182 research outputs found

    EMG-housut jalkapalloilijoiden nopeusominaisuuksien mittaamisen apuvälineenä

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli selvittää, miten lihasaktiivisuutta mittaavia EMG (elektromyografia) -housuja voitaisiin käyttää jalkapalloilijoiden harjoittelun tukena. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia jalkapalloilijoiden nopeusominaisuuksia mittaavien testituloksien muutoksia kilpailukauden aikana sekä tarkastella, miten testisuoritusten aikana mitattu isojen reisilihasten sähköinen aktiivisuus on yhteydessä näihin testituloksiin. Opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin myös pelaajien omien tuntemuksien yhteyttä tutkimuksessa käytettyihin nopeusominaisuuksia mittaavien testien tuloksiin sekä lihasaktiivisuuteen. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin yhteistyössä Myontec Oy:n kanssa, jonka kehittämiä Mbody EMG -housuja käytettiin tutkimuksessa lihasaktiivisuuden mittaamiseen. Muita yhteistyöyrityksiä olivat HIFK Fotbollin edustusjoukkue, jonka neljä pelaajaa muodostivat tutkimukseen osallistuneen kohderyhmän sekä Suunta Performance Oy, jolta saatiin käyttöön testituloksien mittaamiseen käytettävä laitteisto. Tutkimuksen aikana kohderyhmä suoritti kilpailukaudella neljä kertaa maksimaalisen kymmenen metrin juoksun sekä maksimaalisen esikevennyshypyn. Suoritusten aikana pelaajat käyttivät Myontec Oy:n Mbody EMG -housuja. Testisuoritusten tulokset mitattiin MuscleLab -mittauslaitteistolla. Pelaajien omia tuntemuksia tarkasteltiin ennen suorituksia tehdyllä kyselyllä, joka kehitettiin tätä tutkimusta varten. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kymmenen metrin juoksutestin tulokset yleisesti heikkenivät kilpailukauden edetessä, mutta esikevennyshypyn tulokset pysyivät pääasiassa ennallaan. Esikevennyshyppytestin tulosten ja suorituksen aikaisen lihasaktiivisuuden välillä havaittiin olevan jonkinlaista positiivista riippuvuutta, kun taas kymmenen metrin juoksun ja sen aikana mitatun lihasaktiivisuuden välillä ei löydetty juurikaan riippuvuutta. Opinnäytetyön tuloksista saadaan arvokasta tietoa jalkapalloilijoiden lihasaktiivisuuden käyttäytymisestä maksimaalisten juoksu- ja hyppysuoritusten aikana. Opinnäytetyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää aiheeseen liittyvän jatkotutkimuksen teossa sekä mahdollisten uusien testausprotokollien suunnittelussa jalkapalloilijoille.The subject of this thesis was to explore the use of EMG (electromyography) shorts to measure muscle activity to support the training of soccer players. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the test results measuring the speed abilities of soccer players during the competition period and to examine the link between these test results and the electrical activity measured from quadriceps and hamstrings during the test per-formance. The thesis also examined how the players’ own feelings correlate with the test results regarding their speed abilities. This thesis was carried out in cooperation with Myontec Ltd, which has developed the Mbody EMG shorts used in the study to measure muscle activity. Other partner companies were HIFK football club with four players participating in the research and thus forming the target group, and Suunta Performance Ltd, which provided the equipment used for meas-uring. During the study, the target group performed a maximal ten-meter sprint and maximal counter movement jump four times during their competitive season. The players wore the Myontec EMG shorts during their performance. The performances were measured using MuscleLab’s measurement equipment. The players’ own feelings were measured with a questionnaire developed specifically for this study. The study found that the results of the ten-meter running test results generally weakened during the season, but the results of the counter movement jump remained mainly at the same level. Some positive correlation was found between the results of the counter move-ment jump and muscle activity, however any correlation between the results of the ten-meter sprint and muscle activity was not found. The results of this thesis provide valuable information about the muscle activity of soccer players during maximal run and jump performance. The results of the thesis can be used to guide further research on the subject, and in particular, they can provide ideas for designing new testing protocols for soccer players

    Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young : Revealing the Etiology, Triggers, and Outcome (SECRETO): echocardiography performance protocol

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    Background: The incidence of ischemic stroke in young patients is increasing and associated with unfavorable prognosis due to high risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. In many young patients the cause of stroke remains unknown, referred to as cryptogenic stroke. Neuroimaging frequently suggests a proximal source of embolism in these strokes. We developed a comprehensive step-by-step echocardiography protocol for a prospective study with centralized reading to characterize preclinical cardiac changes associated with cryptogenic stroke. Methods and study design: SECRETO (Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Etiology, Triggers, and Outcome; NCT01934725) is an ongoing multicenter case-control study enrolling patients (target n = 600) aged 18-49 years hospitalized due to first-ever ischemic stroke of undetermined etiology and age- and sex-matched controls (target n = 600). A comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and extensive cardiac imaging with transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, electrocardiography and neurovascular imaging is performed. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiograms will be centrally read, following an extensive protocol particularly emphasizing the characteristics of left atrium, left atrial appendage and interatrial septum. Conclusions: A detailed assessment of both conventional and unconventional vascular risk factors and cardiac imaging with transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography are implemented in SECRETO, aiming to establish indirect and direct risk factors and causes for cryptogenic stroke and novel pathophysiological brain-heart pathways. This may ultimately enable more personalized therapeutic options for these patients.Peer reviewe

    Avoimen soikean aukon sulku aivoinfarktin sekundaaripreventiossa

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    Noin 30 %:lle kaikista aivoinfarkteista ei löydy syytä tarkoista tutkimuksista huolimatta, eli ne ovat kryptogeenisia. Avoin soikea aukko (patent foramen ovale, PFO) on tässä potilasryhmässä yleinen mutta usein sattumalöydös. Satunnaistetut tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että näillä potilailla PFO:n sulkeminen estää aivoinfarktien uusiutumista lääkehoitoa paremmin. PFO:n sulkua suositellaankin nykyisin nuorille aivoinfarktin sairastaneille potilaille, joilla ei ole klassisia aivoinfarktin tai ateroskleroosin riskitekijöitä ja joilla on eteisväliseinässä vähintään kohtalaisen oikovirtauksen aiheuttava PFO tai eteisväliseinän aneurysmaattinen pullistuma.</p

    Left Atrial Dynamics Is Altered in Young Adults With Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke : A Case-Control Study Utilizing Advanced Echocardiography

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemic stroke in young individuals often remains cryptogenic. Some of these strokes likely originate from the heart, and atrial fibrosis might be one of the etiological mechanisms. In this pilot study, we investigated whether advanced echocardiography findings of the left atrium (LA) of young cryptogenic stroke patients differ from those of stroke--free controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: We recruited 30 cryptogenic ischemic stroke patients aged 18 to 49 years and 30 age--and sex-matched stroke--free controls among participants of the SECRETO (Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Etiology, Triggers, and Outcome) study (NCT01934725). We measured basic left ventricular parameters and detailed measures of the LA, including 4--dimensional volumetry, speckle tracking epsilon, strain rate, and LA appendix orifice variation. Data were compared as continuous parameters and by tertiles. Compared with controls, stroke patients had smaller LA reservoir volumes (10.2 [interquartile range, 5.4] versus 13.2 [5.4] mL; P= 0.030) and smaller positive epsilon values (17.8 [8.5] versus 20.8 [10.1]; P= 0.023). In the tertile analysis, stroke patients had significantly lower left atrial appendage orifice variation (3.88 [0.75] versus 4.35 [0.90] mm; P=0.043), lower LA cyclic volume change (9.2 [2.8] versus 12.8 [3.5] mL; P=0.023), and lower LA contraction peak strain rate (-1.8 [0.6] versus -2.3 [0.6]; P=0.021). We found no statistically significant differences in left ventricular measures. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary comparison suggests altered LA dynamics in young patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke, and thus that LA wall pathology might contribute to these strokes. Our results await confirmation in a larger sample.Peer reviewe

    MRI-derived cardiac washout is slowed in the left ventricle and associated with left ventricular non-compaction in young patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke

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    To elucidate underlying disease mechanisms, we compared transition of gadolinium-based contrast agent bolus in cardiac chambers in magnetic resonance imaging between young patents with cryptogenic ischemic stroke and stroke-free controls. We included 30 patients aged 18-50 years with cryptogenic ischemic stroke from the prospective Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Etiology, Triggers and Outcome (NCT01934725) study and 30 age- and gender-matched stroke-free controls. Dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted first-pass perfusion images were acquired at 1.5 T and analyzed for transit time variables, area under curves, relative blood flow, and maximum and minimum enhancement rates in left atrial appendage, left atrium, and left ventricle. These data were compared with previously published left ventricular non-compaction data of the same study population. Arrival time of contrast agent bolus in superior vena cava was similar in patients and controls (6.7[2.0] vs. 7.1[2.5] cardiac cycles, P = 0.626). Arrival and peak times showed comparable characteristics in patients and controls (P > 0.535). The minimum enhancement rate of the left ventricle was lower in patients than in controls (- 28 +/- 11 vs. - 36 +/- 13 1/(cardiac cycle), P = 0.012). Area under curves, relative blood flow, and other enhancement rates showed no significant differences between patients and controls (P > 0.107). Relative blood flow of cardiac chambers correlated with non-compacted left ventricular volume ratio (P < 0.011). Our results indicate slower washout of contrast agent and blood flow stagnation in the left ventricle of young patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke. The washout was associated with left ventricular non-compaction, suggesting conditions favoring formation of intraventricular thrombosis.Peer reviewe

    Evidence of subtle left ventricular systolic dysfunction in cryptogenic stroke in the young

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    Introduction: Ischemic stroke in young patients often remains cryptogenic, that is, no underlying reason can be found. Some of these strokes may originate in the heart. Left ventricular (LV) dynamic volumetry and strain analysis are relatively new and promising methods for evaluating LV function. Methods: In this pilot study, we recruited 30 young (18-50 years) patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke and 30 age- and sex-matched controls from the SECRETO study (NCT01934725). The LV systolic function was assessed by LV volumetry (ejection fraction, peak emptying rate, and time to peak emptying rate). The longitudinal systolic function was assessed by speckle tracking strain and strain rate imaging, and by tissue velocity imaging derived MAD (mitral annular displacement) and septal S'. Results: Stroke patients had less vigorous global longitudinal strain (median -18.9, interquartile range 3.3), compared to healthy controls (median -20.0, interquartile range 2.8), P = .010. There was no statistically significant differences in septal S', MAD, global longitudinal strain rate, or dynamic volumetry-derived parameters between the two groups. Conclusions: Young cryptogenic stroke patients have subtly altered systolic function compared to healthy controls, found merely with longitudinal strain analysis. This infers that the heart may play a role in the pathogenesis of cryptogenic ischemic stroke.Peer reviewe

    Diastolic function in young patients with cryptogenic stroke : A case-control pilot study

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    Background Ischaemic stroke in young individuals often remains cryptogenic. In this pilot study, we investigated, whether advanced echocardiography methods could find differences in the diastolic function between young cryptogenic stroke patients and stroke-free controls. Methods We recruited 30 cryptogenic ischaemic stroke patients aged 18-49 and 30 age- and sex-matched stroke-free controls among participants of the Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Etiology, Triggers, and Outcome (SECRETO) study (NCT01934725). We measured diastolic function parameters derived from speckle tracking strain rate, Doppler techniques and 4D volumetry. We also performed statistical analyses comparing only the highest and lowest tertile of cases and controls for each parameter. Results None of our patients or controls had diastolic dysfunction according to ASE/EACVI criteria. However, compared to stroke-free controls, the stroke patient group had lower E/A ratio of mitral inflow, lower lateral and mean e', lower A/a' ratio, lower strain rate in early diastole and lower speckle tracking-derived e/a ratio. When comparing the lowest tertiles, patients also had a lower peak filling rate by 4D volumetry, a lower peak early filling fraction (fraction of left ventricular filling during early diastole), and lower velocities in a series of the tissue Doppler-derived diastolic parameters and blood flow/tissue velocity ratios. Conclusion Our study displayed subtle differences in diastolic function between patients and stroke-free controls, which may play a role in early-onset cryptogenic stroke. The differences were clearer when the lowest tertiles were compared, suggesting that there is a subgroup of young cryptogenic stroke patients with subclinical heart disease.Peer reviewe

    Yrttikuivurin suunnittelu ja käyttö

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    Nimekkeen selvennys: Dimensioning and use of a dryer for herbs.vokMTT/Vakol

    Risk of lymphoid malignancies increased after Puumala virus infection in Finland, 2009-2019: A retrospective register-based cohort study

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    Objectives: The Puumala virus (PUUV) is a hantavirus that causes hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Studies showing an increased risk of lymphoid malignancies after hantavirus infection, together with the observation that PUUV infects B cells, motivated us to study the risk of lymphoid malignancies after PUUV infection. Methods: We linked data from the Finnish Cancer Registry and National Infectious Diseases Register for 2009-2019. We used a time-dependent Cox regression model to evaluate the hazard of the lymphoid malignancies grouped according to the HAEMACARE classification. Results: We identified 68 cases of lymphoid malignancies after PUUV infection among 16,075 PUUV-infected individuals during 61,114,826 person-years of observation. A total of 10 cases occurred within 3-<12 months and 38 within 1-<5 years after PUUV infection, and the risk of lymphoid malignancies increased with hazard ratios (HRs) of 2.0 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-3.7) and 1.6 (95% CI, 1.2-2.3), respectively. The group of mature B cell neoplasms showed an increased risk 3-<12 months and 1-<5 years after PUUV infection, HR 2.2 (95% CI, 1.2-4.3) and HR 1.8 (95% CI, 1.3-2.5), respectively. Conclusion: PUUV infection is associated with lymphoid malignancies in the Finnish population, supporting the earlier studies. Further research is required to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms behind this association