rational vaccine adjuvant design. Harnessing current knowledge on protective immune responses in combination with critical vaccine components is imperative to the prevention of future life-threatening diseases

    Proteomic profiling of Burkholderia cenocepacia clonal isolates with different virulence potential retrieved from a cystic fibrosis patient during chronic lung infection

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    Respiratory infections with Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) bacteria in cystic fibrosis (CF) are associated with a worse prognosis and increased risk of death. In this work, we assessed the virulence potential of three B. cenocepacia clonal isolates obtained from a CF patient between the onset of infection (isolate IST439) and before death with cepacia syndrome 3.5 years later (isolate IST4113 followed by IST4134), based on their ability to invade epithelial cells and compromise epithelial monolayer integrity. The two clonal isolates retrieved during late-stage disease were significantly more virulent than IST439. Proteomic profiling by 2-D DIGE of the last isolate recovered before the patient's death, IST4134, and clonal isolate IST439, was performed and compared with a prior analysis of IST4113 vs. IST439. The cytoplasmic and membrane-associated enriched fractions were examined and 52 proteins were found to be similarly altered in the two last isolates compared with IST439. These proteins are involved in metabolic functions, nucleotide synthesis, translation and protein folding, cell envelope biogenesis and iron homeostasis. Results are suggestive of the important role played by metabolic reprogramming in the virulence potential and persistence of B. cenocepacia, in particular regarding bacterial adaptation to microaerophilic conditions. Also, the content of the virulence determinant AidA was higher in the last 2 isolates. Significant levels of siderophores were found to be secreted by the three clonal isolates in an iron-depleted environment, but the two late isolates were more tolerant to low iron concentrations than IST439, consistent with the relative abundance of proteins involved in iron uptake.This work was supported by FEDER and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (contract PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2011_ research line: Systems and Synthetic Biology; PhD grant to A.M. – SFRH/BD/37012/2007, and PD grants to S.S. – SFRH/BPD/75483/2010 and C.C. – SFRH/BPD/ 81220/2011. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Acinetobacter baumannii website (Ab-web): a multidisciplinary knowledge hub, communication platform, and workspace

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative bacterium increasingly implicated in hospital-acquired infections and outbreaks. Effective prevention and control of such infections are commonly challenged by the frequent emergence of multidrug-resistant strains. Here we introduce Ab-web (https://www.acinetobacterbaumannii.no), the first online platform for sharing expertise on A. baumannii. Ab-web is a species-centric knowledge hub, initially with ten articles organized into two main sections, ‘Overview’ and ‘Topics’, and three themes, ‘epidemiology’, ‘antibiotic resistance’, and ‘virulence’. The ‘workspace’ section provides a spot for colleagues to collaborate, build, and manage joint projects. Ab-web is a community-driven initiative amenable to constructive feedback and new ideas

    Bacterial Adaptation during Chronic Respiratory Infections

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    Chronic lung infections are associated with increased morbidity and mortality for individuals with underlying respiratory conditions such as cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The process of chronic colonisation allows pathogens to adapt over time to cope with changing selection pressures, co-infecting species and antimicrobial therapies. These adaptations can occur due to environmental pressures in the lung such as inflammatory responses, hypoxia, nutrient deficiency, osmolarity, low pH and antibiotic therapies. Phenotypic adaptations in bacterial pathogens from acute to chronic infection include, but are not limited to, antibiotic resistance, exopolysaccharide production (mucoidy), loss in motility, formation of small colony variants, increased mutation rate, quorum sensing and altered production of virulence factors associated with chronic infection. The evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during chronic lung infection has been widely studied. More recently, the adaptations that other chronically colonising respiratory pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus, Burkholderia cepacia complex and Haemophilus influenzae undergo during chronic infection have also been investigated. This review aims to examine the adaptations utilised by different bacterial pathogens to aid in their evolution from acute to chronic pathogens of the immunocompromised lung including CF and COPD